"do not go."

"Please do not."


Although the answer is the same for each part, everyone's meaning is the same——

No one wanted to push this matter to Yuanjing.

After exchanging glances with each other, Shimizu Kaguya finally became everyone's representative, "Ningguang, maybe I'm waiting for you to find her now, Ah Jing."

After all, she doesn't really want to go to Vienna, her purpose is only Yuanjing.

"The target of her gauntlet is not you, but us; if we shrink back here and leave everything to you, it will appear that we are afraid of her."

Shimizu Kaguya seemed to be full of fighting spirit, and she was eager to try the situation that the student council president had worked so hard to set up.

The red pupils like blood looked at Sijo Zhenfei, "Zhenfei, now, Ningguang should still be in the student council president's office, waiting for us, do you want to go together?"

Ningguang actually used a little trick.

Although Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Hayasaka Ai had a great probability of being admitted to the top three in the final exam, it was not a sure thing after all.

And for things like this kind of intrigue, Hesha, Yinglili and Zhenbai couldn't help.

Therefore, the only ones who can act at this time are Sijo Zhenfei and Shimizu Kaguya.

"Of course!" Concubine Shijo agreed without hesitation, she turned her head and folded her hands towards Nagisa Kashiwagi, showing an apologetic gesture, "Zhu, I probably won't be able to go back with you, I have more important things to do now to do."

"Okay, I understand." Bai Muzhu replied quite simply, "What you want to do is more important to you, and you don't need to worry about me."

However, while saying these words, Kashiwagi Nagisa's hands hidden behind his back...

Zheng was extremely unwilling to be twisted together.

Chapter 56 Master Engraver, are you finally gone?

"So, Huiye, are we going to find Ningguang now?" After walking out of the club building where the Lamb Club is located, Concubine Shijo asked Shimizu Huiye who was walking in front of her.

At this time, she was already completely absorbed by the unexpected situation of this winter vacation trip, and she didn't notice the abnormality of her best friend at all.

"No, don't use it for now." Shimizu Kaguya shook his head, "Since Ningguang will inform Mrs. Hiratsuka of this matter, she must have considered that we will go to her, maybe at this time already Waiting for us in the office."

Ningguang is an extremely shrewd person, she must have considered the consequences of this action and is already prepared.

On the contrary, Shimizu Kaguya and Shijo Makoto could be said to be the one who acted hastily, and they were naturally at a disadvantage.

"Always walk at the other person's pace. This is the worst taboo." Walking through the garden and on the cobbled path, Kaguya Shimizu looked up at the center of St. Eden Academy. The central school building, which is the headquarters of the student union, "at least surprise her a little bit."

"That is to say, do you want to take it by surprise?" The deep purple eyes blinked, and Shijo Zhenfei showed a very interested look, "How should I do it?"

She didn't have much contact with the student union, and at best she only knew a little bit about the stories between Ningguang, Yuanjing and other girls, which was not as good as Shimizu Kaguya who almost witnessed the whole process.

If you don't know, just ask.

If it was before that Sunday, Concubine Shijo would not have asked Shimizu Kaguya so naturally. After all, she is a girl with strong self-esteem, and she is unlikely to be able to pull off such a face.

But now the four real concubines are extremely natural, no matter their expressions or actions, without the slightest bit of embarrassment at all.

After all, she and Kaguya are already 'fucking' sisters...

"Let's not go to Ningguang for now," Qingshui Huiye was very excited. She liked to compete by nature, and she was the kind of person who regarded the words "fighting with others is endless fun" as her standard. After Ningguang handed over the gauntlet, it can be said that he is gearing up.

"In the third grade of high school, isn't there two people who want to join our team? Let's go to the other person first and see what she thinks about this matter."

"You mean, Senior Sister Keqing?" A purple figure appeared in the mind of Concubine Shijo. As a member of St. Eden Academy, she has been studying here since junior high school, and she naturally knows this executive committee member. and vice president.

What impressed her the most about this vice president, apart from her uprightness, was the pair of ponytails combed up like two tall "cat's ears" and "bamboo shoots".

"By the way, I've heard a lot from Qian Hua about what happened between President Ningguang and A Jing, and I've heard a little bit about it, but what about the relationship between Senior Sister Keqing and A Jing?" Zhenfei Sijo asked curiously. Asked, "Is she, like President Ningguang, staring at Ah Jing?"

"You haven't heard the story between Keqing-senpai and Ajing, it's actually very normal." Shimizu Kaguya quite understands Shijo Makoto's curiosity, "Because between her and Ajing, it can be said that nothing happened at all. thing."

The only interaction between the two was when Yuanjing was called to the student union by Ningguang for the first time, she helped Ningguang and gave her an assist.

After that, there was no more communication between the two, and she could be said to have disappeared in front of Yuanjing.

"So, did Senior Sister Keqing simply get involved by President Ningguang?" After listening to Kaguya's narration, Shijo Zhenfei speculated, "Because I don't want to waste the benefits provided by this school, and because I can't help myself The gaze of my best friend, is that why I joined this journey with her?"

"It is possible." Shimizu Kaguya nodded, "However, other possibilities also exist."

"Don't you think it's strange that President Ningguang is so close to Ah Jing, but Ke Qing, as her best friend and right-hand man at work, never shows up in front of him." Qing Shui Hui Ye In fact, I have been thinking about it in my heart for a long time, and now I finally have the opportunity to tell others about my various speculations.

"You mean, Keqing-senpai may be deliberately avoiding A-Jing." Shijo Zhenfei reacted very quickly, and immediately understood what Qingshui Huiye meant.

"It's not [possible]." Hui Ye shook his head, and then said in a very firm tone, "She [absolutely] is avoiding A Jing."

If this situation was just a 'coincidence' before, then it would be too much a 'coincidence'.

"But, if Keqing-senpai is deliberately avoiding A-Jing, why would she have a hand in the winter vacation trip?" If what Kaguya said was true, shouldn't she just refuse?

Although Ke Qing is the vice president, she and Ning Guang are not in a master-servant relationship, but they can be said to be equal friends.

Moreover, with her upright and upright character, Concubine Sijo doesn't feel that she will bow down to others.

Therefore, it should not be impossible to refuse the possibility of Ningguang's request.

The reason why she did this was definitely out of her own will.

"People will always change. [Hiding Ajing] is what Keqing-senpai did before, but that doesn't mean she will always do it." Kaguya looked at Shijo Makoto, "I used to ask Ah Jing swore that he would never covet him, and now it has become like this."

Shimizu Kaguya's tone was quite relaxed, completely unable to see how much pain and remorse she had experienced because of this vow.

From this point of view, the knot in her heart has actually been completely untied, and she has completely let go of it.

"Since Senior Sister Keqing's approach has changed, it must have happened, or she knew something that would allow her to change her approach."

"Her behavior of hiding from Ah Jing and pretending to disappear has been going on for almost a semester, but at the end of this semester, she did the opposite. In other words, that incident definitely happened recently."

This is a fairly reasonable inference.

And the most important event that happened recently, enough to affect her attitude towards Yuanjing, is only...

"Well, these are just my analysis after all. After all, my dealings with her are actually very limited."

The fact that Keqing is hiding from Yuanjing is not a bad thing for Shimizu Huiye at all, she is so happy that she naturally has no intention of actively looking for it.

"As for what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the vice president, why did she change her previous attitude towards Ah Jing and take the initiative to break in..."

"That's up to us."

At this time, the central school building was already in sight.

Shimizu Kaguya politely stopped a senior with an 'Executive Committee' armband on her arm, "Hello, I want to ask, is Senior Keqing in the office? We have something to ask her .”

This senior gave Kaguya Shimizu and Concubine Shijo roughly a glance, and then showed a concerned expression——

"The vice president is in her office right now. Are you in trouble and need help?"

"It's a little bit troublesome." Shimizu Kaguya showed a polite and polite smile, and after thanking her, she left the warm-hearted senior.

'However, it may be that we want to cause a little trouble for the vice president. ' she said in her heart.


Keqing's office is not on the same floor as the student council president's office.

In fact, it is not a 'vice president's office', but the office of the person in charge of the executive committee, which is a subsidiary body of the student union.

In addition to carrying out the orders of the Student Council, the Executive Committee is also responsible for dealing with the trivial matters and disputes that occur in St. Eden Academy.

From this point of view, the executive committee can even be said to be the 'official version' or 'official version' of the Lamb Club, which has been magnified many times.

In order to make it easier for students to appeal and seek help, the office of the president of the executive committee is on the first floor of the central school building. After entering through the gate, you can see the thick wooden door that makes you feel at ease after walking for less than 5 minutes.

"Button." Shimizu Kaguya, who was walking in front, knocked lightly on the door panel a few times, and after getting permission from the people inside, he pushed the door open together with Concubine Shijo.

What caught the eyes of the two was Ke Qing who was sitting on an office chair and was writing something with her head down. Accompanied by her movements, her supple and beautiful purple twin ponytails were trembling slightly, and the hairstyle on the top of her head seemed to be like Like a real 'cat ear', it keeps shaking left and right.

"Wait a minute, wait for me for a few minutes." She said without raising her head, "I'm going to finish writing soon."

What Keqing wrote was the accounting document of the student union's budget.

The annual budget of the student union is 30 billion yen. Naturally, it is impossible for the student union to spend such a large amount of money at will. Otherwise, it is easy to embezzle public funds and enrich private pockets.

Therefore, at the end of the year, the student union will sort out the whereabouts of the 30 billion yen and submit it to a special review agency to prove its 'innocence'.

And what Keqing is writing now is this thing.

Originally, Keqing's work was coming to an end, but about 5 minutes after the two of them pushed the door open, the first draft of this accounting document was finally completed.

Putting down the pen in her hand, Ke Qing stretched her sore wrist from writing for a long time, and looked up at the two people sitting on the sofa in the office:

"Shimizu-san, Shijo-san, you two are here to ask something related to winter vacation travel?"

She said straight to the point, "As you can see, I'm very busy now, so if possible, no matter what the topic is, I hope to end it as soon as possible."

"I hope you understand what I mean."

He directly called out the two people's names, instead of beating around the bush and pretending to be confused and asking who they were.

Keqing's attitude was clear at a glance.

Kaguya Shimizu and Concubine Shijo glanced at each other, and the latter gave her the color of 'you come'.

Kaguya knew more about Keqing than she did, so it was more appropriate for her to come forward at this time.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, she was able to calmly watch from the sidelines, relying on her excellent insight to confirm whether Ke Qing was lying or not.

After reaching an agreement, Shimizu Kaguya looked up at Keqing who was sitting behind the desk.Because the other party was sitting on an office chair and she was sitting on a sofa, Ke Qing could be said to be looking down at her from a high position.

But Shimizu Kaguya's aura was extremely strong, as if she was the one looking down on others——

"Senior Keqing, I want to ask, have you been avoiding Ah Jing all the time?"

Since Keqing said she wanted to get straight to the point, then Hui Ye would get straight to the point for her.

We are all smart people, testing each other is just a waste of time.

For such a bold question, Ke Qing's answer can also be said to be quite straightforward:

"Yes, yes, I was avoiding him."

"If you want to ask me why I did this, I can only answer that Yuan-senpai is too dangerous for women." She didn't even wait for Shimizu Kaguya to ask 'why', and she took the initiative to explain this way.

"Danger?" Shimizu Kaguya repeated the word Ke Qing said just now.

"That's right, it's dangerous." Ke Qing affirmed, "Junior Yuan himself is as attractive as [poison] to women, and more importantly, his [love luck] has always been quite strong."

While speaking, Ke Qing raised a slender finger and pointed at it, "It's as if God is actively seducing and persuading, although he may not want this kind of encounter, but such a pink thing But it kept flying towards him..."

"For example, Kaguya-senpai, if it was two years, no, a year ago, would you have thought that one day you would share a man with other women, and would you even be happy with it?"

Shimizu Huiye was silent.

The answer is undoubtedly no.

"To be honest, I actually have a little bit of sympathy for Junior Yuan, and you." Ke Qing shook her head, and said this with a lot of emotion, and then the sympathy disappeared, and she turned back into a whole person again. With that stern and selfless look.

"However, it would be very insensitive to make me one of you."

"My requirements for the other half are very strict. He may not be handsome, rich, or smart, but each other regards each other as their 'only', which is very important to me."

"This love must be as pure and flawless as a diamond, without any dust." Ke Qing talked about her view of love without shyness.

"But Junior Yuan obviously can't meet my condition, so I avoid him. There is no doubt that it is the best choice for both me and him."

"Then, if that's the case, why did Keqing-senpai change her mind and go to Vienna with us during the winter vacation?" Although Keqing was extremely frank, Kaguya was not so convincing.

She threw such a sharp question to Keqing without hesitation.

The answer given by Keqing is:


"I want to stop Condensation."

stop who? !

Chapter 57 is strong because it is weak (4.5k)

The reason why Keqing participated in this trip to Vienna was because...

Stop the glare?

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