"...It's pretty much the same."

In this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Lilith Beast has the ability to dissipate and be reshaped by the data returned by the world tree, but the fighters of the ancient Rainbow Beast divided their power into this kind of fighter soul.

"I already understand what I should do, I will not let the wind fighter down for me, brother Taiyi, you have to work hard, you can't lose to that bad woman!"

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"The battle of the chosen children is a battle that must be won. As long as you understand this, you will not fail, Koizumi."

Taiyi entered the destination, and here is just as he imagined, a place like an terrestrial planet as the digital world, and there are several moons of different colors, and the planets of the digital world are missing many parts and materials , the land was turned into data and looted, the ultimate goal of Koizumi and her partners is to regain these lost data and make the digital world complete again.

The landing site was not chosen very well. It was a deserted flat land with nothing to see except stones and sand.

"Let's go here, Brother Taiyi."

Koizumi took the initiative to let go of Taichi's hand.

"Will it be too far?"

"No, I can fly there." Koizumi smiled confidently, and waved the Tyrannosaurus in his hand. "Brother, go back quickly, isn't it urgent for you? It would be bad if that bad woman came."

"...Well, come on, Koizumi."

"I hope we have a chance to meet again, and by that time, I must... have become a hero who saved the digital world just like you!"

We will be parting soon. Although this trip is mostly a painful memory, this pain has also honed Koizumi's mind, and the encounter with Taichi and others made her understand the meaning of fighting.

"You can do it."

Taiyi bent down and rearranged her clothes and hat that was a little askew, and said with earnestness.

"So Taiyi brother, we, we can meet again, right?"

Koizumi's cheeks flushed slightly, and he mustered up the courage to ask him.

"Of course, the strange royal knight you mentioned before is probably one of my targets. After I finish dealing with that bad woman~ I will probably come to you directly."

The Red Lotus Knight said that the Sword Emperor Beast who abducted Koizumi was probably the one he knew, so it is very likely that the Sword Emperor Beast killed the original Sword Emperor Beast in this world, in order to prevent him from causing any trouble to torture The children here are hindering their normal historical development, Taiyi must come and see it again.

But now, let’s leave some time for them to grow up. These children are pure children, so Taiyi doesn’t want them to lose the growth they should have experienced, but will try their best to help them reduce the pain during this journey.

Thinking of the original historical plot, Takuya Teru's ultimate body was blown by the Royal Knights from the mid-term to the end, and his teeth itched with anger.

"So, if you don't want me to take away the credit for saving the world, don't move too slowly."



The skull beast was almost unable to see clearly.

He half-kneeled on the ground, holding his magic spear in his hand, several pieces of armor were broken, and even the invincible shield "Avalon" had cracks, and the instigator of all this was himself. The Lilith beast that should have been killed by himself.

"How about it? Royal Knight, I returned from hell, do you like it?"

Lilithmon erupted with unimaginably terrifying energy, and this terrifying power was about to mutate her Digicore, which had already surpassed the level of a normal Demon King.

The resentment of revenge, coupled with the power of the core of the small world, coupled with the power of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, made her completely become a crazy monster. The Skull Beast has tried its best to entangle with her, but it was just in vain. He was able to maneuver around a bit, but in the end... still lost to Lilithmon.

However, what makes the skull beast even more incomprehensible is why she is still alive?And come back strong with such a posture?

"Go to die, die for the so-called responsibility and honor like your good friend."

Now Lilith Beast has fulfilled her long-cherished wish, which is to crush all the royal knights who threatened her survival under her feet one by one.

She stretched out her hand and summoned the "Queen's Hymn", a pair of huge palms that could completely grasp the Omega beast, and used this move as a finishing move to kill the skull beast... and then, as before, crushed him All the data has been absorbed into his body, and at this moment, the quantitative change has also reached a qualitative change.

"Taiyi, my dear Taiyi."

The Lilith Beast held two halos of gold and purple in both hands, with a piercing smile on its bewitching face.

"Thank you for teaching me how to become stronger. Now... I will go to your side and thank you."

She fused the power of gold and purple, golden armored dragon beast and skull beast, and finally her body gradually sublimated in the fusion of light, and a large number of chaotic energy storms turned this poor unknown digital world into the end of the world, because An unprecedented big devil is coming.

The power that was completely stolen has been used by Lilithmon, and it let out overlapping low-pitched roars.

【Digital Fusion·Release】

【Golden Armored Dragon Beast】

【Skull Beast】

The power of the royal knight was perfectly fused with her, and a brand new stance was drawn.

【Lilith Beast·Extreme Evil】

Chapter 293 Chapter 280 Seven Cute, I want to raise a litter


"Hahahaha, looking at your expression, I'm almost dying of laughter."

Heidilumon was laughing non-stop at the surprised expression made by Tiannvmonon after hearing her true identity. Although times have changed and she is no longer the Great Sin Demon King, but the guy next to Taiyi who "squeezed" her position, she Still happy to tease.

"Oh! Stop talking nonsense! You guy stabbed this

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Give us such a big basket, and we have to wipe your ass if you pull it yourself, aren't you a bit shameless! "

Tiannv Beast's injury hadn't healed yet, but because she couldn't bear to look at the little black cat's face, she sat up from the bed for a while, and immediately changed into a grinning expression because of the pain caused by the wound.

"Shh, be civilized, Jia'er is still here, how can you say such vulgar words?"

Heidilu hissed with his gloved paws pressed to his lips.

"That... Tiannv Beast, I know that she did something too much, but she didn't intend to do it on purpose. It's useless to blame her now. It's better to calm down and fight the enemy together. The most important thing now The problem."

"Jia'er, you... oh."

Tiannv Beast sullenly looked bitter but helpless, and could only sigh in the end.

"What about Taiyi? What does he think?"

Although Tiannvmon understands Taiyi's character as a good old man, she will definitely accept Lilithmon to stay by her side in this way, and she can't help it if she has an opinion... And she doesn't hate Lilithmon, it's just that she feels that she is being played. Yes, at that time I had been saddened by her death for so long, it seemed like I had been tricked, a clown.

- Sparrow food is very ugly!

"He didn't accept me."

"Then you can't stay here."

The celestial maiden and beast spoke righteously.

"But Jiaer accepts me~ So I am Jiaer's partner now, you see, there is already this divine plan between us."

Heidilu Beast seems to be a hundred years younger, and has returned to the time when it was just born.

Maybe it's because her body has become younger, or it may be because she has just officially realized her lifelong dream, which is to find a place where she can really feel at ease and don't have to worry about it anymore, and she also calmly faces herself. Therefore, she is very excited and excited compared to Tiannv Beast.

"You...! Jiaer, this guy is very dangerous."

"But my brother believes in her, and I don't think she's a bad person, so she should be fine." Jia Er spoke with a high EQ. "Tiannv Beast, don't think about the unhappiness in the past, at least for now, I hope you can work together with Heidi Lu Beast to fight against the real enemy."

"Of course it's fine, but..."

"Oh~ Jia'er, of course she will hate me. After all, she can't compare to me in anything. Her personality is not as good as mine, she is not as mature as me, and even her evolved body is not comparable to me at all, and she is not as good as me. Let Taiyi be happy~fufufufu~"

Tiannv Beast looked at her like a villainous female supporting role in a bloody TV series, biting her ear and saying bad things about the heroine in front of the boss's relatives, and even seemed to hear the sound of something cracking, oh, that was her blood pressure was about to burst up.

"You smelly cat, I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

——What kind of injury, what kind of physical weakness, what kind of weakness, I'm going to get out of bed and kill this cat right now!

As soon as she got out of bed, she grabbed the smelly black cat by the back of the neck, because she had been a Tailumon for a long time, and she knew the weakness of this kind of Digimon very well. It can't be done, it can only be lifted in the air by the goddess beast like a toy.

"What a cute little dilu beast~ You will definitely cry if you punch it down? I really want to raise a litter and line up to beat and cry!"

"Oh! It's not fair! It's not fair! You're a perfect body, I'm a mature one, rematch!"

"Okay, then I will give you fairness, I will degenerate now!"

Talking about Tiannv Beast put her down, and then he planned to transform back into Dilu Beast to have a 1V1 female battle between cats and cats.

"Don't bully the Heidi Lu beast!"

Although she knew they were just joking around, Jiaer was still very worried... because her brother's Celestial Beast is so powerful, her little Dilu Beast must not be her opponent, so she grabbed the Celestial Beast's hand and thought stop her.

"Jia'er, get out of the way!"

"I say……"

Heidilu Beast originally wanted to continue fighting, but suddenly his expression froze, and what he wanted to say stopped abruptly. Tiannv Beast realized something soon after discovering her change.

"come yet?"

"It's very close."

Changing from the previous style of laughing and joking, Heidi Lushou sat up from the table, and then looked at Tiannvshou seriously.

"There is no time, Sister Angel, if you want to defeat the other me, it is not enough to rely on the power of Taiyi."

"I'll fight hard too."

Tiannv Beast's brain came to his senses.

"But you lost badly last time, didn't you?"

"Although she is indeed cheating, even without that thing, wouldn't you have lost completely in the final battle with her nirvana?"

"Then what should I do? I really can't find a way to become stronger now."

Digimon has limits. Tennyomon has discovered one thing in such a long battle, that is, the more she thinks about how to become stronger, the easier it is to fall into self-contradiction, so just try your best to do what you can That's enough, when the time comes, she will naturally become stronger.

"I can help you."

Heidilu Beast laughed again, very strangely.

"But the premise is that you have to be willing to accept me."

"As long as I can win, let me do anything."

The eyes of Tiannv Beast returned to the way it was a long time ago. It was a kind of resolute look that could do whatever it takes to win and keep itself alive.

"Okay, let's practice a little bit.

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, first of all... Give me some strength, I want to evolve to a full body. "



The extremely evil Lilithmon has become an unimaginable horror demon king, and she hopes to turn it into a story of despair beyond imagination for humans and all Digimon.

Taiyi also doesn't want to bring disasters to this world again, but most of the time he has no choice, he can only do what he can do within his ability.

After returning to the digital world, Taiyi quickly joined the Celestial Beasts and the others, and soon... mutations also began to appear, a huge blackened cloud appeared in the sky, and even the sky above the entire server continent was darkened. This scene is a scene of despair that even the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness have not been able to create.

Fortunately, Taichi was very thoughtful. He asked Beetlemon to spread the news to the Digimons in the nearby half of the continent, and asked everyone to temporarily take refuge near the forest of Rosemon on the coast. Don't go near here. Stay for the final decisive battle with Lilithmon.

"Here we come, Taichi."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast in his hand said silently, Taiyi and the Bichu Beast, Beetle Beetle, Flower Fairy Beast, Tiannv Beast, Jia Er and Heidi Lu Beast behind him all raised their hearts... and soon, a group of An ominous purple-black lightning storm rushed out of the pitch-black sky, descending on the world with infinite power, and directly split a huge hole in the distant plain.

At the same time, the explosion energy shock wave created after landing also set off a violent sandstorm tens of meters high. Its energy is no less than that of any nuclear weapon explosion. The oncoming storm is spreading towards this side at a speed visible to the naked eye. Tai Yi stretched out his hand Stepping forward, he held the Knight's Book, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast also understood what he meant.

"Knight soul evolution."

The outstretched fingers lifted the restrictions of the book like an instruction, and the real body of Crimson Knightmon appeared and merged with Taichi's body.

"Red Lotus Knight Beast!"

Chapter 294 Chapter 280 Eight Because I am Yagami Taichi

This is a Digimon, a real Digimon.

——You can destroy the world with just one finger, this is the appearance and power of these cute creatures after evolution... And my brother has been fighting against such terrible monsters.

Jiaer's palms were already sweating, and even her legs were trembling. For a moment, she felt like retreating, and began to regret why she stayed... But she saw her brother standing in front, still There are so many Digimon by his side, and Heidi Lumon is also by his side.

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