But when she came to the gate of the central school building.But it was no surprise to see a figure with white hair and red eyes.

"Yo." Ning Guang raised his hand and waved to his best friend, "Good morning, Ah Qing."

She greeted her best friend very familiarly, and after that——

"By the way, do you really want to disregard the past friendship and just oppose me like this?" The student council president stared at Ke Qing with a half-smile, but his scarlet eyes were full of seriousness.

In front of this quiet and deserted school building, a drama of breaking up with a close friend is being quietly staged without anyone knowing it?

Chapter 64 Santa Claus, bikinis and bunnies? (4.5k)

At 12 o'clock in the morning in December, the air was bitingly cold. After taking a deep breath, it seemed as if I had inhaled countless tiny steel knives, stabbing my lungs non-stop.

But in such an environment, Ke Qing was suddenly blocked by Ging Guang, who arrived a moment earlier than her, in front of the gate of the central school building——

"Are you really going to fight against me like this regardless of your past friendship?"

Facing his best friend emotionally, the student union's right-hand man at work, although Ning Guang still had a little smile on his face, there was no smile in his vermilion eyes, instead they were filled with seriousness which was rare.

"Don't ask this kind of question that you and I already know the answer to, okay?" Ke Qing didn't show any hesitation or weakness. Once a certain matter is decided, she will never look back and continue walking unswervingly .

This is Keqing.

This is her strongest point.

Again, this might be her greatest weakness...

"You should already have the answer in your heart, otherwise, you wouldn't appear here so abnormally at this time."

Although Ning Guang is the official president of the student union, Ke Qing is only the vice president.But when it comes to the degree of diligence, Ningguang can be said to be far behind Keqing.

For Keqing, the fact that she came to the central school building at six o'clock in the morning in the still dark night can be said to be commonplace, but for Ningguang, it can be compared with [The sun is coming out from the west! ] An aggressive and strange thing to draw an equal sign.

After all, Ningguang's working principle is "too much is too late, just right"; while Keqing's working principle is "be prepared, the more the better".

"That's right, because I don't want to see anything in the "St. Eden Daily" such as "The president and vice president of the student union are suspected of breaking up? The two who are called [best partners] have turned against each other!" and so on As for articles, Lilicia Todou from the news agency really dares to write anything."

Ning Guang said slightly distressed.

The news agency headed by Fujidou Lilicia is actually not that afraid of the student union.

After all, they have their own stable sources of community budget (referring to the "St. Eden Daily"), and do not rely too much on student union funding.

Rather, in order not to let the students of St. Eden Academy think that the "St. Eden Daily" is actually the mouthpiece controlled by the student union, Todou Lilicia even made some speculative reports aimed at the student union. Make some harmless jokes.

The most famous of them should be an article titled "The student council president is actually a female copper?"After joining the student union, President Ningguang would actually do these things! ", is full of reports of almost [-]% fabrications and other unknown stuff.

Ningguang didn't blame Fujido Lilicia for this, or hold the news agency accountable.

On the one hand, although the title is so written, the content does not slander or insult her. Fujido Lilicia still has a conscience and a bottom line.

On the other hand, if she wants to become a "superior" in the future, gossip news like this can be said to be the norm in life, and she just needs to get used to it in advance.

Moreover, Fujido Lilicia is an extremely outstanding mixed-race beautiful girl, and Ningguang has always been quite tolerant towards beautiful girls.

After all, [-]% of that article is true...

"So, after learning about my attitude, what are you going to do?" Ke Qing looked at Ning Guang, her two long purple ponytails swaying slightly in the cold morning wind, "Stop your plan , stop here?"

"Of course not." Ning Guang is actually very good at playing with words, and rarely makes such decisive words without any room for maneuver.

For Keqing, those words are useless.

But even if it was useful, Ning Guang would never use it.

Because, she didn't actually consider other possibilities.

"I knew it was like this." Ke Qing was not surprised by Ning Guang's answer at all.

After all, she has been with Ning Guang for so many years, and she might be the person who knows her best in the world.

Now that the conversation has come to this point, Keqing also knows that if she continues to talk, it is just a waste of time in vain.

And [wasting time] can also be said to be the thing Keqing hates the most.

The footsteps that had stopped at first moved forward again, Keqing pulled the distance between her and Ningguang in without hesitation, and then——

The two just passed by.

The purple twin ponytails and long white hair brushed gently.

"I've already written the accounting documents for the student union's budget for this year." The topic change from 'personal affairs' to 'student union affairs' was carried out very smoothly by Ke Qing, without any ambiguity.

She was originally a temperament with a clear distinction between public and private.

"Since you're here, I'll send it to the student council president's office and let you see if there's anything you need to change."

Because Keqing's back was facing Ningguang at this time, her words couldn't help but drift farther and farther away, and finally, with the harsh sound of closing the door, Ningguang could no longer hear Keqing's voice.

Whether it's footsteps or voices.

Obviously just now, the distance between the two was so close, it could even be said that they could even hear each other's breathing...

He sighed lightly.

She raised her head and looked at the faint milky white mist that had not dissipated among the trees in the courtyard.

The non-glare sunlight is already shining in the sky, just like it devours the night, the fog will eventually be dispelled by the sun without leaving a trace.

While extremely magnificent, it is also extremely fragile...

It's very similar to the friendship between her and Keqing.

"Don't just ask me, Keqing." Ning Guang muttered to herself, "What about you?"

"If I stop, you will also stop your plan, so let's stop?"


No, absolutely not.

It was because she already knew the answer that Ningguang didn't ask Keqing this question.

Keqing is undoubtedly the person who understands her best.

And this sentence, in fact, is also applicable in reverse.


Yuanjing was naturally unaware of the 'confrontation' between Ningguang and Keqing this morning.

Because only Keqing and Ningguang were present at the time, there were no other students as 'witnesses', so Ai Hayasaka's information network did not receive such news.

The reason why Ningguang came to the school so early, uncharacteristically, may be for this purpose.

Today's Lamb Club did not receive any entrustment, so after school in the afternoon, Yuan Jing did not go to the Lamb Club's room, but greeted Fujiwara Chika and told him about the "homework" he assigned for her. After that, she just walked out of the classroom.

However, he was not alone as usual.

Beside him, there is a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

Its name is Arturia Pendragon.

King Arthur 1500 years ago, the last member of the Pendoragon family.

However, now she no longer bears those heavy identities, but is only Yuanjing's deskmate and 'lover'.

At this time, there was no trace of heaviness on her face, but a bright smile instead.

The two walked through the corridor together, walked down the stairs, and met the two girls without any surprise.

"Ajing, Lily..." After seeing the figures of the two of them, Eiri Sawamura couldn't help but her eyes lit up, but before she could say hello, a certain "three-no girl" beside her 'But he has already rushed forward quickly, his pace is as fast as a cheerful deer.

Before Ying Lili could say anything, Shiina Mashiro had already come to Yuan Jing's side, and hugged Yuan Jing's arm very familiarly.

Sawamura Eriri couldn't help being a little stunned, and a look of envy flashed in her blue eyes.

However, the current Genkei has Shiina Mashiro on one side and Arturia Pendragon on the other, so there is no place for her to intervene.

After realizing this, Sawamura Eriri couldn't help but feel a little sad on her delicate face.

However, this fleeting expression did not escape Shiina Mashiro's eyes.

She tilted her head slightly, thought for a while, and her big, agile eyes rolled around Yuan Jing's body, as if she was thinking about some century-old problem.

And when he saw Yuanjing's shoulder, Shiina Mashiro couldn't help but his eyes lit up——

"Ah Jing." Letting go of the arms in his embrace, Shiina Mashiro came to Yuan Jing, and said directly to him, "I want to 'ride a horse'."

The so-called [riding horse] is naturally not going to the racecourse to ride a real tall horse (although there are really horses in St. Eden Academy).

The people present are naturally quite clear about what the behavior it refers to.

Sawamura Eriri turned pale in shock, and hurried forward to hug Shiina Mashiro to stop her behavior, "This is in public, what are you talking about!"

"But Ying Lili just seemed to be envious of me and Lily."

If she was riding on Yuan Jing's shoulder, then he would have an arm free, and Eiri Sawamura could hug it.

This is Shiina Mashiro's thinking logic.

Yuan Jing also patted Shiina Mashiro's head, dumbfounded, and watched her narrow her eyes, showing a rather comfortable expression.

It really seems to be a kitten who has always been pure in mind and ignorant of worldly affairs.

"It's okay to not be so anxious. Anyway, from now until school tomorrow, I will always be with you."

That's right, after school today, Minato didn't intend to go home, but planned to go back to Sawamura's house with Artoria, Sawamura Eriri, and Shiina Mashiro and spend the night there.

As for the reason for this...

Actually, it was because of Artoria.

Arturia will not go to Vienna with Yuan Jing and other girls.

After all, she has a special status. It can be said that the Yuan family secretly withheld her from the Spencer family.

If you go to Austria at this time, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Yuanjing accepted Sayuri Sawamura's invitation and went to spend the night at Sawamura's house today.

This is an early Christmas Eve for Artoria.

"Okay, don't make Sayuri wait too long." Artoria said with a gentle smile. She actually likes Yinglili, Mashiro and Sayuri quite a lot.

After being frozen for 500 years, she finally felt the feeling of 'family' again.

"You also want Ah Jing to see your outfit earlier, don't you?"

She blinked at Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro mysteriously.

"!!!" Sawamura Eriri's face turned red all of a sudden, even Shiina Mashiro, who seldom showed her expression, had a faint blush on her fair face.

Even she was ashamed.

that outfit?What dress up?

Yuan Jing tilted his head a little suspiciously.

But at the same time, there was also some expectation in his heart.


The four got into the car driven by Sayuri Sawamura.

After driving for a while, it stopped in front of a white western-style villa.

This is exactly the Sawamura house that was almost bought by Yuanjing.

After getting off the car, Yuan Jing looked up.

Found a series of decorative lights on the stone walls around the house, and some decorations that fit the Christmas atmosphere.

It can be seen that the Sawamura family has indeed made sufficient preparations for tonight.

"Everyone needs to take a shower and change clothes." Sayuri Sawamura said to Yuan Jing with a smile, apparently in a good mood, "For Yuan-kun, please wait in the living room for a while."

"If possible, could you please turn on the fireplace to make the room as warm as possible." She had obviously stepped out of the shadow of the previous incident, "After all, the girls' clothes for a while may be a little too cool."

In the process of holding the three girls in her arms and pushing them upstairs, Sayuri Sawamura did not forget to turn her head and winked playfully at Yuanjing.


Because the late Mr. Spencer was an orthodox British aristocrat, the living room here has a very authentic British style, and has a low-key and restrained aristocratic temperament.

The decoration of this living room is very simple, there is no redundant decoration, no inconsistent furniture, none of the furniture is particularly eye-catching, giving people a natural sense of intimacy.

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