"Do you regard us as a tourist attraction? Taiyi! Don't do this again!"

Now even Bichu couldn't stand it anymore. Of course, the big pink bird was very cute when it was angry.

After all, they finally agreed to take a photo. Agumon seemed to be traveling by himself in other places. Anyway, that guy has a restless character, so Taichi didn't want to go looking for it. Then he took Ruki to the blood sucking place. The Castle of Warcraft is now completely empty, leaving only traces of battle and various areas of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness... But these places have basically been repaired by the world's self-recovery ability.

Near the border of Rosemon's garden forest, Taiyi and Liuhime sat under a tree to rest, while Foxmon naturally stood aside to be vigilant.

"After taking so many pictures, Qiren and Jianliang will definitely envy me when I go back."

Ruuhime is very happy to check the full photos in the camera. It is the kind of level where Digimon fans will praise "the picture is really good, the drawing is awesome, and a million modelers" .

"It's a pity that they couldn't come with you. Oh, by the way, there are also Odaiba and Guangqiu. Although I didn't fight the vampire monsters there, it's good to go and have a look."

Taiyi lay down on the soft grass that exudes a faint fragrance in the digital world to rest and conceive of the next activities. He ran the distance he had only walked for two months in one breath, and now he was a little exhausted.

Although he was very happy with this brief job as a tour guide, it was inevitable that he would feel uneasy. The more this happened, the more he would worry about whether something uncontrollable would happen.

But after he thought about it, it had nothing to do with him. This was just a dispute between the Royal Knights and the Seven Great Demon Kings. It was fine for him to remain neutral and rational.

"No rush, Taichi, let's talk about something serious."

Liu Ji sat beside her and hugged her legs, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Although Digimon has no gender, it does have the physical signs of normal human females, such as Celestial Beast and Flower Fairy Beast."


Tai Yi frowned slightly, and suddenly felt that he was distracted and missed something?The topic changed too suddenly.

"So, you must have done with them many times, right? Taichi."

Liu Ji continued speaking without changing expression.

"We are not what you think... I didn't deceive them. Both of them are the most important people I can't replace, and they have surpassed the weight of the status of 'lover'."

Taiyi is still a little flustered, and he still dare not face such a question after all, as if he is a Digimon who deceives himself, with their bodies that are consistent with human women

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A liar for his own amusement, like a scumbag.

But only he and the Celestial Girl Beast Flower Fairy Beast know that their relationship really cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not trying to judge you, Taichi, I'm just a little curious about what Digimon's sex life feels like."

"Liu Ji? What on earth are you going to say?"

The more Tai Yi listened, the more confused she became, with question marks all over her face, what did she mean by that?Does it have something to do with the fox beast? ?She shouldn't have any special XP, right?

"Such a great opportunity, only the two of us are here, doesn't Taiyi plan to do something interesting?"

Ruhime stood up suddenly, looked down at the boy with a smile on her face, and then slowly began to take off her coat and coat. The girl's well-developed figure was revealed through the tight sportswear, and the sunlight cut by leaves Sprinkle it in her hair and it's shiny.

"Liu Ji, I think you should think it over before making a decision. Let's not rush into this kind of thing."

I always feel that asking for her when I can't give her more will make me bear more guilt, but this may also be Liu Ji's purpose.

In fact, that day, that afternoon, in the kitchen of Makino's house, Liu Ji kissed the young boy after expressing her heart, and after that, she took the initiative to help Taiyi with her hands, and Taiyi had a faint feeling that there would always be such a thing. It's been a day.

"?what are you saying?"

"What I'm talking about is that I'm curious about what Digimon's sex life feels like. I see you don't understand at all."

"Know what?"

As if she was laughing at Taiyi's simplicity, she suddenly took out the arc light machine, and in the light, together with the fox beast walking towards her silently, she evolved into a sand ancient tooth beast.

A silver-haired woman in black tights and golden light armor appeared in front of her eyes.

"Looking at it this way, Taiyi really looks like a child~ You fox beast, you can tell if you don't like it."

"No, Liu Ji... I'm ready too."

Sha Guya Beast looked very restrained, but quickly let go of its hands and feet, removing the golden armor part of its body. Although it was not as devilish as Tiannv Beast or Lilith Beast, it was still quite beautiful.

She slowly took off the blindfold that covered her eyes, revealing a pair of compassionate and peaceful silver eyes like a moon goddess.

Now, Taiyi understood what she meant.

Chapter 277 Chapter 270 The Phantom Pain

"It hurts to death! Bastard!"

After the matter was over, Liu Ji couldn't hold back and punched Taiyi on the shoulder, as if to retaliate for the various atrocities he had just inflicted on her.

"You chose."

Taiyi rubbed the place where it hurt so much, and replied innocently.

"According to common sense, the damage feedback received by Sha Guya Beast should have been reduced a lot on you... I think there may be something wrong."

"I, I feel okay, Ruhime, it's amazing...Although it hurts at first, but gradually there is an unprecedented happy mood, which makes my mind start to heat up and become less bright, I It's impossible to stay calm in this state."

Yaohu Beast is seriously reminiscing about the feeling just now, and made a "feeling after watching" in a serious manner.

"My leg feels like I've got a cramp here. It hurts so much that I can't lift it up." Liu Ji tried to lift her leg a little, but she pursed her lips tightly in pain for a moment. "It's not hurt but it just hurts."

"It's okay, sometimes I tend to be like this after a fight." Tai Yi took her words a little thoughtlessly and continued. "Actually, it's just a phantom pain. It'll be fine soon. If it doesn't work, I'll carry you on my back."

However, he regretted it as soon as he said it, it was too straightforward, but when he was with Liu Ji, Taiyi didn't care so much about conversation, but was more casual.

"You pervert! Can't you be lighter!"

Liu Ji didn't know whether it was Yu Chao or anger, her face was still flushed like a peach blossom, and she kept hitting Taiyi's shoulder with her small fist.

——Tell you to work so hard!call you so rough!

"...I'm sorry, but... I really couldn't hold back."

This kind of thing can't be explained too much, as long as I keep apologizing.

Shaguyamon itself is a very beautiful Digimon, and Taiyi thought that the second favorite female Digimon he had seen when he was a child could be "ravaged" by himself. To destroy her who was originally perfect and cold into such a state... It is even more so that Taiyi can't stop.

"Don't tell anyone else about this, this—"

"I know, it's the secret of the three of us."

In fact, this feeling is quite strange, the fox beast now lowers its head and looks like a normal person, but she did do that kind of unspeakable thing with Taiyi just now... It's really strange, tomorrow the female beast turns back into the queen Taiyi of the Dilu beast I don't feel guilty at all, but now I feel weird when facing the fox beast. Why?

If you can't figure it out, then don't think about it.

After Ruhime's goal was finally achieved, Taiyi opened the portal and returned to the real world. It hasn't been long here now. They randomly found a restaurant with good sanitary conditions for dinner, and then went again in the afternoon The Tokyo Tower and the Odaiba TV Station took a few more photos with good angles, and Taichi sent her to Mimi's home.

"Liu Ji, you... don't say something you shouldn't say to Meimei, I think you should understand what I mean."

When he was about to arrive, Taiyi looked back at Liu Ji who was walking behind him, and repeatedly

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"Well, but I don't think she would ask me about those." Liu Ji said with a smile after thinking about it. "Meimei should ask me a lot about Digimon, and I will tell her truthfully that I am actually just a guy who was brought by you and barely saved the world. I can't be compared with her who saved the forest world by herself."

"Don't worry, Taichi, I know what to say, nothing will happen."

Meimei, she actually doesn’t lack anything but some self-confidence. Her strength is already considered outstanding among the normal range of selected children, but it would be wrong to compare it with the unique case of Ether One. Yes, but it's not Meimei's problem, it's Taiyi's problem. Speaking of which, Liu Ji even calls Meimei a senior.

So Liu Ji knew how to persuade her and cheer her up again.

"See you tomorrow, Taichi, go back and have a good rest~ Maybe I will do it myself next time."

Before leaving, Liu Ji did not forget to give Tai Yi a knife.

Taiyi couldn't say anything, because saying anything would make him look abnormal. On the contrary, Liu Ji, who had been screaming in pain just now, seemed to be fine now and even started to think about the next time.

But this is not incomprehensible... She is also a young girl of eighteen or nineteen years old. Although she presented an image of a cold, glamorous and world-weary girl when we first met, of course she longs for love in her heart, and as a For ordinary human beings, this kind of thing can indeed be called a "joyful" thing.

Taiyi is still very confused, he doesn't know how to deal with this kind of relationship between men and women in the future, but he doesn't need to worry about these, because he still doesn't know what will happen tomorrow, maybe he seems to have a great advantage but will lose in the next battle Well, maybe, it is impossible for me to save the original digital world. By then, these things will no longer be important, and will be insignificant.

He longs for an ordinary life, but he also understands that only those who fight to the end are qualified to have these.

Therefore, Taichi will continue to work hard to hone his fighting skills, even if it is just for the sake of meeting Ruhime and Mimi with a smile tomorrow.



After returning home, everything was still the same, Taiyi didn't say much, Tiannv Beast and the others didn't ask too much, just doing their own thing, he accumulated a lot of fatigue, he fell headlong on the bed and fell asleep, It was not until late at night that he was awakened by the flower fairy beast who asked him to eat.

"Come and try my stewed chicken legs, Taiyi."

The Flower Fairy Beast clapped its little hands, and the doll, which was so delicate that it was not real, had the same lovely smile on its face.

"Okay, I'll be right here."

She turned around happily and left, even humming and walking in small steps.

Tai Yi, who just woke up and was still a little dazed, looked at the Heavenly Girl Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast who were busily busy over there, and at the same time didn't forget to bicker with each other... suddenly felt that this picture was extremely beautiful, if you really want to find A reason to fight without any reason to save the world is to do everything you can to protect this beauty.

However, everything did not go so smoothly.

Tai Yi's cell phone rang suddenly, and he felt a thump in his heart... Some dared not answer it, but after hesitating for about a second, he still went to answer it.

He thought it would be Meimei or Liu Ji who had something to say, but he didn't expect it to be Jia Er.

——Could it be that my parents are looking for me?

"elder brother!"

As soon as he pressed the answer button, Jiaer's panicked and distorted voice came from the other end of the phone.

Tai Yi shuddered, and immediately lifted the daily relaxation state.

"What's the matter Jia'er, don't worry and speak slowly."

"Lilith Beast! Lilith Beast is seriously injured, she is about to die!"

"What's going on? Did she find you again?"

"...I don't know what to say, but she is being hunted down by a Digimon in armor, and now she can't hold on anymore!"

Chapter 278 Chapter 270 The Death of Lilith Beast

Lilith beast is in danger, but Taiyi doesn't really care about it. It's not that Taiyi doesn't care about her, but subconsciously thinks that it is a majestic lust demon king. What's the big deal.

On the contrary, what he cares more about is Jiaer, whether Jiaer will be involved in the inexplicable battle again!Although the skull beast has justice in his heart, if it is to punish the evil king, then he doesn't care about the safety of a mere human being.

Must go immediately, must find out what happened!


He was about to call the Celestial Beast's name, but at this moment, the book of knights hanging in the pocket of the hanger made a sound.

That is the inner message of Crimson Knightmon that only Taichi can hear.

"If Lilithmon's life is really hanging by a thread, will you save her?"

This is a very fatal question, so fatal that it put Taiyi in a dilemma, but he quickly thought of a setting that he knew a long time ago.

"But isn't Lilithmon unkillable? All Digimon born in the original world are unkillable."

"But even so, no one can guarantee the next resurrection, whether the Lilith beast is really a Lilith beast... The resurrection given by the World Tree is a curse, not a blessing, otherwise, why do you think we don't use it to How about this power to do more and bigger things?"

The red lotus knight once again seriously corrected Taiyi's misunderstanding, and Taiyi also thought of those knight beasts who wandered around the royal knight castle like zombies and had no reason at all.

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"so be it."

Without time to think about it, Taiyi made a decision.

"If she asks me for help, I will save her."

"If she doesn't say anything, I will silently pray for her, and hope that when we meet next time, she will still be herself."



The sudden incident broke the sweet dream of sharing dinner with the female Digimons. Taiyi has no choice but this is what he has to do. He needs to witness what happened there. Without any complaints, he was immediately ready to set off again with Taiyi, and rushed towards Yagami's house.

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