"But Anqing, how do you... want to command?"

It's not that I don't believe it, but that letting a person who is not an officer command such a grand war situation makes Chongshan Guanying have no confidence and show doubts without hesitation.

"There is no need to command... I will directly... manipulate all our combat members..."

After Anbai Nai finished speaking, she closed her eyes, the spell on her hair was released, and it began to flutter silently without the wind.Between the silver-white hair, an "invisible thread" with spiritual power stretched out from it. In just a few breaths, a huge and sophisticated "invisible network" was formed, covering the Shensheng Lake area. .

Then, an incredible scene appeared.

The movements of the members of the Self-Defense Forces and the Lion King Agency have changed in unison, and there is a huge gap between the fighting style and the previous one.

The machine guns on the light armored vehicles burst out powerful armor-piercing projectiles, piercing through the dense fog with precision, and shooting down the bee snakes one by one.

At the same time, the shells of the heavy armored vehicles that could only hit the enemy by chance were also accurately thrown into the area where the skeleton soldiers and artificial surface were mixed, launching a fierce fire attack from the weak area.

Wu Qiyuan, who couldn't tell the difference between the enemy and us, raised the improved six-style heavy-duty demon-subduing bow in their hands, fired metal arrows into the sky, and opened a huge magic circle several kilometers above the White Army, creating a thunderbolt. The rain of the blade killed the formation, strangling on a large scale.

The digital face-off commanding the skeleton soldiers and the artificial face-breaking mixed troops had to urgently open the defensive barrier to resist this sudden killing move.

Such scenes, regardless of time sequence, completed an amazing transformation in an instant, making people unable to feel the sense of time interval, as if all the self-defense forces and Lion King agency personnel shared consciousness in an instant, and finally condensed into an indestructible Overall.

"The Lion King Agency...Three Saints..."

Chongshan Guanying whispered to himself with a trembling voice.

Even radioing individual squads and deploying the tightest electronic warfare map could not make a mixed force of thousands of men form a perfectly seamless whole.

An Bai Nai alone shared the vision information of thousands of people. The combat troops, medical troops, and auxiliary troops all found things they didn't know to do.

Anbai Nai's will dominates the whole board, and he can hold the chess pieces on the chessboard at will, so that every chess piece on the chessboard can play the most effective role without any waste.

At this time, it was only when I went to the mountains to watch the movie that I realized why the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency are the most powerful demon attack officers in Japan. special field.

This ability of An Bai Nai does not have much effect in direct combat, but give her a well-equipped and sufficient army as a pawn in her hand, excellent officers can make this army play [-]% The power of one hundred, but Anbai Nai can make this army exert more than several times the power, and it is even worse.

The perfect linkage that can't feel the time gap wipes out all the disadvantages that existed before.

Even the dense fog with magical power could not hinder An Bai Nai's vision, making her the most outstanding officer on the battlefield.

"Sorry, Fei Saina... I misjudged Hei Ke's true face..."

When the battle stabilized, Anbai Nai had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief, and apologized to Xiao Fei Sano.

"It doesn't matter, it's better to say... For hundreds of years, we have been misjudging the true face of that thing..."

Xiao Feisha didn't blame An Bai Nai, but also smiled wryly.

"That little girl... Although Wei Li's words are not entirely correct, she also guessed part of it. The black shell is not a seal, it is using us to wait for the right time by absorbing knowledge from the spirit body of the priestess who sacrificed When it is mature, it will come out of the black shell, just like insect pollination..."

Being used by the "black shell" is more like being deceived. For hundreds of years, no one has figured out the truth. While making Anbai Nai feel ashamed, he also regrets his own carelessness at this time.

That is to say, the strategy of the Shenxuta Shrine and the Lion King's agency was wrong from the very beginning.

And this mistake started hundreds of years ago.

In the past hundreds of years, many excellent witches have been sacrificed, and the result is such a scene, which is really a bad situation.

What Black Shell absorbs is never spiritual power, but knowledge.

Thinking about it with An Bai Nai, Xiao Fei Sano looked into the distance, in the middle of the battle-torn Shensheng Lake, there seemed to be life brewing on the eve of the storm.

The bottom of my heart became more and more uneasy.

Some horror is coming.

In the cold mist full of magic power, there is a more terrifying power sleeping. Once it wakes up, it will be a real disaster.

"The Bee Snake is just a harbinger of the coming disaster... If the legend is true...then the guy in command of the Bee Snake is a god-slaying weapon of the fourth primogenitor's level? It seems... created a huge trouble."

Anbai Nai nodded, and said in a weak voice: "Find someone to negotiate with the leader of the 'White Garden'. The top priority is not to fight, but to eliminate the hugely harmful legacy of the holy annihilation. Before fully waking up, this is the only way."

In this tense moment of war, it is impossible to safely approach the center of Shensheng Lake, which is covered by various magic circles and laser cannons, and the fragile human body will be blown to pieces in an instant.

Therefore, the negotiation on the premise of peace is the only effective way that An Bai Nai can think of at present.

Compared with the legacy of Saint Annihilation, the enemies we are facing at this moment are not worth mentioning.

"Oh, it's too bad, what kind of medicine did the other party take? Suddenly, the sloppy and lazy unsightly technique seems to have been helped by God."

The face-shattering officer commanding the skeleton soldiers and the artificial face-shattering in the rear began to scream in a panic.

Faceless officers don’t need to worry about the dense magic fog that bothers the Self-Defense Forces and the Lion King’s agencies. Their skills are enough to penetrate the cold magic fog without causing mistakes in command. In addition, they have good command and combat capabilities. , is a huge advantage in crushing the enemy from the very beginning.

As a result, he felt huge and strong resistance in an instant, and at the same time he was curious about such a huge change on the enemy's side, his face began to become excited.

"It's interesting that way."

"A war won easily cannot be called a war at all."

Compared with the result, it pays more attention to whether the process is pleasant or not, and the means of war may just be a way to entertain them.

Life and death are not important, what is important is happiness, what is important is pleasure.

"Among the existing 980 regiments in the True White Night Palace, even if the 980 regiment currently commanded is the latest formation, there are still more than [-] soldiers who can be mobilized... But I didn't expect the enemy to be so stubborn. It worked."

"Since the opponent also has an excellent commander, it is an insult to the opponent not to respond seriously."

"Go all out now! Be sure to bring the 'goal' back!"

The digital facets twisted the switch of a huge instrument in the temporary headquarters together.

The sky cracked.

The cold mist was swallowed by the huge black cavity, and from the bottomless black hole, a group of Kirian's big and empty upper bodies crowded and climbed at the entrance of the black cavity, roaring deafeningly towards the sky.

The position where Killian and Heiqiang appeared was just above the center of the Self-Defense Forces and the Lion King agency personnel, and a brutal invasion began from within them.

The red flashes converged in front of the white mask, so the bright red light shot out, and the ice surface was torn apart like a knife blade. At the same time, several armored vehicles were swept away, and they were wiped out in the explosion.

The flickering red light also scanned the enchantment with a hard defensive effect, rubbing out the torrent of magic power, and blowing away the magic cold mist there.

The dazzling white lights and sparks were fired like salutes for celebration, and the atmosphere on the battlefield suddenly boiled to the extreme.

Chapter 34 The Battle of the Rope Lake ([-])

The moment of dawn.

A large swath of magical cold mist rushed in, and the microorganisms in the air were frozen, turned into ice powder and floated down, and even the ground thousands of feet above the sky was affected. How terrifying and powerful it is.

Non-human can compete.

The entire Kamiwako area, including nearby hills and forests, is covered in snow and ice.

Is it an honor or a misfortune to be able to see this superb view in summer?But for Xiao Gucheng, this must be the beginning of a very bad premonition.


Unmistakable, this feeling.

It is the No. 12 beast of the fourth primogenitor who resides in Agulola's body, the Enchantress's Cangbing, who can control the ability to freeze everything.

And this situation is just an unconscious attack, which proves that Agulola is now in an extremely dangerous situation, and the beast can only passively protect it, and cannot take the initiative to attack.

Otherwise, the strength of the Fourth True Ancestor Beast who can destroy a city with a single blow is by no means so simple.

Sitting on a small non-combat transport plane, the driver of the transport plane is a delicate and handsome... petite boy who makes people want to protect.

Gila Rebedev Wortizlava is one of the nobles subordinate to Grand Duke Dimitriye Vatola of Arudiaru.

Although the appearance is petite and weak, the magic power fluctuating in the body is close to that of the third-generation elder-level vampire, and he is also a member of the fighting faction of the Principality of Aldialu.

Currently accepting the order of the superior Vatora to send the fourth primogenitor Akatsuki to the local God Rope Lake.

However, he encountered an ambush from the Xian Kami Island Guard on the way, and had been evading the pursuit of the elite attacking demon officers of the Xian Kami Island Guard before, so he wasted some time.

Then it was close to the Tokyo Bay area, where there was the aircraft carrier docked by the Principality of Arrudiaru, and a whole army, and then under the leadership of Gila Rebedev Wortislava, they are now heading to the God Rope Lake area began to march.

After a period of flight, the ice and snow scene in the Shensheng Lake area is close at hand.

All the scenery in front of me turned into frozen white, no matter looking from here, or the beautiful mountains in the impression of the ancient city, all turned into a pale scene of ice and snow.

All the abnormal scenes in front of him showed that this was not a normal natural phenomenon. The cold mist poured in, mixed with the familiar magic power that made him throb, which also showed this.

This is a grand scene created by 'The Enchantress of Cangbing'.

Not only that, but you can also watch the war breaking out in the distance.

The magic circle flickered and bombed over the entire Shensheng Lake, and the laser cannons that burst out from there shot across the flanks of the transport plane dangerously, making the ancient city face cold sweat.

What exactly is going on?

"Gira, right? What's going on? Why is there a war going on there?"

Gu Cheng asked the handsome young man next to him, with an extremely nervous expression.

Gila also answered inexplicably: "Sorry, Your Majesty Gucheng, I don't know what happened, the investigators of the Principality of Aludialu stationed in the area of ​​​​Shenzhi Lake seem to have been wiped out for unknown reasons. But for sure, something happened there."

"What should I do?"

"Don't be nervous, His Majesty Gucheng. Because things have not reached the moment of despair."

"Huh?" Jira didn't understand why she said that.

"This abnormal cold fog phenomenon, I remember it should be a large-scale freezing scene created by the enchantress Zhi Cangbing. I was lucky enough to see it before, and His Royal Highness Gucheng should have seen it too."

"Yes, yes. It's such a time, isn't it hopeless?"

"Because of this, it is not hopeless. The Enchantress' Cang Bing still has some strength left, which proves that Miss Agurola is still alive. Similarly, Miss Nagisa, who is boarded by Miss Agurola, must be safe. At least for now. so."

Hearing what Kira said, Kojoro nodded repeatedly.

That's right, that's right.The fact that Cang Bing of the Enchantress can still fight proves that Agulola and Nagisa are all fine, at least it is certain that they are still alive.

Hearing Jira's explanation, Gucheng finally felt a little relieved.

Clenched his fists, his palms were full of sweat, the magic power in his body began to agitate at any time, his teeth leaked slightly from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were dark red.

Noticing these changes in the ancient city, Gila didn't speak, just smiled softly, and began to skillfully manipulate the machine and lower the transport plane.

"what happened?"

"That area is being covered by the intensive firepower of the war. Entering from above is a very dangerous act. Moreover, due to the invasion of cold fog, the operating system of the transport aircraft is already somewhat inflexible, and it is prone to crashes. Just in case , Landing now, marching from land is the safest way, and it can cover up our actions."

Gila explained patiently, her smile was always gentle, which made people feel protective.

"oh, I see."

Gucheng thought for a while, and felt that what Jira said was reasonable. Although he didn't know how many people were fighting at Shensheng Lake, compared with the land with many coverings, it was very dangerous to have no coverings in the sky. Do free fall in the sky at a height of [-] meters.

Bungee jumping does not have this kind of jumping method.

After landing safely, the mountains near Shensheng Lake are within easy reach.

Running with Gila on the pale snow-covered land, the skin of the ancient city is extremely painful. The closer you get to the core area, the lower the air temperature. Ordinary people will probably be frozen to death here.

Things had to be stopped as quickly as possible before the cold fog encroached on neighboring villages and towns.

"His Royal Highness, according to the footsteps, it will take another 10 minutes to arrive at the battlefield." Ji La said at this time.

"I see... wait, what is that!?"

The running speed of the ancient city slowed down, Jira also felt something, and looked at a certain position with solemn eyes.

——It was a young boy about twelve or thirteen years old, with black hair and brown smooth skin, with amber golden pupils, and a young and childish face, with a subtle sense of majesty.

What doesn't match the short stature is that the whole person looks like a mighty and majestic young lion.

Confronting the boy were dozens of twisted, iron-gray monsters with bee bodies and snake tails, and hard scales that could make magic bullets powerless. They were staring fiercely at the boy's immature and majestic face.

Can't let it go!Gucheng made a decision in an instant, and ran towards the boy who was about to be attacked by the monster group, preparing to save him.

"Wait, Your Highness Gucheng, that person is—"

Jira's complexion changed drastically, and she looked into the majestic boy's eyes, showing fear and awe.

As a result, the menacing monsters launched an assault, and the ancient city was full of golden thunder, and was about to wipe out those monsters.

There was a strange stagnation in the air for about a moment, and the explosion and hurricane produced by the magic power rushing into the atmosphere, after a second of dullness, let the whole of the ancient city fly away, only the strange noise of the storm and the heavy snow was in the ears.


Kojou, who didn't understand what happened at all, screamed in a panic.

It was a brilliant golden brilliance that was not inferior to the golden thunder light on the ancient city—a huge golden jackal formed by gathering pure magic power, showing its brave and fearless fangs, and the golden light flickered, shaking the sky and the earth.

Galloping in the sky, the forelimbs turned into golden storms, and the group of iron-gray bees and snakes, a total of dozens of them, turned into ashes in an instant.

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