"That is to say, the vampire monster has already determined that if his plan can be realized, he can abandon the subordinates and family business he has accumulated over the years at will, no matter what, right?"

Tiannv Beast pinched her chin and analyzed.

"That's it~"

Although it's not good to say that as an ether one, he does feel that things are getting more and more interesting, Digi-eggs?What are the vampires doing?Is it going to hatch some ultimate invincible big demon beast?Moreover, he alone, with his personality, is unlikely to jump out and threaten human beings. I am afraid that it will not be easy to find him when the time comes.

Taiyi lowered his head and looked at the cards in his hand. They were all Digimon cards like the original ones, including the most important choice between Gomamon and Agumon. But the age is long, and Taiyi is not sure whether they are the original ones or not. Those ten cards.

It didn't take long before they passed through a huge stone door, walked down the stairs, and came to a flat iron door.

This thing was placed on the ground out of thin air. There is nowhere to go behind the door, just like any door. In front of this door, there is a familiar stone pillar with nine empty card slots waiting for it.

"Do you need my help placing those cards?"

The female evil beast turned her head and asked with a smile.

"I will do it myself."

Taiyi ignored her, and stood there directly, sorting the "vaccine", "data", and "virus" horizontally in the horizontal direction, and "growth stage", "mature stage" and "perfect body" vertically, and quickly sorted the ten cards' Most of them fell directly, so only the two growth stage Digimon that appeared in the first grid, the cards of Gomamon and Agumon were left.

"Awesome, it would be unbelievable if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Mr. Taiyi, have you ever operated something similar before?"

The female Evil Beast was really taken aback. She planned to laugh at Taiyi, who was devastated by this decryption game, but she didn't expect that the boy had just passed by and it ended within two seconds. It was like watching a guide.

"What's so difficult about such a simple trick?"

Taiyi really didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He had actually forgotten the plot, but after observing the types of cards on the road, he could quickly discover the method of distinguishing by evolutionary stage and type, which is a very simple low-level decryption.

"Hmph~ But there is one more card, how do you choose?"

"I will use Goma Beast."

"and many more!"

Just when Taiyi was about to put down the last card, the female evil beast suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Taichi's hand.

"Did I choose wrong?"

"It's not wrong, but if you put down the goma beast, what you open is the passage to the real world where you are, not the place where the vampire monster goes."

"Do you want to use Agumon?"

But Taiyi remembered that if he used the Yagumon card, he would be transported to a very dark, hellish world.

"Use this."

The female evil beast took out a card from her chest again, and her mysterious field with deep ravines was as outrageous as a four-dimensional pocket.

The front of that card was actually "Puppy Beast".

"Why didn't you give it to me in the first place?"

Taiyi asked coldly after taking the card.

"I always have to give myself a way out, what if you turn your face and deny anyone after getting the card?"

She spread her hands and explained innocently.

Chapter 56 Chapter 54 The Suddenly Big One

After all the cards were placed, under the eyes of everyone, the door slowly opened, revealing a world behind with white light.

The appearance is similar to Taiyi's previous time when he traveled through the tunnel opened by the Beetle Beetle, but it is a little less like a data network and more mysterious.

The setting of Digimon itself is inclusive of all things. The western gods and the eastern gods have prototypes, cyber-transformers, angels and demons are all available, and the ancient phantom beasts and Cthulhu have everything, so one technology side and one magic side. There is nothing unusual about such a space-time channel with a painting style.

"Flame Dragon Beast, listen to me."

"I will come back as soon as possible, but I'm not sure how long it has been here when I come back... But the vampire monster is an enemy that must be defeated. If you don't solve him, maybe what kind of posture he will return in the future to the digital world

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, how many people will be killed on the other side of the door. "

Speaking of this, Taiyi feels a little guilty. He has gone to the human world for a day and the digital world does not know how many years have passed. He originally decided to save the world with everyone, but he has to leave for a long time... But under balance, And that's all.

He can't bring Bichumon to the human world. Although he will indeed have an extra combat power, this will also weaken the defense of the digital world.

"I understand, Taiyi, don't worry, let us maintain the peace here. I will go back and find Beetle Beetle, and let him find a way to help!"

Yandramon understands and supports any decision made by Taiyi.

"Unite the Digimon with a heart of justice, and together we can resist the unknown invasion of darkness. Even if you can't beat them, you just need to deal with them. Remember, holding the belief that you must die and being okay even if you die are two different things!"

"When I don't allow me to come back, you have already sacrificed for something! Just like stealing the badge last time, I never want this to happen, and I won't think you are great just because you died for righteousness, Understand?"

Worried that Bichumon and the others would do stupid things, Taichi also babbled a lot of words like an old father.

"I know everything, Taiyi, don't worry, I'm fine!"

"Okay... Tiannv Beast, let's go."

Taichi took a deep breath and called out to his only partner.

Tiannv Beast also came over, grabbed Tai Yi's hand and made preparations, there was no other way to go, and the only way to return it was to kill the vampire monster.

"Won't you say goodbye to me?"

At the last second before departure, the female demon beast gave Tai Yi a reluctant look.

"I have nothing to say to you, but I will reject you, not because you are unattractive or bad, but because we are always different, like, you can't put your family and your enemies together Who is more important on the scale."

After finishing speaking, Taiyi ignored her reply, seized the time to step into the torrent of time and space together with the goddess beast, this channel seemed to be born with a certain power, impacting the two of them like a flood, swirling into it They left that world, and shortly after they left, that door was closed again.

"It sounds good. If I evolved into a holy goddess, you wouldn't say that, would you? Don't you look down on my demonic body?"

The female demon beast stared at the door, and said something as if mocking herself.

"Tai Yi won't hate you because of this kind of thing. The reason why he regards you as an enemy is because you have different ideas from his."

After hearing this, Yanlong Beast couldn't hold back and interjected.

——Saving the world is just to protect the lives of strangers?No, I don't believe in such things.

——What dreams, what feelings, what justice... These words make me want to vomit, and it is precisely because I gave up these that I gained such great power!How can I agree with you?Taiyi, it is indeed great to blindly protect the weak and exercise justice, but you will definitely pay the price for it.

——Because, I also walked this way.

"You can go wherever you want, but please abide by the agreement with Taiyi and stop assisting those dark forces."

Flame Dragon Beast ignored her and left this place. She was going to unite the Digimon outside who were willing to follow her, pull up a team, and protect the world well before the return of Taiyi.

The female evil beast just laughed, didn't answer anything, then opened a black and purple portal in front of her eyes, and went to an unknown place.



When Taiyi woke up, he found himself lying on the grass, which was very similar to the first time he woke up in the digital world.

But this time his first feeling was not the cool and comfortable grass, but the hot sun and the prickly lawn, which made him immediately stand up from the ground and run to the shade of the tree to enjoy the cool, only to find that the celestial female beast had disappeared up.

"Heavenly beast?"

Taichi shouted tentatively, but got no response.

——This seems to be a park near Odaiba?I remember playing here when I was a child, but because of the age, I don't remember very clearly... It seems that it is a parallel world that is almost the same as my own world.

"Where did she go? Did she get lost?"

Tai Yi was a little anxious, not seeing that she had no idea, so she walked slowly along the path in her memory while looking for her, but she couldn't see the eight iconic wings everywhere... Could it be that she discovered it in advance? Vampire beast?So did you chase after yourself?

This park is exactly the same as when I was a child, and the clothes of some tourists in the park are similar to those of a few years ago, especially some young people are still wearing outdated clothes and hairstyles, which makes Tai Yi feel that something is wrong .

But soon, Taiyi found a very familiar white cat on a bench.

"What are you doing, Dilu Beast, why didn't you wake me up and come here by yourself?"


The Dilu beast looked up suspiciously, but saw the very conspicuous pendant on Taiyi's chest at a glance.

"Even if the weather is very hot, you can't come here alone, isn't it too much?"

Taiyi sat beside her familiarly, rubbing her little head with his hands, sitting on the bench and slowly thinking about how to find the vampire beast next, but the Dilu beast still had a stunned expression, Until all the hairs that are masturbated are curled up

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Clap open.


She meowed like a cat.

But this made Taichi's movements stiff, because he knew very well that his Tailu beast hated others treating her as a pet, and it was even more impossible for him to send out this kind of cat to show favor to humans. cry.

He looked at the Tailu beast slowly, and at the same time noticed the pink petal-shaped badge hanging on her chest, and at the same time noticed that her eyes were firmly locked on the badge of courage on his chest.

I didn't see it just now because he was blurry standing in the sun, but after realizing all this, another possibility appeared in Tai Yi's mind.

"Are you watching this?"

He took the initiative to lift the badge, and his expression suddenly became much colder.

"...Who the hell are you? The badge of courage should be in the hands of that kid named Taichi."

"Is there a possibility that I am Taiyi?"


The Dilu beast widened its eyes and took a few steps back.

"Have you been ripened by some Digimon?! Why did you suddenly become bigger?"

——It seems that I have come to the real original world line of the big adventure, and this world line happens to be the real world chapter for children, so that means, there are two blood-sucking monsters in this world now?

"Taiyi, I have found you!"

Suddenly, a tall, beautiful girl with blond hair and glasses in a beautiful suit ran towards him, and her figure, voice... Taichi was all too familiar.

"Heavenly female beast? Why are you dressed like this?"

Chapter 57 Chapter 55 The Weakness of the Celestial Beast

"Are you surprised? Hehe, because Jia Er misunderstood my original clothes last time at the Tai family... So I went to observe the tourists here secretly, and then simulated a set of normal human clothes, How is it? Is it suitable?"

Tiannvshou pushed his black-rimmed glasses and asked a little embarrassedly.

If it wasn't for her familiar appearance, Taiyi would really not recognize her... The black suit couldn't cover up her bumpy figure at all. Standing on the street, she was an undoubted white-collar woman, the image of a successful person, But the green and shy expression on her face formed a wonderful contrast.

I didn't even think that she still has this trick. This can really deceive people's eyes and ears. I don't have to be like the original children, who go out to bring Digimon and pretend to hold the puppet. , and very much like the kind of little boy who was taken care of by a rich sister.

But here's another problem.

"Where are your wings?"

"It's put away. If I encounter an enemy, I can call it back at any time."

——It’s such a convenient mechanism... It would be nice if she could add a belt to her. Once the item is used, she can recall the original armament, and the soul voice "release yourself!" would be more appropriate.

"It's perfect, it's perfect, it's perfect."

Taiyi cleared his throat and came back to his senses.

And Tiannv Beast also noticed the suspicious guy next to Tai Yi, who didn't know it, and was startled when he saw it.

—Where did the Tailu beast come from?Get me away from Taiyi!Taichi doesn't need other tailmons!

"Who are you? Why do you pretend to be me and approach Taiyi? Are you a subordinate of a vampire beast!"

The situation turned sharply, and the expression of Tiannv Beast instantly changed from green and immature to domineering queen, and all the restrained aura on her body was released.

"How do you know about vampire monsters? Why do humans... No, you! Are you a Digimon?"

Although Tilumon is a cat, her expression changes are really wonderful, and her jaw almost dropped in shock.

Now Tiannv Beast couldn't stand it anymore, she felt that it was impossible for her to make such a cat-losing expression!

"Yes, she is a Digimon, and I am actually a chosen child from another world."

Taiyi also showed a kind smile, and the Celestial Beast had already come to the other end of the bench, and the pair of them surrounded the Dilu Beast.

"Woo! It's unbelievable... there is such a thing?"

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