"Where are you going!"

The red lotus knight beast yelled and threw its javelin, which turned into a ball of light blades and flew towards Taiyi.

Tai Yi tried his best to control his temporarily stable body, and then concentrated his strength on Yu Ling's knife, and slashed forward, the air swept by the blade was even distorted.

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Where did they collide together... Taiyi immediately felt the terrifying power of this move, but now he is in the form of compassion, so as long as he exerts a little force, he will directly smash the invincible king to where!

"Yalu Cannon!"

"Invincible Sword!"

Taiyi took out the upgraded Garuru Cannon, while the Red Lotus Knight continued to charge up with the sword. The blade cut through the energy cannon like a stream of water, and rushed all the way in front of Taiyi. Of course, he refused to back down. Once again, the sword slashed out and collided with the invincible sword of the Red Lotus Knight Beast. Both of them were backed by the powerful shock, and twisted ripples oscillated in the air.

This is the collision of ultimate power, and then they didn't say much, you come and go, with the comprehensive improvement of the form of compassion, Taiyi can finally compete with the red lotus knight beast in the sword fight.


Taiyi roared angrily, concentrating all his strength on Yu Ling's saber, swinging his arm at a speed so fast that only afterimages could be seen, and every time he swung an energy blade, the silver and white saber that filled the sky shone like daytime, the red lotus knight beast With the spear and sword in hand, he "dangdangdangdangdang" defended against all Taiyi's attacks, but in the end, he was cut off by an energy blade.

The holy goddess beast can only watch all this from the sidelines, because she knows that even if she joins now, it will only add to the chaos. This is the battlefield between Taiyi and Red Lotus Knight Beast, and she can't keep up with their confrontation level at all.


The Red Lotus Knight Beast knew that it was not good to go on like this, but how could he lose?I am a royal knight!Even with the dignity of the third seat "the end", he can't fall down here!

He shouted, his whole body began to glow and rushed towards Taiyi, Taiyi didn't dodge and directly met him head-on, the aftermath of the battle created by the two ceiling Digimons destroyed the entire field for a second time, and the space continued to flow as their swords intersected Tremors... the holy celestial beasts completely forgot their own existence, engrossed in their battle.

The sparks from the collision between Omegamon and Red Lotus Knightmon shocked her, and even for a moment, she hoped that this battle would last forever and never end, because for any person or Digimon, it was a huge challenge. A top-notch audio-visual enjoyment... However, the end point is quietly coming.

Omega Beast's Yu Ling Saber crossed Red Lotus Knight Beast's Excalibur and slashed at his chest. The silver blade cut through the crimson armor, leaving an unhealable wound on it.

"Woo... on this knife... why is it..."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast immediately felt a strong incongruity. It's just that such a small injury shouldn't matter at all, but he felt that he was about to vomit out. The holy and beautiful long knife seemed to be coated with deadly poison. His body Trying to escape the control of the brain.

"This is a farewell knife, Red Lotus Knight Beast."

Taiyi spoke slowly.

"It is the power that exists to send farewell to friends who have gone astray."

"But I don't want to kill you... Surrender, you are no longer my opponent."

"So that's the case." The Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled wryly. "But you don't have to worry, I still don't die so easily."

"Then, I don't need your charity either! Taiyi! If you really have the ability, just beat me upright and head-on!"

The voice gradually amplified with the emotion, and the red lotus knight once again gathered energy into the sharp gun, and he wanted to draw an end to this battle with the final king.

"as you wish."

Taichi is very sad, but there is no way, this is the meaning of the existence of the form of compassion, it is only born to send off friends, this is why the face of Mercy Omegamon is often stained with tears, right?

He also began to charge Yu Ling's sword. Although he was about to be unable to hold on to this form now, this last move could still be fully released, and he wanted to end the battle with this fight.

——Yes, that's it, Taichi, the end of the royal knight must be magnificent and spectacular, let me end my boring life here.

The Red Lotus Knight Beast was thinking so silently in his heart, but on the surface he still tried his best to throw his king where he was going.

The dazzling white light swung out with this knife, occupying the vision of the onlookers, the sacred female beast... Then everything was settled, the power of Taiyi was exhausted, and the evolution was canceled, while the true red lotus knight fell to the ground, with a long streak on its body. The incision, the data of the body is slowly coming out of the wound, he is almost dead.

Too complicated complexion, slowly walked towards him.

"Up to now, are you still unwilling to tell me what is going on in this world?"

"Alpha Beast... smashed the World Tree, sealed itself together with the World Tree, and stopped the operation of the entire digital world."

The Crimson Lotus Knight Beast spoke intermittently while dying.

"So now there will be no birth and no death in this world, only Digimon who lose their minds under the constant death and endless time torture... This is already a dead world, Taichi."

"Why? Why did Alphamon smash the World Tree? And even if there is no World Tree, it shouldn't affect other Digimon, right?"

"I don't know what's going on because I just can't get in there."

"Besides me, the rest of the royal knights are also looking for ways to save the world. If you are interested, you can go to see them and do your best to find out the truth."

Chapter 237 Chapter 230 [-] Lilith Beast and the Drive Book

After the Red Lotus Knight Beast finished speaking,

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After the last sentence, the body lost its last strength and fell to the ground.

Taiyi looked at his remnant body, pondered over what he just said, and could only fall silent in the end... Are you looking for other royal knights?I'm afraid I haven't made that kind of preparation yet, but no matter what, the most important thing for him now is to hurry up and take the Dili magic program back, so that the beetle beast and everyone in the wild team can find a way to deal with it.

——Goodbye, Crimson Knightmon, your wish... I will do my best to fulfill it.


Just when Tai Yi just turned around, he suddenly heard a strange sound effect.

He turned back again, only to see a strange "book" floating quietly in the air at the place where the Red Lotus Knight Beast passed away, exuding a faint red light spot, Taiyi slowly walked forward and observed it for a while.

"Taiyi, is this a gift left by the Red Lotus Knight Beast to you?"

At this time, Tiannv Beast degenerated into a full body, and slowly walked towards him, the high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground and made a crisp clicking sound.

"But why not a capsule or a card... This thing is more like some kind of 'relic' than a book."

That thing is much slimmer than a book, it looks more like a handy booklet that can be completely held with one hand, and the words of Red Lotus Knight Beast and Galani are printed on the dark outer bag. It looks like the book is locked by a black chain and cannot be read.

Tai Yi held it in one hand, and the scattered brilliance condensed in his hand.

"Could it be a prop for the equipment to be updated next time?"

Tiannv Beast came over to observe, and even reached out to touch the position of the keyhole curiously. Unexpectedly, a red electric spark suddenly flashed like an electric short circuit.

"Is this... access denied?"

"Let me try."

Taiyi held the book in one hand, and pressed the keyhole with his thumb, a flash of light suddenly appeared, and after a crisp sound, the book was unlocked and opened, and at the same time, an introduction text with voice was issued.

【Crimson Knight and his best friend Flying Dragon!The ultimate power of two in one!Doomsday: Royal Knights! 】

"Hey~ Sure enough, only Taiyi can use it."

Tiannv Beast was not surprised.

"...I seem to understand how to use it."

Taiyi immediately awakened his long-standing memory, but it seemed that something was wrong, because the similar thing in his memory was actually a book made of metal or plastic, but this was a real paper book, which made people suspect that it was a fire. The kind that burns clean.

And Taichi doesn't have the equipment to read this book right now.

"It must contain the power of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, but I have no way to use it yet."

"It's so, it seems that he probably sincerely regards you as a friend, Taiyi."

Tiannv Beast didn't know what to say, she was actually in a complicated mood, both of them were obviously not bad people, but because of the other's stubbornness, they had to fight and even eliminate him, alas... that's all, it was his personal choice , in fact, after Tai Yi broke the defense of Red Lotus Knight Beast, he must have known his result today.

"But it's a good thing anyway. That guy's strength is very strong. If Taiyi can master this power in the future, it will be much easier to face other enemies in the future."

"Hmm." Tai smiled bitterly, then shook his head, and closed the book on the Red Lotus Knight Beast. "Let's deal with the Emperor Limo program, eh?"

While talking about Tai Yi, he looked up at the sky, only to find that there, in front of the spherical procedural floating object, there was an extra person at some point.

The black-purple Japanese-style long dress, the face painted with coquettish makeup, and many black demon wings on the back, looking down at them with a playful smile... It is the Lilith beast that has been away for more than half a year.

"It's you bastard!"

Tiannv Beast was so tired that she started to feel drowsy, but when she saw that guy's figure, she immediately became energetic as if she had been injected with chicken blood.

"Ah, ah, it's been so long since I've seen you, how come the Celestial Beast Sister hasn't improved at all? She's still so irritable."

"Bastard... what are you doing?"

"It's rare for you to come to my world once, why don't you allow me to visit you?"

She covered her mouth with her hand and said with a smile, then waved her hand lightly, and controlled the group of Emperor Li Demon to slowly land in front of Taiyi and Tiannv Beast.

"Give me that, Lilithmon."

Holding the arc sublimator in one hand, Tai said coldly in an orderly tone.

"If you don't want to be beaten by me, just listen to me obediently."

"Huh? What do you want to do to me? Little Taiyi?"


This frivolous attitude really made Taiyi lose his temper. Originally, he was in a bad mood after losing the Red Lotus Knight Beast, but this guy seemed to come to ridicule him at the first time. How could he bear it?

"Of course I want to beat you bitch first, and then turn it into a hot weapon! Right Taiyi?"


"Hey!! Not only do you want to beat me, but also turn me into a hot weapon! It's scary!"

Lilithmon folded its arms and screamed, but that exaggerated expression was staged no matter what.

"I didn't think so, Celestial Beast, don't talk nonsense."

"But wouldn't it be too wasteful to kill a Bichi with an obscene figure like this? You must think so too, right? Taichi?"

"I do not have!"

Tai Yi who was still a little angry suddenly didn't know whether he should continue to be angry or not.

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"I can't see that sister Tiannvshou and Taiyi have become so understanding after living with Xiao Taiyi for so long." Lilith Beast seemed very relieved. "But speaking of obscenity, don't you have an obscene figure?"

"I'm different from you! You're an obscene woman who exudes a coquettish temperament from bone to skin to hair! Don't talk to me, it will be contagious!"

"It seems that you need to learn how to speak."

Lilithmon smiled rarely, but the veins on his forehead were already bulging.

"I have long wanted to take revenge on you."

"Revenge? Uh... oh~ are you talking about the last time I took Taiyi away in front of my face?"

She was still very smart, and immediately figured out what the Celestial Girl Beast was referring to.

"In this case, there is no need to rely on boring battles to decide the outcome... Let's play a game."

"play games?"

"Since you miss me because of this kind of thing, why don't we have a contest in this regard."

"Hmm." Tiannv Beast squeezed her chin and thought about it for a while, then said without hesitation. "Do you want to compete with me on who can make Taichi happier?"

"That's a good guess! Now I'm even more impressed with you, Sister Tiannv Beast, let Tai Yi be the referee."

"Have you...had enough trouble?"

Taichi felt that if Red Lotus Knightmon saw that he was here with these two female Digimons before his bones were cold, he would be so angry that he would smash the coffin boards.

"I'm serious, dear Taiyi, believe me, as long as you try it once, you will never be willing to hurt me again~"

Lilith's long and pointed nails gently held her lips painted with purple lip gloss, and even winked at Tai Yi.

She is indeed charming, but Taichi is now in a sage time, where righteous reason trumps evil desire.

"...I have a lot to ask you, you give me that Dili Mo first, it is useless to you."

Chapter 238 Chapter 230 [-] Lilith Beast, Against the Heavens

"Don't worry, of course I know what it is, don't you want to destroy it? It's actually very simple."

Lilith Beast seemed to know everything well, and then slowly pushed the Dili Demon program to Taiyi.

"You just drop it into the tornado down there and it gets deleted."

"Those tornadoes are so dangerous?"

"Let me talk to you, Taiyi~ Although you came a little early, but since you have stepped into this world, I will fulfill the previous agreement and tell you a good word."

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