Otherwise, even if Ai Hayasaka offered an extremely generous condition, she would not have given her the secret of the Genjia's secret 'room art'.

If it was these four girls, if something happened with Yuan Jing, it would not be unacceptable.

When she taught Hayasaka Ai the "Room in the House", she had already prepared for it.

It's just that she didn't expect this day to come so soon...

"Ah, this..." Hiratsuka hesitated to speak.

If the four girls who are closest to Yuanjing are selected according to the degree of favorability and the degree of intimacy of the relationship, then the four mentioned by Minamoto Raimitsu are naturally not bad.

But the problem is that the world often does not develop as it should.

Otherwise, how could there be such a thing as a 'surprise'?

Of course, for Minamoto Raimitsu, this could be a 'scare'...

"Why, did I say something wrong?" Minamoto Raimitsu asked in a strange tone after noticing Shizuka Hiratsuka's faltering, "Which one is wrong?"

"...Touma Kazuya."

"Oh, it's that Touma Yoko's daughter!" Minamoto Raimitsu's tone was filled with high spirits for the first time, "I guessed it was her!"

Although Touma Yoko is quite presumptuous in front of her, but Touma Kazusa's performance is the quietest and least courageous among the girls.

Thinking about it this way, it is quite normal to miss such an 'opportunity'.

"Hmm..." Shizuka Hiratsuka's forehead was a little sweaty, but he continued to bite the bullet, "What I meant before was not that you guessed the wrong person, but—"

"You only guessed right, Touma and Sa."

The air in the secret room instantly became a little frozen.

After a moment-

"Huh? Touma Kazusa is only right?!" Minamoto Raimitsu's tone was extremely shocked, "Then there are three more people, who are they?"

"It's Kaguya Shimizu, ah, you should be more familiar with the name Kaguya Shinomiya." Shizuka Hiratsuka replied cautiously, "There are also Sawamura, Spencer, Eriri, and Shiina Mashiro."

"Kaguya Shinomiya..." Minamoto Raimiko had some impressions of the girl his son rescued from the Shinomiya's house, but where did the two little fox spirits come from?

If it was Minamoto Yorimitsu before the cultural festival, he should have already set off by now, rushing to Tokyo as quickly as possible.

but now......

"...Aside from this, is there anything else?" Minamoto Raimitsu said in an extremely tired tone.


Yuan Shenping blinked his eyes a few times in surprise, and he even stretched out his fingers to pick out his ears, thinking that he was old and deaf and had auditory hallucinations.

"Aren't you going to do something?" He even couldn't help blurting out after finding out that it wasn't his own reason.

"Since Ah Jing was not forced, what can I do?" Yuan Laiguang was a little tired.

If possible, of course she would like to tie Yuanjing firmly by her side and only watch her alone.

However, such attempts have failed.

Yuan Jing has already taken his freedom away from her.

Now all she can do is bite the handkerchief unwillingly...

Just at this time--

"Bang bang bang!" There was a knock on the door of the secret room.

After obtaining Yuan Shinpei's permission, a miko lady walked in rather eagerly, and then whispered something into Yuan Shinpei's ear.

The latter's expression suddenly became a little exciting.

After waving his hand to make Miko-san step back, Minato Shinpei hesitated for a moment, then turned his heart away——

"Master Patriarch, Miss Sijo Zhenfei and the people she guarded have also disappeared. Judging from the traces they left behind, it seems that they are heading in the same direction as the previous girls."

"Now, it seems like there are 6 people."


Actually there are 7 of them.

It was already night when Minamoto learned about this.


Yuan Jing opened his eyes.

It was already evening at this time, and the dusk passed through the smashed paper door, dyeing the scene in the dressing room a layer of crimson.

Make it look more magnificent.

And [wow——] extravagant.

Memories and pleasure flooded into his mind like a flood, making him a little confused for a while.

Obviously, there was no bloody plot of "can't remember anything".

Although the state is a bit wrong when doing these things, he is still him.

He looked down at his chest, where a petite blond girl was lying there quietly, her pretty face was still flushed beautifully.

In the state of "I have you", the girl is actually very sensitive to every subtle movement of Yuanjing.Although she was the most 'destroyed', the physical fitness of the girl in Yuan Jing's arms was not at the same level as others, so she naturally recovered the fastest.

The first time he felt the boy's waking up, the girl also opened her eyes.

Those are a pair of extremely beautiful emerald green eyes like the best jadeite.

"you're awake."

Artoria, to be exact, 'Bai Dai'...

Just like that, he smiled at his first and only man.

Chapter 130 Huh, want to escape?


A tender and slender index finger reached Yuanjing's lips, and Artoria made a silent movement.

Holding Yuan Jing's shoulder with the other hand, the blond girl was about to move her mouth closer to the boy's ear, so that she could whisper something to Yuan Jing better.

This kind of movement, even for ordinary girls, is an extremely simple movement, let alone a warrior like Artoria.

However, the girl's delicate body just moved up a short distance——


Her body trembled for a while, and the hand on Yuanjing's shoulder lost strength all of a sudden, all the efforts just now were in vain, and her delicate body returned to the original place all of a sudden.

"!!!" Biting her lower lip, forcibly suppressing the subconscious voice that wanted to break through her lips, the composure on Arturia's face that was pretended to be calm disappeared, and a pair of clear green eyes also appeared. Shy water light.

She miscalculated on two fronts.

First of all, she didn't expect that she would be 'injured' so badly.

As a Ji Wuist who had fought dozens of battles and won the victory in her hands, Artoria thought she was used to blood and pain.

She would have done the same this time.

But it was clear that she was very, very wrong.

Pain is living proof.

Like a beautiful epiphyllum that is about to wither after tonight, in the last stage of his life, 'Hei Dai' no longer has any scruples, but begins to bloom unscrupulously.

As a fledgling, some of her behaviors can be described as 'reckless'.

On Artoria's face now, traces of tears could still be clearly seen.

That is the trace left by 'Heida' when he drank the fine wine made of joy and pain.

And when the 'Heida' whose mental state reached the threshold fell into a deep sleep, Artoria's main character finally took over the body again.

Massive memories and emotions impacted Artoria, who had just woken up and was a little ignorant.

Even with her level of mental toughness, she couldn't help but fall into a state of "doubting life" after learning what she had done during this period of time.

This state did not last long.

To be precise, it should be that Yuanjing didn't let Artoria stay in this state for too long.

Although she didn't act as recklessly as 'Hei Dai', what Artoria endured was no less than that of 'Hei Dai'.

Out of guilt for what she did before, she began to take the initiative to play the role of "firefighter" in the following time.

When the girls couldn't bear it, she would silently push forward.

And after a certain girl feels "I'm doing it again", as long as she gives her a shy look, the understanding she will quietly guide Yuanjing to the other party's side...

Although their personalities have quietly turned upside down, the two remain surprisingly consistent in terms of 'gluttony'.

It should be said that he really deserves to be the 'big eater'...

As for the second point that Artoria didn't expect, she forgot about her current situation.

Although today can be said to be the first 'meeting', whether it is before falling asleep or falling asleep, she is dealing with a certain 'bad thing'.

Because of this, when she just woke up, she was still a little dazed and even forgot about this 'bad thing'.

She didn't notice it until she was moving.

But apparently it was too late.

A feeling that she had tasted countless times today engulfed her all at once, taking away her meager strength.

Because of the girl's failed attempt this time, the fingers that were originally on Yuan Jing's lips also involuntarily slid down, and the light pink fingertips came to Yuan Jing's lips.

In fact, when the girl put her finger on Yuan Jing's lips, Yuan Jing noticed the scar on the girl's fingertips.

It was a small, neat row of round wounds, and it even looked a little cute.

This is--

dent marks.

And the 'producer' of the tooth marks is not Yuanjing.

This is the imprint that Arturia herself branded on herself.

Unlike the 'dark' who is completely shameless and skinless because he feels that time is running out, Artoria's skin is actually quite thin.

Her self-esteem and pride did not allow her to be as unscrupulous as 'Hei Dai'.

In order to prevent herself from saying any indecent words, she actually covered her mouth with her hand all the time before.

If she really couldn't bear it, she would bite her slender fingers and use this method to suppress it forcibly.

This is the necessary reserve to be a king!

After all, Artoria is an innocent girl, otherwise, she should understand a truth:

For a big pig like a man, the more patient you are, the more he wants to make you relapse.

Even Yuanjing is the same.

And as for whether Artoria persisted in this [King's Reserve] to the end...

Out of respect for this holy king who once ruled Britain, let him be hidden in the haze of history for the time being.


House seemingly endless rain.

Just when Arturia was sore and weak, a warm but somewhat rough sensation hit her fingertips.

She is actually quite familiar with this kind of touch. She doesn't even need to use her eyes to see what the boy is doing.

Feeling guilty, she glanced around, and when she found that the other girls were still in a deep sleep and hadn't woken up because of the commotion between her and Yuanjing, Arturia obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

Focusing on the boy's face again, the girl's jasper eyes, which seemed to be able to speak, showed a very obvious look of pleading.

But the 'ruthless' Yuanjing turned a blind eye to this.

Holding the girl's fingertips in his mouth, Yuan Jing gently soothed the wound with his tongue.

Not only that, but he also winked at Artoria.

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