"The source of the power you use...is [the law that living things must perish]."

Ying said softly.

During her journey, she rarely mentioned this law to people. After all, almost the vast majority of Teyvat people could not recognize its concept. Puzzles that will be solved every day.

She used to be able to use this power, but after being sealed by the strange god, she lost the ability to use that power, and could only use the unique elemental power on the Tivat continent.

But now, another person who uses the [law of living must perish] appeared in front of him.

——Actually, Hei Xier should have noticed when Hei Xier dismantled Ganesha into pieces just now.

"... So you used this description to describe [Houkai]?"

For the phenomenon of collapse, different worlds have different descriptions of it.

Chen Luo naturally and directly called it [Honkai], and Istaru, the ruler of the time, described it as [the ruthless law in the universe], and travelers regarded it as [the law that living things must perish]. And in more other worlds, it may have other names, such as [Empty Disaster] or something...

But no matter which name it is, it is just a synonym, and these names point to the same thing.

"Did you... also come to Tivat from another world?"

Ying asked.

"Hmm...my situation is quite special, yes, but it's not right, but Xier and the others are indeed like you, they came here from other worlds."

Chen Luo explained.

"is that so……"

Ying nodded.

"I'm afraid you came here to look for the God of Ice, and your purpose is not just to find your blood relatives, I think...you should shoulder more important responsibilities."

Chen Luo pondered.


Ying didn't speak, but just picked up the long sword made of strange material in her hand.

"This sword... is called the Sword of Advent. The last time it was wielded was when people wanted to restore a dying world."

This weapon is the proof that they arrived in this world in a special form, and it is also a weapon that only those who provoke the world can hold.

"That world is our only and final home."

Ying said silently.

The result is naturally needless to say, her and Kong's homeland has long since ceased to exist, otherwise she would not have appeared here.

Holding a sword and provoking the law of [living must perish] in the universe is as ridiculous as charging a horse with a spear towards a windmill.

But in the face of such ultimate luck and the deep darkness that swallowed billions of stars, I am afraid that no matter what kind of weapon it is, it is not appropriate, so it is really this sword.

"My brother Kong and I crossed the star sea to find a new home. We have witnessed countless worlds, but here, this place called Tevat... is really strange."

During the long journey across the sky, Ying has witnessed the birth and death of countless passing stars.

Occasionally, the darkness will be dispelled for a short time, but it will sweep back again next time, engulfing the light again.

The law of the living must perish bites them, or all the worlds they have witnessed.

When they came to this place called Tevat, they were surprised to find that the law of death is not fully displayed here.

But when something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Although the law that the living must perish is suppressed here, people cannot recognize it.

"My brother Kong, he woke up in this world earlier than me. I think he must have discovered something here, so..."

Although they came to this world together, Ying and Sora did not wake up at the same time.

Kong completed his trip, found and awakened Ying, and wanted to take her out of this world, but was stopped by the maintainers of Tianli, and then there was the following story.

"I want to find my brother, and I want to reveal the mysteries of this world. This... is the meaning of our journey."

Chapter 7 The Experiment of the Artificial Herrscher

After passing through the increasingly violent snowstorm, the group finally moved from the gradual freezing layer to the middle freezing layer.

The wind and snow here are more violent than the previous gradually frozen layer, but after passing through the outer wind wall, there is no wind and snow inside, as if the wind and snow outside are just a barrier to protect this place.

Sure enough, as Paimeng and Ying said, this is a huge experimental field where all kinds of Honkai beasts crawl here, all of which have reached the level above the emperor level.

"Whether it is the Winter Kingdom or the Abyss Religion, have they already started to study Honkai and have achieved certain results..."

Chen Luo recalled the Beibeilong who was beheaded by Lei Movie in Heguan and the Tlaloc he met in Haiyuan City. Those two judgment-level Honkai beasts seemed to come from the abyss. Research findings are not directly linked.

"Look, I just said that there are really a lot of monsters here!"

Paimon pointed at the monsters in the huge experimental field.

"These Honkai Beasts...you should have seen them before, right?"

Ying nodded slightly.

"I've fought them many times...in various worlds."

Chen Luo glanced down, Pavanti, Ashibo, Ganesha... The types of Honkai Beasts are quite complete, and there are some types that Chen Luo can't name.

Of course, these are not naturally formed Honkai beasts, Chen Luo can feel that they were all born through the fusion and catalysis of the doctor's own slices.

In a sense, it should be regarded as an artificial Houkai beast, which can be driven by the doctor's own will.

"To be able to come up with such a way to control the Houkai Beast, the doctor's talent is indeed terrifying."

Of course, Chen Luo was more curious about the source of the doctor's research on the power of the Honkai. Even if the Ice Queen controlled the power of the ice law, if she really sealed herself in the lowest layer, it would not be so convenient for the doctor to study.

Hmm... In other words, there may be other herrscher cores.

However, the reason why the doctor set up the experimental field here is probably also to facilitate the cultivation of Houkai beasts by obtaining the Houkai energy released by the Ice Queen.

In short, before entering the lowest layer of permafrost to meet the Ice Queen, Chen Luo planned to find the doctor on this layer first.

"Columbia, can I stay here for a while?"

Chen Luo asked her guide.


Columbia didn't seem to care.

Find out the doctor's method... Naturally, it's a big disturbance in the heavens, and it's a surprise for the doctor.

However, what surprised Chen Luo was that Hei Xi'er, who was so interested in dismantling Ganesha just now, had no interest in making a move, and stood obediently by Bai Xi'er's side.

"...What's wrong?"

Chen Luo silently transmitted the voice to Hei Xi.

"Hmph, didn't you just get along with that guy named Ying just now, I left it to you to express yourself."

Hei Xier responded sourly.


Is it because of this...

"Are you jealous?"

Chen Luo asked with interest.

"……I do not have!"

He Xier replied stiffly.

"I was talking to her about business just now..."

Chen Luo tried to explain.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, anyway, I don't want to make a move, Xier is tired, Xier needs to rest."

Hei Xier replied perfunctorily.

"...Alright then, you protect Xi'er and Zhen, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

Chen Luo flew into the air, took a light breath, and faced the Honkai beasts all over the place, Chen Luo stretched out his hand.

The violent wind and thunder raged in his hands, turning into a terrifying attack and sweeping downwards, precisely killing the Honkai beasts before they could react, and destroying everything in the experimental field at the same time.

Because part of the doctor is fused into the bodies of these Houkai beasts, Chen Luo has no way to distinguish the real body of the doctor with the power of the law of consciousness—or in other words, each of these Houkai beasts is actually the doctor himself. There is no difference.

However, as long as Chen Luo made enough noise, he could always force the rational doctor out.

Sure enough, when Chen Luo's destruction was halfway through, a man wearing a winter cloak floated into the air and gradually approached Chen Luo's place.

"You are the one... who repeatedly and repeatedly thwarted the plans of the fools."

The Doctor is apparently still bitter about the hindrance to his experiments in Sumeru.

"It's the other way around, it's not that I blocked your plan, but you blocked my way forward."

Chen Luo narrowed his eyes and looked at the masked doctor in the air.

This guy... If what [Harlequin] Piero told Chen Luo is correct, the doctor is like a replica of [Golden] Reindotte.

The alien who is obsessed with scientific research has no concept of good and evil, right and wrong, and only wants to pursue the ultimate research...

Of course, Chen Luo still admits his ability. It is indeed a genius to develop the evil eye, strengthen the human body, and even slice the self, as well as the research on Honkai so far.

He might be a little better than Reindort, well, just a little bit, but his crimes cannot be forgiven.

Human experiments, blasphemy... This is also an out-and-out lunatic.

"Doctor, I heard that you like doing experiments very much, how about we do an experiment too?"

With a thought in Chen Luo's mind, the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness was deployed, covering all the remaining slices of the doctor.

"what have you done?"

The doctor sensed something was wrong.

"Well... it's just cutting off the consciousness link between the slices and turning them into independent individuals."

Chen Luo pondered.

The Honkai Beast and the doctor's slices who have lost their connection will naturally no longer live in harmony and be under unified control as before.

Soon, the roar of monsters came from the experimental field below, and a scuffle began.

This is a chaos involving no one else but only [Doctor] himself.

"Sly Rabbit Three Caves, I don't think the slices here are all yours?"

Although not all of them, it is the doctor's stronghold after all, if it is destroyed, it will still cause him a lot of loss.

Chen Luo floated in the air, quietly waiting for the doctor to come up with his trump card.

The doctor thought for a while, and sure enough, he took out something as Chen Luo expected.

"Although it's not the right time yet, let's start here, about the next stage of [experiment]."

The huge Honkai can pour out from the doctor's hand, there is no doubt that it is a Herrscher core.

"...About becoming an [Artificial Herrscher] experiment."


What the doctor used for his research was not the Ice Queen's Ice Law Core, but another core... Chen Luo had been puzzled by its whereabouts.

——Belongs to the core of the Herrscher of Rock.

Chapter 8 Inter-chapter Old Yantou, you can act quite well


Thanks to the long-term protection and meticulous guidance of the Emperor Yanwang, this country is the safest and most prosperous even among the Seven Kingdoms in the world.

After solving Xumi's Herrscher of Corrosion incident, Chen Luo still followed his original plan before entering Haiyuan City, and dispersed his many dominant avatars among the seven kingdoms of the world, so as to obtain the latest information in a timely manner.

Chen Luo left a body in Liyue, as for his identity, he naturally asked Ke Qing, who brought him into the city with the appearance of slime, to be registered in Yu Hengxing's residence as a guest.

Keep in touch with the Liyue Seven Stars, and you can also learn some information in time through their information network.

"Master Engraving, today's work is finished."

"...Don't call me by this name, like some master who sells offal on the street."

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