The female demon beast looked calm, she was standing beside Taiyi, and she was also ready.

"Although I am only a perfect body now, Taiyi, even if Jiaer is not here... For me, you are already my human partner."

In the short time they spoke, the gigantic egg had swelled to the size of an asteroid, and then shattered into countless black atoms. A huge purple-black monster appeared in front of them. Its terrifying shape overwhelming The children even had difficulty breathing, and the monster was still holding a huge dark sphere in its arms. The sphere alone would have the volume of the moon at least.

——Bright Beast·Satan Form, Demon God Form, Ultimate Form, Virus Form.

Tiannu Beast frowned, she really wanted to fight again, but as Tai Yi said, she really couldn't take it anymore, from the very beginning when she was intercepted from going to the original world, she dared not rest for a moment.

"The dark digital soul that was used before, should you not forget how to use it?"

The female demon beast didn't worry too much about these things, she just nudged Taiyi's lower abdomen with her elbow.


Taiyi came back to his senses and took out the Tyrannosaurus machine again. At this time, Taiyi discovered that this Tyrannosaurus machine seemed to have been impacted by too many digital souls just now, and it is still very hot, just like overclocking in a hot environment. It's like playing games on your phone.

I don't know how long this old friend can be with me, but Taiyi can't think about it now.

General Taichi was jealous of the Bright Beast for stealing the fruits of victory that should belong to him. He clearly took advantage of the two royal knights who were defeated by him, so he successfully inspired the dark digital soul and instilled it in the world. On the body of the female Evil Beast, finally... not too long later, Lilith Beast returned to the battlefield in this way again.

"Sure enough, I still feel uncomfortable seeing your face."

Tiannv Beast showed a little disgusted expression at first, but it quickly returned to normal.

"Come on, you are also a devil-like Digimon, don't lose to him."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. To be honest, I also know a Bright Beast in that form just now. I am not his opponent at all."

Lilithmon remembered something.

"What kind of guy is that?"

Taiyi asked with a smile, and the pressure brought by the bright beast Satan's form was diluted during the conversation.

"A philosopher, he likes to think and doesn't like to fight, but he won't lose to anyone in a fight." Lilith Beast recalled. "But he was indeed the first Digimon to predict the World Tree crisis, and now he... I'm afraid he has lost his mind in that world, and I don't know where he is."

"But you don't have to worry, if you meet that Bright Beast in the future, relying on me, the Tiannv Beast Sister, and the strength that Tai Yi just gave you, you can definitely defeat him easily."


The light of the giant beast in the distance casts a light

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With a deafening roar, he turned his huge body and flew away from this dry digital world. His goal was obviously the human world. Now the Bright Beast no longer possesses any intelligence, and has become an evil that only knows how to devour everything. god.

"We should be able to hold him back, but if we want to beat him completely, we need to break the ball in his arms. There are not many opportunities and it is difficult, but the specifics will not be known until we play."

Lilith Beast was fully armed with purple enchanted hands on both hands. Tai took a look at the unharmed founding village in the distance and the children below. He wanted to say something to encourage them, but finally gave up.

——They can definitely do it, and I don't need to put too much pressure on them.

"Go, let's stop him first!"

[Red Lotus Knight Beast! 】

[Book of Knights! 】

Taiyi's eyes burned with a new brilliance, and then he summoned the red lotus knight beast to come to himself, and then flipped the book of knights again to summon Garani, entered the true red lotus form, and cast it directly while the aura of evolution did not disappear. Make a nirvana.

"Where are you going!!"

Chapter 339Chapter 330 The Three Knights, True Red Lotus Burst Form!

The spear of light energy that Jun Xianghe turned into became extremely huge after it was released from his hand, and it blew up with powerful power on the tail of the bright beast Satan in form and shattered it, and the huge monster in Satan form also raised its head With a scream, his attempt to break through the world was directly blocked by Tai Yi's move.

Its tail was directly cut off by this trick, but before Taiyi was happy, that guy extracted a large amount of brand new data and repaired the lost part. This recovery speed is all that Taiyi has ever seen. One of the fastest self-healing Digimon.

"The black ball it's holding is the key, Tai."

Although, Lilith Beast has never seen this form of Bright Beast, but she also knows that this is exactly the guy who gave up all the characteristics of angels and fully amplified the power of the evil side, so he became this kind of monster who only knows how to devour everything. monsters.

However, it is still a demon-type Digimon, not a monster-type. To be honest, I didn't have a big impression of this demon-type Lilithmon for a while, and I didn't think I knew any other Digimon of the same type.

"Attack in that direction, and I'll cover you."

Lilith Beast took the lead and released its huge dark golden black claws. At the same time, the Bright Beast also understood that if he didn't get rid of these two people, he would not be able to go anywhere today, so he raised his huge dragon hair and let out a cry. With a roar that shook the sky, flames condensed in his mouth, and then he spit out towards Tai Yi.

The flaming purple flames of destroying the world spewed out from that guy's huge mouth, and swept everything in front of him in an instant. The speed of the spread of these fires was not fast, but the scope of this mouthful of thick phlegm was too wide, and it was almost as soon as it was exported. Covering the entire large-scale space within the field of vision, at this moment, Lilith Beast stood in front of Taiyi, using the grace of her dark goddess to block these raging fires.

"Go, Tai! I can't last long."

After all, she is just a Lilith beast without the stigma of great crime, and she is far from reaching her peak level in her lifetime, but she is still doing her best to protect herself.

Taichi felt that this was a strange feeling, a bit like a dream... Lilithmon would actually fight alongside him, but he would not watch Lilithmon suffer, so he immediately rubbed out the invincible sword with one hand, and stepped forward with the other Pulling the Lilith beast back into his arms, he threw the divine sword out, and covered his body with wings to block the burning of the flames.

This flying lightsaber passed through the thick wall of fire, and hit the chin of the Bright Beast, interrupting its unfinished fire. Then Taiyi left Lilith Beast and continued to move forward. The black lightning attack, Taiyi's true red lotus form is not so fragile, he dodges left and right flexibly to avoid the attack, and hits the sphere again with one shot.

The body larva of the Bright Beast is in the big black ball he is holding, as long as it is killed, everything will be over, otherwise, no matter how much it destroys this huge body in the form of Satan, it can be restored again, so to speak. The colossal body of the sub-warcraft is just a phantom, and it doesn't make sense to suffer more damage.


Taiyi pierced his sharp gun "Gungnir" into the outer wall of the big black ball called "Hell", and the omnipotent artifact penetrated naturally, but it didn't seem to have any effect. The power does not apply here.

He finally realized that it was useless to engage in such cleverness. To break through this weakness, he had to beat Guangca to a state of residual blood. Now... it seems that only his "Supreme Magna Miracle Impact" has this destructive power. But if that move is used, Taichi will also exhaust his own energy, unable to continue the next battle.

In this short period of time, Taiyi's eyes met Guangsa's pure white pupils silently. The monster's eyes did not have eyes, but they could cause a huge sense of oppression to Taiyi, as if a The mountain weighed on his shoulders, making it hard for him to breathe.

"Get out of there quickly! Taiyi!!"

Lilith Beast's urgent warning made Tai Yi realize that at some point on the top of Bright Beast's badge patterns of different colors appeared, just like the quality badges he owned, these things lingered on Bright Beast's head Around the giant golden crown, there are different colors.

...The seven deadly sins?

In this world

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I don’t know if there were seven great demon kings in the past, but there is no doubt that the seven original sins are now all concentrated on a single individual in the form of the bright beast Satan, plus the power plundered from the original world, its The strength is by no means weaker than the previous extremely evil Lilith beast.

However, that should be just something similar, not the result of a joint exhibition of seven demon kings, because that would lead to the birth of a terrifying Digimon whose name would make Taichi's heart palpitate.

Looking at it now, his own strength is still far behind.

The seven great sins of the Bright Beast released seven beams of destruction of different colors. These beams of light quickly covered Tai Yi like a searchlight, and he could only dodge quickly, but the problem is still that the Bright Beast is not fast, but It was too big, so there was no need to move it at all, just let it out, Taiyi couldn't escape this attack range.

There's no other way, this is the only way to do it now!

[Three volumes of knights! 】

Taiyi who was inside the Red Lotus Knight Beast threw three books and opened them at the same time.

"Soul evolution!"

[When the power of the three knights overlaps, the Crimson Armor will explode and evolve!strength!Boiling surge in the body!Burst and dance! 】

This is still just a simple "three-soul evolution", not a super-soul that is truly integrated and jointly exhibited, mainly because there is no saying that the three of them fit together. Taiyi maintains the form of the red lotus knight beast, and on this basis obtain The data of Skull Beast and Golden Armored Dragon Beast have been sublimated. Under the two-color light, both Taiyi and Red Lotus Knight Beast are under tremendous pressure.

The originally rounded armor became sharper, giving it the visual sense of an X-antibody. At the same time, gold plating patterns appeared on the edge of the dark pure red armor, with a gun in one hand and a skull beast shield in the other. The angel wings turned into huge dragon wings emitting golden light, accompanied by a glowing mimic dragon tail.

The addition of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast strengthens the dragon part, while the Skull Beast strengthens the weapon part, and the three volumes are opened at the same time, exceeding the limit of the entire Red Lotus Knight Beast, True Red Lotus.


Taiyi and three companions shuttle back and forth between the light of destruction created by the bright beast. Just raise the shield to prop up the energy light shield to block the magic damage from the bright beast, and at the same time use the sharp gun to continuously shuttle back and forth between the huge body of the bright beast , to deal heavy blows to his weak parts.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the Royal Knight evolved from Taiyi to exert 100% of his strength. No matter how well he plays, no matter how he adapts, the maximum is 80.00%. But now he has broken through this limit, and even broke through 100%. Restriction, the current red lotus knight beast is equivalent to opening the two forms of "true red lotus" + "burst" at the same time.

Although this will bring an unknown load to Taichi, one thing is certain, he is now the most powerful Digimon in the world.

He squeezed his limit potential, cooperated with the three royal knights to fly up and down around the huge bright beast, and used the weapon in his hand to cause huge damage to the opponent. Attacking, the giant beast raised its head to the sky and howled again, and the seven giant crowns on its head also became dim.

He went into a weak load!

"Eat my gun of Gungnir!"

Taiyi threw away the magic spear and shield, then raised his hands high and summoned the Gungnir gun, and kicked it towards the big black ball, finally tearing open the absolute forbidden zone called "Hell" a hole.

Absolutely can't let this kind of thing happen again for the third time. These royal knights are obviously so strong, but they all turned into walking gold. Everyone can take them and use them. The last time Lilith Beast relied on its ability He could still understand that it was snatched, but this time it fell into the hands of the enemy because of such a coincidence.

Only when the power is possessed by my Taiyi is meaningful!

No matter what, the souls of those two royal knights must be pulled out first!

Chapter 340 Chapter 330 is hotter than yours ()

Relying on the blessing of the dual form, Taiyi entered the hell embraced by the bright beast, and all he saw was darkness. It stands to reason that it is impossible for any Digimon to walk to this place alive, but Taiyi is now in the bursting true state. With the blessing of the red lotus form, he can still hold on.

This ball doesn't seem to be a big deal from the outside, but that's only because the reference object it is compared with is in the form of the bright beast Satan, and that thing is at least as big as the moon in its arms. It is not so easy for a tiny bright beast larva.

But Taiyi also has his own countermeasures. He chooses to continue to release energy outwards, holding a sharp spear and holy sword in each hand, and keeps slashing at the surrounding air. It is very difficult to destroy this ball, but Taiyi just wants to pretend to do so and disrupt its operation. The inner space of the space, so it must be able to force the bright beast to show up.

"Taiyi, do you want to use the method from last time?"

Red Lotus Knight Beast seemed to understand his intentions.

The last time they faced the extremely evil Lilith beast, they couldn't resist such a powerful force. In the end, Mosti beast sneaked into Lilith beast's body, which caused the data and fusion of the two royal knights to go wrong. Tai one chance to beat her.

"But I think...they might not respond to you."

"Unlike the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast, they were not attacked or forced to join the Bright Beast's camp, they did so on their own initiative, just like you and me, they are also the companions of the Bright Beast, and will never light

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Easy to be moved by you. "

Of course Red Lotus Knight Beast Taichi thought about it, but he felt that no one would take the initiative to sacrifice his life. Bright Beast is not a villain who knows how to repay kindness and has principles. He is just a pure bad breed. Therefore, the story of the farmer and the snake will definitely be staged as in the original work, and the two benefactors who are so kind to him will be stabbed in the back.

If it doesn't work, then use force to force them back!

Taiyi continued to release energy, like a virus program spreading everywhere in the network program, and soon, he found the location of the larvae of the Bright Beast itself, a larva curled up in the darkest corner, which seemed to burst when squeezed The chrysalis had already appeared in his field of vision.

He didn't think about anything, he held up Gungnir high, and threw the enhanced version of the king somewhere to kill the bug, but before that, two red and white streaks suddenly came from all directions. The two-color light defuses the attack for the bright beast larvae.


The ones who know them best are indeed their own people, just as the Red Lotus Knight Beast said, just when he was only one step away from ending all this, the Sword Emperor Beast and the Monarch Beast appeared at this time, and they were all gone. It is a Digimon that no longer has a physical body, but it is only one of the components of Bright Beast's huge power, but it still protects Bright Beast at this time.

"What are you doing! Do you know what you are doing!"

Tai had a hard time not being angry.

He's put so much effort into it, and it's really beyond his comprehension that these two guys are still so obsessed.

"Taiichi Yagami, if you don't want to face a more miserable future, what you should do now is stop blocking us, and then leave that world with your partners, your family, and everything you cherish as soon as possible."

"You know that guy stabbed you in the back and stole your power, but even so, do you still want to help him?"


The phantom of the Sword Emperor Beast answered resolutely.

"You don't understand us at all."

"We originally planned to deliver our own data to him. Although he is a little anxious now, it doesn't matter. Our plan can still go ahead."

So did the Monarch Beast.


He was about to be laughed at by these two, but the result was like this. No matter what, Sword Emperor Beast and Monarch Beast would be the two standing opposite him. He was really really angry and gave up completely. The idea of ​​winning battles by mouth.

The space called Hell begins to put pressure on Taichi.

He felt as if he had dived into the deep sea on the submarine "Red Lotus Knight Beast". Perhaps the submarine could support itself at first to balance with the external water pressure, but once time passed, the energy of the submarine would be used up. When it's over, when he can't support it anymore, the terrifying water pressure of the deep sea will crush him flat.

"Get out of here! Taiyi! His strength is back!"

"If you cancel the evolution here, you will die!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast realized that he was mobilizing energy, and hurriedly sounded a warning.

"I know! But... if we give up this opportunity, I'm afraid we will fall into another stalemate, and delaying it will not be good for us."

Taiyi knew that this first-time and immature knight three volumes could not last for too long, he no longer had the strength to shave the head of the light beast Satan again, but... no, let's leave now, Taiyi still attaches great importance to himself now There is absolutely no need to gamble so much on life at this time, as long as you leave, you will still have a chance in the future.

He gave up the attack on the two royal knights Void Spirits and started to retreat with all his strength. After escaping from hell, Lilith Beast immediately stepped forward to hug him back and released his nirvana to block the bullet launched by Bright Beast. Those purging flames.

"It's so hot! How can it be hotter than your X fluid?"

Lilithmon wanted to hug Taichi, but as soon as he posted it, he backed away screaming in pain.

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