Adding an X after the royal knight means that the improvement is not a star. After learning about this incident, Taiyi will inevitably feel sad. What is this Jess beast doing?

"Oh, by the way, Taichi, Agumon is also there!"


Taiyi almost forgot about it. Agumon went to another world recently and never came back. After a long time, he ran to the X-evolution world by mistake?Wouldn't that be... how unknowingly, these people all gathered in the same area.

"Looks like there's no time to delay, Celestial Beast, hurry up and get ready. I'll go back to the real world and take a leave of absence. By the way, I'll bring Heidi Lu Beast here. We have to set off as soon as possible."

After Taiyi finished speaking, he immediately stood up and planned to leave.

"Where are you going?? Why did you bring that woman? Isn't it enough for me alone?"

"In the original world, Koizumi's last enemy, Bright Beast, fled to our original world. I'm going to kill him there, so that I can go to the next place with peace of mind."

"Bright beast? Is that kind of rubbish worth mobilizing so many people?"

When mentioning the Bright Beast, Tiannv Beast even felt strange, and it took a while for him to remember who it was.

A guy who was beaten by his Belstar beast form, as for it?

"That's a Bright Beast that Badamon temporarily evolved by absorbing data. It's incomplete, but now we have to face the savior of a world, a Digimon with supreme destiny, two royal knights, Monarch Beast and Sword Emperor Beast. Trying to assist him to become a new god to replace the World Tree, but now their plan has been thwarted, but Bright Beast is still alive."

Tiannv Beast is really naive, but it is understandable that she has not seen the fourth generation animation, but the fallen form of Bright Beast is a strong man who can temporarily suppress the newborn Vajra God Beast, not to mention that he has already gone to the original world ahead of time, I don't know what monster's data it has absorbed, so it must not be underestimated!

"You must never underestimate the enemy. He may have grown into a terrifying monster now. Even if it is the same Digimon, the strength of different individuals is very different."

"I know Taiyi, then go and come back quickly."

Tai nodded, then turned to look at Rosemon.

"You took care of me during this trip, Rose Beast, but from now on, you will stand by here instead of Tiannv Beast. If Ruhime and the others are in danger, please go and help them."

"The original world is too dangerous, I don't want anything to happen to you."

His own three books of knights, together with the mostemon that evolved from the Celestial Beast and the Female Demon Beast, this should be the strongest lineup that Taiyi can assemble at present, and this battle must be won.



Bright Beast: The fallen form is completely unable to understand what it has seen, what it has heard, and what it has experienced.

That monster hanging in the sky above the World Tree Tower and the it really the No.11 Royal Knight Examon?Judging from the ranking, he should only be "huge", and he has no combat power to speak of

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After all, he is ranked No.11, and he has absorbed the data of the sixth and seventh places, so how could he not be able to beat him?

As the Sovereign Beast and Sword Emperor Beast said before, Examon has completely become an irrational monster. He was sealed in a space barrier by several royal knights headed by Omega Beast. The Bright Beast broke the barrier recklessly, but in the end it released an unimaginable monster.

The giant body that covers the sky and the sun, but it has no reason at all, it can only attack like crazy, even if the bright beast exerts all its strength, it can't shake the red dragon at all, even his killer that can decompose data The skill "Intertwining Life and Death" will be easily smashed, this kind of combat power is the only one he has seen in his life.

——Are you kidding... Is Examon such a terrifying Digimon?

Facing the huge difference in strength, the Bright Beast turned pale with fright, and didn't dare to stay any longer. It hastily left the area at high speed, and the seal was repaired after a fixed period of time.

Seeing that the Exa beast did not catch up, he took a breath... the rest of his life, but the bright beast was not depressed, but even more excited.

That is such a powerful power, if he can use it for himself, the improvement it will bring will far exceed his own image, and he must be only one step away from becoming a god!

Thinking of this, Bright Beast intends to regain its strength and challenge Examon again in a different direction this time, but at this moment, a blue laser cannon shot from nowhere hit him, and the energy carried With a strong frost attribute, the frozen Bright Beast's limbs were stiff, screaming and being sprayed hundreds of meters away.

He lifted the freeze angrily, and then looked forward, only to see a certain knight in white armor and red robe standing proudly in the distance.

"You are... an Omega beast??"

Bright Beast knew him.

"Could it be that you are here to avenge the Sovereign Beast and the Sword Emperor Beast?"

"They chose you, so I won't interfere." Omegamon raised the tyrannosaurus sword and pointed it at him from a distance, and at this moment Bright Beast trembled as if it had been frozen. "But if you want to attack my other companions, I will stop you."

"Haha, hahahahaha...! What a pedantic guy!" The Bright Beast laughed back angrily, covering his forehead in an ugly way. "This world is already like this, are you still unwilling to give up?"

"Why don't you follow the example of those two, and entrust your power to me. After getting your power, I will definitely be able to defeat Examon, and then I will be able to enter the world tree, and then absorb Alphamon—"

A fiery orange-red sword energy interrupted his speech.

The Bright Beast didn't even see when he swung the sword, but fortunately, his skin was rough and his flesh was thick, so he didn't suffer too much damage.

"Go back to where you should go, this world does not welcome outsiders now."

"...Lost Paradise!"

Bright Beast was not willing to give up, he tightened his lips and rushed to Omega Beast in an instant, and threw hundreds of punches in just the blink of an eye, but Omega Beast was still strolling in the courtyard, and simply turned sideways, The shield of courage on his shoulder interrupted his punch, and then he used the Garuru cannon to instantly send a shock wave of light energy at him.


The Bright Beast was sprayed by this energy and let out a scream, in great pain, and then couldn't bear the impact, and was sprayed all the way to the sky, like a frog thrown into a high-power fountain and couldn't get up and down.

The Omega Beast seemed to have inexhaustible energy, and the Garuru Cannon continued to output, pushing the Bright Beast to the outside of the world wall and opening a gap, driving him out of the world.

Chapter 327 Chapter 310 IX Entering the Original World

Heidilu Beast has been quite nourished in the past few days. She has been relieved of the heavy pressure, and she is living much better than before. She even sleeps a lot better, and she will not have the kind of nightmare in the World Tree again. .

Although Jiaer doesn't often accompany her to and from school every day, she can fully understand that she is not the kind of Digimon who needs company to live well, but life at home is indeed a bit boring, but even so compared to Compared with the digital world, which is like year after year, it is much better.

Mature Digimon are so easy to feed.

But now, Taiyi and Tiannv Beast have found her, hoping that she can open up to the original world again, the world that has been severed by her at the cost of giving up her "life".

"Can I not go?"

Heidi Lumon's eyes were dodging, as if he was very unhappy.

She thought that Tai Yi came back to find her to have some fun with her, but she didn't expect it to be more exciting than she imagined.

"I need you, Lilithmon."

Taiyi did not give up, but just stared at her with a begging tone and eyes full of expectation, hoping to convey his urgent desire to her heart.


Celestial Beast didn't express her opinion. Although she doesn't want Lilith Beast to join the team, rationally speaking, it's the safest for her to come, and the form she jointly exhibited with her is indeed the strongest form she can use at present.

Heidilu Beast is still hesitating. She is not playing tricks on Taiyi as before, but because she really doesn't want to go back... But this kind of personal wish, after facing Taiyi's burning eyes that urgently need her, Also quickly lost.

"Okay, but Tai, I no longer have that authority."

"If you really want to enter that world, you can only enter

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Become a royal knight and try it out. "

As Heidilu Beast said, it quickly evolved into a pale, silver-haired demon in the purple light. After transforming into a human form, her somewhat apprehensive but helpless expression became clearer at a glance.

"That's not a problem." Taiyi heaved a sigh of relief. "I thought my evolved royal knight could not be recognized. It turns out that there is no such problem, so it will be much better."

"That's not what you should worry about."

she said, frowning.

"As you who have 'killed' three royal knights, you must have gained a reputation far and wide. If you go there, you are likely to encounter many unexpected emergencies."

"It is to deal with these emergencies that I need you and the Celestial Beast by my side." Taiyi continued patiently and without nervousness. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

"You can't be bothered!"

The female evil beast glared at him, and said what the heavenly female beast wanted to say first, then she stared at Taiyi for a while, and found that this man was extremely determined, and he couldn't be scared at all.

"... Sigh, I have long thought that there will be such a development."

"Let's go, come back before dinner, I don't want Jiaer to know that I went out with her brother secretly while she was away, otherwise she will be jealous."



On the way to the original digital world, Taiyi briefly told the female Evilmon about what happened between himself, Monarchmon, and Swordhuangmon.

If this is the story, then the female demon beast will definitely feel that it is really rotten. It makes no sense. Why are the two royal knights who are so proud and even flaunt themselves with the titles of "Supreme" and "King" willing to be other people's subordinates? ?And no matter how you look at it, the female demon beast feels that their method of making gods is not as good as the version of the red lotus knight beast.

"These royal knights are really ghosts and monsters. One is more outrageous than the other. I heard that Jessmon is doing trouble in another world? He probably wants to grow up too."

The female evil beast frowned and didn't know what to say to describe her current mood.

"It's okay for these knights to have a leader. Once no one leads them, they will be in disarray immediately."

"Be careful what you say, I still have a client here."

How could the three knights in the book endure such humiliation when they were ridiculed by the seven demon kings who had been suppressed by them before?Their very dissatisfied voices immediately came from Taiyi's mind, especially the skull beast.

"This stinky woman dares to say that about us! It's the opposite!"

"Calm down, what she said is not wrong, we are indeed a mess now."

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast didn't react too much. If it did something wrong, it should accept criticism.

"Golden Armored Dragon Beast! Why are you turning your elbows out? Did you forget that she almost killed you before?"

"It was Barba who plotted against me, and what happened later was not her own will, so I have no hatred for her, brother."

"You are really a kind person. Anyway... I can't understand him."

Skull Beast still finds it very awkward. It stands to reason that even if such an unclean Digimon is not killed, it should not come so close. Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Sooner or later, she will use her dirty, obscene The means erode the pure heart of the One.

"It doesn't matter whether you are used to it or not."

Red Lotus Knight Beast, who had been silent all this time, added something abruptly.

"The important thing is that Taiyi likes her very much and trusts her, that's enough."

Taiyi just listened quietly to these three guys chatting here. Since the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast joined in, the place has also become lively. Sometimes it is interesting to hear them bicker and tell some stories about the past of the Royal Knights After a simple complaint, Taiyi took the Celestial Beast and the Female Evil Beast to cross the passage between the real world and the online world, and came to the sealed emerald green light ball.

It is like a glass cover, which completely isolates the world inside from the outside world. When Taiyi touches it with his hand, the green matrix wall will be rearranged to outline a huge lock sign and start flashing red alarm, which means you have no qualifications.

【Book of Knights】

"Red Lotus Knight Beast!"

Without thinking too much, Taiyi directly took out the book of the Red Lotus Knight Beast to carry out soul evolution. Just the energy aura released during the process of leaping from a human to the Red Lotus Knight Beast directly shook the weapon away. The lock sign, the tight and solid green taboo wall immediately opened a clear and spacious road.

"It actually opened... Taiyi."

Tiannv Beast is inexplicably nervous now.

It's not the first time she and Taiyi have come to this place, it's just that they couldn't get in at all when they came last time, and they had to give up in the end, but after the last time they confronted the Red Lotus Knight Beast in this world, plus I have heard other people say how dangerous it is here every day, and Tiannv Beast will inevitably be nervous, but at the same time I also have some expectations.

"Don't be afraid, Sister Angel, I'm here~ I will protect you."

"Who's scared! Don't talk nonsense, you bitch!"

"Hahaha~ Just kidding."

"Let's go, hurry up and find the Bright Beast."

The evolved Tai Yi held a gun and a shield, and the bright red cloak fluttered like a banner behind him. After speaking, he plunged into the world, followed by the goddess beast and the female evil beast.

But before actually entering that world, there is still a short space, and it is necessary to cross this barrier, but at this moment, a V-shaped silver-blue light shot from the front, and Taiyi immediately stopped

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Stopping in place and raising its shield to defend, the Celestial Beast widened its eyes and was ready to fight, only the female Demon Beast looked calm.

"Look, Taiyi, the accident I said came."

Chapter 328 Chapter 320 Inscription of the Future, Ultimate V Dragon Beast

"Outsiders, you can only go here, and you can't go beyond half a step."

From the front of the vast data matrix came such a thick voice with echo.

"It's the ultimate V-dramon."

"The Royal Knight with the inscription 'Future', Taichi, I'm afraid we won't be able to get in."

The Red Lotus Knight warned him again, and Taiyi basically judged the identity of the other party, because he also has an ultimate V-dragon on his side, and he will never admit this familiar move and skill.

"They won't let you in, you're too dangerous."

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