"That's right, a relationship that just solves physical problems with each other is indeed quite common in modern times." Shimizu Kaguya nodded and said, "Can I think that this is the relationship that Yono wants to maintain with Gen-kun?"

"That's right, that's it!" It's rare that Kaguya didn't deliberately misunderstand what he meant, although Yang Nai felt that the taste of the other party's words was a bit wrong, but he was still so sure.

"Even if Gen-kun is your sister's sweetheart, there is a great possibility that he will become your brother-in-law in the future?" Shimizu Kaguya asked rhetorically.

"...This is our family's business, don't worry about it!" This is Yang Nai's heart disease, and she has no good solution at all. He could only choose to escape in some embarrassment.

"This is really not something I should care about." Kaguya nodded, agreeing with Yang Nao's statement, "But after all, I am in the same club as Yukino, so we can basically be regarded as friends."

"As Yukino's friend, I just want to ask her sister—"

"Is this really fair to her?"

"Is this kind of happiness, kept in the dark, as if you gave her alms, really the kind of happiness she wants?"

"Miss Yang Nai, when you lied to your sister and hid such things from her, don't you really feel ashamed?"

"..." Yang Nai was silent. After thinking for a long time, she spoke with some difficulty, her voice becoming a little dry, "Then, if I keep a distance from Yuan Jun from now on, and only treat him as my younger sister boyfriend, if you no longer have any other relationship with him..."

"Well, of course this is the best way." Shimizu Kaguya nodded, "But..."

"The premise is that you can do it."

"Are you underestimating me? Of course I can do it. It's just, it's just the same as before, and it's just a normal relationship with Yuan-kun..." Clenching his fists, Yukinoshita Yoshino stared at him as if venting anger Shimizu Huiye no longer had the cynical look of the past.

"After the mirror is broken, even if it is glued again, it will not be able to return to its previous flawless appearance." Shimizu Kaguya's tone was quite calm, and Haruno's glaring did not set off any emotions in her heart. "The relationship between people is the same."

"Things that have happened can never become non-happening." Lowering his eyes and hiding them in the shadows under his bangs, Shimizu Kaguya said in a very emotional voice, "Hiding and suppressing your love, just hide it." Watching my sweetheart get closer and closer to others, but I can only be trapped in the prison I drew, unable to cross even a step..."

"It's very, very, very painful."

"Miss Yang Nai, you will never be able to do it."


There was silence in the locker room.

Whether it was Yangno and Kaguya who were confronting each other, or the four girls who were watching them worriedly, they were all speechless for a while.

In Kaguya's words, there was a smell of blood.

It was the blood left from her heart...

"Always, I don't suggest that Ms. Yangno hide this kind of thing from Yukino." In the end, it was Shimizu Kaguya who broke the silence, "Of course, as Miss Yangno said before, this is your , Yuan-kun, and Yukino, I am just an outsider, so this is just a suggestion from someone who has experienced it."

"You don't have to listen."

Yang Nai nodded thoughtfully, neither agreeing nor denying.

Seeing that this matter finally came to an end, Shimizu Kaguya finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

She moved her eyes away from Yango, and glanced at Shijo Makoto, Shiina Mashiro, and Sawamura Eriri, "What about the three of you, how are you going to deal with today's affairs?"

As for Touma Kazuya's thoughts...

There is no need to ask at all.

She is different from us.

It's nice to be in love with each other......

Seeing Shimizu Kaguya looking at her, Shijo Zhenfei couldn't help mustering up her courage and puffing out her chest.

"Although I have doubts about Miss Yang Nai's approach, I actually quite agree with one of her views."

"It's not ancient times now, and it's not the time to regard chastity as life." Shijo Zhenfei said, "Although what happened today was an accident, I actually don't regret it."

"After that, if Mr. Yuan wants to solve his physical needs, he can actually come to me."

"However, on top of that, it's like becoming a boyfriend and girlfriend, and of course there are knots, knots, marriages and so on." When Concubine Shijo said this, she couldn't help stammering, "I think- —”

"Is it still free?"

To put it simply, it's okay to be a cannon [哩——], but it's not okay to be a boyfriend or girlfriend or a couple.

As for the reason, it is naturally because Concubine Zhen has sworn to maintain a 'pure friendship' with Yuan Jing...

That is of course impossible.

Although she doesn't have a younger sister who regards Yuan Jing as her sweetheart like Yang Nai, Concubine Zhen actually has her own concerns.

She is the daughter of the head of the Sijo family and the second in line heir of the Sijo family.

Her father would never allow herself to work with others in an open and honest manner.

Even if the other party is from the Yuan family.

In addition to feeling sorry for myself, this is also a matter of the family's dignity and face.

It is impossible for Yuanjing to leave other people behind and choose only herself, Zhenfei Shitiao knows it very well.

Without what happened today, she and Yuan Jing could only be friends for a lifetime at most.

If she wants to use today's incident to make Yuanjing take responsibility, cut off contact with other women and marry her...

Not to mention whether it can be done, even if it is really done.

Whether it is for Chika Fujiwara and others who have long been in love with Yuanjing, or for other people in this room, it is too unfair.

The four real concubines can't do such a thing.

Therefore, she had only one final choice.

Although she can't become husband and wife with Yuan Jing on the surface, but there is no problem in comforting each other in private.

This is not uncommon in high society.

Although my father would probably be very angry, he always loved me the most. As long as I begged softly and shed a few tears, he should be soft-hearted, and then he would turn a blind eye to this matter.

Although she couldn't show her relationship with Yuanjing openly, and was blessed by her family and friends, it was indeed a pity for Shijo Zhenfei.

But there are always unsatisfactory things in life, if you can use this in exchange for the opportunity to be with Yuanjing forever, this regret is nothing.

That is, if there is a child between Yuanjing and Yuanjing, no, it is not if, there will definitely be!

At that time, it may be a little difficult to handle.

However, my child with Yuanjing...

"I see, is this what you think?" Seeing Shijo Makoto seemed a little dazed, Shimizu Kaguya showed a see-through smile on his lips.

Having grown up in Sigong's parents, she naturally understands what Sijo Zhenfei is thinking.

But, will Yuanjing agree to make things like this?

Then she doesn't know~~

"Where are you two?" She looked at Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina.

"Ah, this." Sawamura Eriri hesitated in speaking, "I'm the same as Zhenfei, but I don't actually have the idea of ​​making Yuan-kun take responsibility."

"Actually, I just wanted to repay Yuan-kun's kindness, and I didn't think too much about it. But," Sawamura Eriri said with a blushing cough after a few coughs, "since it happened, and ...It's really comfortable (whispers)...So, if possible, I actually want to be like Concubine Zhen..."

"I want to do more and more comfortable things with Ah Jing!" At this moment, Shiina Mashiro raised his hand and said, "I still want his child!"

Pure and flawless, ignorant of world affairs.

Because of this, she can tell others her truest thoughts without any scruples.

Chapter 130 IX Don't You Want Me?

"Is this wish too much?" Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Shiina Mashiro tilted her head, showing a cute look of doubt.

"No, no, of course it's not too much." Shimizu Kaguya shook his head, the corners of his mouth curled into a gentle arc.

The girl Shiina Mashiro lived a purer life than all of them, but she also lived a more chic life than all of them.

Black is black and white is white.

When you see someone you like, you stick to them without hesitation, and when you meet someone you hate, you immediately turn your head and walk away.

This kind of life is really...


"Don't you want to marry Yuan-kun?" Zhenfei Shijo asked in a strange tone.

"Married?" After hearing this, Mashiro Shiina thought for a moment, then nodded decisively, "Yes, yes! I want to marry Ah Jing!"

"Marriage is that, wearing a very, very beautiful white dress, and then being put on a ring by A Jing in front of everyone, and then kissed!" Mashiro Shiina's usual flat voice became a little high-spirited after a long time, like a happy bird oriole.

"I saw it in the comics!"

A real marriage is not so simple and beautiful. There are more things to worry about than mountains, such as...

"Then let me ask you, what if Eri Sawamura's mother, Ms. Sayuri Sawamura, doesn't agree with you marrying Gen-kun?"

The four real concubines asked in this way.

For example, the opinions of parents and elders should be considered.

"Sayuri, do you disagree with me marrying A Jing?" Mashiro Shiina's bright eyes widened slightly, clearly revealing the confusion in her heart, "Why? Does Sayuri hate A Jing?"

"No, of course I don't hate it, but rather appreciate it." This time it was Yukinoshita Yono who answered, "But at the same time, she found that her daughter Sawamura Eriri also seemed to like Gen-kun."

"For the happiness of my daughter, so although I feel a little sorry for Zhenbai, she still found you in private, and I hope you can give up the idea of ​​marrying Yuan Jun."

For example, you find that your cherished, sister-like existence falls in love with the same person as yourself, so you have to choose between hurting her and giving up on yourself.

"Eriri... also like Ajing?" Mashiro Shiina shifted her eyes to the face of Eiri Sawamura who was closest to her, as if asking if this was true.

"Yano, why are you mentioning my mother's and me's names here?" Sawamura Eriri glared at Yangno, she didn't expect that this person would involve herself in order to give an example, "Also, why are my mother and I the same? That kind of villain that hinders other people's happiness, I never said that I like Yuan Jun, right?"

"Eriri, don't you like Yuan-kun?" Shiina Mashiro opened her small mouth slightly, showing a naive look of astonishment, which obviously made Erili a little embarrassed.

"It's not a matter of liking or disliking..." Eri Sawamura has always been that kind of cowardly and stubborn personality. Although the previous great changes in her family have made her grow a lot, I want her to be frank. Expressing kindness to someone is still too embarrassing for her.

If she didn't like Yuanjing, how could she come back on her own initiative?

"Admiration, appreciation, liking, love..." Sawamura Eriri said vaguely, "Emotions are very complicated things, and there are not only two kinds of likes and dislikes. You see, just good intentions, If it is divided according to the degree, it can be divided into so many stages..."

"Ying Lili, what you said is so complicated, I'm a little dizzy." Shiina Mashiro frowned, she thought for a while, and seemed to be thinking about the so-called solution to the problem, and finally—

"Yinglili, are you willing to marry Ah Jing?" She asked abruptly.

Since Ying Lili said that people's feelings are very complicated and cannot be generalized with simple likes and dislikes, then it is better to change a question with a clear answer.

There are only two answers to this question, 'willing' and 'unwilling'.

If you want to be ambiguous and get away with it, it won't work.

"..." Sawamura Eriri opened her mouth, but no sound came out of it.

It would be fine if it was only her and Shiina Mashiro, but now, the eyes of the other girls are all focused on, obviously waiting for her reply.

What kind of public execution is this?Is it such a pleasant thing to make me shy?

"...Yes." Because she was too shy, Sawamura Eriri replied very lightly, the voice was as thin as a mosquito, and even Shiina Mashiro who was close at hand couldn't hear it clearly.

"Yinglili, what did you just say?" She asked with some doubts.

"I said I am willing!" Anyway, it was already like this, Sawamura Eriri was a little bit broken, "If Yuan-kun intends to marry me, of course I am willing to a hundred, is there any other answer? ?”

The blue eyes were already full of tears because of shyness, she glanced at the other girls, and paid special attention to Yang Nao who involved her.

Are you satisfied now?

That pair of big eyes that seem to be able to speak said so.

But before she could speak—

"very happy."

A warm embrace hugged her just like that.

That was Shiina Mashiro's embrace.

Holding the girl who has always taken great care of herself in her arms, Shiina Mashiro gently stroked the beautiful blonde hair of Sawamura Eriri.

"Very happy," she repeated.

Eri Sawamura also likes Yuanjing.

Her devotion was not simply a act of repaying gratitude or being impulsive.

The reason why he was not frank was because he was shy in his heart and it was difficult to explain clearly.

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