It looked like she was going to Yushima Tenmangu with six students today.


A slender and slender palm patted the alarm bell, making it fall silent after reluctantly letting out a short cry for the last time.

Standing on the wooden floor with a pair of bare feet, Shizuka Hiratsuka scratched her stomach quite unclely.

After stretching her waist and showing her beautiful curves, she began to do her daily routine in the morning——

That is to look for your own slippers on the somewhat messy floor.

After roughly sweeping the floor, Hiratsuka Shizuka came to her bed with ease, and after squatting down slightly, she stretched out one of her bare feet.

After patrolling the territory under the bed for a while, she finally felt the furry touch——

"Ah, found it."


Shizuka Hiratsuka, when he was a teacher at St. Eden Academy, was naturally the most responsible person, and he could be said to be a top teacher.

However, what does our teacher look like during weekends and winter, summer, and spring vacations (Sakurajima students are on a three-holiday system)?

Answer: Will become a fallen adult.

At least according to her parents, absolutely.

Every day I sleep until I wake up naturally, and when I wake up, I know that I am sitting at home reading comics and playing games, and I don’t even look at how old I am, but I am still so careless...

This is not depravity, what is this?

In this regard, Shizuka Hiratsuka actually has something to say, and she still has a plausible appearance——

It's not easy to be a teacher in St. Eden Academy, especially the head teacher.On weekdays, Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't know how much she worried about and suffered from this group of troubled students.

Finally, when it's time for vacation, can't she put all these things aside and enjoy it?

She also cited the head teacher of the first-year high school class as an example, saying that even if she is naturally beautiful, if she doesn't pay attention to rest, she will age prematurely like him, and maybe she will be so stressed that she will lose her hair.

If it really became like that, wouldn't it be even more difficult to get married? !

Of course, this kind of 'sophistry' is actually just an expedient measure. If you want to prevent your parents from talking about you, there is only one way to get rid of the bottom line——

That is to leave the house of parents and live alone outside.

This is what she does now.

The salary of this noble school, St. Eden Academy, is actually quite good, and it is not difficult to support a young woman's affluent life in Tokyo.

Although she is still a "girl" who is 20 years old and I don't know how many months, she has worked for less than ten years, and she has not used cram schools or other methods to earn extra money, but just relying on the salary she gets, Hiratsuka In fact, Jing can already afford the down payment of a house.

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka is obviously more fond of cars than houses, and she buys two of them.

Aston Martin Vantage and Toyota Land Cruiser, these are her two favorite cars.

He was still renting a house, but he bought these two luxury cars all at once. For this reason, the second elder actually nagged her for a long time.

Not to blame her for spending money.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is the only daughter in the family, and her family is actually quite prosperous, which belongs to the kind that even if she doesn't work and goes back to inherit the family property, she can live her life without worrying about food and clothing.

The second elder just felt that this approach was too unplanned and unreasonable.

You are alone, under what circumstances do you need to use two cars?

Is it difficult to divide odd and even numbers when driving?Odd number drives Aston Martin, even number drives Toyota?

However, this is what Shizuka Hiratsuka did.

Of course, she can be painstaking and foresight in dealing with students, but in her own affairs, she seems to be extremely freewheeling.

And, who said two cars are useless?Isn't it useful in today's situation?

Today's trip to Yushima Tenmangu, she will lead six students, one male, five females.Plus her own words, that's seven people.

If seven people want to squeeze into one car, it will naturally be a bit crowded.

However, if it is two cars, there is no such problem.

"I remember, that enviable kid seems to have a driver's license?" Pushing open the door of the bathroom, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was gradually waking up, was about to wash up, "Then go to his house first, and he and Kaguya Let’s get here together. After that, he and I will each drive a car to pick him up.”

In fact, the most efficient way is to agree on a time to gather at the gate of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine.

However, first of all, such uncertain factors are a bit big, and she doesn't want to "wait for a person for a long time".

Secondly, the reason why Shizuka Hiratsuka held this event was only to go to Tenmangu to pray for blessings.

The most important purpose is to let these students know each other, take care of each other, and develop a tacit understanding.

Therefore, this kind of practice that can deepen the connection between each other is actually very necessary.

However, just as Shizuka Hiratsuka picked up the toothpaste and was about to apply it on the toothbrush——


Such a voice suddenly reached her ears, making her stunned.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't some dead alarm that's suddenly resurrected.Although it was similar, it was not the sound of the alarm that Shizuka Hiratsuka had pressed to death.

But -


A little confused, he looked at the time on his wrist and found that it was only around 7:[-].

"Did the insurance salesman come so early? This is really professional." After feeling a lot of emotion in her heart, Hiratsuka Shizuka ignored the doorbell, and then began to wash up on her own.

However, after he finished washing and walked out of the bathroom, the doorbell was still ringing persistently, as if you would never give up until you opened the door for me.

This surprised Hiratsuka Shizuka.

In fact, she has encountered this kind of door-to-door insurance salesman many times. At first, she would open the door and refuse directly, and later she simply started to pretend to be dead.

Anyway, as long as they feel that the owner of the house has gone out, they will give up on their own and go to the next 'victim', and they will never fish on a tree for so long.

What is the situation today?

While feeling strange in her heart, she also came to the doorbell and picked up the intercom that kept ringing:

"Hey, I don't need any insurance here, thank you."

And just when she skillfully finished this sentence and was about to hang up——

"Unfortunately, I'm not here to sell insurance." A sweet and soft voice came into her ears, "Xiao Jing, I've been waiting outside in the cold wind for so long, it's time for me to Come in and sit down?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was very familiar with this voice, so familiar that it could be said that the identity of the other party was immediately confirmed as soon as she heard it.

"Yang Nai?" she said in great surprise, "Why did you come to my place?"


"Let me tell you first, I don't have anything for you to eat." Looking at the woman who was smiling and sitting on the sofa in the living room, Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes were full of vigilance.

She knows this girl who is like a bitch too well.Although it is not clear what the other party's purpose is at this time, it is definitely not a good thing.

At least it was for her.

"Ah, it doesn't matter at all." Yang Nai's coat was already hanging on the coat rack at the door, and at this time, he showed a figure that was completely different from his sister, but very similar to his mother, "at home At that time, I actually ate it."

"Oh, that's good." After nodding like this, Hiratsuka Shizuka walked to her own refrigerator, opened the door and took out the fresh milk that was frozen in it.

milk and biscuits.

This is her breakfast.

After weighing the milk carton in her hand for a while, and confirming that there was almost enough for her morning drink in the 1.8L container, she was no longer going to pour it out, but was going to pour it out directly. It's drunk whole.

And at this moment-

"By the way, Xiaojing, can I join today's trip to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine?"

The girl who came from behind almost made her unable to hold the box in her hand.

"...Of course not, what are you thinking!" Clutching her breakfast tightly, Hiratsuka Shizune turned her head and glared at the female fox, "This is an event at St. Eden Academy, What are you getting involved with, a college student who didn't graduate from St. Eden?"

"Hey, is there really no other way? Can't you be flexible, Hiratsuka-sensei~" For such a straightforward rejection, Yukinoshita Harino was not discouraged, but said so in a coquettish voice.

This couldn't help but make Hiratsuka Shizuka tremble, and many bad memories played back in her mind.

Before she was valued by St. Eden Academy and came to Tokyo, Shizuka Hiratsuka lived in Chiba Prefecture, and worked as the class teacher of Yoshino Yukinoshita, and had a relationship with her for a while.

While being tricked many times by him, he was actually helped by the other party many times.

For the heir of the Yukinoshita family, Hiratsuka Shizuka's perception is actually a bit complicated.

"Don't speak in that pretentious voice." Hiratsuka said angrily, "Don't think that I don't know what you want to do."

"Eh?" Yukinoshita Yonano asked with great interest, "Xiao Jing thinks, what do I want to do?"

"It's nothing more than going to be a light bulb." Shizuka Hiratsuka rolled her eyes at Yango, "There is no Yukino in the group this time, so you just want to keep an eye on Yuan-kun for her, so that he won't be with other people. Have you made any progress?"

For Yukinoshita Yoshino's nature of being a sister-controller, Shizuka Hiratsuka can actually see it very clearly.

"This is Yukino's private matter, and it has nothing to do with you. Why don't you just give up?" Putting the biscuits and milk on the dining table, Hiratsuka sat down on the chair, "This kind of thing can't be stopped .”

"..." Yukinoshita Yono naturally knew this too.

However, it is one thing to be clear in your heart, and another thing to do exactly.

The most important thing is that this is not a hot head shaving, Xue Nai actually did not make any objection to this matter.

She even started to take the initiative to borrow her power.

Even if no results can be achieved in the end, as long as the relationship between the sisters can be eased by a little bit, it will be considered a success.

Obviously, Yang Nai still doesn't know the special significance of this Sunday.

And to make matters worse, so was Hiratsuka Shizuka.

"So, are you not going to help?" Yukinoshita Yoshino raised his eyebrows.

"No." Shizuka Hiratsuka replied quite stiffly.

"Okay, I already knew that this would be the result, just like when I entrusted my Yukino to you." Seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's reluctance, Yang Nao softened all of a sudden, she stretched out Reaching out, gently wiped away the non-existent tears in the corner of her eyes, "Obviously I promised well at the beginning, but in the end I turned a blind eye to the bullying she suffered..."

No, where did I turn a blind eye?

After discovering this situation, didn't I immediately take her to find Yuanjing?

If it wasn't for me, would Yukino and Yuan Jing become what they are now?

Shizuka Hiratsuka was speechless.

However, on the one hand, it is for Yukino's growth, and on the other hand, she is really powerless. It is also a fact that Yukino has been bullied. It is normal for Yang Nai, a dead girl, to be extremely dissatisfied with this.

"Stop, stop!" Holding his forehead in pain, Hiratsuka yelled, "I'll help you just once, of course, just this once!"

Before Yango could show a triumphant smile, Shizuka Hiratsuka hurriedly made three chapters——

"Let me tell you first, I won't take you with me from the beginning, because there is no such reason at all."

"However, when we have lunch at noon, I will send you a message to tell you where we are having lunch."

"How to use this news and whether you can become a member of this team is up to you."

If you love to accept it, accept it, if you don't accept it, you will pull it down!

Hiratsuka Shizuka's attitude was very firm.

"Noon?" This was the best result Yukinoshita Yono could achieve, after bowing his head and thinking for a while——

"Deal." Our younger sister, the black-bellied eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family, showed a triumphant smile.

Will this Miss Yang Nai who has never won a victory in front of Yuan Jing and has always been deflated can finally win that one today?

can only say.Let her look forward to it for now.


In Yuanjing residence.

While Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shimizu were packing the dishes, Yuan Jing had a thought, and a translucent panel that only he could see was slowly pulled away.

This is obviously his exclusive cheat, which is the proficiency panel.

Most of the data is actually the same as last time. What was originally stuck at Lv.3 is actually still stuck at Lv.3.

The martial arts of the Pandaragon family have not shown too many benefits so far, and it should wait until he has passed this period of adaptation.

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