For several face-shattering officers, it is naturally best to complete the task as soon as possible.

Located in the temporary command post of the 980th new regiment of the True White Night Palace, under the cover of a whole forest, surrounded by many defensive barriers, the Shikigami Asuka gathered by Anbai Nai entered one of the tents after being released.

"Here it is."

After Shikigami Asuka entered the tent, a faceless officer smiled and looked at the Shikigami Asuka flying into the temporary command post with great interest.

The whole body of the Shikigami Asuka emitted white light, and under the surprised eyes of all the faceless officers, the Shikigami underwent a second transformation.

She turned into a petite and lovely girl with silvery white hair, wearing a pure white priestess costume, making her look even more pure and holy.

"One of the three sages of the Lion King Agency, and concurrently the leader...An Bai Nai."

Anbai Nai is not mysterious about Zhenbai Yegong, so she recognized her identity at first sight.

"It's right here. Regarding this dispute, I sincerely pray for peace talks."

An Bai Nai directly explained the purpose of her visit, and the time was short, which made it impossible for her to sit down and talk slowly.

"Do you want to admit defeat?"

"Yes. But on one condition."


"Assist us in destroying the holy annihilation legacy." Anbai Nai said.

"This kind of thing can't be done. Our goal is that heritage, but not to destroy it."

"Of course I understand this kind of thing, but the legacy of holy annihilation should not exist in the world. It will eventually cause disaster to any party, and even lead to 'holy annihilation'."

Holy annihilation, in a simple analysis, refers to the man-made scourges that trigger mass killings and disasters around the world. It involves a lot and often becomes a turning point in history.

The legacy of the holy annihilation is to serve the holy annihilation.

Most of the holy annihilation legacy that has been left over from the past is the same as the fourth true ancestor, a god-killing weapon developed by the ancient Tianbu.

Compared with the controllable Fourth Primogenitor, the unknown attitude of the God Slayer Weapon is a very troublesome problem.

Unknown power, unknown character, unknown attitude towards humans, unknown attitude towards demons... so many unknown factors gather in one body, it is difficult not to make people vigilant.

Judging from the fluctuation of the magic power at the bottom of the lake in the center of Shensheng Lake, it was completely superior to everyone present, including Cang Bing, the Beast of the Fourth True Ancestor.

"That kind of thing has nothing to do with us. If it is to dedicate the legacy of holy annihilation, we are willing to negotiate peace. If the destruction hinders our actions, it is the enemy."

"It's unreasonable. If we continue to fight here, do we want to be jointly targeted by the Whispering Garden?"

Facing Anbai Nai's angry questioning words, a broken-faced officer replied indifferently:

"We can bomb the Whispering Yard. The so-called international disputes will no longer exist."

This sentence made Anbai Nai choke in fright.

Bomb the Whispering Gardens?

Even those well-known international terrorist organizations dare not speak like that.

She didn't know how this force called 'White Garden' had the confidence to say such arrogant words.

The so-called Whispering Garden is an international conference organization led by the three true ancestors of the Empire of the Night.

There are twelve chiefs in total, except for the three True Ancestors, the other nine are all representatives of powerful countries.

The identities are emperor, president, prime minister, king, etc., and they are also the nine most powerful heads of state in the "Sanctuary Treaty" except for the three empires of the night.

In this way, the "Whispering Garden" international conference organization was established to determine the international trend.

And each of the three True Ancestors has the special right to make or reject the decision of the meeting.

The Shensheng Lake incident this time should not be treated as a small matter regarding the important and necessary issue of the legacy of the Holy Annihilation.

To a certain extent, there are also "Whispering Gardens" instigated by remote control behind the scenes, and the Lion King Agency and other local Japanese agencies implement the plan on their behalf to "powerless" the legacy of the Holy Annihilation.

Incapacity refers to the sealing or disintegration of the holy annihilation legacy, so that it does not exist in the world.

The armies of various countries that have been moored in Tokyo Bay in recent days are also assembled for this purpose. If necessary, extreme measures will be taken to destroy the legacy of the holy annihilation.

Anbai Nai wants to seal and destroy the holy annihilation legacy before the incident becomes a big deal.

Now that the seal cannot be implemented, the only way left is to destroy it.

The broken-faced officer replied to Anbai Nai in a serious tone, and Anbai Nai could tell that this group of people was bound to win the legacy of the holy annihilation.

If they didn't look like human beings and appeared as demons, An Bainai would have wondered whether these people were related to the Holy Annihilator faction who believed in the God of Cain.

"No matter what, it is the job of our Japanese government to seal or destroy the legacy of the Holy Annihilation. If we really choose to go to war, it will definitely be a situation where both sides suffer."

Anbai Nai attempted to give a final warning.

The main body received information that the air combat force has been mobilized and is ready to attack at any time.

A face-shattering officer was about to answer when Anbai Nai's shikigami body constructed with spiritual power was torn apart.

Grimmjow appeared on the field, keeping his palm out, proving that he was the one who struck.


"Which is long-winded, hurry up and attack. Even the miscellaneous army that was assembled temporarily should not only have this power. They have made it very clear that they intend to fight to the end." Grimmjow said impatiently.

"Understood, you don't need to explain this to us. But how to mobilize the army is the business of our soldiers. If we can achieve results by peaceful means, it might not be a good thing."

For them, it is a good thing, but it must be a bad thing for Grimmjow.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

Attracting the attention of several Faceless officers and Grimmjow, the siren continued to sound, detecting abnormalities on the battlefield.

"This kind of energy reaction, a few tricky guys are coming, one of them is rushing towards the center of Shensheng Lake!"

"You are in charge of commanding, I will deal with this guy."

Grimmjow laughed, and used the spinning wheel to disappear from the temporary headquarters.

On the other side, Anshina sensed that her shikigami avatar had been destroyed, and let out a sigh.


As such, there is no possibility of détente.

"Bai Nai?"

"I'm fine, Fei Sanai, the other party's rejection attitude is quite straightforward, and they don't even pay attention to the Whispering Courtyard, it's a bit troublesome now. Fortunately, the air combat troops have gathered, let's start the second round of combat!"

Anbai Nai shook his head, his expression tensed suddenly, at this time, he had to be ready to sacrifice everything.

"it is good!"

Xiaofei Saano did not hesitate, and replaced the brand new naginata, ready to charge at any time.


Anbai Nai's body shook slightly, as if sensing some abnormal energy reaction, he looked up——

A huge silver-black figure flew across the sky, quickly piercing through the positions of the air combat units of the Self-Defense Forces.

The true face of the huge monster made Anbai Nai feel astonished.


And it is a more dangerous and terrifying monster than the bee snake - the flying dragon.

On the back of the flying dragon, there is also a saddle pad for riding.

On the saddle is a silver and black knight holding a spear.

——A silver and black knight with a black cloak all over his body.

The knights and flying dragons ignored everyone, and rushed to the center of the Shenyan Lake majesticly, and came to the central battlefield.

The battlefield was solemn and quiet. Hundreds of skeleton soldiers raised their magical weapons and fired countless laser cannons. Even dozens of extremely hard armored vehicles could be easily destroyed. The traces disappeared so that even the sparks could not be seen.

"Finally a decent guy came... Kill this guy first, and then go to deal with that powerful-looking beast."

The Pomian, which is called 'Ruby' by the Pomian officers, has accumulated a large number of corpses around it, including bee snakes, human corpses, and steel wreckage of armored vehicles.

Using his revolving footwork, he rushed to the side of the knight in the blink of an eye, and slashed down with his saber.

The knight raised his cloak, and the jet-black aurora spread like black ink on the water.

Ruby's eyes showed surprise, and there was an astonishing shock force from the blade, which sent his body flying back.


Ruby adjusted her flying posture in mid-air, showing an angry expression, and released a reddish flash on her fingertips that was more terrifying than Kirian Daxu, shaking the atmosphere and producing a roar.

Facing the false flash that was powerful enough to blow up a mountain, the silver-black knight remained unwavering, like the black aurora of ink sprinkled on the water, wrapping the false flash, like the hundreds of laser cannons fired by the skeleton soldiers before, Disappeared without a trace.

"What is that black ink thing?"

Ruby squinted her eyes, carefully staring at the space around the silver-black knight that was dyed with ink blobs by the pitch-black aurora, and couldn't see that it was a powerful defensive move that could swallow his false flash.

"Hey, who are you? My name is Ruby Antenor, a member of the White Garden's combat unit, and you, the guy riding the flying dragon?"

As if acknowledging the strength of the silver and black knight, but not frightened by his miraculous techniques, Ruby asked the identity of the silver and black knight very interestedly.

The silver and black knight turned around and glanced at Ruby, his dark face was shrouded in darkness, and he remained silent.

"It seems to be underestimated... For the rude guy who doesn't even report his name, he must be covered with blood holes."

Ruby's voice became cold and stern, Zanpakutō twirled in her hands and released.

"Hang him, Mother Tsuta!"

The wide and long white long sleeves cover the entire arm, and a soft substance similar to a white placenta grows from the back, and eight stretchy tentacles like long snakes grow from it.

Facing Ruby's astonishing change, the silver and black knight seemed to sense some danger, and drove the flying dragon away from the ground.

A white tentacle was drawn in a straight line, hitting the ice surface where the silver and black knight was originally at a faster speed than the false flash, and opened a huge hole.

"It actually escaped the 'touching gun' after I return to the blade, but the speed of the sound and rotation after I return to the blade is not at the same level as before... Mystery guy, your end has come."

The silver and black knight's body shook violently, and he turned his head with difficulty. Ruby appeared behind him at some point, with a sadistic smile on his face, seven pure white tentacles wrapped around his limbs and neck, as well as the body and neck of the flying dragon.

The tentacle suddenly rushed into the sky with the silver-black knight and the flying dragon, then retracted like a cannonball, hitting the ground.

Ice dust covered the silver black knight and the flying dragon, and they were still bound by seven pure white tentacles.

The eighth tentacle that was the first to attack retracted back to Ruby's side, making a chi chi chi chi sound, densely packed with poisonous sharp long needles grew from the top of the tentacles, ready to pierce the silver black knight's body full of blood holes, causing him to die thousands of times. Die full of holes.


A flash of light came from a distance, and it exploded more than ten meters behind Ruby, and then bounced some huge object, attracting Ruby to look back.

The behemoth hit by the virtual flash was the same pitch-black flying dragon under the seat of the silver-black knight. It planned to surprise Ruby from behind and save its companions, but it was unexpectedly attacked, which resulted in the failure of the sneak attack.

And it was Grimmjow who released the false flash and helped Ruby. He pointed out with one hand and put the other in his coat pocket, with the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a sarcasm smile: "You don't need to thank me, Ruby, anyway. You are a careless guy. Don’t be careless enough to forget the hidden danger just because you suppress the opponent in front of you, you still can’t get rid of this bad habit.”

"Grimmjow, you bastard..."

Even though he accepted Grimmjow's favor, he also underestimated him because of this, it might as well be attacked by the flying dragon just now.

Grimmjow ignored Ruby. He was actually quite disappointed. The silver and black knight was easily suppressed by Ruby, making him happy for nothing. Rubbish.

"Then try the power of the beast. Don't compete with me, Ruby, the flying dragon is yours too."

Grimmjow said so, pointing to the other flying dragon in the sky in a fighting stance.

"Understood. But, you just said that I was careless, but you are not much better, Grimmjow?" Ruby sneered.


"Don't you feel it? There's a big guy coming out. Good luck."

Hearing Ruby's words, Grimmjow subconsciously looked at the frozen lake beneath his feet.

The artificial lake with 6000 million tons of water is freezing.

The cold fog in the atmosphere rolled violently and vibrated, and the surface of the hard frozen lake shook irregularly. At the bottom of the frozen lake, something of huge mass came to life.

Without giving an order, everyone backed away with expressions of nervousness or fear.

The demon attack officers of the Self-Defense Forces and the Lion King Organization retreated in an orderly manner under the mobilization of Anbai Nai, and the skeleton soldiers and artificial broken faces also quickly retreated to the center.

Ruby let go of the silver and black knight and the flying dragon, and both sides retreated in a tacit understanding.

"Oh shit!"

Grimmjow saw the huge shadow at the bottom of his feet, and was about to break through the ice, he was right in the center, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

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