Sayaka half-joked.

"How? It was just an accident."

"Maybe, that kind of monster was originally cursed."

Sayaka said so, and immediately, she was very bored and sat under the red torii gate in front of the shrine, and began to mutter: "I really want to finish the mission quickly, and return to Kamijima and make out with Yukina..."

"Intimate?" Wei Li was stunned.

Between girls, do you want to use the word "intimacy"?

Weili's interest is in love-type girl comics, and this kind of words should be the way of expression between couples.

"I mean close. Yes, close."

Sayaya Hua hastily explained.

"Are you still in touch with Xuecai?"

"Of course, the higher-ups didn't disagree anyway, and how would I live without pickled vegetables? As long as I smell the pickled vegetables, I will be full of energy."


Sayaya Hana's face of justice made Yuri speechless.

It seems that the friendship between Yukina and Sayaka is more complicated than she imagined.

At this moment, the sound of light but powerful footsteps came from the side.

An old woman in a red and white shrine maiden costume, the chief priest of Shenxuta Shrine——Sano Akhi.

"Fei Sha is your lord."

Yuuri and Sayaka bowed quickly.

"Come with me, the sealing ceremony is about to officially begin, and you need your strength to protect it."

As one of the most outstanding sword shamans and dancers of the generation of the Lion King Agency, it is a powerful combat force that is urgently needed at present.


Yuori and Sayayaka made a serious promise that the hands holding the weapons were sweating.

They also understood a little bit about the 'Black Shell', so there must be no surprises in the sealing ceremony.

We must not allow anyone to obtain the power of the 'black shell', otherwise, the harm to humans and demons is unknown.

"Well... so comfortable..."

Nagisa rested her head on the edge of the hot spring bath, her posture was a little leisurely.

This is the huge bathhouse shared by the priestesses in the Shenxuta Shrine, and she now occupies it alone.

I was too tired last night, so I rested in the shrine very early, and I didn’t get up until this afternoon. I originally planned to return to Xianjinjima in the afternoon, but I couldn’t bear the enthusiasm of my grandmother Xiaofei Sano, so I had to live again One night, return to String Kamijima early tomorrow morning, but may have to ask for leave in the morning.

Tomorrow is Monday school day after all.

Let's call Sasaki-sensei later.Nagisa said in her heart.

The water temperature in the hot spring bath reaches [-] degrees, which is neither too cold nor too hot. It also has magical effects in treating muscle and joint pain.

"I don't know what brother Gu Cheng is doing now?"

Nagisa murmured, probably alone at home, eating instant noodles and other chores, and doing English test questions in grief.

Just as she was thinking so, the door of the hot spring bathhouse opened.

"Ah ah!"

Something like a helpless scream made Nagisa realize that someone was coming.


It was a petite girl lying between the messy bathtubs. She was about the same age as Nagisa. She slipped on the slippery stone and knocked down the bathtubs piled up beside her. The ground collides with the ground.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I seem to have disturbed you. I'm really sorry."

With a soft voice like a kitten, he stood up stupidly and began to put the messy bathtub in order, which gave people a cowardly and cute image.

Although it was a face about to cry, it didn't show that kind of crying, or that's what she looked like.

Her hair is pure white, as is her body, which is as white as the fur color of an arctic fox, pure and spotless.

What attracts Nagisa is not only the girl's skin color and hair color, but the chest area.

OK, so big!

Nagisa swallowed her saliva, she was obviously the same age as herself, but those breasts must be a foul.

How could a girl of her age have such powerful breasts?

"What, what's wrong?"

Covering it up timidly, the white-haired girl got into the water.

"No, nothing. Are you a priest of the shrine?"

"No, I was invited here because of some small things."

The timid girl answered like this.

"Well, then you are about the same as me. I'm here to visit relatives. My name is Nagisa, Xiao Nagisa, how about you?"

Nagisa asked with a friendly smile.

"Bai Nai, dark Bai, just call me Bai Nai."

This is not a deceit, Anbai Nai looks cowardly and cute at the moment, talking to Nagisa in a panic.

At this time, Nagisa couldn't help but look at Anbaina's chest, floating on the water surface, it can be called exquisite as a superb view, a magnificence that Nagisa has never seen before.

At this time, Nagisa was frustrated.

As a woman, this can be a shameful humiliation.

Completely killed in seconds.

"Well, Miss Nagisa, do you want to touch it?"

Anbai Nai asked at this time.

"Huh? Is it okay?"

"When, of course."

An Bai Nai contributed there, and after a while, Nagisa was still unsatisfied, and couldn't help being intoxicated by the feeling just now.

It's so soft and elastic, it's the best.

On the other hand, An Bai Nai lay there with tears in his eyes, his face flushed, panting out of breath.

Then, while Nagisa was still intoxicated there, Anbai Nai revealed a strange smile, quietly approached Nagisa, and hugged her body.

"Ah! Wait, Bai Nai, don't do this—"

Nagisa screamed sensitively.

"Reciprocity, these ungrown flower buds are worth mining..."

The tone of the speech changed, Anbai Nai blew into Nagisa's ear, Nagisa's body was so stiff that she couldn't move, as if she had some strange magical power, her whole body was electrocuted, and Anbai Nai let Anbai Nai fiddle with it.

"Wait, I really don't want it anymore, I was wrong, Bai Nai, don't be like that—"

"It's really good, just like your grandmother Fei Sano when she was young, the freshness of the fruit before it ripens, no matter how many times it is like this... It makes my heart itch."

Strong and mature words spit out from Anbai Nai's mouth.

Nagisa's whole body was cold, as if she had touched some inconceivable fear, she shivered in Anbaina's arms.

There is a very evil, very dark abnormal spirit in Anbai Nai's body.

"Bai Nai, why do you—"

"Did you see it? It was me just now, and it's me now... Speaking of which, our fate is really the same, Nagisa... No, the No. 12 body of the Fourth Primogenitor—Agulola· Florestina!"

There was a buzzing in Nagisa's mind, and the huge message sent by Anbai Nai caused her to pass out, and was put down in the bath by Anbai Nai powerlessly.

Anbai Nai's snow-white body is covered with long silver hair, looking up at the dim night sky, it will be extraordinarily cold tonight.

Witnessing this near future, Anbai Nai's weird smile disappeared, and he became the stupid and cowardly look just now.

"sorry Sorry……"

Touching Nagisa's peaceful sleeping face, she kept apologizing in a low voice, as if she was about to cry.

The leader of the Lion King Agency, one of the three saints, Anbai Nai, is a monster with dual personalities.

One of these is a dark will inherited across generations.The second is itself as a container of dark power.

Neither can escape the dark original sin.

Even the so-called 'I'm sorry', I don't know who I am asking for forgiveness of sins.

The vehicles of the Local Self-Defense Force are concentrated in the flat parking lot near Lake Kamiro, using this as a temporary base camp.

A large number of lightly armored motor vehicles, as well as wheeled armored vehicles equipped with large-caliber artillery are also complete, and there are countless professional demon attack officers. All of them come from the special attack demon company, which is directly under the Ministry of Defense of the Homeland.

A professional force that specializes in dealing with various magical disasters.

First-class demon attack officers and the latest anti-demon war equipment gave them strong confidence in this operation.

Among them are the Sword Shaman and Wu Qiyuan from the Lion King's organization, just in case.

Although the fighting methods of the Lion King organization and the special attacking company are slightly different, and it is more difficult to cooperate, both sides exist as elites, and they are not afraid of enemies lurking under the water that do not show up.

In the temporary tents, the cables lead all the way to the outside, connected to the large electronic detection equipment outside. In one of the largest tents, the biological information observed at the bottom of Shensheng Lake is all concentrated on the computer screen here.

Weiri and Sayaka were in a corner of the tent, and Sayaka turned her head and asked, "Weiri, are you nervous? I remember that this is your first time attending such a large-scale mission, right?"

"Well, it's okay."

"It's much better than I was then. It's the first time I participated in this kind of mission, but I was extremely nervous." Said Hua with a wry smile.

"Compared to the training Miss Bumby gave me, this nervousness is nothing at all." Weili muttered softly.

With the rain of explosive bombs falling all over the sky, which could smash her to pieces at any time, doubling this level of tension may not make her feel nervous.

Wei Li didn't quite know how she survived it... I could only hear Miss Bumby's laugh that was a bit too crazy, and then I couldn't remember anything.

At the same time, Weili also knew why she came here with Xiao Feisan.

As a sword shaman, she has a very high-strength spiritual vision ability. Among the sword shamans of this generation, except for Yukina who has left, she is considered the best one.

When facing unknown objects, her super powerful senses may play a big role.

Sayaya Hua was arranged here also because of her excellent combat ability. In large-scale battles, her ability can be brought to the extreme.

It was already after midnight, and there were still two or three hours before dawn.

The inexplicable chill spreading around Shensheng Lake made many people aware of the difficulty of this mission.

As for Shensheng Lake itself, it was calm and without any abnormality.

But the lake surface shrouded in darkness gave people a gloomy and oppressive sense of evil.

The underwater detection machine placed in Shensheng Lake will display the recorded scene on the computer.

It is a huge polyhedron like a black spiral, with many nacres similar to shells, and then the whole body is surrounded by a dark barrier that rejects everything. This kind of unusual and terrifying power, even the latest technology, cannot be against it. After detailed inspection, it should be said that it is a foreign object that is beyond common sense.

"How is the situation? How is the black shell?"

A man in a camouflage uniform walked in outside the tent. He was the commander-in-chief of the Self-Defense Forces, Shinzo Anza, the third-class special officer.

The appearance will remind people of a mighty and tall hound. From the appearance, it is a tough soldier with good force.

The female investigator in charge of monitoring reported plainly to An Zuozhen:

"After an unknown stimulus a while ago, the black shell is undergoing high-intensity activation. The pressure from the inside of the shell, as well as the high-density magic power gathered outside the shell, are on the verge of going berserk at any time."

"Damn it, those unknown guys called 'White Garden' will really trouble us. According to the original plan, there are at least a few months of dormancy to wait. Now, it can be detected, what they are using to stimulate the black Shell?" An Zuo said angrily.

"The investigation is unknown. Because of the special language of the cracking instrument, there is no way to use the existing technology to take cracking measures."

"Can you determine the exact time of Hei Ke's riot?" An Zuo asked calmly.

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