
After that incident, I stopped going to school.

By the way, the name of 'Takahashi-san' doesn't seem to be 'Takahashi', because I really don't know her name, so I just mentioned a surname by the way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disappointed by this, rather, it's just what was supposed to happen.

According to the Bible, human beings are but God's flock of sheep grazing the earth.

In this case, I am the most uncoordinated black sheep among the white sheep?

Although I eat the same food, I can't feel joy and sorrow with my companions.

As a black sheep, I can't understand the feelings of emotion, love, disgust and sadness in the hearts of Aries.

In this case, instead of sprinkling white powder on the black fur on the body, pretending to be an white sheep, and waiting anxiously in the heart for the raindrops falling from the sky or the strong wind blowing from the sky to make it fall off, it is better not to gather together in the first place. Together.

That's what I thought at first.

However, grandpa, mom, dad, and brothers didn't agree with me.

"Xiangzi, although the Fujiwara family can give you most of the things in the world, there are many things we cannot give you." Holding me in her arms, my mother showed a sad expression.

"For example, friendship and love." She leaned against my forehead, and I could see my reflection in her dark eyes, "These are the things I hope you can have."

So, I go to school, to be with other people, and to try to understand them.

But obviously, I failed.

My family didn't say anything, but accepted me as a defective product with some sadness.

Grandpa even built a library that belongs to me underground for me so that I can live more comfortably.

Grandpa, mom and dad, and brothers were all wrong.

I have no shortage of friendship or even love.

Just not the real world.

The real world belongs to Aries.

But the merciful God did not give up on me, the black sheep.

He has generously given me a piece of Eden.

That is-

The world in the book.

Even a heartless monster like me can find a sense of peace in the world in this book that cannot be found in the real world.

Sure enough, as long as I have a book, it is enough.


Sure enough, it developed like this.

Yuanjing sighed with some melancholy.

The 'I' in the text is not a monster without a human heart. If she really can't feel happy and sad, the book should not have any effect on her.

She's just... the emotional threshold is too high.

This is an effect of what happened in the previous note.

Compared with the real world, the joys and sorrows in the book are obviously more touching, because they have been artistically processed by the writer, and the purpose is to arouse the emotions of the readers.

Therefore, books can easily reach the emotional threshold that cannot be reached in real time.

This is why she is so addicted to books.

Carefully putting together the paper found in the middle part and the last note, Yuan Jing looked at the bottom part of the last book in the box.

According to the previous rules, there should be a similar thing here.

I don't know, what will be written on this third piece of paper?

Accompanied by such questions, Yuan Jing began to search for the last "The Tale of Genji", and finally found a folded note in it.

After unfolding it, the first sentence is——

"I met my kind, her name is Yuan Yao."

source remote...

Isn't this the name of Laiguang's mother before she inherited the title of Patriarch?

Chapter 37 Can we take a shower together? (4.5k)

In the bathroom of Fujiwara House, the chandelier hanging on the roof gave off a somewhat dim light.

Zi Shibu's delicate body was immersed in the bathtub, all of his proud figure was submerged in the hot water, only the exquisite collarbone and round fragrant shoulders were exposed.

While scooping up the hot water in the bath with his hands, and pouring it on the delicate white collarbone, Zi Shikibu was thinking silently.

"Jing'er should be watching "The Story of Yuan Jun" now, I don't know if my comments are useful..."

Of course, Murasaki Shikibu knows how obscure and difficult "The Tale of Genkun" is for modern people. If you are not interested in classical literature, you will definitely not be able to read it.

Therefore, she did not ask Yuan Jing to read "The Tale of Genji" on the market, but gave him her own "The Tale of Genji" that contained two versions of her own annotations.

A head of hair was tied up with a towel, and it was coiled so high on the top of the head.

But because her hair was too long, a few strands of black hair mischievously broke through the confinement of the towel and stuck to her fair neck, outlining a wonderful figure.

"When will Jing Er's post-reading reflections be finished?" ' Just when she was thinking about such things.

"Click." Accompanied by such a sound, a pink head stuck out.

"Auntie, can I take a bath with you?" She said coquettishly in a sugary tone.

It's Chika Fujiwara.


"Don't open your eyes." Zi Shibu urged.

"Okay~~" Chika Fujiwara, who was sitting on a small stool, closed her eyes obediently, and after that——


The hot water, which has been adjusted to the right temperature, poured out of the shower in Zi Shibu's hand, and landed on Chika Fujiwara's long pink hair, and then, together with the bubbles, snaked down the girl's body and finally slipped down to the ground.

Murasaki Shikibu was washing Fujiwara Chika's hair.

For girls with long hair like her and Qianhua, the first thing to do before taking a bath is to wash their hair, and then use a towel or a shower cap to coil up their long hair and fix it on the top of their heads .

If you walk into the bath with loose hair, first, the long hair that has absorbed water will be very heavy, making people feel uncomfortable; second, the hot water in the bath will dissolve the maintenance effect of the conditioner.

The soft light in the bathroom illuminated the drops of water that had slipped from the girl's body. Her originally fair skin had already been stained with a thin layer of blush, like the last ray of light on the evening tide.

The originally fluffy long pink hair was wet on the shoulders, lacking the tenderness of his skin, it was extremely beautiful.

'Well, Jing'er is really lucky. Seeing his niece's appearance like a lotus, Zi Shibu sighed in his heart.

'It should be a wonderful thing for a man to be able to grab this beauty to his heart's content, right? '

Murasaki Shikibu is still a yellow flower, and has never enjoyed the so-called pleasure of fish and water.

The books she read naturally contained descriptions in this regard, but they were only descriptions after all.

Murasaki Shikibu actually didn't know what it was like.

'Well, it should be very comfortable to read what is said in the book, right? ' Zi Shibu thought so.

She had no intention of trying it.

She is a serious writer, but she is not the kind of colleague who writes 18X works. Naturally, she does not need to deeply understand the beauty of this kind of thing, and pass it on to readers as a selling point.

For the works she is doing now, the knowledge learned from books is actually enough.

At least for now it's perfectly adequate.


"Hey, auntie, hey hey." With an idiot-like smile, Chika Fujiwara snuggled up to Zi Shikibu's chest very comfortably.

The huge softness gently lifted her neck, and she let out a very comfortable sigh.

In fact, Fujiwara Chika often took a bath with her mother Fujiwara Manho, and often just leaned on her mother's chest.

But I have to say that leaning on my aunt's chest is much more comfortable than my mother's.

No, it should be said that there is no comparison at all.

After all, there's just too much variation in 'software'...

The steaming water vapor and soft lighting are intertwined, and the tired body after hard study is also relieved.The atmosphere in the bathroom was so peaceful that Chika Fujiwara felt a little drowsy.

But no.

She still has something to say to her aunt. Before that, she must not sleep!

"Auntie, thank you." She said in a very sincere tone.

"I haven't done anything to make you thank me." Murasaki Shikibu shook his head and said so.

Under the illumination of the light, her pink and tender skin looked beautiful and attractive, coupled with her elegant face, exuded a feminine charm that made Chika Fujiwara a little bit dumbfounded.

It's like a beautiful lotus blooming in the water, with a sacred and inviolable beauty.

I don't know if this lotus will continue to be so lonely and self-admired, or will it be picked and played with by others...

Fujiwara Chika couldn't help having such thoughts.

'Well, I seem to be a little dizzy...'

Shaking his head slightly annoyed, and expelling these messy thoughts from his mind, Chika Fujiwara continued, "No, you can come, auntie, this is the greatest help to Ah Jing."

"Everyone takes what they need." Although Zi Shibu was a little puzzled by Qianhua's behavior just now, he still said so in a calm tone.

"Jing Er is a very good subject of observation. From him, I can get the inspiration and information for my next book. If this is the case, I will naturally provide help as a corresponding reward."

"It's a fairly fair exchange of equivalents."

"However, Chika." Zi Shibu reminded his niece in this way, "Even if I come forward in person, all I can do in the end is to reduce the pressure on him a little bit. In the end, it depends on him."

"I hope you understand that."

"Well, I know." Chika Fujiwara nodded, "That's enough."

Her words were filled with heavy trust.

"If it's Yuanjing, these are completely enough."

"I believe in him."

"..." Murasaki Shikibu was speechless.

For her who has never tasted the taste of love, Chika Fujiwara's unreasonable trust in Yuan Jing makes her quite incomprehensible.

However, the experience she experienced since she was a child has made her accustomed to this kind of 'incomprehension', so she didn't get too entangled in this kind of thing.

But Fujiwara Chika became interested in Zi Shibu's strange name for Yuan Jing just now.

Tilting her head back slightly, she looked at her aunt's delicate face - "Jing'er?"

Murasaki Shikibu was the first to use this title to address Yuan Jing.

Generally speaking, classmates or teachers in the school will call him 'Gen-san'; peers who are a little closer, as well as Hiratsuka Shizuka, Fujiwara Daichi, etc., will call him 'Gen-kun'; His lover and his adoptive mother, Minamoto Raimitsu, would call him 'Ajing' intimately.

"Is there something wrong?" Zi Shibu frowned, "Aren't you going to marry him? In that case, I will be his aunt."

"Call him [Jing Er], is there something wrong?"

"No, no, of course there is nothing wrong with it." Fujiwara Chika quickly denied, "It's just that no one has called it that before, so I feel a little novel."

And a little envious.

Because, this is an exclusive title...

"By the way, Auntie, you and Auntie Laiguang are childhood friends, right?" Chika Fujiwara said suddenly, and Auntie had mentioned such things to her before, but she didn't explain the specific situation to herself in detail Pass.

The current Minamoto Raimitsu, in the eyes of Fujiwara Chika, is a hopeless child control.

As for Murasaki Shikibu, he is essentially a person who is not willing to communicate with others.

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