Kojo declined Yase's invitation, and instead of going to the dessert shop for coffee with him, he took the tram to the second-floor Research Street in the North District of Itogamijima.

In the waiting area, Gu Cheng saw a baby-faced woman, whose beauty was described as cute enough.

Even if she is over 30 years old, she has not been able to carve any marks on her face.

His long hair was disheveled and hadn't been properly tidied up, and the white coat he was wearing was also crumpled. He was playing with his mobile phone and humming a song.

The sloppy and undisciplined image of an adult has made Gucheng more than once buried.

"You should have an afternoon to take care of it, right?"

Gu Cheng walked over, frowning.

"What's the matter? It's not about going out with some handsome guy. Just be casual. People won't mind."

This woman in a white coat is none other than Kojo's mother Xiao Shensen.

Hearing his son's tone of teaching him a lesson, he giggled and bluffed.

Gu Cheng could only roll his eyes helplessly.

Afterwards, he and his mother, Xiao Shensen, walked about [-] meters forward and stopped in front of the main entrance of a complex building that was not inferior to MAR.

Like MAR, this company is a super-large company involved in many fields-the White House scientific agency.

At present, it shares the market equally with MAR Company on Xianshen Island.

The two are both rivals and partners.

"Please call Ms. Sakayanagi for me. I made an appointment yesterday. I am Xiao Shensen from MAR Company."

At the front desk, Xiao Shensen was rarely serious, although her clothes still looked very messy.

"Hello, Ms. Xiao, this way please."

The female artificial life at the front desk inquired about the itinerary arranged by the company yesterday, and saw that Xiao Shensen's name was recorded on it, so she smiled and asked another female waiter to lead Xiao Shensen's mother and child in front.

Following the service staff of the White House scientific agency, Gu Cheng slightly clenched his fists, and there was a hint of excitement and urgency in his eyes.

Chapter 75 Getting Started

"Sorry, I have something to deal with over there, and I kept you two waiting for a long time."

After waiting in the reception room on the third floor of the White House Science Building for about 5 minutes, Sakayanagi walked in from the outside. He saw Xiao Shensen and his son for the first time, with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Where, Miss Sakayanagi can take time out of her busy schedule to come here, I feel very honored."

Xiao Shensen didn't dare to underestimate this young girl, her nature was definitely not as weak and harmless as she appeared on the outside.

Moreover, the matter of this visit was of great importance, so it was rare for her to put away her indecent expression of a hippie smile, and her demeanor was solemn.

"You don't have to be so polite, you two just treat this place as your own home. Please sit down."

Xiao Shensen just smiled at Sakayanagi's polite words, and sat down quietly.

Gu Cheng sat down next to Xiao Shensen, his expression was a little nervous, and he seemed to be expecting something.

Sakayanagi chose to sit opposite them so that he could better communicate with the mother and son of the Xiao family, so he took the lead with a smile and said, "Excuse me, Ms. Xiao, there shouldn't be much business between our White House scientific agency and MAR company. At most, it’s some conflict over market products, but it’s harmless. I don’t think it’s because of commercial competition, right?”

"Miss Sakayanagi, please rest assured, I'm not here for business. Besides, if it's business, it won't be me, the director of the medical department." Xiao Shensen pondered what he wanted to say, and continued to speak to Sakayanagi Said: "Actually, the purpose of coming this time is for a private matter at home."

Sakayanagi glanced at the face of the Fourth True Ancestor in Gucheng, as if he understood something, nodded and said, "Is it related to the Fourth True Ancestor?"

"Not bad. I want to make a deal with Miss Sakayanagi."

Xiao Shensen admitted it without denying it. It is useless to hide it in front of smart people, and there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

With the special status of the White House Science Agency on Itogami Island, it is extremely easy to find out the identity information of the Fourth Primogenitor.

For outsiders, it is difficult to obtain information about the Fourth True Ancestor. For part-time high-level personnel of local agencies, all information about the ancient city is transparent and open.

"Please tell me, Ms. Xiao."

The expression on Sakayanagi's face became a little more cautious.

To be honest, the research on vampires and beasts has been carried out by the White Garden Agency affiliated to the True White Night Palace without interruption.

However, the research department of the White Garden has reached a bottleneck period that is difficult to break through in the research experiments on vampires and beasts.

If you want to continue to explore the secrets of vampires and beasts, you can only start with the memory of Glenda, the holy watcher, or investigate the true ancestor himself.

"I would like to entrust you with the manufacture of an artificial vampire body capable of holding spirit bodies."

Gu Cheng felt that the content of the conversation in the conference room was too depressing, so he took a step away and went to the reception hall on the first floor of the building to rest.

Leaving aside his inconspicuous mother, that little dwarf commentator is also not an easy guy.

The words of the two were sharp, as if they were fighting fiercely on the battlefield.

As for the final outcome of the negotiation, Gucheng thinks that maybe both parties take a step back and end up with it.

After all, the payment fee proposed by his mother Xiao Shensen was quite tempting to the young judge.

Specifically, Gucheng can only choose to believe.

If it succeeds, Agulola's body will be secured, and he will soon be able to appear in reality in the form of a flesh, not just a voice in his head.

The thought of Agulola appearing in front of him with a real body made Gucheng's heart beat more violently.

Speaking of which, the last time I saw Agulola's entity was before April this year.

The feast of the flames of the fourth ancestor was held in April, and the location was located in the abandoned area of ​​Itogami Island.

While thinking wildly, the arrogant voice of some rude guy came from his head.

——Hey, idiot boy, you will not forget the agreement with me, right?

—Who are you calling a fool?

Hearing 'Yuan Chu' calling himself an idiot, Gu Cheng's tone became dissatisfied.

——Of course it's you, I don't know who was severely taught by someone with a beast last time?Forget it, let's not talk about this, have you forgotten something important?


--Body.You promised to create a body for me to accommodate spirits, please don't tell me that you have completely ignored this matter!

The tone of 'Yuanchu' is very cold, with a vague murderous look.

——I haven’t forgotten, what I promised you, I will definitely do it for you.

——Then why only make a body for the doll, and not make one for me?

The puppet refers to Agulola, and the wording of "original" is as harsh as ever, despising the status of people, as if he is so noble.

She was right. This time she came to the White House Science Institute, relying on the high technology here to create an artificial vampire body that can accommodate Agulola's spirit body, but it doesn't have the 'original' one.

Gucheng quickly gave the answer that 'Original' wanted.

——Isn’t the situation different?Agulola and you are not in the same order of magnitude, and the artificial life forms that can be used by Agulola may not necessarily be available for you to use.

——That's true, of course, mere puppets can't be compared with me, the complete fourth primogenitor.My body needs to be stronger.

'Original' still spoke loudly, speaking with pride.

'Original' is the 'cursed soul' of the entire Fourth True Ancestor, holding most of the authority of the Fourth True Ancestor's abilities.

And Agulola is just one of the twelve bodies of the fourth primogenitor, and its own magnitude is lower than that of the 'original'.

As Kojo said, being able to bear the body of Agulola's spirit body may not necessarily be able to bear the pressure of the 'original' possession.

Unless "Original" is willing to focus on Agulola and share a body with Agulola.

But in this way, the situation is actually the same as before, without any change.

In the past days, Agulola existed as the monitor of "Original", and "Original" definitely didn't want to return to the previous life, being suppressed by Agulola.

What she wants is freedom, not being controlled by others.

——In that case, why didn't you create a stronger body for me?Can you completely get me out of the current predicament?Are you afraid of me?Don't want me to be free again?

——I don't think Gucheng is afraid of you, 'Original'.

It was Agullola who said this, and with the current posture of 'Original', there was no way to threaten her again.

Because both of them are now attached to the ancient city and survived.

——Oh, there is room for you to speak here, puppet?

——I'm right, Gucheng won't be afraid of you.

——Then why don't you make me a body first?Instead, let your puppet take the first step?

—No money.

Gu Cheng interjected, answering the 'Original' question in a very simple manner.


'Original' didn't expect Gucheng to give such a reason.

——Entrusting this company to manufacture a body that meets the strength level of Agulola's spirit body, my family is already on the verge of bankruptcy. If we have a higher strength, our family can only go to the street to beg.I think you don't want to hear the news about the Fourth Primogenitor going down to the streets to beg.

Gucheng's words sounded miserable.

This extremely heavy topic of reality made 'Original' silent.

At this moment, an exclamation came from Gucheng's ear:

"...the fourth primogenitor!?"

There is a strong sense of vigilance in the surprise.

Gu Cheng felt that the voice was very familiar, so he turned his head to look at the owner of the voice.

The other party was a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, with a very beautiful appearance, a silver sword on her back, and a black musical instrument case.

"It's you...what's your name?"

Gucheng sighed indifferently.

It's this idiot voyeur from The Lion King Agency again.

"Yu Bo Weili, the sword wizard of the Lion King mechanism."

It was Yu Bo Weili who came to the White House Science Building, and he frowned dissatisfiedly when he heard Gu Cheng's words with obvious disregarding intentions, and solemnly stated his identity briefly.

"I'm not interested in your name and identity, let's not talk about this, why are you here?"

Gucheng was also quite helpless towards this little girl, and was puzzled by her appearance here.

Could it be that they followed him again?

"I should be the one to ask this question, why are you here, the Fourth True Ancestor Xiao Gucheng?"

In the reception hall, apart from Gucheng and Weili, there are only artificial life body waitresses who guard the door at the front desk.

She just smiled slightly at the quarrel here, and didn't intend to come over to stop it.

"It's really impolite. You follow me around all day and say what am I doing here? I shouldn't have a reason to answer your question."

Kojou's legitimate speech made Weiri stare at him more vigilantly.

"Don't make trouble here, and don't hurt the innocent, or I won't spare you lightly."

"Speaking like I'm a criminal, I'm a good citizen who abides by the law. If you play enough games, just disappear from my side quickly. If this continues, I can only tell my guardian, the Witch of the Void. How about it, are you scared? Let me tell you, that Yue-chan is very scary when she gets angry, and she will make you do your homework until you spit it out. Are you afraid?"

Faced with the plausible threat of the ancient city, Wei Li was stunned.

"I see, I will continue to watch you."

Walking past Gucheng, she knew that Gucheng didn't like following him, and Weili didn't want to either.

This is an arrangement made by the upper echelon of the Lion King's organization, and the task can only be obeyed.

Following such a dangerous person all day long, Weili was actually terrified, fearing that one day the ancient city would go mad, let the beasts in his body run wild, and destroy the entire Xianshen Island, and many people would surely die.

——What an idiot, a little girl dares to show off in front of you, if it were me, I would have sucked her blood dry.She is a superior spiritual talent, the taste of blood must be very good.

'Original' secretly ridiculed the incompetence of the ancient city in his heart.

——Hey, don't instigate minors to commit crimes and commit crimes by sucking blood in the Demon Zone.If Na Yuechan knew about this kind of behavior, he would be imprisoned and forced to reform.

- Strength is the law.If you idiot could understand this truth and open up your mind, this island would have been your territory long ago.

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