After hearing Taiyi's dangerous speech, Liu Ji immediately stopped her small movements, and there was a kind of... a confident smile on that delicate face, but there was still a pink blush on her cheeks.

Taiyi felt a cold swishing neck, and an indescribably sticky feeling. The cool wind blowing in from the open door exacerbated this feeling of touch. He felt that everything was a little unreal now. Wouldn't it just be a dream I had?

Liu Ji, is she really so straight?Not beating around the bush at all.

"Liu Ji, why are you..."

"Do not ask."

She didn't continue to lick or bite Taiyi's neck like a kitten, but threw herself into his arms, her hands still wrapped around his waist and back, her face was lightly pressed against Taiyi's chest, smelling of the perfume sprayed on the girl's body Drilled into the nasal cavity, but it is not pungent, and I even want to smell it for a while.

"Because I don't know how to answer."

"It's just that if I don't tell you, I will probably leave a lot of regrets."

"It's not my style of doing things, I never leave myself with regrets."

Liu Ji said such words very calmly, calmer than any other time in her normal life, Taiyi's nose felt a bit sore, mixed with an inexplicable moving emotion, for a while, she really didn't know what to do next up.

——Because I couldn't respond to her.

"You don't have to say anything, Taichi."

"Leave everything to me."

Taiyi felt a little unbelievable, but this kind of thing still happened.

This was an episode in which he was dominated by Liu Ji, but it was different from what he had imagined. Their breathing gradually became short of breath, and Taiyi's rationality was gradually burning. They first closed their eyes and kissed each other again, Liu Ji His hand and his hand were clumsily touching each other, and it took several tries before they finally interlocked their fingers.

Then Liu Ji's little tongue began to lick his cheeks, till the base of the ears, itching, the girl's body was getting tighter and tighter in his embrace, even rubbing against something intentionally or unintentionally.

Finally... her hand finally slipped down and touched a strange place, she didn't say anything, but the blush on her cheeks became more and more red, and Tai Yi no longer knew what the world was, her hands became extremely presumptuous, but Liu Ji didn't say anything, but occasionally let out a soft hum.

"Liu Ji, although this is a bit strange to me, I don't think that kind of thing should be done now."

However, Tai still retains his sanity.

"I know~so..."

Ruki smiled, and quickly untied Taichi's belt with just one hand.

Because what she wears most on weekdays is jeans, so it's nothing to her to untie the waistband.

"Don't score so fast, Taichi."



It took a lot of time, but Taiyi still had to go out to buy groceries.

But this time he was no longer alone, Liu Ji walked with him, they talked and laughed along the way, holding hands... Just like the false identity she arranged for herself, the false identity became real, and Taiyi really became real now her boyfriend.

Taiyi was also a little surprised, but he felt more of a kind of... lucky, Liu Ji likes him, and he really has a good impression of her, although this kind of thing can't be known by Tiannvshou!

"Do you think I'm too active? Taiyi?"

At an intersection not far from home, they stopped because they had to wait for a traffic light.

"This is just like you... Even if you are in a relationship, you still have to occupy the top position, you are strong."

"Actually, I always feel that you seem to know a lot of things."

Liu Ji brushed her hair and watched the boy smile at him.

"On the day we met, you said my name at the first sight. You said that you had a dream in the process of traveling through the world, and you also dreamed of the battle between me and the fox beast, right?"


Even though he was guilty, Taiyi didn't show it.

"But I always feel that you seem to know more about me... How should I put it? It's like I know a part of you, because after all, you are a character in the animation in this world."

"That's probably my luck, okay? I can tell what kind of character you are at a glance."

"It's really considerate~" Liu Ji smiled happily.

Her hand was always clasped with Taiyi's hand. Although it was the first time for her to do this kind of thing...but the taste was indeed as good as she imagined. Sure enough, as long as she became frank, happy things would always happen.

"Before the light turns green, do you want to compare your lung capacity?"


Liu Ji smiled secretly, then suddenly stretched out her hand to grab Taiyi's neck and lowered his head, and kissed his lips again.

There were a few passers-by nearby, and some of them smiled meaningfully when they saw this scene, but some were so angry that they gritted their teeth, and then cursed inwardly, "Don't flirt with me on the street in broad daylight" or something.

——Is this a game?If I run away first, it's tantamount to losing.

Taichi thought so, didn't

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He tried to escape, but because he didn't take a good breath in a hurry, he couldn't hold it anymore.

For some reason, the traffic lights have become extremely long at this time, and there has been no sign of changing color.

—Thank you, very unresponsive traffic lights.



After returning home, Taichi entered the kitchen and began to prepare. Ruhime did not hide in the room to rest, but was busy with Taiyi. Not long after, Miss Rumiko came back... She heard laughter coming from the kitchen from afar , can't help showing a gratified smile.

In the middle of the night, just like the day when I first came to Makino's house, under the moonlight, Taiyi sat on the corridor, and Ruhime sat beside her.

But at that time they were just communicating normally, but now they are close together, with Liu Ji's head resting on Taiyi's shoulder, they didn't say anything, both of them were expressionless, only the fox beast stood quietly behind Looking at this scene... she was very relieved, because she knew that Liu Ji had accomplished something that was almost impossible for her.

"Actually, I'm still curious, Liu Ji, what exactly do you like about me?"

Looking at the moon, Taiyi suddenly asked a question.

"Do you care that much?"

"Well, I really want to know how I tricked you."

"For me, you are different from other boys. You appeared in my dream, and in the end you were rescued by me. You really came to my reality... If it is a manga, this should be a good encounter between the hero and heroine. Isn't it? Impressive without being so corny."

——It’s actually quite vulgar.

Taiyi whispered in his heart.

"I like Digimon very much. You are the protagonist in Digimon works, and you are also a very powerful and experienced animal trainer. As a novice, I would like you like this. I think it is quite normal."

"But don't you hate people who are stronger than you? Especially boys."

"But you are different. You didn't give me... the feeling of being suppressed. What you gave me was respect and care."

This feeling made Liu Ji think of her father whom she hadn't seen for many years.

"...Well, I don't know how to say it."

"You were really handsome when you were fighting, and you were joking and laughing on weekdays. You were informal and occasionally teased me, which made me feel close. You also cook really delicious food. You are confident and reliable in everything you do."

"Wearing trousers reveals ankles, collarbone reveals when wearing T-shirts, and occasionally revealing abs when changing clothes are really pretty... In short, it is very to my taste~"

"Is that why you keep 'cleaning up the jam' for me?"

Tai Yi frowned dissatisfied.

"Ah~ It's over, I exposed my hobby~"

Chapter 186 Chapter 170 Nine This is our secret

After the joke, Liu Ji continued without waiting for Taiyi to continue.

"So, after confirming my thoughts... I decided to convey it before going to the digital world."

"Didn't you say it? For human beings, the most precious and cherished quality is bravery. Bravery is something that most people lack, so I decided to have it at this time, so that I can have a symbol for a short time' Brave' you."

Liu Ji is really good at talking... Even Taiyi was very moved when he heard it, and even had the urge to stay here to accompany her without going back for a moment.

"Isn't it possible in the digital world?"

"Of course you have to focus on fighting when you are fighting." Liu Ji replied quite naturally. "Do you think that I am the kind who will suddenly fall in love when the war is approaching?"

"In my impression, it's impossible for you to have anything to do with 'love'."

This is from the inherent impression of animation characters in the previous life, and Ruuhime herself did say that she does not want to get married, so after her obvious hint last night, Taiyi still didn't figure out what she was going to do, otherwise Others figured it out too early, but because she was Liu Ji, they didn't think about it in that direction.

"I'm not a male phobia... don't say I'm crazy, I'm a normal girl, and of course I like men."

"As for not wanting to get married in the future, that's just my plan for the future."

"You will leave here soon." Liu Ji left Taiyi's shoulder, turned to look at him seriously, with a wry smile on her face. "So I probably will keep this plan unchanged."

"Actually, Ruhime... I don't know if you will be angry if I say that, but if possible, I can let my almighty Beetlemon friend open up the connection between our two worlds, that is to say, I There is still a chance to come back, not a farewell."


Liu Ji was startled at first, and then suddenly realized something, her face began to burn visibly with the naked eye.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"Because this kind of thing is full of too much instability, so I really don't plan to come back."

"Then I... have I been acting affectionate all this time?"

Liu Ji's eyes widened, her lips were slightly parted, and her speech faltered.

She soon realized that she seemed to have done something ridiculous.

"I thought I might never see you again, so I confided my heart to you... I even did a lot of things that I feel ashamed of, but you told me it wasn't like that? Then why am I so anxious to talk to you?" Say those things! I, I even..."

Liu Ji thinks more

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The more I feel an unprecedented sense of frustration, as if all this is moving myself!Originally, she didn't care about being ashamed or not. After all, there would be no such opportunity in the future. She took this as the last indulgence when she was parting, but she didn't expect...

At this moment, she is like a high-delay warrior, and all the shame and anger owed by the girl before burst out at this moment.

"No, how can this be regarded as being passionate?"

"I have indeed received Liu Ji's friendship."

Taiyi quickly explained.

"Then when I asked you...why didn't you make it clear?"

Liu Ji folded her hands on her chest and said with some shame and indignation.

"Although this possibility exists in theory, there is no guarantee that we will be able to return at any time. After all, I almost lost my life on this trip. For us, the technology of crossing the world is still too early."

"So it's perfectly fine for you to think so."

"I don't care! You're just kidding me!"

She puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"No matter what from now on! You have to come to me again! Or I... I can accompany you on an adventure!"

Liu Ji gritted her teeth and gave the order to die.

"Adventure? What risk are you taking? I will definitely live a good life when I go back!"

Tai was very disapproving.

"You are Yagami Taiichi, you are the embodiment of courage, how can you resist the exciting adventure?"

"But I also said that the truth is plain and plain."

"I don't think it's that simple." Liu Ji asserted with confidence from nowhere. "Since you had the first adventure and are now experiencing the second, there will be a third and a fourth."

"As Taichi Yagami, you are destined not to return from the adventure."

"But I, Yagami, only want to live a normal life."

Taiyi sighed in distress, because he felt that Liu Ji's words were also reasonable.

"You are no longer simply a chosen child. In the future, maybe you will have the opportunity to go to more parallel worlds like ours, where Digimon crises are encountered. I hope I can also have such qualifications." .”

"For this, I also need to become stronger."

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