Although St. Eden Academy is a consistent middle school, it occupies a very large area, which is not inferior to some well-known universities.

And in such a spacious campus, how could it be impossible to find a place for one person?


The place where Yuanjing is now is the topmost floor of the teaching building, in the stairwell that is only one door away from the rooftop.

Unfortunately, the roof of the teaching building of St. Eden Academy is not open to the public.

In other words, it is not 'free' to the outside world.

Like all other public facilities in St. Eden Academy, the roof of the teaching building is also under the control of the student union and will not be open to ordinary students like Yuanjing.

That's right.

Because Yuanjing's target is not the rooftop, but the stairwell.

Due to the closed roof, the stairwell on the top floor of the teaching building is deserted during the lunch break.

Diligent cleaning workers cleaned this place every day, and Yuanjing could even see his own reflection on the marble floor, which made him suspect that those people even waxed when cleaning.

Not only that, this small space has enough sunlight, which can fully meet Yuanjing's reading needs.

Aside from the lack of tables, chairs and outlets to plug in, the place is the perfect solitary space.

Yuanjing nodded in satisfaction.Record this location in a notebook in his mind.

If that classroom can no longer be used, this place is a pretty perfect backup.

However, just when he finished his investigation and was content to go down the stairs——

"Ah, student Yuanjing?"

Below him, a pink-haired girl looked up at her in surprise. In her hand, a silver-white key shone brightly under the sunlight.

Correction, in addition to the absence of tables, chairs and sockets, there is another disadvantage of the stairwell -

When you turn a corner, you will be blocked by people who just come up, which is not good for your heart.

The cute girl called her name, and then slowly walked towards herself... Seeing such a scene, most people should feel their chests burning with joy.But Yuanjing is obviously not among the 'ordinary people'.

What's more, although the girl who came was very cute in appearance, she was indeed the enemy he considered.

Although it is not clear why the idol in the class and the focus of the focus Fujiwara Chika-sama came to this inaccessible place, but Yuanjing has no interest in finding out the root cause.

He is not very curious, and he is not the kind of eighth-wife who likes to inquire about other people's affairs.

On the contrary, there should be no one in this world who knows how to respect the privacy of others better than him.

After greeting Fujiwara Chika with a slight nod, he planned to just slip away.

Yuanjing's plan did not succeed.

Just as the two passed by, Fujiwara Chika reached out and grabbed the hem of his school uniform jacket.

"Eh? It's still early until the next class, so why not stay a little longer."

Chika Fujiwara looked at Yuan Jing with a weak expression, but she was holding the hem of the clothes with considerable strength.

To be honest, it was the first time for Yuan Jing to see Chika Fujiwara showing such a fragile porcelain expression.This appearance of Fujiwara Chika is completely different from the usual radiant and lively appearance, but more like a beautiful girl who died because of jumping down the stairs.

What happened to her?When she was in the classroom before, she was obviously not like this...

Yuanjing sighed, and sat down on the stairs——"Let's talk about it first, and we'll just wait until the next class."

"Hmm!" Chika Fujiwara finally showed a smile, and there seemed to be a light in her dim eyes.


"Uh, since I'm idle, I'm idle, so why don't you come and have a chat?" Still not letting go of Yuanjing's hem, Chika Fujiwara said a little abruptly.This clumsy performance was not at all like her usual slick appearance. She seemed to be extremely eager to pour out something, but something stuck in her throat, and she could only pour out a little tentatively.

Is this waiting for Yuanjing to encourage her, or to give her courage in some other way?

But unfortunately, Yuanjing was not so gentle, "Just say what you want to say, don't waste time on pointless probing." He said bluntly, "I can take the position of 'Tree Hole' temporarily. , after all, you also took care of me in the previous school life."

"Don't worry that I will tell others, let alone hope for my possible comfort, is that okay?"

"...Still so sharp, Yuan Jing-san." Chika Fujiwara was stunned for a while, and then burst out laughing for some reason. Seeing through people's hearts, Yuan Jing is really a strange person."

It's up to you.Yuan Jing crossed his arms and made an air of disdain to argue.

"Uh, where should I start?" Fujiwara Chika frowned in distress, "Let's start from the very beginning."

"Student Yuanjing, you should know about my family, right?" She asked tentatively, "Simply put, it's a somewhat prominent family."

No no no, I don't think that's 'kinda'.Yuanjing complained in his heart.

"Generally speaking, in a family like mine, the relationship between members tends to be more complicated, but my family members have a good relationship with each other."

"My father is a high-ranking official, and my mother is a daughter of a wealthy family; they fell in love and got married freely at the beginning, and their relationship has been maintained until now. Occasionally, they will make some interactions that make me blush."

"I have an older sister and a younger sister. Although there are occasional fights, the relationship has never been broken."

"By the way, I also have a large dog named 'Pace'. Although it has fierce eyes, it is actually quite timid. If I have time, I can introduce it to you."

Yuanjing made a slight 'hum' sound with his nose to express his gratitude and insensitivity.He doesn't even want to make human friends, let alone dog friends.

"The background is like this. Not long ago," Chika Fujiwara's face began to cast a shadow, and her voice began to become hoarse, "Dad and mother had a routine physical examination every year."

"This is a routine examination they do every year. As usual, every value is within the normal range. At dinner, Dad proudly took out the medical certificate and showed us his and Mom's healthy physique, while When I read the medical certificate, I found an interesting thing, that is, both of them have type O blood."

"I used to have this check, but I never paid attention to this kind of thing. The reason why I noticed it this time is because of the content of the previous biology class," Fujiwara Chika explained, "Look, we are not learning from Mendel recently. Does the law of inheritance still have things like dominant and recessive genes? The teacher also gave an example of blood type, so I became a little concerned about this kind of thing.”

"But it's not right." Fujiwara Chika's voice revealed deep doubts and a trace of fear, "We also had a physical examination when we entered school. It doesn't matter about anything else, but when it comes to blood type, my What is written in the medical certificate is not O."

"It's an A."

The whole space instantly became very quiet, and the human voice from the floor below could be heard clearly at this moment.

"It's strange, Yuan Jing-san," Chika Fujiwara said quietly, "Why did two people with type O blood give birth to a daughter with type A blood?"

Chapter 19 No injections or medicines

The so-called ABO blood type is a blood type system divided according to the presence or absence of specific antigens (agglutinogens) A and B on the surface of red blood cells. The fundamental reason for its emergence is the advancement of medical and health technology, or the need for blood transfusion technology.

According to the distribution of agglutinogens A and B, blood is divided into four types: A, B, AB, and O.Type A blood has only agglutinogen A on red blood cells, type B blood has only agglutinogen B on red blood cells, type AB blood has both agglutinogens A and B on red blood cells, and both agglutinogens A and B on red blood cells None had type O blood.

Patients with massive blood loss need blood transfusion for treatment, but if the blood type is incompatible during blood transfusion, the transfused red blood cells will agglutinate, causing vascular obstruction and massive hemolysis in the blood vessel, resulting in serious consequences.

Because of this, there will be a need for blood type testing.

And why blood type is related to the so-called paternity test, which involves the law of inheritance proposed by the famous Mr. Mendel.

Blood type is controlled by three alleles of ABO. The A and B genes are dominant genes, while the O gene is a recessive gene.

Chika Fujiwara's parents are both type O blood, so it proves that both of them are homozygous for the so-called recessive gene, and their genes do not contain type A or type B genes.In this case, it is absolutely impossible for the offspring of the two of them to have type A blood, type B blood and type AB.

So, Fujiwara Chika's troubles are——

"Student Yuanjing, I don't seem to be my parents' child, what should I do?"

That's it.

This is really, unexpectedly heavy topic.

Yuan Jing smacked his mouth, and glanced at Chika Fujiwara's coat pocket, he had seen the other party put the silver key in it before.

According to the matching degree of the size of the key and the roof door lock, plus a little logical deduction, Yuan Jing thinks that this is the key of the roof door.

So, here comes the question—what is Chika Fujiwara going to do on the rooftop?

If it was before, Yuan Jing would think that she should just water the flowers or look at the scenery, but to be honest, he is not so sure now.

In terms of general rationality, Chika Fujiwara does not seem like someone who would do that kind of thing.

But now, after all, she is in the adolescence where she is the easiest to get into the horns and has the most rebellious and extreme thinking. What she encounters is still this kind of thing...

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Fujiwara Chika didn't see Yuan Jing's serious expression, she is now venting her emotions on her own——

"To be honest, I really don't know what to do anymore." Chika Fujiwara let go of Yuanjing's hem at some point, she hugged her knees, and tightly held onto the skirt of the school uniform, as if she wanted to He suppressed the trembling of his hands, "I dare not tell others that our family is that kind of family after all. Once the news gets out, it will easily become a scandal and be used as political material to attack the Fujiwara family."

"I don't dare to ask my parents." Fujiwara Chika managed to suppress the trembling of her hands, but she couldn't hide the tremor in her voice.Yuanjing clearly knew that the reason for this trembling was definitely not the cold.

"After asking, what will happen to the situation? If they tear off the mask of warmth they were wearing and tell me that everything before is a disguise, what will happen next? What should I do? Shake it? Or sever the relationship? Rip Broken face? Out of control?"

"So what if I don't ask? What if I just don't ask anything, if I don't do anything? As long as I'm still like before, be a 'good daughter' and live like I don't know anything. , would it be better?"

"I tried it for several days, and found that this kind of life is really tiring." Fujiwara Chika stared in front of her eyes, as if staring at something, but there was nothingness in her empty eyes, "At this time, I will think——Dad My mother is very good to me. As long as there is something, she will always work hard for me, and she always loves me. And I am 16 years old. Even legally speaking, I am still old enough to live alone. As for the maintenance of the relationship, I should 'not go into it', anyway, it has been like this for more than ten years, isn't it?"

"I seem to convince myself rationally, but it's a pity that humans are not only rational creatures." Fujiwara Chika laughed inexplicably, and it was the first time Yuanjing saw her show such a helpless smile, "If you are confident and independent If it is Yuanjing, I will definitely try to find out, even if I will become lonely, I must get the truth."

"This kind of courage is really enviable."

"Unfortunately, I am still a coward."

Fujiwara Chika took a long breath, "It always feels a lot easier to say everything."

This is a lie.Her body that is still trembling slightly at this moment is the proof.

"Don't dare to tell your friends, but you will tell me this kind of secret, Fujiwara-san is really not very smart." Yuan Jing said in a sarcastic tone on purpose, he wanted to see if Fujiwara Chika felt a certain level of bluntness in her heart at the moment , if he really can't even listen to the words, then he may have to resort to certain physical methods——

You can't just watch your classmates go to the rooftop, can you?

"Because I trust Yuanjing." Chika Fujiwara immediately replied, "Although she never considers me a friend, Yuanjing may be the most trustworthy person I have ever met. I don't think you will talk so much about this kind of thing." Things get aired."

...It's useless to flatter me at this time.However, it seems that he can still listen to the words, and his logical thinking is still clear.So things weren't so bad that they couldn't be saved.

"Fujiwara Chika, what do you want yourself to do?" Yuan Jing said, with the same calm tone as before.

"Huh...? Uh... It's because I don't know, that's why I'm so entangled." Fujiwara Chika pressed her hand on her chest, as if she wanted to use this action to ask her heart, but Looks like it failed.

"Then, let's change the way of asking." The boy asked slowly word by word, as if he wanted the girl to think about it for herself, "What kind of result do you hope to get?"

"...Keep the status quo?...No..." The girl smiled wryly, and then said, "I hope I just misunderstood, and I am indeed the daughter of my father and mother."

"Isn't it naive and naive to have such an idea?"

"No, I think it's human nature." Yuan Jing shook his head, "And, in my opinion, this kind of thinking is neither naive nor childish."

"In fact, I think that's the most likely truth."

"Huh?" Chika Fujiwara opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Chapter 20 Pseudo-O blood

"Fujiwara-san, I want to ask you a question." Yuan Jing didn't explain what he said before, but started to ask Fujiwara Chika, "Someone of your parents should go to the hospital more frequently and quite regularly, right? Let me think about it, maybe once every six months?"

"Huh?" Fujiwara Chika's eyes widened in surprise, "How could Yuan Jing know such a thing? My mother does go to the hospital every six months. According to my father, my mother seems to have an extremely rare strange disease." , Need to go to the hospital for regular checkups. For this reason, my father even called my mother a 'glass beauty', and the waist was pinched green."

"...Not only that," Yuanjing continued, shaking his head at Fujiwara Chika's father's death in his heart, "Your mother should know neither cooking nor illustration; in daily life , adhere to the principle of 'safety first', try to avoid any possible danger, even all kinds of pets are reluctant to get close, am I right?"

"It's true, when I bought the Pez, my mother seemed to be quite resistant and said she was allergic to hair. But I knew it was just an excuse because she had so many fur coats. In the end, she couldn't stand the three of us. The sisters begged, and finally nodded..." Chika Fujiwara revealed a look of reminiscence, "Student Yuanjing, how did you know so clearly?" In her eyes, the color of doubt became more and more Nong, "Could it be that you know my mother?"

"How is it possible? How could I have the opportunity to meet such a big man?" Yuan Jing shook his head, then put his hand on his chin, making a thoughtful expression, "But, I probably understand."

understand what?Could it be that?Fujiwara Chika's originally cold heart seemed to finally have a glimmer of vitality.She stared at Yuanjing's side face, the eagerness in her eyes seemed to burn Yuanjing's cheeks.

Yuan Jing didn't keep her waiting—"Fujiwara-san, you asked me before? [Why did two people with type O blood give birth to a daughter with type A blood]?"

Fujiwara Chika was too nervous to speak, and could only nod without hesitation.What Yuanjing said before rekindled a little bit of hope in her heart, could it be?

"Normally speaking, two people with blood type O cannot give birth to a daughter with blood type A. Mr. Mendel's genetic laws are not wrong."

The light in Fujiwara Chika's eyes quickly dimmed.

"What went wrong was the inspection technique."


"No, this statement is not accurate. It should be said that ABO blood type testing technology cannot determine your mother's true blood type."

"???" There were many question marks on Chika Fujiwara's head.

"Fujiwara-san, I don't know if you've heard the sayings like 'Bombay blood type' or 'Pseudo-O blood type'?"

"'Pseudo-O blood'?!" Chika Fujiwara didn't know what the so-called Mumbai blood type was, but the meaning of the latter word was quite easy to understand.

"That's right, the Bombay blood type is an extremely rare blood type, named after it was first discovered in Mumbai," Yuanjing's knowledge naturally came from his system panel.

From the point of view of his system panel, which is in line with the game, Yuanjing's learning behavior is naturally counted as "effort".So, since you have put in the effort, you must be rewarded.

Unfortunately, the system does not count [Chinese], [Mathematics], [Biology] and other categories as skills, but integrates them into a skill called [High School Knowledge]. , the only two that were classified as exceptions were [English] and [Cooking].

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