If it's the latter, after forcefully breaking through the servant's block (after all, she is a young lady from a wealthy family), approaching the door that she has pushed open countless times, she took a deep breath and was about to push the door in. When I accidentally heard the joyful melody coming from it...

What is she going to do next?

Just thinking about it for a while, Murasaki Shikibu felt a little overwhelmed.

Other than that, there is a little bit of private information about that Sunday, and Yukinoshita Yukino's shy and angry look.

These are all her gains today, and for Zi Shibu, they are undoubtedly priceless treasures.

Well, although the relationship with Yuanjing is a little stiff, but since he can gain so much, it is naturally not a 'loss'.

Anyway, as long as I have enough materials, I will go back to my hometown.

Yuanjing or something...

never mind.

I have my 'Ruozi' on the line.

After finally figuring everything out, Murasaki Shikibu just lowered his head.

On Fujiwara Chika's cute little pink face, she gave a 'baji' kiss.

"Thank you for your reminder, Chika." Zi Shibu said sincerely, her depressed mood, which was hit by Yuan Jing's reaction, suddenly became high again.

Touching the place where my aunt just kissed, Fujiwara Chika's expression was slightly subtle——

At this time, do you want to say 'you're welcome'?


At this moment, Yuanjing's family.

"Ah Jing, this is what you told me to order yesterday, and it arrived today." Ai Hayasaka handed a beautifully packaged book to Yuan Jing.

On the cover of the book, the words 'disqualification in the world' are impressively written.

And under the title of the book, there is a line of small characters that says its author——

Osamu Dazai.

It was the writer who committed suicide by throwing himself into the river.

"If I remember correctly, Shikibe-sensei asked you to write your impressions of "The Tale of Genji", right?" Ai Hayasaka couldn't help but asked curiously, "Then why do you want to read "No Longer Human?"

Yuan Jing didn't answer her question right away, but lifted up the book first, and asked Ai Hayasaka, "Have you read this book?"

"I've only read the previous preface." Ai Hayasaka said honestly, "But just reading the preface made me feel very heavy, so I put it down..."

"It's really hard to imagine, this is the author who wrote "Run, Melles" and "Fuyue Hundred Scenes"." She couldn't help muttering softly.

The two articles she mentioned were actually included in Sakurajima's textbook.

The latter may not know much, but most people should have heard of the former.

Melles, who was sentenced to death for trespassing into the palace by mistake, hoped to return to his hometown to attend his sister's wedding, but a stonemason who didn't trust people volunteered to sit in the treasury for him. Then, he ran back to the palace with all his strength...

This kind of trustworthy story actually came from the hands of this Dazai Osamu.

"What kind of story is this "Disqualification in the World"?" Ai Hayasaka asked curiously.

"Well," Yuan Jing thought for a while, "I just watched it a long time ago, and I don't remember it very clearly."

That's why he ordered the book.

"If I had to generalize, it should be the story of a sad, ignorant clown?"

Chapter 61 Dazai Osamu, Goethe and Return Gifts

"A clown who doesn't know people's hearts?" Hayasaka Ai showed a slightly interested look on her face, obviously aroused by this statement, she looked at the hardcover book in Yuanjing's hand With a glance, a little hesitation flashed in the blue eyes.

It's like a kitten who sees a live fish for the first time and doesn't know what it is.

In his nature, the desire for food and the cautiousness of the unknown are fighting in his mind, hesitatingly wanting to stretch out his little paws to touch this slippery thing, but in the end he is caught by his sudden Thumping and startled, he retracted his little paw like lightning...

The current Hayasaka Ai gives Yuan Jing such a feeling.

"If you're curious, let's take a look. Anyway, this work is not too long." Yuanjing said, and handed back the "No Place in the World" to Ai Hayasaka.

"Disqualification in the World" is indeed not a grand masterpiece. This novel consists of five parts: "Preface", "First Handbook", "Second Handbook", "Third Handbook" and "Postscript". The whole book has only 6 words About, can be regarded as a standard novella.

If you really want to read it, you should be able to read it in less than two hours.

"...Forget it, I'm a little scared." After hesitating for a moment, Ai Hayasaka bit her lower lip lightly, and shook her head reluctantly.

"No Place in the World" is undoubtedly a "depressed" novel, which is something that Ai Hayasaka avoided before.

Because, at that time, she could be said to be living in hell, enduring the high-intensity work every day and the inner torment caused by cheating Kaguya.

At that time, Hayasaka Ai had also picked up "Disqualification in the World". In order to cultivate her sentiments, and of course, more importantly, to be able to find common topics with others, the Shinomiya family would ask Shinomiya Kaguya to read various of literary works.

Osamu Dazai's "No Longer Human" is naturally among them.

At that time, Ai Hayasaka, who was the head maid of the Shinomiya Villa, once purchased these books for Kaguya, and was driven by curiosity to read this "Disqualification in the World".

After all, the phrase 'I'm sorry to be human' is too famous.

(Although this sentence was widely circulated because of "Disqualification in the World", the source of its original work is the "Suicide Letter" of Terauchi Toshitaro, and Osamu Dazai just borrowed it.)

But after seeing the first "Preface", the oppressive atmosphere that hit her face really made her feel short of breath. The book was simply closed again.

It's not that Osamu Dazai didn't write well.

It's because he writes so well.

If Ai Hayasaka in that situation was just lost in the world of books, she would have been pushed down into the dark abyss in one breath.

Because of this, Ai Hayasaka has an instinctive fear of the book "Disqualification in the World".

It is not so much the fear of this book, but rather the fear of the time when he was in Sigong's house that was worse than death.

And now that she has become happy, this fear still hasn't dissipated, and it still hangs around Ai Hayasaka like a ghost.

After all, she has lived in Si Gong's family for more than ten years, and the scars of these ten years will not disappear after all...

Yuan Jing naturally saw Ai Hayasaka's hesitation, and after sighing with some pity in his heart, he moved the chair he was sitting on backwards, leaving enough space between the table and——

"Then, what if I say, I invite you to watch with me?" He let go of his arms, showing his embrace, and invited Hayasaka Ai again.


Hayasaka Ai's reaction can be said to be quite quick.

It can be said that as soon as the words fell, a soft and fragrant body sat on Yuanjing's lap.

Yuanjing can also smell a faint scent of gardenia from Ai Hayasaka...

"Aren't you afraid now?" Yuan Jing slightly adjusted the position of the girl in his arms to make both of them more comfortable, Yuan Jing smiled lightly.

"Because Ajing is here." Hayasaka Ai leaned back and buried her body so deeply in Yuanjing's embrace, with deep nostalgia in her words, "Of course I won't be afraid."

Maintaining this posture, the two of them opened the book "No Place in the World" on the table...

The story line of "Disqualification in the World" is actually not complicated.

The male protagonist named Oba Yozo was born in an old-fashioned noble family in the countryside. From a very young age, he realized that his personality was different from ordinary people.

He was terrified and ashamed of this, so he played the hypocritical clown, gained approval by making people laugh, and later threw himself into a dangerous social movement, only to fail halfway.

He became very disgusted with himself because of it.In order to escape from despair, he has been living a decadent life.

Then he made an appointment with a waitress in a cafe to commit suicide, but the other party died, but he himself lived on, so he began to fall into the abyss of despair and self-denial, and finally returned to a life full of poverty, introspection, and decadence .

Later, his wife Ryoko became his spiritual support.But such a spiritual pillar collapsed the moment the hero witnessed her being defiled.

In the end, the male protagonist was completely addicted to banned drugs, and was sent to a brain hospital by his friends, just like a useless person...

In the end, he chose to self-destruct.

What "Disqualification in the World" tells is the story of such a complete loser.


There is no doubt that for Ai Hayasaka, "No Place in the World" is indeed a very good work.

At the beginning, when she was sitting in Yuanjing's arms, her heart beat faster, and she would think about something in her head, but as the pages of paper were turned over, her expression gradually became more focused When he got up, he was obviously immersed in the world in the book.

And after flipping through the entire book, she made a somewhat disappointed voice——

"Is this over?"

"Well, it's over." Yuan Jing stroked Hayasaka Ai's hair that looked like molten gold in a comforting manner, "How is it, how do you feel?"

"It's beautiful." Ai Hayasaka nodded, "I'm not a literary connoisseur, and I can't say any gorgeous rhetoric or professional evaluation, but this book has a strong sense of rhythm, and I read it very comfortably. It's like talking to the author."

As a reader, Hayasaka Ai is expressing her sincere feelings although she is not professional.

"My favorite passage is here."

Turning back the book quickly, Ai Hayasaka found the place where Ye Zang, the leading actor, proposed to Ryoko.

Ye Zang, who has always been an alcoholic, said to Liangzi: "Don't drink anymore. From tomorrow on, I won't drink at all. If I quit drinking, will Liangzi marry me?"

As a result, the next day, Ye Zang went to see Liangzi drunk again, and laughed at himself: "No, I'm not qualified, I can't marry you, you see my face is red, right? Because I've been drinking."

"[That's because of the setting sun, don't lie to me. Didn't you agree yesterday? How could you still go drinking, you've already checked it, and you're lying, lying, lying!] "

Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but read Ryoko's answer.

This is her favorite part of the book

“[Sitting in the dimly lit shop, Yoshiko’s smile is pure and flawless, and the light of a virgin who has never encountered any ugliness flashes across her fair face. In my eyes, she is simply extremely noble.]”

Yuan Jing, who was holding Ai Hayasaka, also read Ai Hayasaka's inner monologue with her.

Two voices, one male and one female, just echoed in the study room, blending together extremely harmoniously.

"This may be the happiest moment in Ye Zang's life." In Hayasaka Ai's words, there was a very obvious pity, "But because of this, after what happened..."

Ai Hayasaka sighed softly, and did not continue talking.

"I've heard a saying that "No Place in the World" is Dazai Osamu's autobiography and suicide note." Ai Hayasaka turned her head back and looked at Yuan Jing, "Is this true?"

"It's roughly true." Yuan Jing nodded, "Osamu Dazai's "No Longer Human" was actually serialized in three parts in a magazine called "Zhan Zhan."

"The "Prologue", which is the prologue of the story, and the "First Handbook", which records the feelings of the protagonist [Yozang] when he was young, were published in May. One month later, that is, on June [-]th, Dazai Osamu and his lover Yamazaki Tomei jumped into Tamagawa Josui together and committed suicide."

While reading "Disqualification in the World", Yuan Jing had such background information echoing in his mind...

"The second serialization was published during the search for the remains in the river. Finally, the remains of the two were found on June [-]. The "Third Handbook" and the "Postscript" as the final chapter were published a month later, in July published."

"From this point of view, "No Place in the World" is undoubtedly Dazai Osamu's swan work, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a suicide note."

It is said that a swan will make the most poignant cry in its life when it is dying, because it knows that time is short, so it must seize the last time to show its best side without reservation.

In the art world, this kind of last-stroke work is usually called "Swan Work".

"Osamu Dazai was also from a family of big landowners in Aomori. He also participated in social movements. He worried that he would only be a rich man for the rest of his life. He also made an appointment with a cafe waitress to commit suicide, but it didn't work."

"At that time Osamu Dazai was rescued, but the other party died." This can be said to be the same as the experience of the protagonist Ye Zang in "No Longer Human".

"Later, when he was cut off from living expenses by his brother during college, and faced with the situation of being expelled from the university, he attempted to hang himself, but failed because the rope broke." There is a similar plot in the article.

"Later, he married the first geisha Koyama who came to him from the countryside. But after knowing the past of the first generation, he was shocked and attempted suicide again. Later, he was sent to Musashino Hospital due to drug poisoning." The first generation Koyama, Obviously it is the prototype of the [Liangzi] in the article.

"After being discharged from the hospital, he wrote "Human Lost", the predecessor of "No Man in the World". Not long after, he and his wife took poison to commit suicide, but this time it was unsuccessful."

"Later, Osamu Dazai wrote many great works and became a well-known writer. Ten years later, he re-completed the work "Disqualification in the World". However, he committed suicide immediately after completion. This time Osamu Dazai and Furong Yamazaki None were saved."

In terms of the number of suicides, Osamu Dazai can be said to be the best in the circle of writers.

He actually committed suicide five times.

"Looking at it this way, it actually makes sense to say that this "No Place in the World" is his autobiography."

Yuan Jing stroked the pages of the book lightly, his expression was extremely regretful, "Love, you just said it, [it feels like you are talking to the author]."

"That's right, that's one of the charms of Osamu Dazai's works."

This is not what the system told him, but Yuanjing's true feelings.

"Osamu Dazai's greatest magic is to allow readers to create an invisible second person. That is the [resonance] for readers and works."

"He is a writer with polarized evaluations. Although some people find his works dark, melancholy, and heavy, they don't like to read his works. But for those who like him, he is a very charming writer. Can't stop falling in love with him."

"The Cherry Kiss is held every year to commemorate Osamu Dazai, and many people still participate in this event."

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