The power of the spirit furnace is not unlimited, and the high-dimensional spiritual power is not inexhaustible.

As the intensity of the battle increases, the energy will be consumed faster.

But to outsiders, this is already a very good record, even exceeding their expectations.

Because they know that the strength of modeling angels depends on many factors.

The more excellent the spiritual center is, the higher the level and the stronger the fighting power will be after being reincarnated as a molded angel.

Of course, they don't care about the issue of the spiritual center now, and they don't care whether the young girl angel who performed on stage is the strongest or the weakest among the sixteen model angels. They only care about the model angel now. Sell'?

They wouldn't believe that the White House scientific agency held this kind of circus just for them to show off.

To be honest, if it is military deterrence, this level of strength is not enough.

At least many countries dare not say that there are props or people with special abilities to restrain and mold angels, but the Empire of the Night, or countries with powerful military forces such as the Moscow Empire, must not be afraid of molded angels.

Not being afraid does not mean that they can ignore it, and equip their country with a model angel army using high-dimensional power... This idea is also very good.

The premise to model angels to circulate externally.

They wouldn't believe that a blood-sucking businessman, a politician who made Xianjin Island a city full of storms, would be a great person who selflessly and openly modeled angel technology.

So, you don't plan to sell the modeling angel technology, do you plan to make it yourself and sell it?Or is there another way to make money?

Soon, their questions were answered before they were asked.

The staff of the artificial life girl sent hundreds of commercial contracts drawn up in advance to the representatives of each country and organization, so that they could have a general understanding of the White House scientific agency's plan to sell model angels.

Some people showed helplessness, some frowned, some secretly worried, some secretly scolded Sakayanagi as a scammer, and did not play like this.

Allador, the chairman of the Imperial Council of the Battle King Domain, who took the lead in reaching an agreement with Sakayanagi, started cursing people without seeing half of it. He only started to slander and curse Sakayanagi after reading the entire agreement.

It's not a thing.

Based on the average counterfeiting of warships in the world today, the cost of a small warship is about 8000 million to [-] million U.S. dollars.

The cost of a medium-sized battleship is between [-] million and one billion US dollars. If it is a large and super-large warship... Basically, it cannot be purchased with money, and it needs to be exchanged on an equal basis.

Large and super large warships are equivalent to a country's heavy weapons.

In the contract, Sakayanagi proposed that the price of a model angel be [-] million U.S. dollars.

That's right, the cost of making a molded angel is $[-] million.

This is a money grab.

In addition, it was stated in the contract that only half of the funds would be accepted, that is to say, the White House scientific agency only needed to get [-] million US dollars, and the other [-] million US dollars had to be exchanged for technology and resources at the same price.

In the end, Sakayanagi added the non-sale technology to the terms, allowing countries to collect women with high spiritual power and transport them to the White House scientific agency. back.

People buy it, money, technology, and resources are all paid by the buyer, and the White House scientific agency is only responsible for 'processing'.

$[-] million in funding, plus the equivalent of $[-] million in technology and various resources.The total price of a model angel is [-] million U.S. dollars, which is more expensive than the cost of a small warship.

"Miss Sakayanagi, I have read this contract no less than ten times before. Your company's 'processing fee' a little expensive."

Arrador sighed and couldn't help saying this.

He got the agreement earlier than the people present, but he still thought the cost was too expensive.

Two hundred million dollars... is faster than grabbing.

"I don't think so, Speaker Alador, I just watched the military exercise. In terms of destructive power, the model angel is not comparable to a small warship, but in terms of maneuverability, defense performance, and adaptability to the three battlefields of water, land and air, the cost If it’s around $[-] million, it’s more reasonable.”

Ibrisbel Yaziz from the Extinct Dynasty expressed his opinion. The young male lion fits his image very well. He is also one of the warriors of the Extinct Dynasty's Fighting Faction and a direct blood relative of the Second True Ancestor.


"The reason why the original basis is doubled is because the material costs for making the modeled angels are also paid by the White House Science Agency, and we are only responsible for providing prototype objects. And the most important point is that the annual maintenance costs of the battleship will be spent Tens of millions, and there is a life cycle. The molded angels are different, they do not need maintenance, they can enter and exit any battlefield anytime, anywhere, and they can be used in military warfare until the end of their lifespan. In the next ten years, It may be that we buyers suffer, and ten years later, we will make money."

After careful consideration, Iblis Baer basically agreed with the content of the agreement Sakayanagi gave him.

The only headache is not selling technology.The blank market for modeling angels has been completely eaten up by the White House scientific agency. They can't even drink a little soup.

Looking at Bambi Aita beside Banyanagi, this must be the reason why she dared to eat alone.

There is also the mysterious force behind the "True White Night Palace" that she claims to be behind.

It must be a powerful organization not weaker than the Empire of the Night.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding. In fact, this is a reasonable price that I have considered after careful consideration. It is neither too high nor too low. After all, the quantity must be limited."

The three representatives of the Empire of the Night nodded. It is true that there is a need to limit the number of circulations. The big countries do not need to use this to start a war, but those small countries that are about to move and want to increase their voice will not be so law-abiding.

After obtaining powerful military weapons, they will definitely compete secretly and take a series of military actions.

Some small countries may not be economical, but they may have some valuable and rare resources, or secret treasures, technology, etc., which can be used to introduce model angels.

The technology referred to in the contract is not only science and technology, but also magic, incantations, etc., which can also be regarded as the category of 'technology'.

Only La Folia, who was sitting by the side, had a complex and helpless face. In the hands of the Kingdom of Ardikia, the modeling angels were not carried forward, but in the hands of outsiders, and the finished products were sold to the international arms market.

If the Kingdom of Aldikia obtained this technology... the Empire of the Night dare not say, at least the North Sea Empire would be severely suppressed.

It's a pity that now I can only dream, and there are everything in the dream.

The most exasperating thing is that she still has to lick her face to buy it. For a long time to come, molded angels will be the mainstream weapons of war in the world.

Obviously they were the first in the Kingdom of Ardichia.

Damn Hayase Kensei!

Why did you leave the technology of modeling angels to outsiders?

Kill a thousand swords!

Seeing Kensei Haase's calm and elegant face, La Folia was furious.

At this moment, she didn't point at Hase Xiansheng's nose and yell at him, which can be regarded as a very good self-cultivation.

"By the way, I remember that it was written on the last page of the contract that when it becomes effective at midnight tonight, within the next three days, if you make an appointment in advance to let our White House scientific agency process the modeling angel, you can enjoy a [-]% discount. If you order If the quantity reaches more than [-], you can enjoy a [-]% discount, only for the first three days."

Sakayanagi said with a smile.

[-]% discount, [-]% discount... Is this a big price reduction event in the mall?Everyone complained in their hearts.

Hearing this, Iblisbeer, the young lion who exterminated the dynasty, said in doubt: "If this is the case, wouldn't you be at a disadvantage, Ms. Sakayanagi?"

He didn't understand Sakayanagi's strategy. In fact, if she raised the price a little more, even though it would make everyone bored, Iblisbeer believed that many people would come to buy it.

From the current point of view, Iblis Baer does not think that Sakayanagi is a person who is easy to lose.

So, where does she feel she is making money?

"It doesn't matter, lose a little money, and gain everyone's friendship. I think this is the most important thing. We can't let the interests damage our friendship. Friendship is priceless."

Sakayanagi smiled generously and naturally.

Anyway, the technology of modeling angels belongs to this world, and Sakayanagi thinks it is very worthwhile to be able to use the technology of this world to exchange for the technology and resources of this world, and even get thanks from these people.

The principal she took out from the True White Night Palace at the beginning... was only the Philosopher's Stone less than half the size of her fist, which was enough for her to make tea, and it was used up just last month.

Just treat it as a loss, and let the other party feel that it is a blood profit.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the collection of air.

In the future, countless women with high spiritual power and physique will be automatically sent to the White House scientific institution and transformed into model angels.

The buyer has obtained a modeled angel that is more effective than a small warship, and has the ability to adapt to the third-line combat of water, land and air. As long as there is no major damage, there is no need to waste money on warranty, and the service life is extremely long. No matter how you look at it, the buyer is not at a loss. Yes, and made a lot of money back, at least there is no doubt that the country's military strength has increased.

And the True White Night Palace obtained a large amount of resources and technology sent by the buyer on its own initiative, as well as a large number of modeled angels that were extradited at that moment to create the "spirit" of the main material of the godhead.

In Sakayanagi's view, the purchaser gets what he wants, and the True White Night Palace also gets what he needs, and there is no conflict of interest between the two parties.

In other words, both parties will not lose money, and it is a happy situation. At least in the next ten years, the cooperation can be maintained well.

By the time the resources are exhausted and the interests of the two parties have a complete conflict, the True White Night Palace has long since withdrawn from the stage. What does the future of this world have to do with her, Ban Liu Youqi?

"Miss Nangong, thank you very much for coming here tonight, it really makes me shine."

At this moment, Sakayanagi suddenly said something with a smile.

I didn't care about the intrigue between these people at all, and I was concentrating on eating the dessert sent by the artificial life girl, and there was still cream on my mouth that I didn't wipe off.

Seeing everyone looking over, Nayue let out an embarrassing uh, she didn't expect Sakayanagi to talk to her suddenly, she hasn't finished eating the cake yet.

Putting down the delicious fruit cake, while gracefully picking up the Jinpa to wipe off the white cream around her mouth, Nayue responded to Sakayanagi: "You're welcome, this is what I should do as a demon attack officer."

In fact, Sakayanagi is quite a good person, generous and not stingy.

Such top-level delicacies and desserts are placed outside, and they cannot be bought without hundreds of thousands of dollars, all of which are high-end products.

I really hope she holds a banquet every night, so that she, the Witch of the Void, can come over to maintain 'law and order' every night.

Unfortunately, this idea can only be thought about in my heart.

"Miss Sakayanagi, may I ask a question?"

La Folia spoke at this moment.

"Please, Your Royal Highness."

Sakayanagi turned around and smiled.

"Has Xia Yin been reincarnated as a molded angel?"

La Folia looked at Xia Yin, who was not moving, and frowned.

In front of so many people, she couldn't just call Xia Yin her aunt directly, and it would be a scandal if she didn't mention her grandfather.

"Yes. Your Royal Highness, the molded angel you just saw in battle is numbered FA-3-001. It is No. [-] of the third army of molded angels and serves as the captain."

"What about Xia Yin? Could it be that she is a molded angel from the first unit?"

The basis for modeling angels can only be done based on women who have the blood of the Kingdom of Ardikia.

This technology was originally designed to serve each generation of princesses with high spiritual power in the Kingdom of Aldikia, but due to the original modeling angel technology, the creation process was too cruel, coupled with the immaturity of the technology and the shortage of funds, etc. In the end, Al The royal family of Digia gave up and sealed the technology.

If the modeling angel technology of the True White Night Palace was created and changed on the basis of Ardikia's modeling angel technology, then it is very likely that the original part has not been changed.

In other words, the moment these girls completed their promotion, it was impossible for Xia Yin, who had the royal blood of Ardikia, to fail to be promoted to a molded angel.

It is still possible to keep the modeling angel in the present world. This is a subversive technology. It is impossible for the White House scientific agency to disclose it to the public, and it is impossible to sell it unless it is exchanged with the same top-secret technology.

"Unfortunately, I guessed wrong, Your Royal Highness. The sixteen model angels are arranged from the first unit to the sixteenth unit. Xia Yin does not belong to this row. She is a member of the zeroth unit." members exist."

Modeled Angel enlistment number is FA-0-000.

The original complete modeling angel is also the 'mastermind' of the True White Night Palace's modeling angel army.

She is the only one in the entire '0' troop.

Chapter 69 Sakayanagi is a Little Angel

After Arrador signed the model angel purchase agreement, within the first three days, nearly a hundred psychic girls with high spiritual power and physique were sent from the domain of the king of war, which made Sakayanagi marvel at the wealth of the domain of the king of war.

They worked so hard in the White Night Palace, using bacterial monitors to search around, and it took several months to find more than a hundred bodies that meet the requirements of becoming a model angel. Looking at Alador's posture, it is obvious that the King of War There is still a lot left.

As for those small countries, there are more than 200 in total, and Sakayanagi has made a lot of money. Sakayanagi has no interest in those dollars that can only go moldy in the warehouse, and those technologies and resources are real benefits.

Although many technologies are considered weak in Sakayanagi's eyes, they are still better than nothing. Some are better than nothing. Maybe one day these weak technologies can turn the world upside down.

For example, the craftsman system built by the Kingdom of Ardikia is not a difficult technology in essence. The main body relies on the "elf furnace", but it gives the True White Night Palace a good derivative idea. Extending on this basis, it will be It can create a super-artisan system and crush the original technology.

The Kingdom of Ardikia is limited by its territory and its resources are scarce. Many resources need to be imported. The strong tourism industry attracts enthusiasts. The funds earned are basically invested in military research, but it is still a drop in the bucket.

Kensei Haase told Sakayanagi more than once that the enterprising spirit of the Kingdom of Ardikia was forced out.

The geographical location is embarrassing, and it has been deterred by the military power of the King of War domain all year round, so it has to bite the bullet and go to the battlefield. Under the general situation that requires military power, the Ardikia royal family naturally vigorously develops the military research industry. The annual financial income, Seventy percent of them are devoted to research.

The molded angel was cut in half due to various reasons, and it is a semi-finished product, and now it is being carried forward in the hands of Zhenbai Yegong.

The craftsman system cost countless funds to build, and Hayase Xiansheng should not give a dime to Zhenbai Yegong. Compared with the original version of the craftsman system, the craftsman system developed by Zhenbai Night Palace is more convenient, provides sufficient energy, and has excellent performance. It has completely surpassed the original Jiangying system.

As for the rest of the technologies, semi-finished technologies, they were all sent over by Kensheng Haase.

Except for Keno Haase's technology in the years when he left the Kingdom of Ardikia, there is no way to 'plagiarize'. It can be said that the success of the White House Science Institute... the royal family of Ardikia has contributed a lot.

But when Ardichia came to buy the molded angels, Sakayanagi still paid [-] million yuan at a lump sum, not less than [-] million U.S. dollars, plus technology and resources equivalent to [-] million U.S. dollars. This is a matter of principle and cannot be changed.

This allowed La Folia to see clearly the true face of this woman, Arisu Sakayanagi, who was obviously two or three years younger than herself, and her heart was too dark.

Therefore, after the molded angel gradually stepped into the international arms market, La Folia had to personally bring two guards to visit.

At the gate of Banyanagi Villa, she saw Aladdor, the chairman of the Imperial Council of the Warlord Domain, and greeted him friendly.

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