A complicated expression appeared on Nayue's face. According to the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction, there are indeed irreconcilable contradictions between humans and demons in this era.

Even Fei Dao couldn't refute the words of the leader of the Saint Annihilation Sect. From the standpoint of being a human being, she was also troubled by such things.

"Witch of the Void, let the laws of the world return to their original appearance. It will do you no harm. As a witch, you will never grow old and die, so you don't have to worry about life, but the people close to you will gradually grow old one by one. I was sent into a cold coffin by your own hands. After your lover, your friend, your student, all of them died, only you were left alone to die old age, repeating this cycle forever... Think about it seriously , is this eternity what you expected?"

No - that month wanted to say so.

A person is always surrounded by loneliness and loneliness, watching her lover, friend, and students she teaches slowly aging and dying in front of her, covering them with cold coffins, and facing the unknown future alone.

Just imagining it makes my heart hurt.

This uneasy curse, the curse of immortality... After that month faced up to this problem, even though she knew that this was a trap set by the other party for her, she had no choice but to think in this way, and had to follow his way of thinking.

Then I thought of my forever young and beautiful appearance, with no one around me, so I could only look at my shadow and feel sorry for myself.

Carrying this heavy fate alone, the breath of that month gradually became heavier.

"Gap Witch, hand over Cain Witch willingly, I will let you die as a real human being, and end that eternal and sad curse. I can promise you that there will be no more so-called demons in this world, There will no longer be so-called supernatural powers, and every human being will not enjoy the eternal and cruel loneliness. All injustices and all troubles will be eliminated."

The leader of the Saint Annihilation faction was dressed in a very frightening way. He was wearing a pitch-black robe, only a pair of red eyes were exposed, but there was no trace of evil or gloom in what he said, but full of gentle holy air, peaceful and serene.

"Teacher Nangong, don't listen to his bewitching, his purpose is just to gain the power of holy annihilation and try to trigger a war!"

Fei Dao couldn't listen any longer, and faintly felt that the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction didn't just think about that month when he said this, so he opened his mouth and yelled.

"Do you think I'm wrong, Xian Guyong, the head of the Three Saints of the Lion King? You, who have not been involved in the realm of the demons, don't understand the so-called loneliness, the so-called curse, and the desire and appeal to become human again." ...For the Witch of the Void, it is mercy and tenderness to end her miserable life."

What else did Fei Dao want to say, but was speechless for a while because of the aura of the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction.

"False masks will always peel off the real face, the demon race will usher in the end, and human beings will sing all the way. This is the judgment of fate. And I am the one who rules the fate, making the laws of the world return to simplicity, everything distorted, All evil things will disappear."

He seemed to be singing praises, like a saint who worshiped earnestly.

"The speech is very good, if you are really a qualified savior of mankind, if you really have carefully planned the future ideas for mankind."

What suddenly broke the atmosphere of his speech by the leader of the Saint Annihilation Sect was an ordinary voice that was familiar to both Nayue and Fei Dao, and they couldn't help being stunned.

"Old Bai..."

"Baiye... Teacher?"

It was Bai Ye who appeared here, with a simple appearance, the kind of person who put himself in the crowd and was very casual outside.

Beside him was Astarte, an artificial life girl in a maid outfit.

It seemed to tell others that he was just an ordinary person, and he came here with the help of this artificial life girl.

"A-are you an idiot? It's so dangerous here, and it's too late for others to avoid it, yet you rush to die? Also, Astarte, why did you bring him here?"

Nayue Qi rushed over and glared at the artificial life girl with accusing eyes.

Astarotte remained silent, worrying about the safety of that month.

However, she lost the ability to summon beasts in the "foreign land", and her combat ability is limited, so she can't assist in the battle at all.

"I made her own decision to bring me here. If you want to blame, blame me, that month."

Bai Ye smiled fearlessly, and looked at Na Yue.

"This is not the place you should be."

"It's such a time, even if I want to escape, it won't work, right?"

That month is a demon attacking officer with outstanding talent and ability, there is no doubt about it.With her mastery of space magic, it is no problem for her to fight against several armed legions above the scale alone.

But in the case of the ability to be suppressed and sealed by the 'foreign land', that's another matter.

Now she is just an ordinary person with all abilities sealed away.

Hearing Bai Ye point this out, Na Yue's will became even more depressed.

Indeed, now that there is no way to retreat, String Kamishima is the same everywhere, and it has been completely reduced to an unsafe and dangerous restricted area.

"It's admirable for you, an ordinary person, to dare to approach here—but what did you mean by what you just said?"

The leader of the Saint Annihilation Sect intervened in his words at this time, and his red glowing eyes looked directly at the ordinary man in front of him who had a close relationship with the Void Witch.

"Well... do you care?"

Bai Ye patted Na Yue's shoulder lightly, indicating that nothing was wrong, and at the same time gave Fei Dao a confident look.

Then, he turned his attention to the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction who caused the situation in Xianjin Island. Another person might be stunned by his terrifying and strange appearance.

"Aren't you... not afraid of death?"

Instead of answering Bai Ye's question directly, he cleverly changed the topic.

The leader of the Saint Annihilation faction spoke with great interest, raised his arm, and pointed the tip of the black spiral gun at Bai Ye.

Fei Dao and Na Yue's expressions changed immediately, and they both stood in front of Bai Ye.

Fei Dao held the only available firearm, looked at the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction with murderous eyes, and pulled the trigger at any time to fire bullets.

"Death? Who in this world is not afraid of death? But death also has many meanings. My girlfriend and students are here, so it's easy to choose. I'm just talking to you from the standpoint of an ordinary person."


If the leaders of the Saint Annihilation Faction had any brows, they must be frowning now.

"I've listened to all your live speeches on String Kamijima before, and they were pretty good. Generally speaking, you want to build a new world where there are no demons and no supernatural powers... Let's not explain the part about the conspiracy, That's what you want to express."

"Is there a problem?"

"Of course not. So it's no problem for me to talk to you as an ordinary person."

Bai Ye emphasized the existential position of 'ordinary people'.

"Interesting, the identity of an ordinary person... isn't it? Extremely interesting! Very good, then let me listen to what you, an ordinary person, have to say, it will be related to when you die."

The leader of the Saint Annihilation faction laughed heartily.

He heard Bai Ye's meaning.

Bai Ye is an ordinary person, and the world he will build can only exist with ordinary people like him.

That's why he found it extremely interesting.

Since we want to build a world with only human beings, it is understandable to listen to an ordinary person's opinion.

So, this conversation is meaningful, not an act of whimsy.

The leader of the Holy Annihilator faction put down the black screw gun in his hand, with an attitude of intending to listen carefully, and the atmosphere was relatively relaxed.

Nayue and Fei Dao's faces were blank, and with a few words... they persuaded the terrorist leader who gave them such a headache?

In the past, no matter how they got out of each other's mouth, the other party always had an indifferent and indifferent attitude, but now they put on a gesture of willingness to communicate, and the two of them didn't know what to say for a while.

"Before that, let me introduce myself first. My name is Bai Ye, and I am an ordinary history teacher in Caihai College who is responsible for the history of the third grade of high school."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he looked at the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction, which means it's time for you to introduce yourself.

"I don't have a name... It's better to say, I don't need a meaningless name like a code name. Occupation... You can think of me as a revolutionary. The purpose is to cut off the twisted part of the laws of the world and return the world to its original point. That's you What I said just now is to build a new world where there are no demons, no supernatural beings, and only ordinary people are positive."

The leader of the Holy Annihilation faction hesitated, as if he was worried about something.

Hearing the answer from the leader of the Saint Annihilation Sect, a gentle smile appeared on Bai Ye's face.

(PS: It will end tomorrow...)

pigeon pigeon

Stop talking, today is a pigeon.

For the Chinese chapter of the 4000D, only a little over [-] were coded.

More than 4000 words per chapter...how could I have the nerve to release it?

Such a short and weak chapter, I don't even want to read it now, it's too short.

In fact, there are a lot of things these days, so I can only finish this article tomorrow.

Besides, four days a month is the limit, and you can't drop pigeons at will.

I know you are very sad, but if you think about it carefully, my loss is actually even greater.

Because one more day of pigeons means that I will lose my full attendance this month, plus the monthly bonus of the first half of the year, at least thousands of dollars will be lost.

Last pigeon in May.

Chapter 50 The Annihilation of the Saint Annihilation Faction (End)

The darkness of nothingness engulfed the artificial island.

Both Nayue and Fei Dao nervously focused their attention on the leader of the Holy Annihilation faction. Although it was known from his words that he was going to temporarily truce and listen to the opinions of so-called ordinary people, the two of them couldn't guarantee this. Whether it is a conspiracy played out with ulterior motives.

In their eyes, this is a terrorist leader who cannot be trusted, his every move is opaque, and it is not an exaggeration to call it despicable and sinister.

Said to give Xian Kamijima three days to think about it, but it turned out that the general attack was launched after only one and a half days.

He said that he would leave Xian Kamijima with a glimmer of life, but in fact, what he did meant that he did not intend to let go of every plant and tree here.

This kind of personality has to make people worry, whether his posture is also trying to retreat and use the 'truce' as an excuse to secretly plan some conspiracy.

Compared to the nervousness of the two of them, Bai Ye seemed to agree and trust him.

"Don't look at me so vigilantly, the Witch of the Gap, and Xian Guyong, the head of the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency... I intend to listen carefully to the opinions that this Mr. Bai Ye can put forward as an ordinary person. Guang It is this determination and courage to go to the battlefield that I admire very much. As an ordinary person, this is a very remarkable behavior, and the rest of the people can't wait to hide away. For this reason, I still feel that Can be wasted."

Seeing the vigilance of Na Yue and Fei Dao on the opposite side, the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction couldn't help persuading him, explaining that he didn't plan to use some unscrupulous conspiracies and tricks.

There are two meanings revealed. One is that he really intends to waste a little time to hear what an ordinary person thinks. He thinks this is a very necessary thing. After all, the world he will create next will be It is for ordinary people like Bai Ye to serve.

The second is to tell Nayue and Feidao that he doesn't care about this time, because for him, he no longer thinks that Xian Kami Island has the power to counter him, and he has absolute confidence to capture Xia Xian Kami Island and use it as an altar , using Cain Witch as a sacrifice to resurrect the power of holy annihilation.

After mastering the two powers of the giant dragon in the swamp and the holy annihilator, the so-called true ancestor of the vampire is nothing to worry about, and will speed up the time to complete his vision.

However, after seeing Bai Ye, he changed his opinion a little bit. If he could build the ideal country he dreamed of, if he could make ordinary people like Bai Ye feel a sense of identity, it would prove that everything he did was worthwhile.

No matter how many people are sacrificed and what price he pays, everything he does has the meaning of existence, not the cost of life.

She is definitely not a twisted paranoid with human supremacy as the core idea, as the Void Witch said.

As a human being, for the benefit of mankind, this should be done as a matter of course.

Before this righteousness, any blocker is an enemy he must destroy.

Hearing what the leader of the Holy Annihilation faction said, Na Yue and Fei Dao relaxed their vigilance a little, but they didn't completely let go of their guard.

"Okay, that month, classmate Xian, I believe what he said, a person can mix nine falsehoods out of ten sentences, but if all ten sentences are false, in the case of an absolute advantage, it is He will never follow my suggestion and agree to a temporary truce. He will only use me as a hostage to force you to accomplish a certain purpose for him."

"You are neither a demon, nor a transitional adaptor, but you can watch my words and deeds so calmly, you are really a terrible guy."

The leader of the Saint Annihilation faction did not expect Bai Ye to speak for him, and his tone was slightly surprised.

"I just have doubts and incomprehensions about your actions, that's all."

Bai Ye said calmly, his eyes were clear, just the eyes that look at people normally.

"That's all... Hehe, don't underestimate yourself if you have the guts. Sometimes I don't even know who I am. The long years have made me mentally numb, and probably only the justice in my heart makes me feel alive." Heartbeat." The leader of the Holy Annihilation faction laughed at himself, and after a moment of silence, he continued to speak: "Back to the topic, you said before that you questioned me as the savior of mankind and whether I have planned the future for mankind... about this. It’s an interesting statement, do you think I’m the kind of person who can’t figure out what I’m doing? I’ve been planning this plan for many years, and it can be said that it’s worth my life’s work.”

His tone became cold. Although he agreed with Bai Ye as an ordinary person and came to express his objection to him, it didn't mean that he would really think about the problem from the perspective of an ordinary person.

This loyalty to humanity should not be questioned.

This is the belief that has allowed him to survive.

More than anyone else in this world, he hopes that human beings will live a better life, instead of becoming a slave under the command of the demons, and in the end, he will even be defiled by the continuation of the race and assimilated into the demons.

Therefore, Bai Ye's questioning not only made him feel the need to listen and watch, but also had a kind of anger that was so humiliated that he couldn't let go of it.

No matter what the final result of the argument is, he doesn't intend to let the man in front of him go.

This will absolutely not change.

Let him see how stupid and foolish it is to provoke him.

Breaking his spirit, belittling his arguments to nothing...letting him die in the cruelest way.

This is a punishment ceremony that is equivalent to the punishment of heaven.

Not only the body, but also the faith of the soul is taken away.

Bai Ye let out a sigh of relief. He said that he was helpless, but it seemed that it was not the case. He said, "Before debating whether you are the savior of mankind, can I ask a question first?"


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