From Yang Nai's point of view, Yuan Jing will definitely go back with Yao Zi.

Well, if she really wanted to hide from her mother and meet him in private, now is the best chance.

Based on her understanding of her sister, she would never let go of this opportunity.

Reluctantly leaving Yuanjing's warm embrace, Yukinoshita Yukino tidied up her somewhat messy clothes, and then walked towards the big wardrobe in the corner of the house.

It was originally used to hold various performance costumes, but it had been emptied beforehand, and now it is empty.

As long as he hides there, he can clearly hear what his sister looks like when facing Yuanjing in private.

After walking a few steps, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly thought of something, turned around and came to Yuan Jing again.

Now he has taken off his tuxedo top, and at this time he is wearing a white shirt on his upper body.

Under the doubtful eyes of the young man, Xue Nai stretched out her hands and unbuttoned the first button on his shirt.

Then came the second and third.

Yukino hesitated for a moment, but in the end she didn't make a move on the fourth button.

After looking at the current Yuanjing for a while, Yukino showed a somewhat satisfied expression.

My sister is the best at concealing her inner feelings, and she always needs to add some 'off-court factors' so that she can be swayed.


Yuigahama Yui still feels a little unreal now.

She felt that the day was like a fantastic, magnificent and crazy dream.

However, the temperature from Yumiko passed from her wrist, but put a fact in her head——

This is definitely not a dream, but a reality that is happening.

Not only did they finish listening to a concert that would surely become a legend in the best S seat, but they also managed to get past the interception of the staff and successfully made it to the backstage.

As long as she walks through this corridor and pushes open the door in the depths, she can meet the boy she saw this morning again...

If it was her before, she must have shrunk in fright now, right?Maybe he was so nervous that he couldn't even take a step.

However, this encounter tonight gave her the necessary courage.

Before the concert, she thought she was Cinderella who stumbled into the ball, but now...

She is indeed Cinderella, but someone has used 'magic' to put on a beautiful dress and crystal shoes for her.And unlike that witch, his 'magic' has no expiration date.

As long as I still remember this night, the dignity and courage brought by this 'magic' will never fail.

Yui knew that Yumiko was the same.

With her previous personality, she would absolutely not be able to do the act of lying and deceiving people just now.

And now, two girls who have been given 'magic' have come to the door of the 'Wizard' room.

They don't actually want to do anything, they just want to express their gratitude.

Of course, it would be even better if you could ask his name.

In front of the door at the end of the corridor, the two girls stopped.

The green eyes and the red eyes touched lightly, and both of them saw something in each other's eyes that never existed before.

After looking at each other and smiling, the two reached out their hands together and placed them on the door.

"Knock down."

The sound of the two knocking on the door blended harmoniously into one.

"Please come in." A boy's voice came from inside the room.

His tone was a little surprised, probably because he didn't expect someone to come to him at this time, right?

Taking a deep breath together, the two pushed the door open and entered together.


The depth of the room is as large as two six-fold rooms, with a long table in the center.The wall on the right-hand side has been turned into a mirror, and the makeup table is next to it, and several chairs are placed side by side.And in the corner, there is a huge wardrobe that can hold four or five people.

The two of them just glanced around briefly to understand the general situation of the room, and then their eyes were firmly attracted by the boy sitting on the chair.

At this moment, he had already taken off the upper body of the tuxedo, revealing the white shirt inside.The bow at the neckline was also untied, and the chest was opened up to the third button, revealing some hard lines.

At this time, he was looking at the two people who were pushing the door in surprise, apparently he did not foresee this encounter.

"That, that," Yubihama Yui knew, it was impolite to stare at the other party so firmly, but she just couldn't take her eyes away, "I shot for nearly two hours at once, and I was still wearing that kind of clothes, and I was so tired." It’s definitely hot, so it’s reasonable to unbutton a few buttons to make yourself comfortable, right?”

Who is the one who unbuttons it?What are you explaining yourself?The girl cried out in her heart.

...In fact, it is not like this at all. There are deep reasons for my current appearance.

Yuan Jing could only say this in his heart, but it was obviously not easy to explain to the girls.

Yui's words stopped his hand that was about to fasten the buttons.

If he does this now, it will appear that he cares about it very much.

Yuan Jing glanced in the direction of the wardrobe.

When Yui spoke, there was a strange sound.

But because both of them were focused on themselves, they didn't notice.

What the hell is going on...

When he heard two footsteps, he was actually a little strange.

He originally thought it was the staff of the theater, but he didn't expect it to be Yumiko Miura and Yuihama Yui.

However, since they are here, it is obviously not appropriate to drive them away like this.

Yuan Jing pointed to the chairs next to him.

""excuse me. "" After receiving the signal from Yuanjing, the two walked to those chairs and sat down carefully.

The air suddenly became a little dull.

Obviously, the courage of the girls can only take them so far, as for what to say next...

Neither of them actually thought about it carefully.

"...We are here to express our gratitude." In the end, it was Miura Yumiko who broke the silence first, "Without your help, I might have to spend the darkest birthday in my life, And for a long time to come, I may have to be a joke in other people's mouths."

The girl with the title of "Queen of Flame" in Zongwu High bowed her head deeply towards Yuanjing just like that, expressing her gratitude very sincerely.

"It's just a small effort." Yuan Jing shook his head, saying that this is nothing, "And, I have already received the 'reward' I want, if you really want to thank, please thank the people around you."

The reason why Yuan Jing would help is that firstly, it was the same as what she said, and this matter was really nothing to him; secondly, whether it was Yui or Yumeko, they were all "paper people" from his previous life "Wife", although he doesn't have any thoughts about them now, but he doesn't want to die; thirdly, this is actually a reason for Yang Nai to come to him.

"Well, Yui and I will be best friends for life." Yuiko Miura said very seriously, holding the hand of the girl sitting beside her.

Immediately, she squeezed gently, signaling Yui not to stay in a daze.

Didn't you still talk freely with him this morning?Why are you dumb now?

"Ah? Oh!" Yuigahama Yui woke up like a dream. She didn't have nothing to say, but there were too many things to say, so she didn't know where to start.


"The concert is really great, I've never heard such a good concert!" She could only let her emotions run wild.

"Although this is actually the first concert I've ever heard." Yui added with a little confidence.

Yuanjing laughed all of a sudden.

It wasn't a sneer, but a very natural, very clean smile.

This smile was like a gust of wind, blowing away the tension and insecurity in their hearts without a trace.

"Thank you for your likes, I am very happy."

"When and where is your next concert expected to be held?" Seizing the timing, Yuiko Miura said, which is also one of the main purposes of her coming here, "Next time, it shouldn't be like Now that’s the case, will you appear as a [mystery guest]?”

"Dang, of course, I didn't mean to look down on Master Touma, but I think everyone should be looking forward to your recital." She added hastily.

Yuigahama Yui on the side nodded fiercely, "We will definitely go to join the show next time, of course we will buy tickets ourselves this time."

This time the tickets will be so difficult to buy, mainly because of the name 'Touma Yoko'.

If it was Yuanjing's recital, although everyone present today knew that his skills were even higher than that of Touma Yoko, there were only a thousand people here after all, and there must be more people who were skeptical.

At least the tickets for Yuanjing's first few concerts should be easy to buy.

"Sorry, in the current forecast, there is no plan for the next concert."

"This time, it was actually because of some personal matters and Aunt Yaozi's insistence that I came to the stage. At least in the next few months, I actually have no idea of ​​holding a concert."

This is also a joint decision between him and Touma Yoko.

Just planted a seed today.

He will not really appear in the spotlight until next year's Chopin International Piano Competition.

"Why is this!" Yuigahama Yui couldn't help muttering.

Although Yumiko Miura was equally disappointed, she was at least a little more mature than Yui, knowing that since this was a teenager's decision, as an audience, she could only accept it.

However, apart from what happened just now, there are still unsolved mysteries in her heart——

"Can I ask, how did you know the names of me and Yui?"

This is also what confuses her the most.

He has never met each other before, and Yui didn't disclose information about himself and her, so why is the young man in front of him so sure of his and Yui's names?

Could it be that they actually met him when they were young, but they just forgot about him?Yumiko Miura thought to herself.

Yuan Jing didn't know what the blonde girl was thinking, he didn't actually think about explaining this kind of thing to the two of them.

He had thought they would never meet him.

The most important reason for saying the names of the two people is that it is more convenient to tell the staff.

After all, there are actually many girls with pink hair and red eyes and girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, and the standards of beautiful girls are also different.

He's not really a prophet, and he can't be sure what the two will wear tonight.

But now, you have to pay the price for the trouble you saved before.

'Because I met the two of you in my previous life... This will definitely be considered a strike-up, so Pass. '

'Because I can pinch and count...and I'm not a blind fortune teller under the bridge. '

Just when Yuanjing was about to evade it with an ambiguous sentence like 'secretly makes a man a man'.

The two people in the room heard very clear footsteps coming from outside the door.


The shoulders of the two girls shook.

They originally came in through a special way, so they were naturally afraid that the staff finally came to their senses and were going to drag them out just like that.

Looking across the room, the two quickly locked on to the big wardrobe.

If you want to hide, there is no better place than here!

Before Yuan Jing could say anything, the two of them jumped up, came to the closet at a fast speed, and hid in together.

And then......

Miura Yuiko and Yuigahama Yui discovered Yukinoshita Yukino who had been hiding here for a long time.

Red eyes, green eyes, blue eyes...

Three pairs of eyes with different colors just like you look at me and I look at you.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Chapter 15 Yukinoshita Yukino, dissatisfied with desire?

"...I haven't seen you for a few months. How did Yukinoshita learn to hide in the closet?" Through the light leaking in through the gap, although only a vague outline could be seen, Miura Yuiko still recognized her. There was this peerless beauty who hid in the closet before the two of them.

After all, when she was in junior high school, she and Xue Nai were some kind of 'competitors', or 'death rivals'.

"You two, do you actually know each other?" Yuigahama Yui whispered in a dazed voice, blinking a pair of big eyes.

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