"I want a child."

"A me and his kid."

This is indeed what Ning Guang said to Yuan Jing when he first met him.

However, at that time, she actually only regarded it as a way to win over this boy she was extremely optimistic about, and it was just a joke.

But now when she said this, she was completely sincere.

"That's my purpose."

"...Is this a declaration of war?" Hayasaka Ai had already realized Ningguang's purpose in asking her to come here.

She wasn't trying to spy on their next move.

In other words, 'it's better to know, but it doesn't matter if you don't know'.

What Ningguang really wants to do is to convey this message to her, to them——

Don't treat me like I don't exist.

"Hey, does it sound like this? I obviously didn't mean it." Ning Guang still had the same wisdom pearl in his hand, smiling like a flower, "But, I've already told you, how do you understand it? Your freedom."

"If you have to say that..."

"Then treat it as a declaration of war." She acted very indifferent to this, anyway, she had already been used to being the so-called 'target of public criticism'.

"I, Ning Guang, will definitely get a child from Yuan Jing."

"I swear by the credo of my life."

The Yukinoshita sisters who broke up unhappy, Chika Fujiwara and Concubine Shijo who entered into a cooperative relationship with each other, and Gingguang who swore to the girls that they must have a moment with Haruka Genke...

Of course, there is also the upcoming winter vacation and a trip to Vienna.

What will the future look like?

Now, it can only be handed over to the illusory fate for the time being.

Chapter 7 My daughter is no longer a girl, what about you?

"Ms. Touma, you seem to be very happy recently." Yukinoshita Ayano looked a little curious, "Has anything happy happened recently?"

"Isn't the business done now, then stop using such a formal address and just call me Yoko." Touma Yoko couldn't hide her joy, "However, you're right, I I’ve been really happy lately.”

"Because very, very good things have happened recently, Mrs. Ayano." She waved to this beautiful woman who gave birth to two sisters, Yang Nao and Yukino, and motioned her to listen to her.

The place where the two are now is the Yukinoshita House in Chiba Prefecture.

That is, the hometown of two sisters, Yukino Yukino and Yukino Yono.

And just now, Yukinoshita Ayano and Touma Yoko had just finished talking about 'business', and now they are in the so-called chat time.

Yukinoshita Ayano was already curious, so she obediently followed suit.

Facing Ayano's small ears that were as white as jade, Touma Yoko whispered——

"My daughter Hesha is no longer a [wow——] girl."

Ayano Yukinoshita: "..."

Is this a good thing?

Ayano Yukinoshita didn't know what expression and words to use to respond to this sentence.

If she remembers correctly, Touma Yoko's daughter Touma Kazusa is an adult, but she is still a high school student, right?


Yukinoshita Ayano received a very traditional family education since she was a child, and she really couldn't accept Touma Yoko's "advanced" and "open" thinking.

However, this was someone else's family business after all, so it was really hard for her to say anything, so she could only show a slightly embarrassed smile in the end.

If it's Yangno... Well, Yangno is already a college student, and now she knows all kinds of proprieties, even if she brings a man back one day, Ayano feels that she should learn to accept it.

As for Yukino...

Xue Nai is still too young, and now she should focus on her studies. Even if she really has a boyfriend, in order to prevent being cheated by a bad man, she must take it home and let her take a look.

By the way, aren't Yang Nai and Yukino living together recently? Find a chance to ask Yang Nao to see if Yukino has met any boys he cares about in St. Eden Academy.

Speaking of boys... Isn't there one of the clubs established by Yukino?

I remember, it was called 'Yuanjing'?

Yukinoshita Ayano still has a good impression of this handsome boy with a stern temperament.

The other party's calm and crisp demeanor when receiving them left a deep impression on her.

And, without him, this conversation would not have happened today.

"Ms. Ayano's expression is a bit subtle, and she seems a little unclear about what expression to use to deal with it," Touma Yoko said with a smirk on her face, "I learned a trick for this—"

She leaned over affectionately, put two fingers on the corner of Ayano's mouth, "At this time, all you need to do is smile."

"Really, isn't it too wasteful if you always keep a straight face despite being so good-looking?"

Such an action seemed a bit too rude, but Yukinoshita Ayano was not angry.

Because she knew that Yoko Touma had this character.

During the cultural festival, she had a good chat with the wives of Touma Yoko, Fujiwara Manho, and Hayasaka Nao. After that, she added 'Line' to each other and kept in touch with each other frequently. They are actually quite familiar with each other. .

The reason why Yukinoshita Ayano went to the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy was that besides wanting to see her daughter, the most important purpose was to broaden the network for the Yukinoshita family.

From this point of view, due to someone's matchmaking, this goal was actually accomplished very successfully.

But among these four wives, Fujiwara Manho is lively and cheerful, Touma Yoko is a bit eccentric, and Hayasaka Nao is a bit dark-bellied. As the only one of them who is more serious and old-fashioned, Yukinoshita Ayano is often a little bit Can't keep up with the pace of these three people.

Just like now.

"Ah, what I just said was actually a lie to you." After 'teasing' Yukinoshita Ayano for a while, Touma Yoko finally became serious, "Although what I just said just now It does make me very happy, but the reason why I am so happy recently is because of another thing."

"Because 'he' is finally willing to shine in front of others."

"[He]?" In Japanese, the pronunciation of 'she' and 'he' is different, so Mrs. Yukinoshita immediately noticed that the person Yoko Touma mentioned was actually a man.

After that, she immediately thought of a special 'condition' that Yoko Touma had mentioned to her before, "Is the [him] that Yoko mentioned is the one you want to introduce to everyone at your concert?" person?"

What the two of them talked about just now was actually this matter.

Yoko Touma is a piano master who ranks high in the whole world, and she can be called the pride of Sakurajima.

But in recent years, on the one hand, it is to ensure the preciousness of its concert tickets, and on the other hand, Touma Yoko is a bit lazy, so the number of concerts she holds every year is actually not many, and the venue is basically only in Tokyo. Opera Concert Hall, Tokyo Metropolitan Theater and the like.

But this time, Touma Yoko accepted Yukinoshita Ayano's invitation and planned to make an exception to hold a concert in Chiba County.

The time is set for this Saturday.

For the Yukinoshita family, who are in the stage of "transforming from business to politics", this is a real "political achievement", so Ayano Yukinoshita is actually very grateful for this.

Touma Yoko's only request is that in this concert, she may have to give the second half of the time to a "mysterious person" who is currently quite unknown.

Yukinoshita Ayano originally thought that this person was referring to her daughter Touma Kazusa, but now it seems that this guess is not accurate.

"That's right, it's 'he'." Touma Yoko nodded, "And, you've seen this 'he' too."

I have seen it too?And is it someone Yaozi knows well?

A person who satisfies both of these conditions at the same time...

An idea flashed in Yukinoshita Ayano's mind, and she remembered the young 'priest' she saw at the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy.

"Could it be that 'he' refers to Yuanjing?"

"Bingo!" Touma Yoko lightly snapped his fingers, "That's right, it's him!"

For a long time, Touma Yoko actually wanted to make Yuanjing famous.

This is not because of any reason to find a helper for myself in the modern music industry, or to say something about vanity.

Her way of thinking is actually very simple——

Wouldn't it be a pity if everyone couldn't hear such a beautiful music?

Touma Yoko is a very qualified musician, otherwise, she would not be able to achieve her current achievements.

In her opinion, music is very important and indispensable to everyone, just like sunshine and quotations.

Yuan Jing's talent in music is unquestionable.

In Touma Yoko's view, Yuanjing is simply the kind of existence that has been blessed by the Muse, and it might take thousands of years for such an existence to emerge.

However, Yuanjing seems to be only interested in the music itself, and has no interest in relying on this fame or profiting from it.

Although the performance level is extremely high, not to mention the concert, even his classmates, few of them know about it.

Touma Yoko deeply regretted this.

She feels sorry for the music-loving people in this world, and regrets that he (she) cannot hear such wonderful music.

However, since the young man is unwilling, then although she is a pity, she can only respect it.

She was someone who had confronted Minamoto Raimitsu, Yuan Jing's adoptive mother, so she naturally knew that this was the kind of thing that teenagers hated the most.

But this time, it was Yuan Jing who took the initiative to find her.

Regarding the reason why Yuanjing made such a change, Touma Yaozi actually has a clear idea in her heart——

He is not going to continue with the girls secretly, but wants to marry them in openly.

For this, he must gain enough achievements and reputation to stop everyone's mouths.

Even in Sakurajima in 'Mu Qiang', this is a very difficult thing to do.

And Yuanjing chose such a road full of thorns.

But just like before, Touma Yoko respects Yuanjing's choice.

She knew that Yuan Jing was much more mature than boys of this age, since he came to find her, it meant that he had already made up his mind, and there was no need for her to remind him of the pros and cons.

This is also the reason why she would give her daughter to him with such confidence.

"Is Gen-kun the finale this time?" Yukinoshita Ayano looked very surprised. After hesitating for a moment, she still said worriedly, "Don't think about it again?"

Tickets for Yoko Touma's concert are not cheap.

If it's just one or two performances, it's okay to say, even if the performance level is slightly inferior, considering Yaozi's face, everyone probably won't say anything.

But if the entire second half is given to this young man who has just grown up...

The concert was messed up, but what she was most afraid of was that the audience would make Yuanjing unable to come to the stage.

Such a tragic failure will completely destroy a person's self-confidence, and maybe the boy's future will be destroyed because of it.

Her perception of Yuanjing is actually very good, and she doesn't want him to be ruined here.

"Well, isn't it a bit too reckless to hand over the second half to him all at once?" Yukinoshita Ayano said with some concern, "I think, before Yaozi comes on stage, let him warm up first." How is the scene? In this way, we can also see the reaction of the audience in the audience."

If the response is good, then naturally follow the arrangement of Touma Yoko.

If the reaction is mediocre, the boy's experience will not be too embarrassing because Yaozi can follow up.

If there were boos, it could be said that this was a deliberate strategy in order to bring out Yaozi's superb skills.

Yukinoshita Ayano thinks this is a very good plan.

But Touma Yoko categorically vetoed this——

"How can I do that?" She shook her head like a rattle, "If you let Mr. Yuan do the opening, I will be the one who gets knocked down later."

"I can't afford to lose such a big person."

"Huh?" Yukinoshita Ayano did not expect Touma Yoko to reply like this.

Is this too exaggerated?

Seemingly seeing through Ayano's thoughts, Touma Yoko smiled and shook her head, "Although I really don't want to admit it, there are such unreasonable existences in this world."

"The word genius is only appropriate for him."

"I'm even a little jealous."

In Yuanjing, Touma Yoko is not at all as cautious as her daughter Touma Kazusa, but appears bold and aggressive.

It's not that she doesn't care, but that she knows that with Yuanjing's strength, there is no need for those fancy things.

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