"Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs! Dad is so powerful, and his son is not bad, brave and fearless! If such a person is not promoted, who can be promoted?"

Perhaps it was infected by Azu. After Azu stepped forward, three or four team members stood up and wanted to enter the factory with Azu.

They also want to be promoted. Although it may be extremely dangerous after entering the factory, as the so-called crisis, only in a dangerous situation can there be opportunities.

Usually, they can get some meager credit, which is not bad, and it will take many years to get a chance to be promoted, but this time the person in charge admitted it in front of countless people, as long as they can investigate clearly The situation, and the support to the Flying Tigers, will severely credit a credit to them.

With such a credit, not much else to say, it is definitely not a problem to be promoted to a higher level!

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance. If you want to get something, you will naturally have to pay something. This is an eternal truth.

"Okay, then go in with a few of you. After everyone enters the factory, report the situation at any time. I will arrange everyone at the gate of the factory. Once it is confirmed that there is no problem, I will immediately lead people to rush in and arrest them. !"

The person in charge also knows that he can't bear the reason that children can't catch wolves. This time, even the Flying Tigers were defeated. The opponents are very difficult to deal with, but if they want to get this credit, everyone must take a certain risk. Risks do.

However, with five pathfinders in front, at least most of them are relatively safe, which can be regarded as a living force, able to support Azu and others at any time.

At this time, a few other people (Liao Nuo Zhao) who also wanted to follow Azu into the factory looked at Azu and became envious. They laughed a little earlier, but Azu had prepared so well. It was a bit of a mistake, but now the Flying Tigers are all looking like they have fallen, and it is not an exaggeration to be fully prepared.

Azu's gear that is armed to the teeth is really perfect for dealing with this situation.

But it's useless even if they are envious, they can't go back to the police station to get the equipment!

Therefore, they could only choose to bite the bullet, followed behind Azu, and entered the factory.

However, these people were very smart. Although they chose to follow Azu into the factory, they still valued their own comfort, so they chose to hide behind Azu.

With Azu being able to resist, and the heavily armed sandbags in front, they also felt relieved.

After all, if there is anything, Azu can lie down with a gun!

Although Azu knew what these people were thinking, he didn't say much. Don't look at these people hiding behind him, but no one knows what's going on in the factory yet!

It doesn't necessarily mean that those who hide behind are safe, and may even be more dangerous!

Azu, who grew up wearing a pair of trousers with Liang Max, understands this truth very well

Therefore, Azu broke into the factory almost immediately, and his vision dimmed instantly, because the whole factory only had a little light shining in, and the whole environment looked extremely dark!

But after Azu's eyes adapted to such a dark environment, he was also taken aback when he saw the layout of the entire factory, because the layout inside the factory was almost like a huge maze! .

Chapter 740 Provocation, a simple and rude way!

The labyrinth in the factory is huge, almost covering the entire factory.

Front, back, and back, there are countless passages leading to all directions. If someone with road dementia sees such a maze, he may be completely stunned!

Then I don't know what to do!

But Azu is not such a person. As a good friend who grew up with Liang Maisi, Liang Maisi's game and computer talents are definitely admired by Azu. Play to the big, unusually familiar.

As long as it is a maze, there will be a way to break it. After all, a maze is not a secret room, and it is impossible to create a maze that can never be walked out!

Of course, a smart person would have [-] ways to solve the maze, but Azu thought he was not a particularly smart person, he was just a person who was somewhat familiar with the maze.

If you want to rescue those Flying Tigers, you have to go into the maze. After all, there is no trace of the Flying Tigers outside, so the most likely thing is that the Flying Tigers have already entered the maze.

Right now, Azu's only solution is to enter the maze and rescue those Flying Tigers. This will test his familiarity with the maze and his ability to decipher it.

Azu looked at the few messengers behind him, who were already somewhat dazed, and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

"It seems that the guys behind are completely hopeless! You can only rely on yourself! I never thought that I would meet such an interesting master in this kind of place. If Liang Max knew about it, he might cry Let’s just shout and come and explore! After all, in the eyes of that guy, nothing is as fun as a game, let alone this exciting police maze game!”

Azu shook his head, sighed, and deeply suppressed all those messy thoughts.

Afterwards, he tidied up his equipment and was about to walk forward when suddenly someone grabbed him from behind!

Azu turned his head and looked, only to find that the one holding him back was the policeman standing behind him just now.

Immediately, Azu was a little unhappy, and asked in a very cold voice.


Azu's words, although 310 did not have the indifference of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but it was also very cold, and the tone was not too good, and it also shocked a few people.

They immediately let go of their hands, and took a few steps back unconsciously, apparently startled by Azu's tone and eyes.

"That's a maze! Azu, aren't you thinking about going in?"

Someone swallowed a mouthful of spit, forced himself to calm down, and then said to Azu.

"Yes! Azu! You can't enter the maze casually, otherwise you won't be able to get out!"

Obviously, the bad guy who said this may have been sanctioned by the labyrinth before, and he already has a shadow in his heart, otherwise he would never have the mentality of being bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years.

"That's right! Azu! Why don't we think about it!"

The last messenger was also a little hesitant. Although he didn't have any fear of the maze, he was still a little scared. After all, the maze is such a thing as the shadow of a person and the name of a tree!

After hearing the words of several people, Azu suddenly became a little unhappy. He wanted to make meritorious service, but he was still timid. What kind of future can such a person have?

"Don't think about it, the brothers of our Flying Tigers in the maze are still waiting for us to rescue! How can you say such frustrating words at this moment, if you don't go, I will go by myself!"

After saying this, Azu stepped into the maze almost without looking back, not caring about the people behind him.

After several people looked at each other in blank dismay, they saw that Azu had already walked into the maze, and finally gritted his teeth and rushed into the maze.

They also agreed to the person in charge that they were going to find out the members of the Flying Tigers. Now that the cruel words have been spoken, how could they let what they said before become fart because of a mere maze!

This also seems too embarrassing!

It is estimated that if they look back, they may be ridiculed by everyone. After all, with such a strong contrast from Azu, they may not be able to hold their heads up again in the future!

Instead of being a human being like that, it is better to fight vigorously once. If they succeed, then they will be popular and hot from now on. In the team, you can speak hard and have confidence,

That was exchanged with the lives of countless brothers, so he should accept such support!

Thinking of this, the hearts of the few of them were so fierce that they wished to rescue the Flying Tigers in the maze now, and then show off in front of their colleagues. After all, this is human nature, even Even gods are not exempt from vulgarity.

Azu, who entered the maze, saw the people chasing up behind him, he couldn't help but smile slightly, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, these people still had the guts to come in after all, they were not cowardly rats, they only knew how to take credit.

Deep down in his heart, Azu already had a little bit of recognition and recognition for these people!

In any case, this was the first time deep in Azu's heart, he recognized the police force.

Azu, who just joined the police force, can only say that he doesn't hate the policeman anymore, because he has found that his cognition is a bit biased. The object of his hatred is not the policeman, but his father.

Therefore, he slowly accepted his colleagues in the police force, accepting does not mean agreeing.

It is still very difficult to identify with a person. Only at the most difficult time, seeing a person's qualities will resonate at certain moments, resulting in the emotion of recognition, such as this moment!

At this time, Azu didn't speak, but deep down in his heart, he already regarded these people as friends, friends like Huobao, Max, and Liu Tian!

Azu had only a few friends like this since he was a child, so it is conceivable that the relationship among them is very unusual.

It may be because some of them have similar family backgrounds, but now Azu has placed the positions of several people on the same level as Huobao and others.

It is enough to imagine that Azu's deep-seated approval!

Azu knew that they came in with him this time, in fact, they just wanted to fight for a future. Although this was still a bit far from Azu's original intention, Azu had already decided that if he was promoted in the future, he would You can use them as a team, which can be regarded as supporting them.

After all, it is absolutely impossible for my future to be in a state of standing still, because that would be a failure for Azu, and Azu would never allow it!

And if he wants to climb up, he will inevitably have a group of his own confidantes. This is definitely Azu's weakness, because Azu lacks qualifications and time.

With time, you can have a lot of confidantes, but Azu's goal is to get promoted quickly, otherwise, how could he fight his father Guan Chun?

Therefore, in order to find some confidantes, Azu can only use some extreme methods. Just now Azu seemed very angry, but in fact he used some aggressive methods. He wanted to see if a few people had the courage to follow him. Come in.

If they don't have the guts to follow in, then they will be excluded by Azu, and if they have the guts, it is obvious that their future will be very lucky, at least with those guys outside who don't even have the guts to enter the factory , has drawn a large distance.

One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, this is not just empty talk in the police force!

Many people may not be very capable in terms of ability, but they got promoted because they followed the right boss.

This kind of thing happens all the time!

In this matter, even Wang Jin is not exempt. Although the first group of people who followed Wang Jin can no longer keep up with Wang Jin's rhythm, it is unavoidable that Wang Jin also gave them a lot. A position that is hard to come by.

These are the rewards that those old people should have received after following Wang Jin. On this point, Wang Jin is still a person who is clear about rewards and punishments!

Many people are willing to follow Wang Jin because of this. Of course, it is impossible to deny that Wang Jin is still full of charisma.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why many people are willing to work with Wang Jin!

Now, Wang Jin has finally made his mark. Although those old people can no longer keep up with Wang Jin's status, they are still majestic in their respective territories, and everyone should give some face, after all This is also Wang Jin's old subordinate.

Don't look at the monk's face, but also look at the Buddha's face, right?

In these years, who would dare to offend the energetic and young Wang Jin? Isn't that the old birthday star eating arsenic and looking for death!

Although Azu didn't know Wang Jin, he had heard about Wang Jin's legendary deeds after returning to Xiangjiang. Although he didn't expect to be like Wang Jin, after all, Wang Jin's deeds were too legendary , is unlikely to have the possibility of duplication!

But there are some things that Azu can still do!

After these thoughts flashed through his mind, Azu quickly suppressed these thoughts in his heart. He is still on a mission right now, so it is not suitable for thinking about these things. After everything is resolved, he is thinking about certain things It is not too late.

So, Azu carefully held the gun and walked in the front with the duty!

If you want to make great achievements, you must have outstanding results, which depends on performance, so it is not too late to perform now, and Azu did this to gain goodwill in front of a few future subordinates!

Anyway, Azu's equipment is the most complete one, walking in front of everyone, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Azu's action like this has indeed won the favor of several people. After all, it is a bit shameful for them to bite the bullet and come in. Azu said everything like that before.

They come in now, can they not feel ashamed!

Even, they didn't even dare to meet Azu's eyes, so they could only lower their heads so that no one could see their faces.

But after they came in, they realized that Azu didn't say anything, and he didn't mean to ridicule or blame.

Immediately, they wanted to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere with Azu.

"Azu, we..."

When several people were about to talk to Azu, Azu turned his head, put his index finger on his lips, and made a silent movement.

A few people were taken aback for a moment, but after seeing Azu's eyes signaling, they immediately understood that it was Azu who heard something and asked everyone to calm down.

In an instant, several people immediately shut their mouths knowingly, and the whole person became vigilant, because they didn't know whether what Azu heard was their own people or the enemy!

After all, in the case of this maze, anything can happen.

After Azu silenced everyone, his eyes kept wandering around the walls and the ceiling above, and his ears were pricked up, constantly listening to the movement.

Although Azu's ears heard slight movements, it was really difficult to meet those people in the maze environment.

However, Azu's eyes were constantly wandering, and it was not without discoveries. He found a monitor in the corner of the ceiling, and then Azu's mouth curled into a disdainful smile.

He thought that there could be something new about the layout of the maze, but unfortunately it was all the old stuff, it was just leftovers from his and Max's play.

Not worth mentioning at all!

Azu, who smiled disdainfully, stretched out his middle finger and pointed at the monitoring equipment. After making a gesture of provocation and contempt that can almost be seen in the whole world, he raised the gun in his hand and blew up the monitoring equipment. up.

By doing this, Azu was undoubtedly provoking the people behind this maze, but Azu didn't care at all. His purpose of doing this was to anger the master behind this maze

Only when the person behind this maze is completely enraged, and wants to teach Azu a lesson, will the other party end completely!

Only in this way can Azu have a chance!

This is what Azu learned from Max, the simplest and most effective way to break the maze, even simpler than those maze cracked versions!

Since you can't easily find the exit of the maze, let the maze owner come to you in person!

In that case, there is no need for you to spend time and find any exits. Just grab the owner of the maze and ask him to finish the job. In fact, the owner of the maze is very stubborn. The export is also completely in time!

Azu's method is so simple and rude, but in this case, it is also a good method!

And indeed, just as Azu expected, after he made a provocative move towards the monitor, the other party was completely furious! .

Chapter 740 The second sinister idea!

The person behind the factory can set up this maze to fight against the police, which means that he is quite confident!

And this kind of self-confident person is often a person with high self-esteem and strong self-esteem, that is, a smart person!

Smart people have one thing in common, that is, they cannot stand any provocation, because it is a blasphemy to their intelligence.

If you played according to his rules and successfully solved the maze, then he might have nothing to say, but Azu's behavior is really unacceptable!

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