At least that's what she said.

Well, it's no wonder that after Minamoto Raimitsu admitted her engagement, she and Fujiwara Daichi are actually in-laws.

Murasaki Shikibu and Minamoto Raimitsu were good friends who grew up together, and their breakup was a mistake, and it would be a great thing to take advantage of this opportunity to get back together.

Now the only expectation of Fujiwara Daichi and others is to hope that Zi Shibu can find a man whom he likes, and they can start a love fire with him and even get married.

Of course, in the eyes of Fujiwara Daichi, this expectation is still a little unrealistic......

"Wow, there are so many books."

Fujiwara Moeha exclaimed.

That's right, in addition to the necessary daily necessities, various books accounted for the vast majority of the luggage that Murasaki Shikibu brought from his hometown.

In addition, there are quite a few notebooks that have been filled with words.

Obviously, during the two years of silence, Murasaki Shikibu did not do nothing.

Fujiwara Daichi had obviously expected this for a long time. In the bedroom he prepared for Murasaki Shikibu, several large bookcases were specially placed. The originally quite spacious room even became a bit cramped because of this.

"Are these the manuscripts of my aunt?" Looking at the notebooks in front of her, Fujiwara Moeha's flickering, watery eyes almost glowed.

She is a big fan of "The New Tale of Genji", and she actually admires her aunt in her heart, so she is naturally full of expectations for Murasaki Shikibu's manuscript.

There may be some things that were deleted or modified in the officially published version. Fujiwara Moeha, who is a book fan, is very interested in this!

"Can I..." Fujiwara Moeha looked at Murasaki Shikibu with eyes full of expectation, but before she finished speaking——

"It hurts... Sister Fengshi, why are you hitting my head?"

"Work first." As the eldest daughter, Toyomi Fujiwara said succinctly, since Wansui Fujiwara is not around, she, the elder sister, will naturally take the responsibility to take care of her two younger sisters, "He who does not work shall not eat. "

"Oh." Fujiwara Moeha nodded obediently, and Zi Shibu couldn't help but laugh at that pitiful look.

"If you want to read it, of course there is no problem." She said, "However, I did not bring the manuscripts related to "New Genji Tale". These things are just some essays I usually write, and I may use them in It’s just the information in the new work.”

"New work?!" Fujiwara Moeha's voice could not conceal the joy, "Auntie, are you preparing for a new work?"

"Of course," Zishibu glanced at Fujiwara Chika, who was humming happily while following Zishibu's instructions at the beginning, placing various books and notebooks in a specific position on the bookcase, "I am still in the process of preparing new works. Data preparation stage."

"Ah, this is a secret, so let's keep it secret for the time being." Zi Shibu made a "shh" gesture to Fujiwara Moeha.

The books she brought to Tokyo are all carefully selected works that she thinks may be useful for her new work.

She has read each of them no less than three times, and there are various annotations written by her.

"Of course!" Moeha Fujiwara was clearly excited. For a long time, Zishibu did not give a clear answer to whether she has a new work.

Fujiwara Moeha, who is both a book fan and a niece, is more disturbed than others, because she once slapped her aunt on this matter, but even in the face of her niece, Murasaki Shikibu did not give a word. A very clear answer, just saying that I hope to 'give her some more time'.

And today, Murasaki Shikibu finally gave a very clear answer, how could Fujiwara Moeha not be happy about this?

"By the way, what is the content of the new work? Is it still the background of the ancient court? Will Master Guangyuan and Master Ruozi still appear?" She asked like a cannonball like a cheerful bird, circling around Zi Shibu To and fro.

Fujiwara Toyomi did not stop Fujiwara Moeha, but looked at Murasaki Shikibu, who was obviously very interested in these things, even Fujiwara Chika stopped what she was doing, and looked at her with big blue eyes looking forward to lost his aunt.

It's not just Moeha Fujiwara, the two of them are actually fans of Murasaki Shikibu's books, so they will naturally be very interested in this kind of thing.

Seeing the extremely expectant eyes from the three nieces, Zi Shikibu naturally would not disappoint them.

Not to mention, she had to ask Chika Fujiwara to help with the materials for her new book.

"For the new work, it will no longer be based on the ancient court background, but modern." Murasaki Shikibu replied relaxedly, "This time, I want to write a story about a romantic man who indulges in flowers."


After nearly two hours of hard work, Zi Shibu's bedroom has been basically tidied up, except for the big suitcase she carried with her that has not been opened yet.

Staring at the big suitcase, Fujiwara Moeha and Fujiwara Chika both showed expressions of ready to move, but they did not act rashly, but looked at Fujiwara Toyomi.

After receiving the signal from the two younger sisters, Toyomi Fujiwara also looked at Murasaki Shikibu with some questioning eyes.

The latter didn't mean to hide anything in front of the nieces. Since they wanted to live together, they would have to know these things sooner or later. If that was the case, there was no need to conceal them.

She walked up to the suitcase and unzipped the suitcase herself.

"This, is this Master Wakashi's doll?" Fujiwara Moeha made a pleasantly surprised voice.

If you want to talk about the most popular character in "The Tale of Genji", then it is naturally "Ruozi" who was connected to the house by Light Source and raised by him, and gently cured her.

However, for the male protagonist who is in the absolute center, although there is a description of his appearance in the text, his face has never been seen in the illustrations.

Either it's a back view, or it's wearing a mask.

In other words, the character 'Ruozi' has never had an official image.

In the afterword of the fourth part of the series, Murasaki Shikibu, as the author, also specifically talked about this issue.

She specifically asked the illustrator not to draw the front face of 'Ruozi'.

According to her, everyone has their own "Ruozi" in their hearts. If a definite image is given, while many people are satisfied, some people will inevitably be disappointed by it.

If this is the case, then simply don't destroy the 'Ruozi' in everyone's hearts.

Murasaki Shikibu's remarks were supported by quite a few book fans.

'What does [Ruozi] look like in your heart? ’ This was the topic that made the headlines on Sakurajima’s Twitter.

However, it is obvious that Murasaki Shikibu actually has a concept of its specific image for "Ruozi".

She even asked the Fujiwara family to secretly produce a batch of dolls.

These dolls were not circulated because they were not intended for outsiders to see.

They are 'Wakashi' that belong only to Murasaki Shikibu.

And in this suitcase, there is a doll of 'Ruozi', which has attracted the attention of the three sisters of the Fujiwara family.

Because 'he' is the biggest one, and 'he' poses...

Why does 'he' keep his hands on his chest, as if holding something in a weird position?The three sisters were quite puzzled by this.

"Ah, this is my special cushion." Seeing that the eyes of the nieces were all focused on 'him', Zi Shibu made such an answer.

She took 'him' out of the suitcase, and after arranging him on the chair, she sat down on the lap of the life-sized doll.

And the puppet hands of the doll just happened to support Zi Shibu's huge and plump 'slime'.

"When I was writing, the thing that made me feel the most uncomfortable was here." Zi Shibu looked down and said in a somewhat resentful voice, "After sitting for a long time, the shoulders will be very sore, and there is no way to last for a long time. to write."

As Fujiwara Daichi's younger sister, Zi Shikibu naturally inherited the giant gene of the Fujiwara family.

Just by eyeball, she's definitely the largest group of women in this book.

Perhaps only Minamoto Raimitsu can be on par with her.

After all, both of them are 28-year-old 'big girls' who are completely familiar with each other.

"This is the way I came up with." Zi Shibu said a little proudly.

Fujiwara Chika looked at the face of this life-sized doll, and tilted her head slightly in doubt.

Does my aunt's 'Ruozi' resemble Ah Jing?

Is this her delusion?

Chapter 31 Ten years later, we will finally meet

Monday, December 12th, around 14:8 am.

Ning Guang received a rather special 'Vinette' in her student council president's office.

"Please keep this badge." She handed a very elegant cherry blossom-shaped badge to the beauty who was sitting on the sofa opposite her, her vermilion eyes were full of curiosity, " As long as you wear it on your chest, you will be able to travel unimpeded in Saint Eden Academy."

Except for some specific festivals, St. Eden Academy is not open to the public. Except for students and faculty members, if outsiders want to enter the school, they must obtain permission from the school and wear relevant signs. Row.

As for this related logo, it is naturally this cherry blossom-style badge.

Generally speaking, when such a badge is issued, it will clearly inform the other party by what time it must be returned, but this is not the case for the badge issued to the person in front of him.

The school also specifically told her that this badge is indefinite, and as long as the other party does not return it, she will always have the unlimited right to enter St. Eden's Academy.

Even in the school history of St. Eden Academy, it can be said that there are very few people who have obtained this kind of power.

Not only that, but during the phone call, they even asked Ningguang to "make every effort to meet the other party's request".

The last time Ningguang saw the school being so flattering was when she was facing the Sigong family.

...Is the opponent also a big shot whose status is comparable to that of the Shinomiya family?

Ning Guang blinked his eyes, thinking so.

"..." Zi Shibu didn't speak. During the process of taking the badge from Ningguang's hand and pinning it on her chest, she was quite quiet and looked extremely cold.

Against the backdrop of the jet-black luxurious cloth, the crimson badge is shining brightly.

Zi Shibu was not surprised that Ningguang didn't recognize who he was.

This is normal.

Murasaki Shikibu is not a person who seeks fame and reputation. The reason why she writes books is not to gain fame and gain, or to let everyone know herself.

In addition to wanting to compete with Yuan Laiguang, her biggest driving force for writing books is actually a desire to share.

She wants to share her story with as many people as possible.

Because of this, while being the most successful and influential writer in Hyundai Sakurajima, she is also the most mysterious person.

She has neither attached her own photo on the title page of her work, nor has she ever held such a thing as an on-site signing.

As for invitations to various cultural salons or lectures, she even refused.

Except for the fact that 'Purora Shikibu' should be a female author, all other information is in a thick fog.

In the forums related to him established by his book fans, what kind of person 'Murashi Shikibu' is has always been a hot topic.

Zi Shibu took a deep look at Ning Guang.

As for the student council president who had some impure thoughts about Yuanjing, she had actually heard about Chika Fujiwara's related deeds a long time ago.

Zi Shibu didn't have any bad feelings towards Ningguang.

For her, who claims to be a "singer of emotion", it is not a fault to have the courage to pursue her love, but it can be said to be a big plus.

Not only that, Ningguang is also Yuanjing's 'senior sister'.

As I said before, Murasaki Shikibu believes that among Genkei's "wives", the characters with the attribute of "big sister" can be said to be overwhelmingly low.

As Murasaki Shikibu, who wants to absorb the story from Yuan Jing as the nourishment of the new work, she is actually looking forward to the interaction between him and the "sister" attribute character.

Ning Guang is one of the candidates in her mind.

Of course, this doesn't mean that she approves of Ning Guang and thinks that she can be one of Yuan Jing's wives.

After all, she is Qianhua's aunt, so her position is naturally more in favor of Qianhua.

After all, from the beginning to the end, what Murasaki Shikibu cares about is actually only the 'story'.

As for Ningguang's future, she doesn't really care about whether the relationship between her and Yuanjing can be achieved.

In her heart, Ningguang is just a tool person who can provide material for her new work, nothing more.

Not just glare.

Apart from Minamoto Raimitsu, Fujiwara Chika, and Genkage, the Yukinoshita sisters, Touma Kazuya, Kiyomizu Kaguya and other characters actually hold similar positions in her heart as Ningguang.

As long as she can see 'interesting' stories, Murasaki Shikibu doesn't mind the means he takes because of this, even if it hurts some of them.

In her mind, the importance of the story is far greater than the joys and sorrows of the characters in reality.

This kind of indifference to real characters is also the biggest reason why Murasaki Shikibu is called a "crumb woman" by Minamoto Larimitsu.

After nodding towards Ningguang again, Zi Shibu stood up from the sofa very neatly, turned and left without looking back.

From walking into the student council president's office to getting up to leave, Zi Shibu never said a single word to Ningguang.

It was as if she didn't bother to talk to Ning Guang at all.

Moreover, she didn't take a sip of the fragrant tea that Ning Guang specially brewed for her, which seemed rather disrespectful.

There is no doubt that such behavior can be called arrogance, and considering the flattering attitude of the school...

The other party is a child of the Sakurajima family, and he is unwilling to have any communication with her, the student council president who is a commoner. He even feels that being in the same space and breathing the same air as her is torture, so he is enduring the discomfort to finish After completing the necessary handover work, he immediately left without looking back.

If it is an ordinary person, it is easy to have such an idea.

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