To be honest, this task is indeed a bit troublesome.

But in order not to arouse Candice's suspicion, she still took it.

As Candice said, there are many ex-PACs within the FDA.

Even though she has a disguise now, there are still many of these people who can recognize her.

This is why she finds it troublesome.

After all, her mission this time was not recorded.

This also means that Ariel's identity may be exposed at any time.

Even exposed to the hands of people who don't know it.

Not thinking about it so much, Ariel took a deep breath.

Go inside the Food Administration.


PS: I finished writing. In essence, this chapter should have been posted yesterday morning, but I was too sleepy at night, and I had to ensure the quality of this chapter, so I didn’t post it.

A few hours late, sorry sorry.

Get back on your feet today.

Chapter 76 Chapter 71 About the fact that you always meet acquaintances when you go undercover

The Food Administration, to be precise, does not belong to the same department as the PAC, but the connection between the two is not light.

Because the Food Administration often offends some companies, its employees are often subject to some retaliation.

Even in the headquarters of the Food Administration, there will be people sneaking into it to tamper with data. Although it is only a regulatory department, the danger is no less than that of PAC, and it is more because of the security system.

Because of this, PAC sent many people to support the Food Administration, including many of Ariel's former colleagues.

It has to be said that this job is not easy to handle, at least Bellamy thinks so.

It's not how difficult this matter is, it's just that the boring life of two o'clock and one line every day really makes people feel a little numb.

After all, they all came from the PAC. In the past, they could at least hit the gangs or something, but now they are purely fishing.

Ever since the PAC people stayed here, those gang members didn't dare to come to make troubles, which put the sent people into a very embarrassing situation.There is no way to evacuate, but there is nothing to do to stay here.

In this contradictory situation, life is inevitably boring.

Bellamy flipped through the tablet in his hand a little bored, on it, the Nuka-Cola incident not long ago was being discussed.

Because she was in the Food Administration Bureau, she had heard about this matter a long time ago.

It is said that someone in the Food Administration received money and did not conduct a complete test, and did not admit the incident until the incident broke out.

According to the re-evaluation of the raw materials, there is a certain degree of radiation, but the harm to the human body is unknown. This situation prevents them from making a second test.

However, during the first test, it was true that NASCAR had received money. Once this matter is exposed, it will inevitably reduce the public's trust in the Food Administration.

In this dilemma, the Food Administration can only admit that it is unlucky.

At present, all they can think of is to forge a piece of data, deliberately blur the unknown item, temporarily stabilize the trend of public opinion, and prevent the Food Safety Bureau from being drawn into the center of the incident.

As for what happens next, it has nothing to do with them.

Bellamy sneered, and threw the tablet on the table casually.

All this group of people could think of was this stupid way of avoiding the important and neglecting the important, and she could even imagine how things would go in the future.

It was nothing more than that after the matter calmed down a bit, the Supervision Bureau revealed this unknown data during the third or even fourth inspection, and promptly disassociated itself from it.Even if something happens in the future, there are reasons to shirk.

But in Bellamy's view, this method is completely useless, and the credibility of the Supervision Bureau will definitely be reduced. As for how much it will be reduced, it will depend on how big the incident is in the end.

The way to really help them is to be clear and frank, kick out the bribed Food Administration executive, and then place all the responsibilities on him.

Although it will hurt for a while, at least you don't have to worry about hidden dangers.

But obviously, Bellamy's approach is impossible to achieve.After all, those executives have more or less received something.After this incident was exposed, what they thought was not how to solve it, but how to cover it up.

After all, the one who took the bribe was just a microcosm of one of them.

"On the right side of the main entrance, a humanoid creature, female, with camouflage on the face. It has been waiting for nearly 7 minutes, the purpose is unknown, the alert level is low"

A mechanical electronic sound came from the drone on the side, bringing Bellamy's thoughts back to reality.

"Who, can the identity be confirmed?"

Bellamy asked.

"Under analysis... After the analysis, the person is wearing the employee uniform of the Capet Consortium. According to logic, it should be an employee of NASCAR."

"Send me the video."

After the words fell, 20 seconds later, a video file was sent to Bellamy's communication.

She clicked on the video, and in the picture, a black-haired woman was hovering at the gate with some hesitation.

It can be seen that the other party's expression is a bit embarrassed, and his approximate height can be roughly inferred from the appearance in the video.

For some reason, this person always gave Bellamy a familiar feeling.

Bellamy thought of the description given by the defense system at the beginning again, like a ghost, she asked

"The face is camouflaged... Can it be restored to its original appearance?"

In the picture, the appearance of the black-haired woman is enlarged, and various data are analyzed on it.

"Parsing...could not be restored."

The text appeared, and then the mechanical electronic sound came again:

"It is impossible to restore the appearance before the camouflage, and the algorithm needs to be optimized."

"What a waste."

Bellamy felt a little disgusted.

The security system here at the Food Administration is really incomparable to that at the PAC headquarters, but this is normal, it's just that Bellamy is a little uncomfortable.

"Can you do this?"

"This system is based on the XPS basic version, which is the most in-depth optimization, and is located at the top of the XPS system..."

As if in response to Bellamy's doubts, the electronic voice began to brag about its own advantages.

"Damn it, XPS is a thing from ten years ago and you still use it to blow it up, can you change it to something else?"

"This system is equipped with XSX monitor, which can realize full-time monitoring without dead ends..."

"You always wonder what your equipment from ten years ago was for."


Seeing the silence of the system, Bellamy sneered, and then ignored it, but focused on the woman at the door.

The more I look at this person, the more familiar I feel.

It can't be a disguise made by someone you know, right?

What is the purpose of going to the Capet Consortium in disguise?

Bellamy began to ponder.

Anyway, let's go see her.


Ariel looked at the scene in front of her, and was a little stunned for a moment.

There are not many people in the Food Administration, which is completely different from the last time she came.

In the past, in order to deal with the conflict between the Food Safety Bureau and the gang, PAC specially sent Ariel to resolve it.

The last time I came here, the security facilities were so crude that they could be ignored compared to this time.

After the scanner confirmed her identity and whether she was carrying a weapon, she was released.

A drone flew over not far away, and the electronic sound seemed mechanical and cold:

"Miss Amy, please stand where you are, and you will be accompanied by security personnel later."

Hearing this sentence, Ariel's heart skipped a beat, and she had a bad premonition.

Before she could react, the next moment, something she didn't want to happen still happened.

"Miss Amy, is it?"

Aside, a female voice came.

It was Bellamy in police uniform.

That is, her former colleagues.


PS: Well.. Everyone gave me suggestions to fix the update time. After that, I will try to update at the two time periods of [-]:[-] pm and [-]:[-] am (but I am not sure when the third update is every day)

Five updates today, this is the first update

Chapter 77 Chapter 72 Ariel who has not yet discovered that she has been exposed

Bellamy may not be familiar to others, but to Miss Ariel, the PAC Senior Superintendent, she is very familiar.

It's not that Bellamy's reputation is great in PAC, but that the two of them used to be members of the same group.

Bellamy is one of the few PAC ordinary police officers that Ariel has seen that can surpass her in single combat ability.

In fact, according to Bellamy's ability and qualifications, she can be rated as a senior police officer.However, because the girl was too irritable, she would always make some emotional mistakes in previous missions.

Like accidentally killing the target or something...

Due to Bellamy's different ideas from hers, although they were teammates in the same team before, the relationship between the two can't be called close.

After Ariel became a senior police officer, the relationship between the two became more distant.

There was basically no contact after that.

So the other party must not know that she is sneaking into the Capet Consortium now.

Forget it, just pray that the other party doesn't recognize her.

"What is Miss Amy here for?"

Like chatting, Bellamy asked.

"It was the Supervision Bureau who asked me to send the samples for testing."

Ariel spoke unnaturally.

This sentence contained many meanings, but Ariel didn't realize that this sentence of hers exposed the connection between the Supervision Bureau and NASCAR.

The test samples are provided by the party under test, and what is hidden behind this is clearly revealed.

Before the test starts, the test result is already doomed.

As Bellamy said at the beginning, this is just a show for the company and the regulator.

Hearing Ariel's words, Bellamy nodded without saying anything.

Regarding the intention of the other party's visit, Bellamy had already guessed, and Miss Amy's answer did not surprise her.

Those people from the Supervision Bureau are really rotten to the core.

Sighing a little, this kind of thing actually doesn't matter to Bellamy.After all, she is just an ordinary police officer of the PAC, and her thoughts cannot change the role of the senior management of the Supervision Bureau.

The only thing that can be done is to publish some remarks on the Internet about nuclear drinks, so that fewer people will be victimized.

After all, there is no way for anyone to make a judgment on whether the undetectable harm really exists.

That's why Bellamy didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, after all, she was good at beating people.

If beating up the boss of NASCAR would solve the problem, she put on her fists and went to beat that Candice Cape right now.

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