Before the relationship was not officially confirmed, it was naturally not easy to say it casually, but now that the relationship has been confirmed, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not.

"When did you hook up with a third-year senior?" Gucheng said sourly.

Damn, he's still single.

Yase is also very lucky, why is he not so lucky?

"Okay, Gucheng, take your time to study by yourself, or you can go to Qiancong, or you can write a [-]-word self-criticism to Na Yuechan. I won't say much, goodbye."

Yase couldn't wait to bid farewell to Gucheng, and Fei Dao has been dating more and more frequently these days, which is a good start.

Especially after the successful confession a few days ago, it must be her sincerity that moved her.

As long as you persevere, you will always reap love.

Yase began to fantasize about a bright future for herself and Hiinao.

"This guy who sees sex and forgets friends, I hope you break up..."

Gucheng's whispered curse was, of course, just a joke. When Yase found a girlfriend, he was happy for his best friend and at the same time felt sympathy for his own life experience.

Chapter 15 The Story of Himeragi Yukina ([-])

Vampires are attacked.

It happened last night in the warehouse street of String Kamishima. The other party was an old-time vampire who was on the verge of death and was currently in the hospital for emergency treatment.

Being able to beat an immortal vampire like this, a vampire of the old era, felt tricky that month.

Too difficult, this incident.

In fact, this is not the first attack that has taken place, that is to say, the attack last night was just one of them. There was a similar attack on String Kamijima earlier.

As of last night, there were seven incidents in total.

There were orcs and vampires among the victims, so it can be concluded that the murderer was targeting the demons.

As for whether there will be another demon attack in the future, that month is not sure about this.

But what the murderer's purpose was, that month didn't know, and he didn't know when such a vile demon attack would happen again.

It is easy to cause dissatisfaction among the demons on Xianjin Island. This incident must be dealt with as soon as possible, and the murderer must be arrested and brought to justice.

"Is Mr. Nangong troubled by the demon attack last night?"

"Hey, Lao Bai, how did you know?" Nayue was surprised.

"I read the news in the morning. The situation seems to be very tense. The police officers are all on the move. Mr. Nangong is also an officer. With such a sad face this morning, he must be troubled by this matter." Bai Ye said of himself analysis.

"Yes, the murderer is still at large. If he is not arrested quickly, who knows if he will go crazy and attack ordinary people."

"But there's one thing that's strange." Bai Ye said suddenly.


"Why did the murderer target the demons? And judging from the connection between the victims, there is nothing in common. Could it be that they simply hate the demons? I heard that the members of the church hate the demons, and they have always taken extreme measures against the demons." exclusionary measures."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, that month vaguely caught some more important information.

She looked at Bai Ye in surprise. This ordinary person has a pretty good brain.

Although it is not 100% sure that it was done by church personnel, it is not completely impossible.

However, if it is really a member of the church, it seems a bit petty to come to Xianjin Island to attack the demons.

If it was really them, there must be a bigger conspiracy.

"Old Bai, I didn't expect you to have a good brain. Are you interested in working part-time in our security force? The salary is definitely sufficient."

"No, Teacher Nangong, I'm just an ordinary person, and I don't want to get involved in dangerous incidents. Besides, I like the job of a teacher very much. If I work part-time in the security team, I will lose my dating time."

"People, you can't spend your whole life waiting for death and doing nothing. Lao Bai, you are too unmotivated. Can dating be called a thing? This kind of challenging work can inspire diligence and fight. You can't be content with being ordinary." Na Yue was furious.

"I think it's purely Mr. Nangong, you want to be lazy and pull me over to fill up the number."


What nonsense is the truth, the witch in her gap is carefully patrolling the safety of Xianjin Island every night, so she didn't find a chance to be lazy!

True White Night Palace, Tower Zero.

A head of black hair that is not too long, with a white lace hairpin, wearing a blue and white maid outfit, the hem of the skirt is about a little above the knee, just enough to cover the thigh , black round-toed leather shoes and white socks, with an overly childish face, looks pretty good, so she looks like a very cute underage maid.

This is the working image of Yukina at the moment.

She moaned and started cleaning a certain room with a broom.

So, why did things turn out like this.

She is obviously an official sword shaman sent to Xiangami Island by the agency to monitor the Fourth True Ancestor. Not to mention that she met a group of bad-natured liars "Demon Attack Officers" as soon as she landed on the island, and then took her to a place where she could not be used. Where words go to understand...

After that, Yukina felt like she was having a terrible and strange dream.

So, why did she suddenly start working as a maid...Yukina sighed again.

With a somewhat reluctant face, he reluctantly moved, picked up the broom, and absent-mindedly did the cleaning work.

I thought about how to get the Xuexia wolf back, and then looked for a chance to escape.

Although the food here is delicious, the staff don't seem to be pure bad guys, at least they didn't resort to excessive violence at the beginning... But when she thought that she had failed the cultivation of the upper management of the organization, Yukina felt guilty and helpless.

Lord Sansheng must be worried about her safety now, and must be starting to go crazy.

"If you work so absent-mindedly, you can't clean the room."

When Yukina was thinking wildly, a soft and friendly voice came from beside her ear.

How should I put it, it has a holy taste.

Yes, it is holy.

Even if he didn't turn his head to look, he knew that the owner of the voice was a holy girl from the inside out.

Yukina turned her head to look, and as expected, the other party's appearance and temperament were too pure and holy, like an angel visiting the mortal world, if the special effects of white feathers were added behind her, she would be a real angel.

Wearing the same style of maid outfit as her, with a white lace hairpin, the shoes and socks are basically the same.

Her white hair reaches her shoulders, and her azure blue pupils exude a kind of divine brilliance. The same is true of her appearance and temperament. Her quiet and calm smile is the kindness and kindness that people recognize from the bottom of their hearts.

Her words of 'criticizing' Xuecai didn't really mean to criticize.

She holds a cleaning tool in her hand, and like Yukina, she is a working maid here.

They are also one of the few normal people here with a human appearance, but the breath on their bodies... how should I put it, it really has a very weird atmosphere.

It seems that it is really not a human being, but an angel.

"You are……"

Xuecai was a little dazed, seeing such a holy child for the first time, she felt a sense of inferiority.

It's hard to imagine such a pure child working as a maid here, it's really too much!

"Hello, I'm Yase Natsuyin."

"Oh... oh, I, I'm Himeragi Yukina."

"Did you just come here? I heard from Mr. Ludburn that he asked me to take you to work together."

Xia Yin smiled slightly, and Xuecai felt her heart melt when she saw this smile.

Her whole body was healed, and she was full of enthusiasm for work.

"Okay, okay, can I call you Xia Yin?"

"Well, yes."


At this time, Xuecai was full of unprecedented motivation. This child's request made people unable to bear to refuse.

Xia Yin looked at Xuecai's lively and joyful appearance, without the nervousness and resentment that she had before, so Xia Yin couldn't help but chuckled.

Slowly, the two talked more and more, and Xuecai also learned that Xia Yin was a relative of the staff here, and was specially assigned to the Zero Tower to do the work of a maid.

Xia Yin's adoptive father is called Ye Lai Xiansheng, not only a staff member of the True White Night Palace, but also a senior scientific researcher. He is a not small cadre in the White Garden of the scientific research department. High status.

"Xia Yin, where do you go to school now?"

Yukina asked interestedly while cleaning the ground.

"I'm currently in the third grade of junior high school at Caihai Academy, how about you Yukina?"

"What a coincidence, the school I'm going to transfer to next is Caihai College. Like Xia Yin, you are a third-year junior high school student."

Xuecai was pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect that she and Xuecai were in the same school or the same grade.

This matter can only be described as a coincidence.

"I'm in Group C, which group is Yukina in?"

"Huh?" Yukina was surprised.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yin tilted her head, a little puzzled by Xue Cai's expression.

"No, I mean it's too coincidental, I'm also in Group C."

"Well, junior high school will start in a few days, let's go to school together then. Xuecai is so cute, she will be welcomed there." Xia Yin said with a gentle smile.

"Uh... ok, ok."

Yukina smiled reluctantly.

go to school?I'm afraid I'm dreaming.

Whether she can go out now is still a question.

"Speaking of which, whose room is this? It's a bit too big, but there aren't many things."

Yukina looked at the room as a whole, it was very clean.

Except for the necessary living utensils, there are several rows of bookshelves, basically nothing else, most of the places are empty, giving people a clean and empty feeling.

Especially on the side near the window, there is no debris placed there. After cleaning, the floor is so clean that people's shadows can be seen.

It was blank and very silent.

"It is said that the leader lives here, but he himself has gone on a trip and is not here for the time being."

Xia Yin has never met the owner of the room, but only heard about it from Lu Deben, so she answered Xuecai.

"Boss? Is that what the boss here means? What a weird person."

Because there are not many things in the room, it is very convenient to clean. Open the window for ventilation, and soon Xue Cai followed Xia Yin to another place for cleaning work.

The two of them were responsible for not many areas, and they were all planned in advance. They completed today's work in about two hours.

Some fake maids sat casually on the clean floor of the corridor, playing cards, flipping flower ropes, or holding video game consoles, wearing headphones, playing video games, in short, they have many ways of entertainment.

The rougher ones directly held a knife and started a fight in the huge open space not far from the Zero Tower, with a ferocious look of wanting to beat the opponent down. Many maids followed there and booed, and then all the broken-faced maids burst into blood for no reason. , The chaos broke out, and various colors of false flashes were released, causing loud rumbling noises, which made Yukina frightened. These maids were too tough, and they couldn't figure out what was going on in their minds.

Coming to the rooftop of the zeroth tower, Xia Yin said that the scenery here is good, you can have a panoramic view of the Zhenbai Night Palace, and all the scenery can be seen at a glance.

Xuecai's face was pale, and when she reached the roof of the zeroth tower, she realized that she had a fear of heights, and dared not stand on the edge to look at it.

From the place where you can have a panoramic view of the Zhenbai Night Palace, you can imagine the height of the roof of the zeroth tower.

Even so, Yukina seems to have noticed something is wrong...

Wait, this looks like an island...

Only then did Yukina discover an extremely terrifying fact.

A huge palace built on a flying island, floating in a dark and chaotic void...

Here... what exactly is this place?

I thought it was a palace before, but when I stood at the highest overlooking point and looked out, I found that it was a palace built on a flying island.

in the villa.

"This is……"

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