Taichi said loudly to her.

"Don't worry about me, I will release her control and go find you!"

"Alright, be careful with everything, Taichi."

Tiannv Beast chose to trust her partner, and immediately spread her wings towards the other side across the street.

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A house flies away.

Bi Duo Beast's unique move did not cause substantial damage to Hua Xian Beast, she immediately flew out of the smoke, and when she was about to chase Tiannv Beast, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Tai Yi on the ground.

"Kill, Yagami Taichi..."

She felt a headache, her will was affected again, and the target of the attack changed from Tiannv beast to Yagami Taichi who had a higher priority.

And Tai Yi stood there, the blue coat on his body was rattling by the wind, but his expression was calm, without any fear.

Chapter 67 Chapter 65 Pure True Color Digital Soul

"Flower Fairy Cannon!!"

The Flower Fairy Beast couldn't control itself anymore, and Zhao Taiyi sent out a trick. Her naive heart didn't have the fiery power of the Yagu Beast, not to mention that even the Bhikshu Beast couldn't resist the dark crystal's attack. influences.

"Brother too big! Dangerous!"

In order to protect Taichi, Koshiro shouted in desperation, and the badge on his chest shone brightly.

Bidomon evolved into Super Bidomon, and suddenly appeared in front of Taiyi, and took the attack of Huaxian Cannon for him.

Chao Biduo groaned in pain.

It stands to reason that the attack of the flower fairy beast should be painless to the Chaobiduo beast with excellent defensive performance, but he still felt the pain.

Therefore, Taiyi can probably infer that these few Digimon from his own world, because of their different innate training conditions, their strength is stronger than the Digimon of the same level in this world.

"Don't block the flower fairy beast's sight, you ugly beetle!"

"The chosen child! Must be killed!"

The flower fairy beast is holding the petal cannon like crazy, and the green energy cannon is spewing out like a machine gun, as if this is the only way to relieve her current mental pain. all this.

"Stop it! Flower Fairy Beast!"

Taiyi was about to say something, but Meimei rushed over from behind.

Sitting on the fist of Cactusmon, which evolved from Balumon, she struggled to utter her sincere cry.

"Meimei? Did you escape? You still returned to these ugly guys...Why did you do this...Do you hate flower fairy beasts too?"

"No! I just don't want to fight with you. You're not a bad person, you're just a willful girl like me! It's wrong to do this, and you won't be able to make true friends!"

Mei Meixin was as sad as a knife. It was clear that the other party was not a bad person, but because of her different standpoints, she had to fight with her.

Guangzilang didn't know what to do anymore. Although Huaxian Beast looked pitiful, if she continued to attack like this, he could only make Chao Biduo Beast fight back and fight the opponent hard.

Unexpectedly, at this moment when both sides were in trouble, Tai Yi suddenly shouted.

"You're right, Flower Fairy Beast, Meimei just hates ugly girls like you!"

"...You, what did you say?"

The flower fairy beast staggered in the air and almost fell.

"It's you! Didn't you understand? You look so ugly and wear such weird clothes, don't you think it's cute? I don't see any cuteness at all, I just find it disgusting! Bah! Really nausea!"

"An ugly guy like you should hide at home and stay well, don't come out to scare people, I see that you can't even eat!"

Taiyi suddenly uses such an excessive personal attack on the flower fairy beast, which frightens both Koshiro and Meimei.


She stopped attacking on the spot and burst into tears. The crying Lihua Daiyu seemed to have been greatly wronged, not to mention Meimei, even Guangzilang felt distressed when she saw it.

"I didn't lie to you, you just look ugly, a truly beautiful Digimon should be like that celestial beast just now, with beautiful and gorgeous wings, a tall and sexy figure, and beautiful and holy clothes~ And you, Tsk tsk tsk, all you have is a body like a washboard, and those puny goblin wings and rotten clothes!"

"Wow! It's too much! It's too much! Woohoo! The flower fairy beast is not like this, the flower fairy beast's clothes are very cute!!"

She fell from the sky, as if she had lost all her strength, and she sat on the ground covering her face and weeping bitterly.

"Big brother, it's too much for her to say that anyway."

In Meimei's mind, the image of this big brother is dropping sharply, and he has become a rude straight man who doesn't understand and cares about girls.

"That's right, even if she is really not as beautiful as Tiannv Beast, can't she just say it?"

The straight man of science, Koshiro, couldn't help but add another sentence, but unexpectedly, this was another knife pierced in the heart of Huaxian Beast, and she cried even harder.


Meimei didn't know how to complain, none of these boys were careful.

But at this moment, Tai Yi suddenly felt a vibration in his chest. It was the many badges he put in his inner pocket. He immediately took out one of them, and the green tear-shaped badge of innocence was shining.


Taichi narrowed his eyes.

Since the vampire monster can use non-stop language hints to stimulate the dark crystal of the flower fairy beast, then he can also use the things that the flower fairy beast cares most about to call back her heart.

Through the previous communication with Baru, Taiyi understood that this flower fairy has a very narcissistic character, and she thinks that she is the world

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The cutest Digimon, so if Taichi stimulates her by slandering her appearance, it can make her sad enough to lose her fighting spirit, that is, enter a "vulnerable" state.

——The opportunity has come!

Taiyi suddenly ran forward, and it was too late when Huaxianshou realized it.

The young man runs like the wind, take a closer look... This selected child is quite handsome, he is the type I like, but he hates me so much!Absolutely cannot spare him!

The Flower Fairy Beast was in a turmoil, and had no strength to resist, but Taiyi actually inspired a different, emerald green digital soul, and the innocence badge in his hand was shining brightly. He held the badge tightly, stretched out his hand but Instead of punching, he opened the heart of Huaxian Beast by relying on the pure color digital soul.

"What are you going to do? Woo, woo!!"

Taiyi, who was wrapped in the green digital soul, put his hand into her body, and the flower fairy gasped in pain.

Different from the biting coldness of the female demon beast, her heart was as warm and humid as a newborn chick. Taiyi concentrated on it, quickly grabbed the black crystal, and then took it out of the flower fairy beast with a gritted teeth.

Taiyi would be extremely angry at this moment.

——It's all your disgusting thing!It caused the kind-hearted Flower Fairy Beast to suffer so much, and forced me to insult her with such words...

Tai Yi hugged the slender waist of the flower fairy beast with one hand, and crushed the crystal with a click with the other hand.

"Flower Fairy Beast, how do you feel?"

Taiyi looked at her little face and asked softly.

"Hmph! You bastard!"

The flower fairy beast's dumbfounded face swelled up with anger.

"How dare you say that about me! Am I really as miserable as you say!"

She's not actually stupid.

These Digimons all have memories when they are controlled, just like after the crystal of Bichumon was destroyed by Taiyi, she also quickly realized that she was controlled. Just a means to save yourself.

But she still can't get angry!

But Huaxian Beast will not attack Taiyi because of this, because this is just force to make the opponent submit, and it does not really change the opponent's prejudice against itself.

"It's fine if you're fine. I'm sorry I said that to you before, but I just want to wake you up and save you."

Taiyi sincerely apologized to her and helped her stand up.

"Actually, you are really cute. What you just said doesn't count. I take it back. Don't be angry with me."

"Hmph~" Huaxian Beast turned its head and hummed. "Then tell me, who is more beautiful, me or the Celestial Maiden?"

"Of course... ahem, you are all beautiful, you are all very cute Digimon, I like them all!"

Taiyi almost blurted out the name of the Celestial Maid Beast, but he managed to react in an emergency.

"It's so fake, do you take me for a fool?"

The flower fairy beast's face was full of anger.

"The situation is urgent now. I don't have time to talk about this topic anymore. I'm going to chase the Celestial Girl Beast. If you want, come along!"

Taiyi really didn't want to flirt with other little girls when the Tiannv Beast was fighting the enemy, so after leaving this sentence, he ran towards the building where the vampire monster was hiding.

Section 68 Chapter 66 Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten?

The vampire monster took advantage of the flower fairy beast to delay him, and quickly returned to the basement of its own base.

"Vampire King of Warcraft? What's wrong with you?"

The little evil beast couldn't help being surprised to see him like this, and the blood-sucking monster didn't have time to talk nonsense with him. After tearing off the remaining camouflage on his body, he regenerated the original noble uniform and cloak of the blood-sucking monster, and then ran to the top of the basement. On the altar, start casting spells on the placed digital egg.

"Little Evil Beast, you immediately go back and order all the Digimon in the legion to attack and concentrate in the Odaiba area to create chaos. I have already caused the fog to take effect, and soon the entire Odaiba will be isolated from the outside world. Hold off the chosen children as long as possible! Buy me time! Got it?"

"I, I'm leaving now!"

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, the little evil beast didn't dare to question him at all, and hurriedly took off clumsily, and flew towards the base where he was originally, the previous vampire king of monsters.

——It's just a little bit... It's just a little bit of data, and the egg can be awakened.

Tiannv Beast broke open the door and broke in, but she was stunned at the first sight, because what was waiting for her was not some ferocious Digimon, but human beings with sallow skin, flimsy figure, and zombie-like appearance. There are also women, mostly young or middle-aged.

It is conceivable that all of them are believers of vampire monsters.

"Don't disturb the priest's activities!"


Because she was worried that Taiyi would blame her, the Tiannv Beast did not kill them, but smashed the floor with its fist very delicately, splashing a lot of broken stones, and then pushed these stones out, hitting the foreheads of these believers very accurately. Knock them all out in one go.

After the road was opened, she continued to move forward, following the smell of blood left by the vampire monster, and chased it deeper into the basement.


She smashed the heavy iron door with two punches and entered the basement, and finally came to the place where the vampire beast was.

"Are you just going to run away? Vampire beast? Come out and face me!"

The celestial maiden pinched her waist and stood in front of the broken gate, and issued a provocative sentence with an angry voice.

But eye

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The scene before her shocked her heart again... This is simply hell on earth. The basement is very spacious, with at least a hundred people lying flat on the ground in six rows. They are all lifeless. Even if they are not dead, they are dead A large amount of life essence was absorbed by the blood-sucking monster, which is simply horrific.

"You bastard... How many people have you killed so far to satisfy your desires?"

The celestial maiden glared at him and cursed angrily.

"Hmph, Tailu Beast, you are still the same as before, so fragile and kind."

At this time, the vampire monster was holding a digital egg with one hand, and the other hand was hanging on the edge of the ceiling, as if it wanted to escape from the window.

"Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten?"


"Is this all for that Digi-egg?" Celestial Beast pointed at her with one hand, and hid the other hand behind her back, and began to prepare for the release of the sacred bow and arrow. "Tell me! What's the secret of that digital egg? What do you want to use it for?!"

"Hmph! Idiot, I have nothing to talk to a stubborn guy like you!"

The blood-sucking monster flew straight up, smashed the window with the iron bars, and flew outside, and the holy bow and arrows of Tiannu Beast's desperation also missed and missed. desire is gone.

Therefore, this further shows that the digital egg in his arms is very, very scary, and the digital beast inside must not be born... In any case, that guy must be eliminated before anything happens!

——Today, even if I chase you to heaven and earth, I will definitely kill you!Blood-sucking Warcraft!

Although the Celestial Beast was very angry, before leaving here, she used a holy bubble first, stored her voice in it and put it in this place, and then chased it out along the hole created by the vampire monster.


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