"The Flame Dragon Kills!!"

Although I don't know why Yanlong strike became Yanlong kill, but I just feel that the pronunciation is more handsome and the rare words look more compelling, so Tai Yi who changed the name of the trick without authorization is a lesson from the world!

"Wait! Human, you can't... woo!!"

The all-out attack hit the red lotus knight beast that could not escape, and at the same time, it also brought the battle to a temporary halt. Taiyi relied on some small tricks to win a battle against the royal knights, but...Taiyi still I feel that this red lotus knight beast doesn't seem to be fighting with all its strength.

If the Royal Knights can be defeated by a human being who has temporarily exploded and evolved like himself, that would be too shameful, it is a shame to the Royal Knights, no, it is a shame to the Red Lotus!But... Maybe this is because I am very capable?This means that his calculation was very successful?It's hard to say for anyone, maybe the strength of the royal knights in the world he is in is only at this level, so it's hard to say.

"Huh... so tired."

Taiyi did not cancel the evolution, but walked to the side of the red lotus knight beast that was already lying dead.

After the silver-white armor on his body was burned by the flames, many places were blackened, but Taiyi felt that something was wrong... because he felt that his energy should not be that great.

But these small details don't matter, after all, he won, the winner is to humiliate the loser severely!

"Now, do you still want to judge me? Royal Knight."

"...you human... are quite powerful."

Red Lotus Knight Beast opened its eyes, but didn't intend to stand up.

"Now you have to answer my question."

"Where are you from? What are you doing here?"

Taiyi squatted in front of him, resting his chin on his hand wrapped in heavy armor, looking more like a hooligan than a dragon knight.

"I've already said that I came from an insignificant digital world, and I came to this world to save it, ahem."


"I, the Red Lotus Knight Beast, may be defeated, but I will never lie!"

The red lotus knight beast was serious, and said vowedly, if he hadn't suffered a little injury, he might have made a more solemn vow.

"I don't think you look like a bad person. To be honest, I wanted to try your skills when I fought with you before. It turned out to be much stronger than I imagined."

"You are also a guy with a story, right? I don't think you are a beast tamer in this world... because this digital world is quite special, it is different from the world I live in. It was created by humans, and it is also a recent Only then did it connect with the human world.”

"But your strength cannot be achieved in such a short period of time. Tell me, who are you?"

"I'm about the same as you."

Taichi no longer regards Crimson Knightmon as an enemy, but sits cross-legged beside him

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Standing down, looking into the distance, pretending to be a person with a story, he said slowly.

"I saved my world, but my world was invaded by a strange monster. In order to prevent it, I died with it, and was finally sent here... I decided to destroy it, and then find a way to go back. "

"Monster? Is it that pink bubble creature?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast asked in surprise.

"Yes, that thing is called 'Di Li Mo'. It is a terrible bottom program. Its existence will threaten all life in the digital world and the human world."

"...It really is like that."

After hearing Taiyi's words, the red lotus knight beast seemed to see the sun through the clouds. Mosai suddenly realized that even the wound on his body didn't hurt, and he sat up all of a sudden.

He was about the same height as Taiyi in Caesar Tyrannosaurus form, so the two of them sat on the ground like this... On the contrary, it felt like good brothers sitting on the ground.

"It seems that our purpose is the same. I also heard about the unknown enemy from the Four Holy Beasts, and then I went to investigate it myself... But I encountered a situation that was completely unexpected, and it took a lot of money. It takes strength to escape."

"Why don't we join forces! Humans! How about we destroy Di Limo together?"

"... Well, with all due respect, I still can't fully trust you."

Taiyi didn't even dare to cancel the evolution at this time.

Although, Red Lotus Knight Beast seems to be a naive person, it does not have the calmness and maturity that "Red Lotus Knight Beast" should have. On the contrary, it is easy-going and has thick lines like Yagumon... But it is such a contrast that makes Tai There are still scruples in my heart.

"To be honest, I have a little prejudice against human beings, but looking at it now, I think I think too much. That ancient music beast trusts you so much, it must be because you are really good people."

"I want to capture her, but only to protect her. The evolutionary power of the world's Digimon is sealed in her body. I hope to get her, and then let her release this power to mobilize the Digimon of the whole world to resist Dili Devil! Don't you think this is a great holy war?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast stood up excitedly while talking, the waist no longer hurts and the legs are no longer sore, and even the blackened armor has a new look.

"So this is ah."

After Tai Yi heard it, he also felt that it made sense. In fact, he didn't come here to fight the forces of the four holy beasts, but to negotiate. If there is an extra red lotus knight beast as a middleman, then he should also Good talk a lot.

After dispelling his doubts, Taichi decided to become a companion with this not-so-powerful royal knight.

"Then let's join hands, Red Lotus Knight Beast, and rely on the power of our two visitors from another world to save this world."

He stretched out his hand, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast immediately grasped it tacitly.

And so, under the huge sphere that symbolizes the human world, Crimson Knightmon and Yagami Tai must make an agreement to fight side by side.

Chapter 191 Chapter 180 Four

"Let's go back. Your companion and the Flying Tiger should still be fighting. It's better to stop them quickly."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast thought of something, and immediately turned around to urge Taiyi, but unexpectedly, it didn't see the familiar Red Dragon Knight.

"I'm here~"

Taiyi patted his butt, but he didn't have any butt, it was all made of metal, and when he slapped it, he made a dull "clang" sound, which was very joyful.

But in fact Taichi wanted to pat him on the back, but now he is only a normal human height, incomparable to this small-scale mech-like Red Lotus Knight Beast, so he can only touch there.

"I'm still human after all, so it's not good to maintain the Digimon form for a long time."

"That's it, I really can't do anything about you~ Human beings, let me, the Red Lotus Knight Beast, take you for a ride." The Red Lotus Knight Beast smiled contentedly after hearing this. "...Oh, what's your name? My name is Crimson Knightmon."

"Yakami Taichi." Taichi pressed his forehead and was speechless. "You've already repeated your name countless times during battles, and even just once! There's no need to introduce yourself!"

"Sorry, I've always been so used to it, please feel wronged."

"Let's go, I'm worried that something will happen to your friends."

The red lotus knight beast stretched out its hand to ask the princess to hug Taiyi, and Taichi was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

If he really succeeded, it would be a nightmare for Tai Yi.

Although he likes the Red Lotus Knight Beast very much, the one in front of him always feels weird, he doesn't have the truly proud knight demeanor of the Red Lotus Knight Beast.

Although he claims to be a royal knight, his words, deeds and strength make Taichi feel... Maybe this guy is just a red lotus knight with the goal of becoming a royal knight.

So for him like this, it's a pity that Taiyi couldn't satisfy his longing for the Red Lotus Knight Beast in him.

——He is not even as mature as the one that evolved from Kielmon and Qiren in the future.

"No need, I can fly by myself, as long as you are in front."

Taiyi closed his eyes and then opened them quickly, at the same time, the orange-red digital soul burst out from every inch of skin, enveloping the boy and slowly floating up.

"Okay, Taiyi, you have to follow me closely."

Crimson Knightmon took off, and Taichi also controlled the Digisoul Super Foot Jet, following behind Crimson Knightmon very skillfully, and the airflow opened up by him could also help him keep up with the speed of this ultimate body.

The place of battle they chose was far from

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It was far away, because Taichi was worried that the power of the nine-headed dragon array would affect the combination of the three primary colors, so it took some time to rush back, but after arriving at the place... he found that something was wrong, the nine-tailed fox was standing on all fours , there were not many injuries on her body, Liu Ji seemed to be looking for something around, but she didn't see Kaito and the others.

"The aura of the Flying Tiger Beast has disappeared. Is he dead?"

Crimson Knightmon was surprised, and at the same time realized that Taichi's companions, including Digimon, were missing four, no, five!The Gule beast is gone too!

"Is it too late? They..."

"No, those beams of light."

Taiyi quickly realized that the purple light radiating from the huge sphere above would be randomly teleported to other places if it was illuminated by that, Qiren and the others probably didn't pay attention during the battle, so they got hit.

What's worse is that Liu Ji doesn't seem to know this setting, and is still looking for people there, and she doesn't even see a ray of light sweeping from her blind spot.

"Ruhime! Left!"

Taiyi immediately sounded a warning, and Liu Ji didn't stand there in a daze after hearing Taiyi's voice, she reacted quickly, rolled over, narrowly avoiding the sweeping purple light and was not sent away.


The girl sat slumped on the ground, holding her chest with her hands to keep her heart from beating so hard. The digital world is really too dangerous.

Soon Taiyi and the Red Lotus Knight Beast landed beside Liu Ji at the same time, Tai Yi quickly stepped forward to help her up, Liu Ji looked a little tired, she supported the young man's shoulders, saw his confident expression... and knew that everything was resolved So I didn't ask about the Red Lotus Knight Beast.

——They probably reconciled, that Digimon is a holy knight type, such a Digimon cannot be a bad person.

"Qiren allowed Kielmon to fully evolve and become a big Gulamon."

"But after he wiped out the Flying Tiger Beast, a ray of light came over and sent him and Jian Liang, who had no time to escape... I couldn't save them."

"It's okay, they'll be fine."

Liu Ji bit her lips when she said that, it was hard not to blame herself, Tai helped her slowly, and said with concern.

"...I'm sorry, Ruhime, if I could also evolve, this kind of thing wouldn't happen."

Nine-tailed fox walked over silently and said shamefully.

"Really don't worry, they will be fine. Since Qiren has mastered the perfect body, this is enough to protect them from traveling safely in this world."

Taichi smiled at Nine-Tailed Foxmon while pressing Ruki's shoulder to comfort her.

Originally, after the children arrived here, there was a scene where they were forced to separate, so Taiyi was really not worried. He believed in Qiren, Jianliang, and their partners.

"And now we have a new companion, the Red Lotus Knight Beast. His purpose is the same as ours. He and I have decided to fight side by side."

"I didn't expect so many outsiders to come to our world."

Liu Ji showed strange eyes, looked at the red lotus knight beast, always felt a little weird, but couldn't say it out.

"Don't worry, Taiyi and I will become the strength to protect you, we will not do bad things."

"I'm sure not, you can't tell."

Tai said a joke.

"Give me a little trust, aren't we all companions?" The Red Lotus Knight is still the same, but it can't be said that his voice is not cheeky... because after all, the owner of the most famous voice will also have such a voice. Funny voice.

"Was Gulemon sent away along with it? That would be troublesome... If there is no Gulemon, I don't know if Suzakumon would trust you."

"Why don't we go find them first?"

Ruki suggested.


After thinking about it, Taichi refused decisively.

"The companions are all in danger, Taichi, I think we should ensure their safety first."

"The only ones who will pose a threat to them now are the twelve generals, the Flying Tiger Beasts. If we don't find the Four Holy Beasts as soon as possible to resolve the misunderstanding, I'm afraid they will be attacked more."

Taiyi knows that the danger is where the ancient Le beast is, so for the sake of Qiren and Jianliang, he should stop the four holy beasts from encircling them as soon as possible.

"A very wise decision, Taiyi, let's go find the Four Holy Beasts."

Crimson Knightmon nodded in agreement.

"To see the Four Holy Beasts? So soon?"

Liu Ji was a little uneasy after hearing this name.

This is not the same as her expected adventure in the digital world... This is not an adventure, because how can you beat the bottom boss as soon as you start an adventure, the ultimate body?

Although she had joked with Taiyi in the past about absorbing the data of the four holy beasts, she obviously wouldn't do that, not to mention that with her current strength, she didn't have the capital to stand in front of those monsters.

"Don't worry, it's just a negotiation, it doesn't have to be a fight."

Taiyi knew what she was thinking, and held her hand again, telling her not to be nervous.

"I made you worry, I'm fine."

After all, Liu Ji was still Liu Ji, so she quickly adjusted.

No matter what, the lives of our partners and the safety of the world are the top priority.

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