- Just settle things and go back.

"Don't worry, Koizumi, let's go first, and then you tell me the specifics of what happened, we will go find the Golden Armored Dragon Beast now, and then I will take you back."

Chapter 284 Chapter 270 Eight Lilith Beast Will Conquer Everything

Koizumi continued to move forward with Taichi and Tennyomon, along the way there were some desperate Digimons who wanted to attack Koizumi, but they were still the same, with no other people in their eyes, only staring at Koizumi, and the result was like a group of flying flying into the fire. Like moths, they died one by one under the holy light of the goddess beast.

On the way to the next destination, Koizumi basically explained the reason for her coming here.

Orimoto Izumi, Kamihara Takuya, Genkiji, Shibayama Junpei, and Himi Yuki entered the digital world together under the call of the "mysterious voice" and embarked on an adventure. Because of the conflict, she left by herself in anger. Although Junpei was with her, she ended up leaving by mistake... After that, Koizumi accidentally overheard something she didn't listen to.

That Digimon called itself "Sword Emperor Beast", and even sent Koizumi to this small world, saying it was a test for her, but it clearly wanted to use this wicked way to destroy the little girl's will and let her fend for herself.

"If it is that guy, it is indeed possible to do such a thing."

"He never liked to kill beautiful things. This little human girl is very cute, and it makes sense for him to do so."

The Crimson Knightmon hidden in the Knight's Book expressed his opinion to Taichi after hearing this.

"After I got here, I suddenly heard the voice of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast... He said that he is the guardian of this place, but now he is locked here by a guy named Lilith Beast."

Koizumi handed his Digimon machine to Taichi, and there was the following short message on it.

——I am the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, a great royal knight. Now I was conspired to recuperate here, but the big devil Lilith Beast suddenly broke in and imprisoned me here, trying to absorb my power. You come here to rescue me Come out and help me defeat Lilith Beast, and I will bestow my power on you after this is done!Help you return to the real world as soon as possible!

In addition to this passage, a small map with marked marks is attached.

... What, what's the matter with this strong sense of sight of fraudulent text messages?

"Don't worry about Koizumi, we will protect you with me and Tennyumon here."

Taichi rubbed her little head wearing a hat, giving Koizumi the greatest sense of security.

"Big brother, have you also been summoned by that mysterious voice?"

Orimoto Izumi asked softly.

"No, I'm from another world."

"There is no need to worry, and there is no need to be afraid of anything, Koizumi, just go forward boldly." Tai said to her earnestly. "You are the chosen one. Entering the digital world is definitely not bad luck. As long as you work together with your partners and never give up, you will surely win."

"This is the most important rule for survival in the digital world, understand?"

"Me? But I... am weak."

"Not everyone is strong at the beginning, but through hard work, everyone can become strong."

Tai replied.

"Sister Koizumi, Taichi and I have saved two digital worlds, it must be fine to listen to him."

Tiannv Beast also added with a smile.

"...I, I know."

"Koizumi has always done a good job. It is really rare that you have not given up fighting after such a desperate situation. You are already better than many selected children."

Taiyi praised her without hesitation, this was not to coax the children, it is indeed Koizumi who deserves such an evaluation because of her performance, because she is alone and helpless here, and she certainly does not know that Taiyi will come to save herself, So this kind of courage is really commendable.

"No... I think I'm just lucky, big brother."

Koizumi was very happy, but still

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It was said that he blushed.

"But luck is a reward for the brave."

"Also, just call me Taiyi."

"Okay, big brother."

Koizumi also finally showed a smile, which is like the Orimoto Izumi in Taichi's impression.

Soon they came to the map location marked by the Golden Armored Dragon Beast. There is a huge knight stone statue, whose physique is close to that of Omega Beast and the Red Lotus Knight Beast after fully liberating its strength. The real size of those royal knights, but at this time the golden armored dragon beast lost its light, turned into a stone and stood like that in the wind and snow, with many black iron chains wrapped around its body.

There was a golden light flowing on the iron chain, as if the wires were extracting energy from the power source of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast.

There is no need to say too much about what to do, rescue this guy, and let the golden armored dragon beast become light again!

"Be careful, Celestial Beast."

Tiannv Beast cast a reassuring look at the man she trusted the most, and then began to draw a bow and arrow with both hands, preparing to shoot an arrow first to test the depth of these chains, but at the next moment, Taiyi and Tiannv Beast felt a strong wave at the same time. The murderous intent and the pungent dark breath, and then the whole ground... no, it should be said that the whole world trembled, Taiyi hurriedly wrapped Koizumi in his arms to protect her, and Tennyomon had to stop its special attack.

The whole world began to spin around in a short moment, and the thick snow clouds lingering in the sky disappeared, as if the change of seasons was completed in just a few seconds, the heavy snow began to melt, and the whole world began to speed up in their eyes, and then the heavy snow accumulated The mountain range turned into a dark altar in a purgatory volcano, and the rich heat came to the face.

When the shock was over, Taiyi, Tiannv and Koizumi were already standing on a high platform at the top of the castle, with dilapidated buildings and a large amount of dangerous magma below, only the Golden Armored Dragon was still trapped there.

"What exactly is going on……?"

Taiyi gritted his teeth. Although it is not surprising that anything happened in the digital world, it is as outrageous as opening a cheat code and directly re-editing the map terrain.

"You found it here, Yagami Taichi."

A familiar voice, but not a very familiar accent.

Taichi frowned, stood up slowly, and removed the Digisouls from himself and Koizumi to keep warm.

The guy he was looking for was there, the Lilith beast who had deceived everyone and played with everyone, was wearing her usual graceful outfit, with the demon wings spread out on her back, sitting in mid-air and admiring Tai Hiding an angry expression, as if it was some kind of sweet meal for her.

"Lilith Beast, is this your promise to me?"

"What kind of promises and no promises... I said a long time ago that we are not the same way! Taiyi! I was so innocent in the past, I even imagined that you would save me because of that one-night stand, but I didn't expect you to let me go !"

"One night stand??"

Tiannvshou frowned suspiciously, then looked at Taiyi...but he didn't seem to care about it anymore.

Forget it, it's not the time to ask these things now, let's get serious and ask him what's going on after he gets home.

"This is not part of our agreement, Lilith Beast. I have kept my agreement with you and have not told Skull Beast the whereabouts of this small world."

"And you've been lying to me, haven't you? You've been lying from the beginning, and the one who died over there is just your fake body."

Tai Yi really didn't understand, didn't understand, and was extremely angry.

He believed in Lilith so much that he did not hesitate to argue with Red Lotus Knight Beast, but the fact is that he really guessed wrong. Lilith Beast is still the sinful devil king after all, how can someone like her face her sincerely? What about yourself?I'm afraid that from the day they reunited, all of this was her conspiracy.

"That only shows that you are too unresponsive and too naive, Taiyi~ a naive little boy like you should be fooled around by me from birth, right?"

"...So, what are you going to do? Why are you feigning death?"

Although he felt that the logic of her behavior was weird, Taiyi no longer wanted to doubt himself. Lilith Beast was a complete liar, and he would eventually destroy her with his own hands.

"Because I've already figured it out, Taichi."

Lilithmon sat up, raised its chin condescendingly, and looked at Taichi coldly.

Then, she grinned a healthy smile.

"In the past, I have experienced failures and betrayals... and even survived in the cracks. As a majestic sinful devil, it is a shame and shame to ask for help from an insignificant human being like you!"

"And now, hahahahaha! I will gain supreme power! No one can limit me anymore!"

"It starts with that royal knight! Then there is you! Taiyi! I will conquer everything I see!"

Chapter 285 Chapter 270

"it is good."

Facing the Lilith beast who had completely torn off the disguise and revealed its sinister true face, besides the anger he should have had after being deceived, Taichi felt an indescribable sense of relief.

Yes, Lilith Beast has finally completely stood on the opposite side of him. From now on, he no longer has to worry about this problem. He only needs to use all his strength to defeat her.

Although all this is still a bit clueless and inexplicable, but... Taiyi can't think about it anymore.

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When he saw other possibilities, he didn't want to continue to doubt himself anymore. He had to make a decision, forget about the Lilith beast, and then kill her. This is what a chosen child and a savior should do .

"Taiyi, let me come."

Tiannv Beast was already furious, and when Taiyi was about to take out the Book of Knights to evolve, he stopped him.

"I have long wanted to have a real competition with this woman. She... must be my prey."

"Okay, be careful with everything."

Taichi glanced at Koizumi standing behind him trembling from the corner of his eye.

Calm down a bit, now it seems that Lilith Beast may have obtained some means from Golden Armored Dragon Beast to control the underlying code of this world, otherwise she would not be able to instantly change the terrain, environment and climate here, and Koizumi has no strength to continue Evolution, Taiyi must protect her safety.

"Digital soul filling, ultimate evolution."

A huge amount of pink digital souls shone on the boy, and then quickly passed through the tyrannosaurus machine and entered the ready-made celestial beast body, making her immediately complete the ultimate evolution and become the holy celestial beast locked by the light badge.

The Angel of Judgment, which radiates holy light, and the Great Sin Demon King, who symbolizes absolute darkness, confronted each other in this lava volcano constructed by data.

"Right, that is it!"

Lilith Beast saw the Holy Goddess Beast appearing in front of her, her smile became more unscrupulous, and then she suddenly withdrew her smile like a mentally ill person. The face that once made Taiyi feel at ease is now unfamiliar and ugly.

"You are a disgusting scum like a bedbug sprayed out of the toilet. You have repeatedly offended me. Do you really think I will tolerate you?"

She seemed to have completely forgotten all the elegance and etiquette she learned from the human world, and she opened her mouth with unbearable swear words.

"I've made up my mind, if you come to die, then I will torture you in front of Taiyi, and if Taiyi comes in front of me, I will destroy his will in front of you! I! Pay the price for those actions that insulted me!"

"Yes... this is you, Lilith Beast, put away your hypocritical masks, this is the face that matches your ugly darkness!"

The holy goddess silently popped out her battle armor and exploded it completely, turning into the fighting form she is best at.

Like Tai Yi, she also felt an indescribable excitement at this time, because she could finally fight her with the goal of killing the Lilith beast to her heart's content. Those memories of being with her before, the Those subtle emotions... are just lies, and they have become her most powerful weapon now.

The holy female beast couldn't bear it anymore, and summoned the Eden gun forward with one hand, and then took advantage of the huge increase in speed after the explosion, and rushed forward with golden light shining all over her body. She is in good condition now, and has almost reached the The level when defeating Millennium Beast, but this time her sharp spear failed to complete the breakthrough again.


The eyes under the holy helmet of the holy celestial maiden suddenly shrank, full of disbelief.

This is not just a general attack, but the real "Eden Gun", but it was ruthlessly blocked by Lilith Beast with her summoned black blood claws, and the tip of the gun didn't even touch the black claws. , just the layer of energy emitted by the claws failed to break through the outer wall.

"Let me tell you, Angel."

"What is the 'identity gap'."

Maybe it's the attitude of showing weakness and surrender she showed from the very beginning, maybe she never really stood on the opposite side of Taiyi from the perspective of an enemy, or maybe it was because of her frivolous talk on weekdays that caused Taiyi and Tiannvshou to fight against each other. Almost forgot one thing.

She is one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, the Lust Demon Lord, and she is an individual who is theoretically equal to the Royal Knights.

Lilith Beast has become the real demon king of hell at this time, its eyes are completely covered by scarlet blood, and a lot of evil energy is released from its body, and then the magic claw on the right wrist is also opened, as if controlling the sacred goddess beast from the air. The body, like a magnet, pulled her over from the air, and then gave her a big slap in the face.

She obviously had a better choice, piercing her heart directly with her claws was the most effective method, or crushing her with her claws was also a very effective way, but she chose to slap her with her back hand, which was obviously to humiliate the holy goddess beast.

But Tiannv Beast didn't give in so easily, she clenched her teeth, and the ten golden angel wings moved forward as a shield to block the attack, but she was still blown far away.

——Is this the strength of the Seven Great Demon Kings?

No wonder Taichi was so cautious back then... he didn't even dare to tell me the true face of that guy, so he turned out to be such a terrible enemy?

The Celestial Beast realized the seriousness of the problem, but she still didn't give up. The moment she spread her golden wings, she stretched her limbs and summoned fifteen crystal balls to smash them at Lilith Beast. It's too slow.

The Lilith beast disappeared in place in an instant, leaving only a large piece of unfaded black evil spirit, and then fell murderously on the side of the sacred goddess beast in the next second. The goddess beast turned around immediately and stared at the Lilithmon's blood-red pupils are completely insane, a madness that doesn't match the brand Lilithmon bears at all.

Then there is contempt for everything.

She raised her hand and slapped the celestial beast in the face, the movement was exactly the same as when she fought with the celestial beast on the bed of Tai's family not long ago.

——!this bitch

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Is Tiannv Beast the kind of person who sits and waits to die?She didn't even hide, and the moment she realized what she was doing, she immediately slapped her across the face. The two slapped each other one after the other, but the difference was that there was an extra bruise on the face of Tiannv Beast. handprints, while Lilith Beast was only messed up, leaving no injuries.

"Get off, Sister Angel, no one can stop my desire! I will never be manipulated by people like you again!"

- Bang!

Lilith Beast unleashed its ultimate move, the Evil Sigh, in an imperceptible way, and directly sent the Holy Celestial Beast flying. At this time, she was already in a state of explosive armor and had almost no defense at all. This blow shattered her body. More protective armor, and the fair skin was also corroded and blackened by the dark breath.

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