"What did you say?"

Chapter 62 Chapter 60 The Cult's Prophecy

"Did you say that the priests of your religion predicted the appearance of monsters?"


Seeing that the little brother in front of her suddenly became interested, the woman started to introduce him with an excited expression.

"Not only that, shortly after the monsters appear in Tokyo, a dense fog that blocks everything will cover Odaiba, and a huge demon will come here to destroy the world, but at the same time, our savior, the new God of mankind, will be born! "

"Soon? How long?"

Tai Yi frowned.

"This is a secret, how do we mortals know?"

"But if you are interested, please accept this leaflet and join us through the email address above. The priest will redeem your restless soul that is bound by reality!"

"Hey, are you really interested? Then please accept this flyer. If you are interested, you can contact us through the above email address and join our Angel Cult! The priest will give you the supreme salvation, and as the new God, On the day when the King of Angels descends, he will reward all his believers with transcendence and ascension to 'heaven'!"


After that, the woman walked away in a frenzy to find the next salesman.

Taiyi looked at the leaflet in his hand, thoughtful, and the Celestial Girl Beast also noticed something abnormal, and understood what Taiyi was thinking, but the other little Taiyi didn't think so.

Although he is not very old, he also knows that this kind of thing is a cult, something that harms people and deserves death.

"I said that in the future, this kind of person is a liar at first glance. Why do you have to talk so much with her?"

"I think the 'priest' she mentioned is most likely the vampire monster I'm looking for."

Tai folded the leaflet and put it in his pocket.

"Ah this? Why did he do such a thing?"

Little Taichi was even more confused, what does it mean that the Digimon went to the human world to preach?

"The purpose of the blood-sucking monster in my world is not to find the chosen child, but to escape from my pursuit, so as to

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And to complete a major event that I still don't know, I think it may have something to do with the prophecy that the woman said. "

"This church has been covered on TV, Big Brother."

In order to distinguish the two older brothers, Jiaer began to call the 17-year-old Taiyi "big brother".

"The sister of the host said that the public should be vigilant against this cult, and if they find out, they should call the police, and don't believe anything they say."

Jiaer tried hard to recall the news she saw when she was at home.

Although Xiao Taiyi is at home in the real world, he is not very interested in these things, and only likes playing football and outdoor sports.

"That was before the summer vacation. They indeed announced this prophecy a long time ago, saying that monsters would come to this world in the future. At that time, the police arrested many of their believers."

"As a result, the prophecy has now come true, and their believers are also multiplying?"

After hearing this, Xiao Tai quickly realized that things were not good.

"It's not good news that Digimon have been appearing since yesterday."

Vampire monsters can increase their strength by sucking human blood. If he calculates correctly in this world, war will eventually break out between the selected children and vampire monsters. There is no need to give a specific time. As long as this happens, those who are called The society is battered and bruised, and there is no way out. People who lack faith will regard the false religion of vampire monsters as the truth, and vampire monsters will get a lot of food and energy sources, which are simply moving buns!

And what is more interesting is the content of that prophecy-what is the new God?Vampire monsters are obviously immortal Digimon with dark attributes, why do they call themselves angels and gods?Or is it just a fabricated lie purely to deceive more believers?

"This must be a vampire monster, Taiyi, why don't we track down this Angel Cult!"

Tiannvshou blinked her beautiful eyes and said nervously.

"Tracking down this kind of thing should be done by a professional. We need to conserve our energy first." Taiyi made a decision after consideration.

"Is there a mailbox on that leaflet? I think it shouldn't be difficult for Koshiro to decipher the IP address of a mailbox."



Although everyone didn't understand what happened, Xiao Taiyi had obviously become the leader of the team. After he explained seriously on the phone, the selected children rushed to the meeting place one after another despite their complaints.

There were a lot of people present, as the generation with the largest number of protagonists, plus their own Digimon, it can be counted as 14 people. Fortunately, Taiyi left the [-] US dollars at the time. In this era, the purchasing power of these money is still very sufficient , he reserved the luxurious compartment on the second floor, where the Digimon don't need to pretend to be dolls and can speak at any time.

After meeting each of the children, Taiyi briefly told them about his identity and the things to pay attention to when various events happen next.

"Guozilang, I will leave the task of deciphering the address of this cult to you. I think the location of his network is probably the hiding place of the vampire monster. The owner of this mailbox must also be the vampire monster himself. This task is very important, and it must be done as soon as possible!"

"I know, I'll start now!"

The red-haired boy with a hedgehog head nodded flattered, then immediately turned on his outrageous laptop, connected to the network provided by the restaurant, and tried to send a message to that email address.

As long as the other party replies, Koshiro can use this to find out his location, and then Taiyi and Tiannvshou can beat him along the network cable.

"Yamato, your father is a TV station worker, right?"


The yellow-haired boy Yamato nodded.

The Ishida brothers were sitting together, the little Takeshi Takashi was eating spaghetti happily, and the Digimons also took the time to replenish their energy. They have been looking for their eighth companion all day today, and they are already starving.

"I would like to ask him to be prepared. If there is a heavy fog, he must issue an evacuation notice in the name of the government as soon as possible, before the fog is completely covered, and let the citizens take refuge in Beek Bay."

"In the name of the government? Isn't that a crime?"

Yamato said in a difficult way.

"It's a crime, but as long as you can save everyone, not only will your father not be convicted, but he will become a hero."

"Extreme times require extraordinary countermeasures. The law cannot punish vampire monsters, so we can only use our own strength to sanction him."

"Is the matter really that serious? Since you have already killed a blood-sucking monster, why are you afraid of another blood-sucking monster?"

He felt that this kind of thing was too bold, and he didn't have the confidence to convince his father.

"It's very serious. Although the vampire monster is dead, his legion is still alive, and humans are just bread for the vampire monster. He will definitely let his army create chaos in Odaiba, and Odaiba will continue It will also become a battlefield when it comes down."

"Yamato, this big brother is very reasonable. In order to avoid sacrificing innocent people, we can only do this. Only you can do this!"

Su Na and Shiro Hutou also tried their best to persuade each other. After hesitating for a while, Yamato finally nodded and agreed, then left his seat and went outside to borrow a phone.

"No matter what happens next, everyone should try not to spread out, and being together is the safest."

"You have only one task, and that is to fight against the army of vampire monsters, and he himself, my partner and I

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deal with. "

After he explained clearly the various methods and countermeasures he could think of, the vampire monsters would take one by one, Taiyi was relieved, but although he didn't eat anything now, he was not very hungry, and he felt more hungry in comparison. Drowsiness... It's like being jet-lagged. If we follow the timeline of the original digital world, it should already be midnight and early morning.

Now he really wants to find a place to sleep well.

"By the way, where's Meimei? Why hasn't she come yet?"

Because Mimi Tachikawa's willful personality will most likely resist this kind of sudden gathering, so it is understandable that Taichi came slowly.

But she's been late for a little too long, and it's hard not to worry Taichi.

Chapter 63 Chapter 61 The Flower Fairy

"Meimei doesn't seem to be home yet, I just contacted his parents."

Su Na also began to worry.

They didn't care about it at first, but in fact, when these children returned to the real world, they all had the attitude of... finally being able to go home and rest. What the eighth companion meant to them.

Only when the knife is cut on their own body will they really feel pain, but they are just children, this kind of partiality is very normal, Tai Yi will not blame them.

But now, after Taiyi told so many terrible things, the children who were still a little bit relaxed when they went home, couldn't help but become more serious.

"Sona, can you contact Tachikawa's family again? I'm a little worried."

Taichi thought about it and said.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

With that said, she turned around and walked out, borrowing a phone from the front desk of the restaurant.

Mobile phones are not yet popular in this era, and the children's sacred plan does not have a communication function, only a small radar function that responds when approached, so it is very inconvenient to communicate separately.

This also proves one thing from the side, that is, how difficult it is for the once broken teams of this world to gather together again.



Mimi Tachikawa was very angry.

She didn't understand why she had to go through such a thing, to keep fighting, wandering in a wild place like the digital world, with no guarantee of food and drink, the most important thing was that she couldn't take a bath every day, and finally returned home, and Brave the hot weather to find the chosen children everywhere.

A very simple elementary school girl's psychology, self-willed, princess disease, this is Mimi Tachikawa.

She was resting on a swing at the door of the house with Balu Beast. At this time, the sky was not completely dark, and she didn't want to move any more...Anyway, she searched around for a whole day and found no clues. , so I just sat here until the evening and waited for Dad to get off work.

"Meimei, why am I wearing this?"

The Balu beast was suffocated by the yellow cloth, and now that there is no one around, it finally took it off.

"I'm sorry Barumon, but you can pretend to be a puppet, but I don't want others to think that my taste is weird."

Meimei looked at her apologetically.

"Eh? You mean I..."

The flowers on Balu's head drooped down, his expression was very disappointed, and he was about to cry.

"Ahaha, don't think so much."

Afraid that she would be sad, Meimei quickly comforted her again.

"Meimei~ good evening~"

But at this moment, Meimei's eyes were brightened by the sudden wonderful voice.

"It's you!"

She looked up in surprise, just in time to see that lovely girl flying in the air.

She wears a short petal skirt, a hat with flower bones on her head, and a pair of fairy-like transparent wings behind her. She calls herself a "Flower Fairy Beast".

In fact, Meimei has met her for the second time. The first encounter with Huaxianmon happened before going to the digital world. At that time, Meimei didn't know that she was a Digimon, but she just thought this girl was very cute.

At that time, she invited Meimei to come to her house as a guest, but at that time Meimei was tired and hot after playing all day, so she politely declined.

But at this time, it is only a few days for Huaxianmon, but Meimei has been in the digital world for nearly two months, and she also understands that she is actually a Digimon living in the real world.

"How is it? Are you in the mood to come to Huaxian Beast's house today?"

She asked Meimei with a smile.

"Meimei, don't pay attention to her, she is a Digimon, we don't know if she is an enemy yet."

Balu Beast persuaded Meimei, even though it was a loud conspiracy.

"She's not an enemy, Balumon. I knew her before I met you. At that time, I hadn't gone to the digital world, so it's impossible for her to have anything to do with vampire monsters."

"Yes, the Flower Fairy Beast just wants to make cute friends."

The Flower Fairy Beast landed gracefully, showing a harmless smile on humans and animals.

"Flower Fairy Beast really wants to be friends with Meimei, because Mei Mei is very cute~ Flower Fairy Beast has no resistance to cute things, let me tell you, there are delicious desserts in Flower Fairy Beast's house, and There are a lot of beautiful clothes you can wear casually, and there are a lot of delicious drinks~ You are welcome to come and play~ If you are tired from playing, you can go to sleep directly!"


Just listening to her description, Meimei is already ready to move.

"But Meimei..."

"Besides, how could such a cute and friendly Digimon be an enemy?" Meimei adjusted her sun hat and said indifferently. "The flower fairy beast, Balu beast and I can

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