This is the first time Yuanjing has seen such a Fujiwara Daichi.

"This is a very important thing for Xiangzi. I don't feel relieved to hand it over to others." Fujiwara Daichi explained.

Although in front of Murasaki Shikibu, taking into account her mood, Fujiwara Daichi would call him 'Shikibu'.

But where she couldn't see, he was still obsessed with the name 'Xiangzi Fujiwara' and called her 'Xiangzi'.

He looked at the small wooden box that Yuan Jing had taken over, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

"The Tale of Genji was Xiangzi's favorite book when she was a child. I still clearly remember that when she was just a little one, she held this book and cried for the fate of the characters in it. It felt like it happened in yesterday."

"However, Chidori and I don't like this kind of classic literature, and we feel sleepy as soon as we open it, so even today, I haven't read it completely."

"Ah, remember not to tell Koko about this." Fujiwara Daichi blinked at Yuan Jing, "To cheer up Koko, I lied that I had already read "The Tale of Genji" by heart."

"If I let her know that all my knowledge is obtained from the interpretation of relevant experts, and that she has not read it at all, she might be so angry that she won't talk to me anymore."

Yuan Jing smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, Mr. Dadi, my mouth is always tight."

"Well, then I'm relieved." Fujiwara Daichi breathed a sigh of relief.

"To be honest, I was really surprised when Xiangzi told me that she wanted to give this "The Tale of Genji" to you temporarily. This surprise was even more surprising than when I heard that she decided to leave her hometown in Kyoto."

When he said this, a little hesitation flashed across Fujiwara Daichi's face, he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more, but he held back in the end, and just patted Yuan Jing's shoulder with his hands.

"This is just my nagging, so don't feel pressured by it." Fujiwara Daichi said, "I heard from Xiangzi that she hopes you can write her a post-reading review after reading "The Tale of Genji"?"

"Then don't imitate me, and read it carefully from beginning to end."

"Assuming this is the case, how was Aunt Qianhua's test?"

Looking at his son-in-law, Fujiwara Daichi's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Please, Yuan-kun.

If it's you, maybe it's really possible......

After dinner, Yuan Jing came to his study.

On the huge desk in his study room, the small wooden box taken from Fujiwara Daichi was lying quietly on it, and under the light, it reflected a warm and translucent white light.

Although it is a bit old, but because of the proper maintenance, the wooden box has no trace of dilapidation at all, but it shows a thick feeling of time.

If this is the Xingyue world, I don't know if this can be used as a holy relic to summon the real Murasaki Shikibu.

Such a thought suddenly crossed Yuan Jing's mind.

But he quickly shook his head, throwing this somewhat incongruous thought out of his mind.

When the wooden box was opened, a strange smell wafted out of it.

In order to prevent moths, when preserving the treasured books, they will be deliberately put together with things like rue, tobacco leaves or camphor. While using them to repel insects, it can also give the books a little "scent of books".

Obviously, the "The Tale of Genji" before Yuanjing also used a similar preservation method.

However, there were no traces of these spices in the box, and it should have been taken out by Zi Shibu in advance.

Yuan Jing looked into the wooden box, and three rather thick "tomes" came into view, which seemed to be divided into upper, middle and lower volumes.

And on the cover of the book, there are four large gold-plated Chinese characters [The Tale of Genji].

In addition to these words, there is also an antique ukiyo-e on the cover of this book.

The main body of the Ukiyo-e is a female image wearing a very traditional Sakurajima luxury costume called 'Twelve Singles'.

Her jet-black hair was grown so long that it almost fell to the ground.There is no particularly luxurious decoration on it, but it is tied together by a few hair ropes, turning it into a rather simple but solemn bunch.

...It is exactly the same as the Murasaki Shikibu that Yuanjing saw at noon today.

There is no doubt that the woman in this ukiyo-e should be the song fairy in history.

Because what was painted was her back, Yuan Jing couldn't see her face.

Of course, for this kind of Ukiyo-e, I don't expect the painter to be able to paint this female song fairy so beautifully. It may be the best way to leave the illusion of her face to the readers with such a hazy treatment.

Yuan Jing pulled the chair away and sat in front of the desk.

He took out the top one of the three tomes from the box and placed it in front of him.

After opening the cover, there is a list of the editorial board.

Obviously, the book in front of Yuan Jing is not an original preserved from the Heian period, but a modern version compiled and revised by modern people.

It is worth noting that in the position of editor-in-chief on the editorial board list, the name of the original authority has been blacked out with ink.

Instead, there are two names, one left and one right.

The one on the left is 【Koko Fujiwara】.

The one on the right is 【Purple Shikibu】.

Moreover, the handwriting of the two signatures is not the same.

【Fujiwara Koko】The words are the kind of children's unique, slightly round immature handwriting, and the strokes are quite neat.

【Purple Shikibu】It is quite elegant Xingkai, the strokes are no longer immature as before, but sharp and crisp.

After turning over the title page, the first chapter of "The Tale of Genji", "Tong Pot", appeared in front of Yuan Jing.

In addition to the printed lead, there are also comments written in two different handwritings that are presented to Yuan Jing at the same time.

Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows slightly.

He may understand why Zi Shibu didn't just let him go to the market to buy finished products, but insisted on letting him read "The Tale of Genji" she gave him.

'This is something very important to Koko. When handing it over to himself, what Fujiwara Daichi said quietly echoed in his heart.

'I see. ’ While knowing it in his heart, Yuan Jing buried his head in the words and just continued reading quietly.


Yuanjing had a great time reading it.

Of course, this is not because he has any resonance with Sakurajima's classical literature.

In fact, if there is only the original version of "The Tale of Genji", he should feel quite 'in jail'.

For what Fujiwara Daichi said about "sleep when you open it", Yuanjing should quite resonate.

Of course he knows that "The Tale of Genji" has a pivotal position in the cultural history of Sakurajima, and the very famous thought of "mono mourning" among the Sakurajima people can even be said to have originated from "The Tale of Genji".

But even so, this "The Tale of Genji" is a bit boring and boring for Yuanjing.

In his previous life, among the four great masterpieces in Huaguo, only "Dream of Red Mansions" was recognized as the most prestigious masterpiece, but he couldn't read it from beginning to end, and never read it completely.

And "The Tale of Genji" is to him now, just like "A Dream of Red Mansions" is to him in his previous life.

However, Kako Fujiwara, or the comment of Zi Shibu saved him.

It may be because of the similar age, or it may be that Yuan Jing is more accustomed to the brushwork of modern people. In short, he thinks that the annotations are much more beautiful than the original text.

In particular, there are two editions of this commentary.

They were provided by Kako Fujiwara in the loli period, and Murasaki Shikibu when she grew up.

In the case of the former, it can be seen that children have a rather simple view of right and wrong, as well as a wild imagination.

The latter words are mostly bitter satires on the behavior of the characters in the book, as well as complaints about my own childhood comments.

Comparing the original text with these two annotations, the corners of Yuan Jing's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

There is a sense that he is not alone in reading.

On his left, Fujiwara Kako, who was still a child, was expressing her feelings in a crisp loli voice; on his right, there came Zi Shibu's cold imperial sister's voice, she was mercilessly With a vicious tongue about the actions of the characters in the book, and complaining about his innocence in the past...

Such a reading experience is really interesting.

Originally, "The Tale of Genji" was a bit boring for Yuan Jing, but now he can read it so slowly.


In this tome, Yuan Jing found a folded note sandwiched between the pages of the book.

It is slightly yellowed and looks like it has aged.

Is it a random essay written by Murasaki Shikibu?

With this in mind, Yuan Jing took out the note and carefully unfolded it.

Paper tends to become brittle over time, and is actually quite easy to damage if you're not careful.

I don't know whether it's [Fujiwara Koko] or [Murashi Shikibu] who wrote this.

This was Yuanjing's inner thoughts when he unfolded the note.

But the words that came into his eyes next made him look serious, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared without a trace.

That handwriting was neither [Fujiwara Koko] nor [Murashi Shikibu].

It was a mess of black lines arranged like weeds on the paper, and it was only possible to barely recognize what the words were written on.

At the very beginning, a line of words full of despair just pierced Yuanjing's eyes——

'I, am a freak. '

What is this......

I, am a freak.

The first time I realized this was when my grandmother who loved me so much passed away.

I remember that my grandma was seriously ill at that time and had to stay in bed.

And whenever I went to visit her, she would touch my head with great affection—

'Good boy, good boy...'

Accompanied by such a voice, her eyes will always narrow into thin lines with joy.

However, I am not the good boy she said.


When she did, I felt no warmth at all, only deep terror.

Grandma's skinny hands due to serious illness, wrinkled cheeks, thin and gray hair, and the disgusting smell of drugs all made me feel extremely disgusted, and I could even say very horrible.

'Good boy, good boy...'

Every time she whispered in my ear in a husky voice, my neck would get pretty stiff and I would get goosebumps all over my body.

I'm such a mean person.

Obviously grandma is so kind to me, but I will only pretend to be good on the surface.

If grandma knew that I was not a good boy and that I was actually afraid of her in my heart, how would she react?

Will those bony hands just move down from the top of my head and grab my neck?

No, grandma, she no longer has such strength.She should choose to leave her body, just kill me like this?

Just like Liu Tiao concubine killed Xiyan.

I'm so terrified that something like this is going to happen, I'm so terrified that I can't sleep every night.

But my grandfather thought that I was worried about my grandma, so he loved me more and more, and it could even be said that I was responsive.

Grandpa is a great, great person. I heard from the servant sister that he is in charge of the entire country and is actually the controller of Sakurajima.

If my grandfather finds out that all of these are my acting skills, not only the family, but the entire Sakurajima will have no place for me, right?

Therefore, I was more careful not to let my grandpa and grandma see through my heart, and I worked harder to pretend to be a good boy.

In addition to taking over the work of delivering three meals to grandma, I also wiped her sweat, and even put my face on grandma's chest, coquettishly said to her: "I love grandma the most!" and kissed after that Grandma's cheeks.

Due to suffering from aging and serious illness at the same time, grandma's cheeks have been as dry as dead leaves, and there is a smell of medicine that I hate most.

What disease does grandma have?Will it be contagious to me?

I didn't dare to ask the adults such questions, so I rushed to the bathroom after doing these things, gargling and brushing my teeth desperately, and finally even broke my lips, and bright red blood flowed from them.

Looking at myself in the mirror, what I feel more than pain is actually shame.

Because I lied, the target is still my closest relatives.

His throat was trembling constantly, and his whole face felt a little hot.

Is this what lying feels like?

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