——Yes...but it’s no different from death. Yagami Taichi, Lilithmon took away the core of the mechanism in the deepest part of the world of Atlanta. With that thing, she can change the climate and climate here as she likes environment, so you will never be able to beat her.

——I know, so I'm trying to find a way to get out of here now!

Taiyi replied anxiously.

——I can’t do it, you can’t do it with your strength alone.

——Then do you have a solution?

——I have, because I am the guardian of this world, and no one understands it better than me.

——… I will use my last strength to smash through the outer wall of Atlanta, but after reaching the parallel space outside, I can’t help you any more, it’s up to you.

——If you do that, in your current state, you will die.

——It's okay, I'm a royal knight, this is my responsibility, although I don't know you, but since Crimson Knightmon trusts you, I will trust you too, Yagami Taichi, go.

The voice of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast was very tired, like a candle that was swaying in the wind and could be extinguished at any time.

Taiyi regrets that he can't save him, but now he has no other choice.

——I see, Golden Armored Dragon Beast, I swear to you, I will definitely defeat Lilith Beast, and I will definitely... definitely save the world cursed by the World Tree!

He didn't answer again. After a few tense seconds, just before Lilith's next attack came, the stone statue on the highest platform of the temple on the ground began to vibrate, and the stones and skin on its body collapsed, exposing the glaring eyes. The golden light came, Taiyi was ready, turned around and gave

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Lilith Beast fired the largest Garuru Cannon, and then rushed towards the ground without looking back.

"Hey! Golden Armored Dragon Beast, do you want to—!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast guarding the ground certainly knew what his comrades were thinking.

"Brother! Stop it! Don't do this!"

He desperately stepped forward to stop the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, but he couldn't leave the Book of Knights, and could only be forcibly dragged back in the end.


The Golden Armored Dragon is breathing its last breath. This is the last dance of the fourth royal knight—the inscription of "Order" Golden Armored Dragon. He is like a lion breaking through a cage, emitting golden light all over his body. After killing all the stone statues, he looked back at the Omega beast that was about to land.

"Are you ready? Yagami Taichi."

The blue dragon in golden armor asked with a smile.


Tai gave him a slight nod of respect.

His body has begun to show signs of digitalization, but it is not obvious because his whole body is exploding. This is his last moment. He jumped up vigorously, and a more brilliant golden light bloomed all over his body.

"The last... flashing golden sun storm!"

The golden-armored dragon burned its last afterglow, transformed itself into a scorching sun, and crashed into the highest point of the entire sky.

Before Taiyi had time to appreciate such a picture, he immediately cut off the stone slab carrying Tiannv Beast and Koizumi with his sword, put it on his sword hilt, and absorbed it with his strength, and then followed behind the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, walked up the road A road of hope that he opened up with his life.

"You blue cockroach that can't be killed! You have only one breath left, and you still want to disgust me!"

Lilith Beast seemed to have realized something. Of course, the Golden Armored Dragon Beast knew the world best. He didn't expect that he, who was dying, still retained so much physical strength.

Angrily, Lilithmon threw her "Nazar's Claw" again, and tried to pull Golden Armoreddramon back forcibly, but just before the move was completed, Taichi's Garuru Cannon came again and interrupted her skill release.

"Taiyi! Are you going to run away? This is the courage you are proud of? Don't you dare to fight me!"

Lilith Beast gritted its teeth and cursed.

"...Then, try chasing me, Lilithmon."

Chapter 288 Chapter 280 The fate of being entangled with Taiyi

"Then you, try to chase me, Lilithmon."

Taiyi turned his head and watched her quietly, both his eyes and his tone were unusually calm.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise like a broken glass wall from behind, the fragile edge of the small world Atlanta was found, and the Golden Armored Dragon Beast had already destroyed it with its own burning power, creating a huge hole, Without any hesitation, Tai Yi rushed up immediately.

Then, this is still the world controlled by Lilith. When she raised her hand, she directly controlled a section of "space" on the way of Omega's sprint, as if stopping the flow of all molecules, no matter what the Taichi said. No effort can make any progress.

"I got you! Taichi!"

From behind, Lilith Beast has already caught up. She has disheveled hair and looks like a madman. The golden claws on her hands are also ready. Taiyi gritted his teeth, but he could only release the seal of the brave to resist forcibly. He has nothing to do, Lilith Beast Capable of controlling this small world, he has no means of escaping from his current predicament.

——Is it really going to end?

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly entered Tai Yi's sight.

It is the Golden Armored Dragon Beast. After breaking through the cracks in the world, he turned back and forcibly broke the "rules" of this world by relying on the unburned light storm on his body. rescued from the confined space.

"Go, I'll hold her back."

"But the Golden Armored Dragon Beast! You——if you die here, you won't be able to return to the World Tree!"

Red Lotus Knightmon called out to him.

"Go back quickly! Golden Armored Dragon Beast!"

"Never mind that, my brother."

The golden armored dragon beast was bathed in the golden light that was about to fade.

"I just did what I should do... that's all. Next, I'll leave it to you, Crimson Knightmon, and Yagami Taichi."

He has decided to die generously, and Taiyi can only bite his lips tightly. He can't let the efforts of the golden armored dragon be in vain. Flying fiercely until leaving this world, entering the gap in the dark parallel time and space, turning around to see, the cracked hole has been automatically repaired.

"...Taiyi, let's go back."

The red lotus knight beast lowered its head, feeling very disappointed.

Although Red Lotus Knight Beast parted ways with other comrades-in-arms a long time ago, seeing that Golden Armored Dragon Beast would rather sacrifice himself to give them the last hope, he felt very uncomfortable.

Especially, when I took advantage of Taichi and Lilithmon to fight each other, I tried to call him for so long but didn't get a response, it must be because I was afraid that I would stop him.

But it was too heavy, too heavy.

"Golden Armored Dragon Beast...is it dead?"

Zhibenquan didn't speak all the time, because she knew that this was not a battle that she could interfere with.

Although she is young, she also understands that she has strayed into battles in other worlds. This is not her own battlefield, but...seeing someone fighting for

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They survived and sacrificed their lives bravely, and Koizumi couldn't help but feel like a knife was twisting in his heart.

"Don't be sad, girl."

Red Lotus Knight raised its head, comforting Koizumi.

"The royal knight is not only an honor, a strength, but also a responsibility."

"That's what he's supposed to do."


Tiannv Beast was very upset, first of all it was her own defeat, then Tai Yi's defeat, and then the Golden Armored Dragon Beast's sacrifice, one after another of bad news, she had never suffered such a big loss, including Tai Yi.

"There is no time to be sad, we have to go back quickly, I think the Lilith beast will definitely come after it."

"Why? Isn't she invincible in that world?"

"She is no longer the Lilith beast we know. Imagine if she has always had such a bad temper, how could she always be smiling when you provoked her so much before?"

"She will definitely come after her, and we must get ready right away."

Tai Yi has no time to be sad. Compared with these, he has to shoulder his own responsibilities.

Now that he has walked out of this small world, he is obliged to walk the rest of the way for those who have not been able to.

And at this moment, in Taiyi's world, at Iori's house.

"This is the royal knight."

Jiaer was not at home, and Pupmon didn't bother to continue playing the role of Digimon in the growth stage anymore. She lay on Taichi's table and witnessed the final blooming and demise of Golden Armored Dragon.

"You have to think about yourself more or less, a group of fools fighting for illusory beliefs... Huh."

Although she herself does not want to be such a fool, she likes and admires such a fool very much.

"However, in this way, the most difficult time has finally passed."

She knew that Taiyi and the others were coming back soon, so she knew how to turn off the computer, slowly climb to the window, and stare at the distant sky in a trance.

— Really nerve-wracking.

With so many things happening, she felt that she was ashamed to meet Taiyi, but if she couldn't hide at this time, it would be too irresponsible to continue to play the role of a pet. It's time to tell Taiyi the truth.

Now other things are completely meaningless, her only choice is Taiyi, that man, her fate has been tightly entangled with him, and she can never be separated again.

It's nothing to be ashamed of being attached to humans. Although the process is different from what she thought, she still got the "freedom" she wanted after all, and with her current state, she has long since lost her qualifications to be the "devil king of sin" .



After Taichi returned to Beetlemon, he did not choose to return to the real world.

He knew that the Lilith beast would continue to hunt him down, so he planned to choose a suitable place as a battlefield, and the area near the vampire monster castle back then is still deserted, and there are no Digimon living there, so Taiyi will fight here. Lilithmon makes a break and returns to the human world after all this is over.

But for the time being, she hasn't come yet, and she doesn't know when she will come.

"Koizumi, let me take you back first."

Taiyi didn't want to just sit still, it was too tormenting, it happened that a strange girl like Izumi Orimoto finally settled down after going through so many twists and turns, and Taichi planned to send her back to where she should go right now.

"But brother Taiyi, don't you guys still have to fight next?"

"That's our battle, Koizumi, you don't have to worry about it, I will definitely win, but if you stay here, your friends will worry about you."


Koizumi originally left because of conflicts in the team, but now that Taichi mentioned her companions, she missed those companions she met on the tram leading to another world.

"You don't have to hesitate, Koizumi, if you want to go back to the real world, I have no objection, but without you... I'm afraid it will be very difficult for them to defeat the final enemy, the chosen child is short of one—"

"Needless to say, Brother Taiyi."

Koizumi's immature face reveals a kind of strength.

"Of course I want to go back to the digital world. After all... I am the one who inherits the Wind Warrior. Without me, they would definitely cry, right?"

Perhaps the former Koizumi would still hesitate to take this opportunity to return to her safe home, but she also understands that she can live until now because someone gave her life for her, and if she wants her to forget everything and return to the gentle town like this, she has no I can't continue to live with peace of mind, and I will have nightmares when I sleep.

"Then let's go. I'll send you back to your companions, but I won't stay for long. The next enemies will be resolved by yourselves."

Taichi held out Koizumi's hand and said solemnly to her.

Koizumi's injuries are still unhealed. Although Beetle Beetle gave her a lot of food and drink to replenish her strength and bandaged her wounds, she still couldn't fight with soul evolution in a short time.

"Well, I don't want Brother Taiyi to help me either, because that is my own battle!"

"Taiyi! Taiyi!"

At this moment, the voice of the beetle beast suddenly came from a nearby loudspeaker.

"Flower Fairy Beast brought your sister here, and I locked the teleportation location near your location."

"Jia Er? What is she doing here?"

Tai Yi was stunned for a second and immediately realized, could there really be something wrong with her meowing beast?

A light door opened, Huaxianshou hugged Jiaer and landed gracefully through the door. Jiaer was very anxious now, because it was the puppy who said there was something important.

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She had to tell Taiyi immediately, so she contacted Huaxianshou. However, she seemed to have accidentally discovered her brother's secret again.

——Who is that little girl with beautiful blond hair who is holding her brother's hand intimately?

Chapter 289 Chapter 280 [-] The Kindest Demon King

"Brother, who is this?"

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