'You are the fourth primogenitor, why do you want to study?You go directly to occupy Xianjin Island and become the commander of the Empire of the Night! ' she wanted to shout out the words.

"Yeah! If this continues, I will become a useless person who can't gain a foothold in society. Many companies will not hire me. In the end, I can only become a gnawing old man who is nagged by Nagisa every day. Before that, I was just a Ordinary human beings suddenly become the strongest vampires... I don't know what to do..."

"Just for this?"

"Of course it's more than that. There are countless reasons for killing you, and this is just one of them." Gu Cheng's exposed teeth became more and more fierce: "In short, quickly disappear from Agulola's body! I have to make up for exams, and I will be admitted to a good university in the future, so I don't have time to play with a brat like you!"

Gucheng rushed up, surrounded by golden lightning.

"You idiot! Bastard! Fool! I will be killed by you!"

'Yuan Chu' was so angry that he laughed, feeling like he didn't know how to blame Gu Cheng.

The magic power flowed through her body, and the enchantress Zhi Cangbing beside her released a huge cold air, and the barren ruins quickly froze, and rushed towards the body of the ancient city wrapped in a fierce cold current.

Gucheng used golden lightning to fight against him, but even the shrunk Beast, the cold current released was not so easy to deal with, and his running speed slowed down significantly.

"Xiao Gucheng, the servant of the doll, you - you are not worthy of being the fourth true ancestor at all, nor worthy of the power of the fourth true ancestor. The humiliation and humiliation I have suffered these days, today I want to accept everything I have lost and become this The new master of the land!"

"You are so long-winded! The pain I experienced in studying for the make-up exam is higher than yours! Why don't you think about my feelings these days?"

Stimulated by the powerful magic power, the frozen ice and golden lightning on the body of Gu Cheng's rude and miscellaneous became more violent.

With a punch, the golden lightning turned into a thunder beam and swept out.

'Original' not to be outdone, at the same time drove the beasts to release an overwhelming cold current of white mist, which collided with the thunder beam.

Hand over Cain's witch, Lanyu Light Onion?

This kind of thing was never thought of from the beginning of that month.

Therefore, the request of the leader of the Holy Annihilation faction was naturally rejected by that month without thinking.

The leaders of the Saint Annihilation faction also knew that they could not take the initiative with just a few words, and the witches in the gaps and the strong-willed demon attack officers were not the group of ordinary people who were easily provoked and restless.

They are deeply aware that there is no possibility of peace talks between String Kamishima and the Saint Annihilation faction.

It's just that the one-ten-thousandth expectation is to better preserve the strength. For the next development plan, the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction used words to force the Xianshen Island to subdue the demon officials.

There is only one choice left.

The Holy Annihilation faction seemed to feel sorry for the countless lives that were about to be sacrificed, and after a light sigh, they launched an attack.

Without warning, the silver dragon under his feet gathered light and spit out beam cannons.

However, the shattering scene of destroying the earth has not been realized. After injecting the master's spiritual power into the silver gun blade, which is running extremely fast, it lights up a blue magic circle and roughly splits the beam cannon.

The master of the figure has never stopped the trend, wielding the silver gun with skillful and exquisite skills, and rushing forward fearlessly.

The leader of the Saint Annihilation faction put Glenda on the silver dragon, and the jet-black figure quickly jumped down, holding the spiral black spear with both hands, and confronted the silver spear.

After making contact in the air, the two quickly separated, turning into afterimages and falling to the ground.

"The Three Sages of the Lion King's agency... the Breaker of Silence? I've heard of you for a long time."

The tone of the leader of the Holy Annihilation faction was full of caution that was completely different from before.

Different from Yukina, this is a powerful swordsman who has great achievements in terms of combat skills, combat experience, or the use of the seven-style assault demon machine gun Xuexia Wolf.

"If your Excellency can hold back... I will be grateful to Xian Kamijima and the Lion King Agency."

Fei Dao appears in the image of a schoolgirl with glasses and braids. Under the ordinary and honest appearance, only her eyes are as sharp as a blade.

Just based on the short fight just now, she understood how difficult and terrifying this person in front of her was.

"As lackeys of the Whispering Court Council, your gratitude is worthless."

The leader of the Saint Annihilation faction stood majestically on the ground holding a gun, and the red in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

It's not in a contemptuous or contemptuous tone, but in a plain narration of facts.


He murmured softly, not denying the truth.

The Lion King agency is the lackey of the Japanese government, and the Japanese government and even the human country are also the 'running dogs' of the demons.

What the leader of the holy annihilation faction said is not without reason.

The premise... is that he really cares about human beings.

The Xuexia wolf in Fei Dao's hand released a pure white flash that dazzled and stings the skin.

Ignoring the distance between him and the leader of the Holy Annihilation faction, and not knowing when he appeared in front of the enemy, Fei Dao mercilessly swung down the silver spear that released pure white light in his hand, piercing it like lightning.

The seven-style assault demon machine gun Xuexialang, which can invalidate supernatural powers and cut through all kinds of barriers, faced this kind of sword witch with dangerous weapons, the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction dared not be careless at all.

Pointing out the spiral black gun in his hand, he responded with an overwhelming momentum.

After a loud noise, the silver black and pure white energies turned into torrents and rushed, raging the atmosphere, and the impact violently shattered the earth.

Chapter 47 Saint Annihilation Faction Annihilation Battle ([-])

At this time, after about 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, the sky is dark, but there is light, and the overall outline and appearance of the artificial island can be seen clearly, and the road surface can also be seen clearly.

What Yukina and Weili saw along the way was not only the corpses of the demon attacking officers, but also some corpses of ordinary people who did not belong to the demon attacking personnel. Judging from their wounds, it should be involved in some cruel battle die.

The pavement of the street suffered brutal damage, and many weapons wreckage were scattered around casually.

Motors, electronic equipment, armor, machine guns, surface-to-air rockets, grenades... are all scattered weapons that have been left unattended.

On the affected battlefield, there are still a large number of shiny silver-black oil bodies, mixed with blood and flowing.

It was the corpses of members of the Saint Annihilation faction who had been eroded by the 'foreign land', but they had long since lost their three-dimensionality and turned into nothingness.

"Weili, go on."

It can be seen that Weili's injuries are serious, her breathing is very disordered when she runs, and although the wounds on her body have been treated, they can only stop the bleeding.

In this state, it is impossible to form a combat capability at all.


Weili caught the object thrown by Xuecai. It was a small polyhedron bottle made of blue transparent spar, which contained some transparent viscous liquid with unknown function.

"This is wound medicine, just apply it to the wound."

"Oh, thank you."

Yuri hurriedly said thank you, even though she left the Lion King agency, she still thinks that Yukina's kind and cherishing character has not changed.

Open the bottle stopper, apply the viscous transparent liquid to the seriously injured area, and then show a surprised expression.

I touched the wound, and there was no pain at all, and the ugly scar with torn flesh was also healed, except that it was still stained with unwashed blood, as if it hadn't been injured in the first place.

What a powerful potion!Wei Li was amazed.

Except for the weird taste of the liquid, the effect is really nothing to say.

"Xuecai, don't you use it? You can use it too, it looks terrible there."

Yuri handed back the bottle storing the healing liquid, and Yukina put away the medicine bottle and put it in her pocket.

Facing Yuili's kind concern, Yukina shook her head and replied, "No, I don't need this, my injury has already healed."

Weili was surprised by these words, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Yukina's shoulder. The short sleeves of the school uniform and the bandage wrapped around it were completely stained red with blood. One can imagine how heavy the bleeding was at that time, but Yukina did not. No matter how you look at it, Wu reluctantly used his palm to hold the Xuexia wolf.

It's just that Yuri didn't ask too much, this is a secret that belongs to Yukina alone.

If you ask, it will frustrate the relationship.

"By the way, Yukina, what kind of medicine is this, the healing effect is so powerful?"

Weili deflected the topic, but his running speed has already caught up with Yukina, and physical training is an essential basic skill for sword shamans.

Even if there is only a small amount of spiritual power, Wei Li's physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people.

At the same time, her breathing was stable and not as chaotic as before, which proved the powerful recovery ability of the heart wound medicine.

"It's not some medicine."

A look of awkwardness appeared on Yukina's face, but she still answered Weili's question.

"It's not a wound medicine? What is that?"

Obviously healed her wound, and the healing effect is so powerful, why is it not a wound medicine?

Yukina hesitated and said, "Strictly speaking, this is actually saliva."

"Mouth, drool!?"

Yuri almost stumbled and fell to the ground, turned up the volume, and stared at Yukina in disbelief.

"Hmm... it's saliva that has a healing effect. It's fine as a wound medicine."

A few days ago, Yukina returned to the True White Night Palace, went to the zeroth tower to retrieve some things and went to the island of string gods, and then happened to meet the owner of the third tower, Nellie Lu Duo Dexiufanke. I bought a small bottle of Xuecai filled with her saliva. It is said that her own saliva has a powerful restorative effect, and it is an advanced recovery tool, which is used in experiments.

Although Yukina knew that it was the other party's kindness, but she couldn't do such a thing with raw saliva on the wound...

It should also be fortunate that it was not taken orally.

When Yukina said that, Yuri fell silent, and smiled bluntly.

Thinking that what I smeared on the wound was someone's saliva, it's not disgusting, but I always feel weird.

No wonder there was a strange smell wafting in the air. At first, she thought it was a problem with the potion.

At this moment, there was a huge movement ahead, and the sound could be heard from here.

Yukina and Yuri looked at each other, immediately increased their speed, and ran out quickly, which was the signal for the start of the war.

In the vast front area, the wreckage of the fallen helicopter was burning, amidst the artillery fire, countless smoke screens were produced, and the battle was in full swing.

But looking at it from this angle, Yukina and Yuri couldn't tell which side was more powerful, and seemed to be in a state of anxiety that couldn't tell the difference.

Yukina thought of the weird black figure of the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction, subconsciously grasped the Xuexia wolf, and reacted to the dangerous behavior.

The powerful force of the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction left a very deep shadow on her. After entering the state of being possessed by the gods, the powerful enemy she still can't face directly has completely surpassed the strength of the 'human' field.

Amidst the explosion that covered everything, Yukina and Yuri separated. It was a huge machine shadow flying over, with flames burning on its body, whirling through the air at an astonishing speed, hitting the ground, and exploding. The ashes disappeared.

There are basically no ordinary people here, and this is entirely because the security forces and the Self-Defense Forces have sorted out well, isolating them in the fringe area, away from the core battlefield of Xianshen Island.

However, restless riots continued in various areas. The attacks of the Holy Annihilation faction only boosted the arrogance of these people, and the conflicts accumulated in the usual times were all vented at this time.

Yukina didn't pay any attention to this, her current job is not like this, and she doesn't have the slightest experience in how to manage these riots.

Crossing this street, the battlefield ahead is already in sight.

It can be roughly divided into two parts. One is a large number of demon attack officers from Xianjin Island holding weapons and launching anti-aircraft artillery, and many heavy armored vehicles also crushed the road, and started the battle with the fighters of the Saint Annihilation faction.

The members of the Saint Annihilation faction are mobilizing not only flying dragons summoned by 'foreign land' power, but also some indescribable grotesque biological legions. They should be biological weapons formed by using 'information' with some kind of modern weapons, unified as Silver black.

Compared with flying dragons, their shape and power are really small, and they don't have the ability to fly freely, and they can't show the sky advantage like flying dragons, but they are numerous. The island attacking demon officer has formed an effective interference capability.

Facing this situation, Yukina and Yuri rushed forward without hesitation.

"Weili, you are responsible for the transfer of the wounded, take them to the safe area behind, and I will help you contain the firepower."

"it is good."

Wei Li's pressure on her being assigned to such a task suddenly eased, and she didn't have any objection or dissatisfaction.

She is very clear that the power she can display at this moment is different from Yukina who masters the seven-style assault demon machine gun Xuexialang. Weili has no way to exert the original power of her sword witch. The shikigami of the J-pai are completely non-threatening.

When she went up to fight, most likely she suffered a miserable defeat under the shikigami of the Saint Annihilation faction as before.

Therefore, Yuri believes that at this moment, the trump card that Xianjindao can rely on is probably only Xuexialang, a super-standard magic tool that ignores the ability of "foreign land".

But unfortunately, even in the history of the Lion King Agency, there are only a very small number of sword shamans who can master this magic-destroying holy spear.

While running, Yukina superimposed spells on her body, sprinted out at a faster speed, and approached those silver-black monsters at a speed that surpassed the human limit, and the silver spear passed in front of her.

The bodies of several monsters collapsed, turning into silver-black oily bodies and pouring down on the ground full of scorched black aura.

Assaulting these monsters from behind directly disrupted the deployment of the Saint Annihilation faction.

The silver and black mages riding on the flying dragon were alerted immediately, and they gave up attacking the demon attack officer on Xianjin Island, and instead launched a siege towards Xuecai, a young sword shaman.

Xuecai has no fear, not even seriousness, she has already weighed the gap between these monsters and herself in her heart.

Facing the attack from all sides of these monster groups, he waved his silver spear indifferently without saying a word, and hit one at a time, causing the besieged monsters to fall powerlessly and scream.

On the other side, Yuri, who was worried about whether Yukina would be able to support herself, was speechless after seeing this scene.

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