"You guys really came to hinder me again."

Reindort was not surprised.

500 years ago, their maintainer with Tianli did successfully stop herself, but after 500 years, trying to stop her has become a fantasy.

"Your wisdom will only bring disaster to this world."

Riding on the huge rock arm, Morax looked down on the scientist who once belonged to Kanria from a high altitude.

Along with him, there are three other earthly ruling figures.

"500 years ago, [seven people] were required to do it, but now, you think... [four people] is enough?"

"Don't get me wrong, we're just...an outpost."

Barbatos lightly plucked the harp in his hand, and countless tornadoes formed around, blocking Rhinedot in it, airtight.

"To stop you, we are the first line of defense."

"If you hadn't hindered me, I would have touched the real truth 500 years ago."

Facing the siege of the four earthly rulers, Reindotter did not show any panic.

"However, even if I explain [the five sources of existence of parallel truths] to you, beings like you who will only be imprisoned on the surface forever will not be able to understand."

Strange radiance emanated from Reindotter's body. It was not any kind of elemental power, but the radiance of Houkai energy.

"what have you done?"

The strength of this force made them quite afraid. The God of Fire held a big sword and pointed at the transforming Reinhardt.

"I made a deal with [tree]... a deal about [imaginary numbers]."

Seeds woven of pitch black and golden colors appeared behind Reindotter, and an unimaginably huge Honkai could condense on her side.

Among the many universes in the Great Thousand World, there are countless planets and countless civilizations.

They all have their own various legends about [trees]—it may be the tree of life, it may be the tree of the world, or it may be the tree of reincarnation.

But in the final analysis, the essence of all such legends is to discuss the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers], the dualistic existence of the Sea of ​​Quantum.

For this Tivat continent, for this small world that has been penetrated by silver-white ancient trees for hundreds of millions of years, of course it is no exception.

All worlds grow on the tree of imaginary numbers, are born, develop, and then accept the baptism of Houkai.

The loser falls into the sea and becomes reduced to the bubble of the world, while the winner has the qualification to move on.

Reindotter's research has reached this point very early, and even, above it.

The five sources of existence of parallel truths, one of which is the Eucharist of God on earth.

Those are not counterfeit goods such as the so-called demon gods or the Shadow Regent, they are far from being called gods... The field touched by Reindotter is the real [God].

"It's also time for you to see what a power that is truly close to the [God]... what it should look like."

Annihilation comes here, and new stars are born here.

This power does not belong to mortals, nor does it belong to the Herrscher.

It is the original posture of imaginary power, and also the embodiment of truth in the universe.

This... is the coming of the [False God].

Chapter 21 Lived For You, Died For You

[Pseudo-god], although it is not a real god, but Reindotter has indeed become a new life form that surpasses any existence in Tevat through the transaction with the tree of imaginary numbers.

Theoretically speaking, within twelve hours, she will take over the power of the gods one by one, and after twelve hours, she will further transform from a false god to become a real god.

Of course, this transaction is not without cost, but that cost is almost nothing to Reindott.

After all, she is a woman who can sacrifice the whole world at will for her own research. It is very cost-effective to burn the world in exchange for the opportunity to ascend to the real seat of God.

The water evaporates, the stars shatter, the wind ceases, and the fire dies.

The incarnation of the false god Reindot defeated the four demon gods who tried to stop and kill her without any accident. This is natural, after all, she has far surpassed them both in terms of rank and strength.

Although she can naturally take over all the powers of the Herrscher after eleven hours and become an existence comparable to or even far superior to the Ultimate Herrscher in concept, Reindott does not intend to wait here .

If she can directly capture a Herrscher's core, then as a false god, she can also directly seize the authority in it, shortening the time to ascend to the true god by one-twelfth.

Although Chen Luo scattered the eleven Herrscher's cores all over the world before his death, for Reindot at this moment, the eleven Herrscher's cores connected to the void space are like a black herrscher's core in the dark night. As bright as the flames, she knew where they were naturally.

Reindotter's first hunting target is 【The Herrscher of Reason】.

The magical power to construct all things is the ability that a scientist and researcher longs for. In the hands of the individual named Chen Luo, this power has almost never fully exerted the power of its heyday, which is really wasteful.

If she is allowed to obtain this power, she will definitely use this strange power to climb to the pinnacle of science and cognition.

Reindotte floated from the side of the thing called the end, let it stagnate here first, and when she reclaims all the authority and ascends to the true god, she may still be able to use it to do things. A little research.

What is the difference between the [False God] who has evolved and taken over all the functions and [Final Yan], and which one is higher?

She galloped through the sky at high speed, across the land frozen by the Ice Queen, looking for the trace of the core of the Herrscher of Reason.

Soon, she found her target.

"I have tested the space parameters of the border of Tivat. Before the end came, you once left this world by dominating the theater. This was originally a commendable means of escape...but returning here is undoubtedly a very stupid decision. "

If they really leave, Reindotter has no way to chase them, and she doesn't plan to deal with them. After all, these people are useless to her experiments and plans.

Reindotter arrived at the location of the first core, and standing in front of her was a silver-haired girl.

What floated in her hand was the core of the azure blue Herrscher of Reason.

"Stupid or not...it's not up to you."

Maybe they are still trying to restore all this and have some kind of plan, but for Reindot who has already ascended to the rank of false god, all this will become meaningless.

"You don't seem to be surprised by my arrival."

Reindotter said calmly.

"...We have already considered the possibility of other enemies other than [Final Yan] appearing, but..."

The girl cautiously observed Reindotte who had been promoted to a false god in front of her.

"This form is not a Herrscher."

They and Chen Luo considered the possibility of Reindotte using the core of the Herrscher of Restraint to incarnate as [Restraint], but obviously her crazy actions made her not stop at the identity of the Herrscher.

The woman in front of her was not a Herrscher, but like herself, she was connected to the tree of imaginary numbers.

"I don't know your name yet, before I seize your authority...I allow you to say your name, [Hersherr of Reason]."

Reindot said lightly.

——It's really surprising, Reindot didn't know that besides the individual named Chen Luo, there was another consciousness that could accept the authority of the Herrscher of Reason so harmoniously.


The silver-haired girl briefly told her name, and then she waved her hand lightly, and countless floating cannons appeared around out of thin air, launching the most violent attack on Reindotter who was in it.

This level of attack is naturally not enough to hurt the body of the false god.

"You know, it's not going to do any good."

Reindotter said lightly.

Bathed in the radiance of imaginary numbers, her power is unlimited.

"[The Herrscher of Reason] has the weakest upper limit of Houkai energy, wasting energy and power like this... is just a useless catharsis."

"Catharsis... yes, it's really just a catharsis."

It was hard to hide the emotion called anger in the girl's words.

"To watch him fight to the death alone... This feeling, no matter who among us, can't bear it."

The core of the Herrscher of Reason bears everything in mind, so she can also use this to "remember" everything about Chen Luo facing the end.

The plan is the plan, so as not to face the culprit that caused his loss of life, Prometheus can hardly control his emotions.

"Really, it's a pity... I can't understand it. You are far from qualified as a Herrscher of Reason. After all, there is no calmness in your words, but only anger caused by abnormal emotions. .”

If you can't look at everything calmly and maintain rational thinking, you won't be able to unleash the true power of the Herrscher of Reason.

"Yeah, after all, I won't have any so-called human feelings anytime soon..."


Prometheus raised her head slightly, closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her azure blue pupils had disappeared, and both eyes had turned into orange pupils in Herrscher's form, symbolizing that the gears of the structure were moving Which rotates slowly.

Although it was true that Prometheus did not fully accept all the knowledge of the Void and Ten Thousand Zangs to evolve into a complete Herrscher of Reason in Nashida's Jingshan Palace at that time, it does not mean that she cannot do it.

In other words, she didn't need to accommodate all the knowledge in the first place.

As long as she is willing to give up the existence called [Humanity], she has long been able to reach the limit of the Herrscher of Reason, and exert the power of the structure to the true extreme.

A monster of absolute rationality, knowledge, at the cost of losing humanity and emotion.

It was an existence like a walking dead... In a sense, Prometheus at this moment was very similar to the individual existence of Reindolt.

But also because of this, she can exert the power of the Herrscher of Reason to the extreme.

This is the second time that the Herrscher of Reason has shown all of its authority on the Tivat continent, and it is different from Chen Luo's temporary full use of the power of thunder and lightning last time, her structure is not limited to the narrow history, but the history of [civilization] as a whole.

Even if it is a weapon that has only been looked at a few times, even if it is a device whose principle has not been fully understood, as long as the target creation is finally within reach with a mortal body.

All the miracles that [civilization] can achieve, and all the other shores that [civilization] can reach, the complete power of the Herrscher of Reason can make it reproduce in an instant.

For Prometheus, this [civilization] is not only the billions of years of time on the continent of Teyvat, but also everything of the great civilization inherited by the library of the void.

Holding the weight of two civilizations, the final battle is waged between the Herrscher of Reason and the False God.

Raising one hand, at a speed that Prometheus could not imagine, the power of the Herrscher of Reason quickly unfolded on the other side of the imaginary singularity, helping her complete the automatic construction procedure.

She needs firepower, firepower strong enough to suppress Reindort.

With such a simple thought, a huge fleet appeared beside her.

All kinds of military equipment spread out beside her, ready to pour firepower at the false god in front of her.

"Is this the technology of the world Alice visited? It's interesting, it's not the same route as our mainland..."

Reindotter commented on the fleet created by Prometheus with great interest.

"and also……"

Prometheus held out his other hand.

For the Tivat continent, the once pinnacle of technology was Kanria, the country of human intelligence. Their "cultivator" is the crystallization of technology, and it is also an invention capable of confronting the seven kingdoms of the world.

A wide variety of mechs appeared on the ground, including the two huge relic guards buried in the Xumi land.

"Kanria... it makes me feel a little [nostalgic]."

Reindott unexpectedly expressed a sigh of emotion. Facing the countless firepower pouring towards her, she did not stop, but walked leisurely towards Prometheus.

All the structures released their full power to the false gods, and the smoke filled almost all the nearby spaces, and the roar of artillery fire seemed to swallow the false gods inside.

With such firepower, I am afraid that even a country will be easily razed to the ground.

But when the gunpowder smoke dissipated, Reindot's body was surrounded by a transparent barrier, and all attacks were blocked by this barrier, making it impossible to go any further.

A [Restraint] barrier that can turn any form of Houkai energy into nothingness.This is also the only core of Herrscher that Reindott left on his body.

The power of restraint, a real herrscher killer, as long as she holds the power of restraint, all Herrschers will be vulnerable to her, and all attacks will be ineffective.

"If your goal is to buy time for your companions to do something, you shouldn't use such power. This is obviously far beyond the limit load you can bear, and instead shortens the time you can buy .”

Under the protection of restraint, the pseudo-god slowly approached the panting Prometheus step by step, while the artillery roared behind him, but it was difficult to hurt her in the slightest.


Compared with Reindotter's calmness, Prometheus's state is obviously not that good.

Even though the power of the Herrscher of Reason can achieve [omniscient and omnipotent], as a user, she has also suffered an unimaginable price.

"If we are not in opposing positions, I really want to accept you as my student."

Reindotter stopped in front of Prometheus.

As long as she stretches the barrier of restraint a little bit further, Prometheus, the herrscher, will be deprived of all his power by her.

"...You, you probably haven't fought much, have you?"

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