"Hesha, please consider my feelings with Xue Nai." She complained half-truthfully.

"You have to know that apart from people like you who live an extremely contented life every day, there are still two people here who are so unfortunate that they can only guard their empty boudoir."

Although Yukinoshita Ayano has already obtained the permission to associate with the sisters at the same time, which is regarded as a tacit consent to the relationship between Yuan Jing and the sisters, but Yuan Jing does not want to "eat" Yukino so hastily.

Whether it's Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino or Hayasaka Ai, he wants to give each of them as perfect a 'first experience' as possible.

Life still needs some sense of ritual, doesn't it?

"By the way, when it comes to Vienna, I told you before that my mentor lives there." As the old Si Ji, Touma Yoko skillfully steered her car, while speaking to the person sitting in the back seat. The two said this.

"Don't forget to visit with Mr. Yuan."

"Teacher, although she doesn't say anything, how can she hide her thoughts from me as a disciple?" Thinking of what her teacher said on the phone, Touma Yoko couldn't help laughing.

"She's actually looking forward to it."


"So." Looking at the scenery in front of him, Yukinoshita Yono's brows and eyes were full of smiles.

Today is her first official date with Yuan Jing, Yang Nao naturally put on her makeup very carefully.

The black eyebrows are outlined with a good-looking eyebrow pencil, the long eyelashes are rendered with mysterious eye shadow by mascara, and the lipstick is just right to highlight the sexy charm.

Yukinoshita Yoshino's already outstanding appearance became even more refined.

But this soul-stirring beauty blooms only for one person...

At this time, Yang Nao was hugging the boy's arm in front of his chest, pressing his own softness on it without hesitation.

This is also her most common posture throughout the day today.

"Is this the last place before dinner?"

It was past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the soft sunlight at dusk enveloped the sea surface, and the red sea water spread unobstructed.

Looking up, the sun seems to be thinking about something, slowly tilting towards the west.

That's right, this is the seaside.

Chiba City is actually a city facing the sea, and its beaches are quite famous even in the entire Sakurajima.

Onjuku Beach, Moriya Beach, 99-mile coast...these are all famous beaches in the whole area of ​​Sakurajima.

However, what is in front of Yukinoshita Yangnao and Yuanjing is not any one of them.

It is an unknown but still quite beautiful beach.

"You actually bring girls to the beach in winter." Yang Nai lifted up his big eyes that seemed to be able to talk, and just looked at the boy, "Should I say that I really have your style?"

"Don't you like it?" Yuan Jing tilted his head slightly.

"of course--"

"Like it."

This is not because Yang Nai has become a love brain, as long as she can be with Yuan Jing, no matter where she is, she is happy.

Well, there is indeed some reason for this.

But the more important reason is that the beach in front of her has an extraordinary meaning to her.

Yuan Jing was able to bring her to this place, she was actually quite pleasantly surprised by it.

"It's obviously the first time I've come to Chiba City, I didn't expect you to find this place..." Yang Nai felt a little emotional.

The sun shines on the sea, sparkling and jumping, like burning water or flowing fire.

I haven't seen such a familiar scene since I went to Tokyo.

"How do you know I used to come to this place often?" she asked so softly.

"Hmm..." Yuan Jing thought for a while, "Should this be considered a mutual understanding between lovers?"

Of course the reason cannot be this.

Chiba Municipal Sobu High School is actually a middle school quite close to the sea.

As long as you walk for about 10 minutes, you can see the beach covered with golden sand.

Yuan Jing was able to know this matter, thanks to Yuigahama Yui who was the tour guide yesterday.

"If you're talking about a place with beautiful scenery and quiet surroundings, here's a beach near my school recommended!" When she said this, the pink-haired girl had a proud and smug smile on her face. I still remember it clearly.

Yukinoshita Yono went to the same school as Yuigahama Yui in middle school, Chiba City Sobu High School.

As the best heir in Yukinoshita Ayano's eyes, the perfect superman in the hearts of her own sister and classmates and teachers, Yukinoshita Yoshino will definitely bear considerable pressure.

Even Yang Nai couldn't bear this kind of pressure for a long time.

She needs a way to get it out.

For example, a place where she can relax...

Yuanjing is actually not too sure about this, after all, there are actually many ways to relieve stress.

But even if this place is not a place of special significance to Yang Nai, the winter seascape, especially at sunset, is still quite worth seeing.

Looking at Yang Nai's current appearance, this choice is undoubtedly quite correct.

"Compared to summer, I am more familiar with this place in winter." Gazing at the magnificent scene of the sunset over the sea, Yukinoshita Haruno said in a nostalgic tone.

Yuan Jing just hugged Yang Nai into his arms, listening to her confide quietly.

"In summer, even here, there will be quite a lot of people. I really don't like that look."

"But in winter, this is my pure land."

"If I'm in a bad mood, I'll come here after school, feel the softness of the sand, and watch the sunset in the sky."

"Then the mood will naturally improve."

The slightly biting sea breeze blows over in winter, and under the protection of Yuanjing, Yang Nai naturally doesn't feel the cold, but her hair is messed up by this somewhat ignorant sea breeze.

Yang Nai puffed up his mouth slightly, looking a little unhappy.

The sea breeze in winter is still so annoying!

But for her who often comes here, she knows a pretty perfect safe haven.

After Yuanjing tidied up her messy hair, the pouting Yang Nao led him to this place.

This is a fairly large reef, which is completely enough to cover the figures of two people.

Yang Nai let Yuan Jing sit on the beach with his back against the rock, but she didn't sit beside the boy.

She also didn't face the direction of the setting sun, but faced Yuan Jing, and just straddled his body.

Although the sunset here made her miss it very much, but now she has more beautiful things, which she needs to grab.

For example, a lover's lips...

Delicate and soft touch, mellow and sweet taste.

Yang Nai greedily absorbed this beauty.

Time is sweet and slow, so long it seems that it will never end.

After a long, long time, Yang Nao, whose cheeks were flushed and body was a little weak, lay next to the boy's ear, and whispered a few words to him.

Now that it's time for dinner, Yang Nai naturally wants to 'fill his stomach' first.

So, behind the reef, which no one could find, the sound of "呲嘎" sounded softly.

This is the sound of pantyhose being torn.

Chapter 29 What should I do if I can't finish the 'buffet'?

The sun in the west slowly sank into the sea, and the originally bright red clouds also dimmed, turning into a deeper blue.

The world that originally belonged to the day began to be slowly swallowed by the monster named Dark Night.

The bright and clear moon slowly rose, and the originally flowing flame-like ocean gradually became silvery and shimmering.

Like mercury.

The soft moonlight fell on the beach, illuminating the grains of white sand as if they were transparent.

The huge reefs of various colors on the coast are the most favored objects of Moonlight.

They are covered with a layer of beautiful silver light by the moonlight, standing quietly by the sea, like holy statues of gods.

However, under the shelter of one of the extremely tall 'god statues', in a dark place where the moonlight could not even shine, Yukinoshita Haruno was covering his mouth tightly to prevent himself from making a sound.

Her hot and smooth side face was attached to Yuan Jing's cheek with nostalgia, but her eyes were extremely vigilantly watching the surroundings, not letting go of any trouble.

Completely different from her younger sister, but in the same line as Mrs. Yukinoshita's chest was violently rising and falling with heavy breathing, drawing extremely graceful arcs.

Yuan Jing just hugged this 'big sister' who was three years older than himself so tenderly, supported her trembling shoulders with both hands, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Before starting, Yukinoshita Yono once told him, 'Leave everything to her', saying that he is a 'mature adult', and he should guide his 'brother-kun' well.

She wants to eat the 'buffet'.

Since this is Yang Nai's request, Yuan Jing naturally has no reason to refuse.



The round toes wrapped in black pantyhose stretched out straight, Yukinoshita Haruno bit her lower lip tightly, and imprisoned the incoherent shout in her mouth.

After a long time, the tightly packed, infinitely beautiful body relaxed, and Yokinoshita Yono lay lazily in Yuanjing's arms, with his small mouth slightly opened, gently gasp.

After resting for a while, Yukinoshita Yono may feel that it is almost time to end, and the slender feet that regained some strength gently propped up on the beach, ready to stand up like this.

But Yuan Jing's hands on her shoulders just pulled down like this, and Yang Nai sat down again.



Yukinoshita Yangnao took a deep breath, pressed his lower lip tightly to prevent himself from making a sound, and then looked at Yuanjing with some disbelief.

Yuan Jing couldn't help but smile at the natural cuteness of the always shrewd 'big sister' at this time.

"Sister Yangnai," since Yangnai wants to play, Yuanjing will naturally accompany her, "When eating the buffet, if you are greedy and take more than you can eat..."

"Is there a price to pay?" The young man tilted his head slightly, as if he really didn't understand.

What Xue Nai can see, he naturally cannot fail to see.

Yukinoshita Haruno lacked a sense of security, and felt extremely uneasy about it, of course he knew it.

This is also something that can't be helped, because the beginning of him and Yang Nai was very different from that of ordinary couples.

If you want to relieve the anxiety in Yang Nai's heart, you must let Yang Nai know one thing, that is——

Just like her, he wanted her too.

If only Yang Nai asked for it unilaterally, and his own side just passively accepted it without responding, Yang Nai would become more and more disturbed.

Of course, Yuan Jing is indeed yearning for Yang Nai.

Of course, this is not a lie.

"If you can't finish the buffet, you will be fined, right?" Yukinoshita Yoshino still had some illusions, so she begged softly, "My sister has money, it's on my top..."

"That's another family's rule, not mine." Yuanjing put on a 'big shop bullying' appearance, "In my cafeteria, if you can't eat something, even if you force it, you have to drink it. Down."

"You can let the guests go after that."

What made Yukinoshita Yono even more unbelievable was that after saying this, Yuan Jing stood up supporting her body like this, as if he was going to walk out of the darkness shrouded by the huge reef just like that.

"Guest, didn't you tell me before that your mother is still waiting at home and needs to go home before seven o'clock."

Of course, this is not what Yang Nai told him.

It was Yukinoshita Ayano's entrustment to the two of them when they left home this morning.

Because after today, she might not be able to see Yuan Jing again until the new year, she hoped that Yuan Jing could attend the dinner party at Yukinoshita's house and treat him, the 'son-in-law', well.

Of course, it's just a family banquet, and no other people will participate.

As for Yang Nao's date...

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