"A celestial beast? I've seen it in the world over there, but their kind of angels are unattainable existences...I didn't expect Taiyi to subdue a celestial beast as a partner. It's amazing."

"Huh? Don't be jealous, Lotus Beast, I don't dislike you, of course I still like you the most!"

She smiled jokingly at the slightly critical lotus beast in the Tyrannosaurus machine.

Meimei has really changed a lot.

She didn't experience the big adventure in the original animation, but she had a wonderful adventure that no one knew, and belonged to her alone. Even though she didn't seem so powerful, she still saved a digital world and will The child whose partner has trained to the ultimate body form can also be said to have graduated. Like Taiyi, she is also a selected child at the "completion time".

I can no longer associate Meimei with such words as "willful", "cry-loving" and "delicate", but she still retains the most important "innocence" and "gentleness" to herself. Such a girl Really likeable.

"By the way, Taichi, do you know about Yamato?"

"Huh? What's the matter with the kid? I just came back from another world for two days."

Taichi raised an eyebrow.

——Sure enough, did that kid also become a chosen child like Meimei?

"Yes, but he

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It's become really annoying... I don't know how to tell you, maybe that's why I didn't like him very much before. "

"That kid has a cold personality because of family reasons. If you don't like him, there's no need to get along with him."

Taiyi gave a sharp answer.

"But he actually slandered you!"


Chapter 263 Chapter 250 Seven Yamato is a weak representative

"I actually met Yamato during this time, and I happened to enter the mirror world with him once, but he still can only make his Gabumon evolve to a full body, he is not like me and you , to complete a digital world adventure."

"Maybe the world he went to is more difficult?"

Taiyi analyzed.

"Yeah, I told him not to be discouraged, to be patient and overcome difficulties with his partner, and to tell him the story about you from the wizard beast...but guess what he said?"


"That guy is too much!" Meimei said indignantly, remembering the very unhappy things, and even raised her pink fist to her chest. "He said, 'I also know about Taiyi! But that guy just took advantage of the world's weakness. If he were replaced, he could do the same thing as you!', it's too much!"

Meimei spoke like a little fan who was furious after her idol brother was insulted.

In order to protect the best Taiyi in the world, she wants to become iyi!

"...No, I didn't mess with him, did I?"

Taichi finds it unbelievable. Although Yamato is a bit jealous of himself, jealous of his family harmony, interpersonal relationship is a social cow, and his popularity is particularly good, but Ishida Yamato is not bad either. The advantage of appearance is here, and he is also liked by many girls.

"Did you say something to irritate him?"

"I! No! Yes!" Meimei said angrily. "I'm just saying that you have to work hard, you can't give up halfway, you have to grow up, not afraid of difficulties like Taiyi, you have to be courageous, and you have to trust your partners!"

"But what he said... I can't remember, but in short, he only needs Gabumon, and it seems that he has a big conflict with the Digimon in the other world."

"That's why he was in a hurry."

Taiyi could probably imagine the picture.

In fact, he has always known that Yamato is very envious and jealous of himself, but he will not show it, nor will he do dirty things to hurt himself behind his back.

Taiyi believes that when you have a friend who is better than you in everything, it is natural to feel jealous, and it is abnormal if you don't have it, including Kokoro, there must be a little bit, but he The best way is to try to catch up with yourself, try to walk side by side with yourself, and Yamato is... relatively bad, right?Since seeing himself would make him uncomfortable, he chose to distance himself.

This is why Yamato's relationship with him is just "friends since childhood", not the kind of close friend of Kokoro.

However, when such a person who has been unable to find his own value for a long time suddenly enters the fantasy digital world and suddenly acquires extraordinary power, of course his confidence will be rekindled, but his confidence is also lost when he learns that Taiyi is also With these, even when doing better than him... It is understandable that he will break the defense.

"I really don't understand, obviously I can become friends and partners with the Digimons there, and in the end it is only with their support that I can defeat the enemy, but he is so obsessed with obscenity, and his words are so disgusting!"

"Everyone has everyone's opinion. It can only be said that his character is doomed that he can only go here, so there is no need to think about him."

"Really, when I was young, I had the same impression of both of you, both of you were very reliable, Taiyi would encourage us like the sun, and he would silently help us like the moon... I didn't expect him to become so."

Meimei's chatterbox seemed to be unable to stop once she opened it, and she began to criticize Yamato non-stop. It seemed that the kid really made Meimei very angry.

This can't be helped, who made Yamato's badge a friendship?If he can't understand the true meaning of friendship on his own, then he can only have nothing, especially the lack of friendship. Yamato can only become more and more paranoid as he grows older.

In fact, Taiyi also thought about helping him, but because he is different from Koshiro, he really doesn’t get in. Taiyi is not a central air conditioner that can precisely help the poor. Zhang was already very tired, after realizing that he had not entered the digital world in 1999, Tai didn't want to bother with him anymore.

Because there is no other way, it is difficult for an autistic person to rely on others to get out of the predicament, only one day, he suddenly thinks about it and tries to get out by himself, then Tai Yi can help him.

"Then where is he now?"

Taiyi still wants to see him, see his situation, maybe have a chance to have a long talk and ask him to work harder.

He really didn't care what Yamato said about him, the boy Rui who failed the grade commented that he got the first place just because of luck, would the first one care?

"He has been tortured and autistic by the world that summoned him, so he chose to go home."

"But... I don't know if it's because I told him about him, but he seems to have found a relatively simple digital world to venture into, and he's been away for several days now."

This statement corresponds to what Koshiro said before. Yamato wanted to see himself after he left, and then suddenly

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But there is no news.

"Oh, bad luck, don't talk about him, Taiyi, I don't want you to help him again, a guy who doesn't understand the meaning of a partner and only knows how to be a lone wolf, even if he changes 100 worlds, he won't be able to succeed!"

Although Meimei's tone was very aggressive, what she said really hit the nail on the head, and she analyzed Yamato's dilemma very correctly.

"I have a lot of mess to deal with now, how can I care about him?"

Taiyi gave a wry smile.

Don't think about it, Yamato will be beaten back [-]% in disgrace this time, maybe he will lose his life, but he doesn't look like the type who will fight for his life now. If you don't have this world in your heart, you don't love it at all. The digital world you are in is actually just a "dungeon" of different difficulty, so how could you risk your life for those Digimon?

I heard that Yagami Taichi got the bonus of being weak in the dungeon and became the savior, so Ishida Yamato also wanted to give it a try, but he became the bonus itself, because he himself is a representative of weakness, a digital that can only be evolved by emphasizing the growth of his personality Restricted by the rules of the world, it is frequently taken down by powerful Digimon from all walks of life.

"Then why don't you take me to where you live! Taiyi, I want to meet that very powerful celestial female beast, and I also want to hear you talk about these things... Anyway, I still have a while to go back to the United States , these days I want to know more about your stories, Taiyi!"

"Well, no problem ~ Meimei."

Taiyi readily agreed, because Meimei is already a very good graduate.

"Welcome to my team."

Chapter 264 Chapter 250 Chapter 4 The Legend of the King Flower Beast ([-]K)

"Say, how about we open a shop?"

The flower fairy beast who was watching TV suddenly said something inexplicable.

During the time Taichi is not at home, they only feel bored... But this is everyday life, when you have it, you will dislike it, and when you don't have it, you will desire it again, whether it is a human or a Digimon. There is no escape from this rule.

"What shop do you open?"

Tennyomon was lying on the bed reading manga magazines in a very unhealthy posture, and couldn't help turning over when he heard this.

"Just like Lilithmon said before, doesn't she want to open a bar? It's not good for us to stay at home like this... Taichi's pressure is too great."

"He is equivalent to going to school while supporting the two of us. Although he doesn't say anything, he must be under pressure. We can go out to work... Anyway, I feel so sorry for staying at home every day. him."

As the understanding of the structure of human society deepens, Huaxianshou finds that she and Tiannvshou are real... purely gnawing on the old and sucking the blood of Taiyi.

Not only sucking blood, but also sucking his energy, making him thinner day by day, this is really outrageous.

"Part-time job? You want me to be directed by someone other than Taiyi? I won't do it!"

The Celestial Beast reacted greatly to this.

"That's why I said it's better to open a store, so that we don't have to stay at home all day and be bored."

"If you want me to say it, I would like to open a dessert shop! Take out all my wonderful ideas and let others taste it... Oh yes! You can also sell some delicious milk tea."

"...I think it's better to say goodbye."

Tiannushou's mind recalled the time when Huaxianshou tried to develop new desserts by himself, and forced Taiyi and himself to try it. In the end, he just used energy to cleanse his body, but Taiyi was almost sent to the hospital for gastric lavage.

"What do you mean? Do you look down on my craftsmanship!"

"With all due respect." The Celestial Girl Beast had a sullen face. "If you open a cake shop, I'm afraid I'll have to get a bar exam."


"I'm afraid consumers will sue us for bankruptcy." Tiannv Beast pressed his forehead with a sad expression. "If you eat a bad stomach, the customer will definitely come to you to ask for an explanation. I can help defend it and find a way to throw the blame on the raw material factory or pay less."


Huaxianshou's eyes were wide open, even if it was a joke, but it also deeply hit Huaxianshou's self-confidence, but she never hides her emotions, so this look is as angry as a little girl. The cute grinning expression also makes Tiannvmon feel very happy.

"Hmph, the cakes they make are so cute!"

"That's not why you paint chocolate pink."


Huaxian Beast was speechless for a moment.

Although I was very upset in my heart, I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

"Oh, I also know that I'm only suitable for making recipes based on gourd paintings. It's still too difficult to develop by myself."

"But you can learn." Tiannv Beast suddenly had a new idea. "Enroll in a culinary art school, and you will definitely make great progress."

"No, no, no, I'm not going. My head gets dizzy when I read the book."

Flower Fairy Beast also tried to read the books bought by Tiannv Beast, such as philosophy, sociology, research on human behavior, etc... The more I read, the more I felt my scalp tingle.

"It's not really knowledge, it's not as complicated as you think."

"No no, I won't go!"

"I want to experience what it's like to be a student, and it would be even better if I could be a classmate with Taiyi."

But this kind of thing can only be thought about. Both she and Huaxianshou are "black households" without any proof. This is a modern society, not ancient times. Everyone's information is registered in the register, and people like her can neither You can't find a job in that kind of company even after taking the driver's license test, at most

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I can only wash dishes in a small restaurant, not a salesperson in a supermarket.

"Huh? Taiyi called."

The sudden ringing of the mobile phone brought her thoughts back to reality, and Tiannvshou turned over on the bed and picked up the mobile phone.

"At home, Taiyi, we didn't go anywhere."

"What? Meimei is coming over? Well, I get it, right now."

"Huh? How dare he?"

After hearing this, the flower fairy beast immediately opened its mouth wide in shock.

"Evidently there are two of us here, but he dares to bring Meimei here? Aren't you afraid of being regarded as a scumbag with two legs?"

"Isn't he already?"

Tiannvmon replied casually and began to tidy up the bed full of snacks, drinks, and comic books, and picked up the underwear that she and Huaxianmon had thrown all over the floor one by one.

"...Hey! It's not good to say Taichi that way."

The flower fairy frowned.

"Although he is indeed not perfect, he is very important to us. We voluntarily stayed with him. How can he be equated with that kind of scumbag who cheats money and love?"

"Are you kidding~ What are you in a hurry for? What's the matter with him?" Tiannv Beast straightened her face and replied. "I won't say that in front of outsiders, do you think my affection for Taiyi is inferior to yours?"

"Hmph, anyway, I just don't like to hear it."

"Stop talking so much, hurry up and pick up your underwear! And your table is too messy, there's no place to set foot when guests come!"

Tiannu Beast really didn't expect Huaxian Beast to be so sensitive, obviously the bond between her and Tai Yi is not as deep as her own, but this is her character, she will say whatever comes to her mind, and never hide it.

"Taiyi?? Here, who are they?"

10 minutes after Taiyi made the phone call, he brought Meimei back home. He saw Tiannvshou and Huaxianshou wearing neat home casual clothes, sitting on the sofa watching TV and drinking tea. One of them was a mature foreigner with long golden hair. Although the woman is sitting, she can still see the exaggerated sexy figure comparable to that in the animation, and the other is a little girl with short pink hair, her face is as cute as an artificially carved doll.

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