and so--

"If you insist, of course there is no problem." Yuan Jing's answer was also very clear and serious, without the slightest bit of deception.

"Wait until after high school, if you still feel the same way—"

"Then get married."

Staring at Touma Kazana's eyes that were wiped away by tears and looked more beautiful, the young man who originally practiced celibacy made his promise so solemnly.


"Dingling." During the break of the second class, in the "Line" group formed by Chika Fujiwara, a photo suddenly appeared.

It was a shy and timid 'bride' dressed in white.

Although his face was blushing unreasonably, anyone with a discerning eye could see the taste of happiness at the corner of his mouth.

"This seems to be a wedding dress, right?" Looking at the photo on the phone, there was a trace of envy in the voice of 'Heida' that she didn't realize.

"Miss Touma, you are really beautiful."

"You mean it, Kaguya?"

Shimizu Kaguya did not answer.

She just stared blankly at this happy 'bride'.

Long time, long time...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Student Shiina saw the flaws." When hearing the news, 'Heida' didn't show any panic on her face, and she didn't even show a little bit of luck, as if this was not What will cause her plan to completely collapse, but it is just a tiny wave.

"It should be said that he really deserves to be the one who can restore that painting? If I had known, I would have acted more carefully yesterday." The slightly slanted sunlight shone into the room from the clear window, casting the golden hair of 'Hei Duo' The yellow hair reflected extremely brightly, like flowing gold.

This flowing golden color made the girl's skin white as snow and her lips as red as cherry blossoms.

If you only look at the appearance, it should be difficult to imagine what kind of treacherous thoughts are churning in this holy and beautiful girl, right?

"Does this mean that you have already admitted it?" Compared with the radiant and happy 'Kurodai', Shimizu Kaguya looked a little haggard.

The bright red eyes that were originally extremely oppressive have also become a little dim at this moment, without the awe-inspiring look before.

Even the question that just poured out of her mouth sounded a little limp, as if something extremely important had been taken out of it.

"If someone else came to question me about this matter, then I would definitely not admit it. However," 'Hei Dai' glanced at Shimizu Kaguya's pale face, and then sighed softly ——

"Who made me kind?"

"Miss Qingshui has been hit hard enough. At this time, if I don't stand up, wouldn't Miss Qingshui become a complete loner?"

"I can't do such a cruel thing."

Hurting people with words is actually not what Artoria ('Bai Dai') is good at.

Even with such ability, her character does not allow her to do such a thing.

However, there is no such taboo in 'Hei Dai'.

As for who she learned this kind of poisonous tongue skills from... It can only be said that Ms. Morgan in history did not set a very shining example for her sister.

"I didn't get hit," Shimizu Kaguya seemed to be trying to make his tone tougher, but unfortunately, the elements of being strong outside but capable in the middle were still very obvious, "Miss Touma was the first person to express her heart to Gen-kun, and now she can The development into this result is the result of her own hard work."

"I won't be unwilling, I'm just happy for her."

"Hey, so it looks like this." 'Heida' didn't refute, but had a look of 'Oops! ' expression, as if admitting too soon before regretting himself.

"Okay, okay, it seems that I'm being sentimental and I'm wrong." She sighed and made a dejected expression.

It's a pity... the acting is too fake.

"If that's the case, Miss Shimizu, what are you waiting for?" She looked at the mobile phone that Kaguya Shimizu was holding tightly in her hand, and noticed the slightly whitish fingertips of the other party because of too much force. Festival--

"Since it has been determined that someone is plotting against your [favorite] boss, why don't you call him immediately?" When Heidai said the three words [favorite], he deliberately put The tone was drawn out and seemed to be a reminder, but it was actually more like a mockery.

"Didn't you always say that you are Yuan Jun's most loyal subordinate? Since you already know about such a thing, why did you hide it and not report it? What are you still dawdling about?" The tone of 'Heida' was full of doubts, It seems that it is really unclear why Shimizu Kaguya is still spending time with her here.

"Oh, I see." Hitting his palm with a powder fist, 'Heida' made a voice of sudden realization, "So, you are afraid that you will delay the good things of Mr. Yuan and Ms. Touma."

"!!!" Shimizu Kaguya's shoulders trembled extremely violently as if frightened.

"Let me think about it, since Ms. Touma has changed into her wedding dress, then Mr. Yuan should be wearing something similar, right?" When he said this, the tone of 'Hei Dai' was quite fascinated, as if I was imagining a certain picture, "I just know a little bit about this, Miss Shimizu must know more than me, so I won't describe it in words here, you can imagine it freely."

"Of course, if Yuan-kun really did this, Ms. Touma will definitely keep such a photo. If your fantasies are not satisfied, you can go to Ms. Touma, I think she will be very happy Let you take a look."

"After all, you are Yuan Jun's most loyal [subordinate]."

"After she marries Yuanjing, won't she also have to deal with you? If that's the case, it's actually very important to have a good relationship with you in advance."

"..." Shimizu Kaguya didn't speak, she just stared at 'Heida' who was nodding, her eyes seemed quite empty.

The place where the two are now is actually a small, lounge-like place in the teaching building.

This was supposed to be a place just for parents.

Because the identities of the students of St. Eden Academy are often quite special, if there is a dispute between each other before, and the teacher has no way to mediate, then the only way is to 'invite the parents'.

And here is a place specially provided for consultation between parents and parents, as well as between parents and teachers.

Not only is it concealed, but also the sound insulation effect is excellent.

The conversations happening inside, no matter how loud they are, will not be heard by people outside.

As for why Shimizu Kaguya has the key to this place...

It can only be said that the principle of "a person who has studied well is privileged" is actually universal in all ages and in all countries.

"Of course, at that time, Ms. Touma might not think that much at all." Since Shimizu Kaguya didn't intend to call for a stop, it was naturally impossible for 'Hei Dai' to just stop.

Unlike the calmness on her face, her heart is actually not that stable.

Shiina Mashiro was able to see through her disguise, which was indeed something she did not expect.

Fortunately, this news did not just flow to Yuan Jing's ears, but was blocked by Shimizu Kaguya.

In this case, for 'Hei Dai', this is not a bad thing.

Of course, the prerequisite is——

She had to be here to pull Shimizu Kaguya to her side.

When called out by Shimizu Kaguya, 'Hei Dai' was actually not as confident as he is now.


The photo that Touma Kazusa posted in the group became her best support.

"Although I don't have much contact with this Miss Touma, I can see that she is actually a simple-minded and kind-hearted girl."

"At that time, she probably won't think about such complicated things at all. She probably just wants to show her happiness well?"

"That's right, exactly what she just did."

The tone of 'Hei Dai' was not in a hurry, as if he was just chatting with Shimizu Kaguya, but these unsharp words pierced her heart just like that.

"...What exactly do you want to do to Ah Jing?" Finally, as if he was finally overwhelmed, Shimizu Huiye finally stopped saying nothing, and finally responded to the words of 'Hei Dai' reacted.

"According to Shiina, you seem to be just staring at Ah Jing's body. Is that really the case?"

"Will what you do cause harm to Ah Jing? Although I am not from your side, I have heard a little bit of sayings such as [Caibu]."

"The reason why you taught Ah Jing so kindly at the beginning is because you have such an idea?"

She stared at 'Heida' suspiciously, as if she must give herself an explanation.

Obviously, these words have been brewing in Kaguya's heart for a long, long time.

Since the chatterbox was opened, these words had an opening, so naturally they poured out like this.

And the reaction of 'Heida' to this was——

Belly laugh.

That's right, after being questioned by Kaguya and uttering such a series of words, she didn't argue, but gave out an extremely happy smile that didn't fit her identity and temperament at all.

Kaguya could even see a few crystal tears in the corner of her eyes.

Obviously, the reason for the formation of these drops of water is definitely not sadness.

The other party's reaction made Kaguya a little bit at a loss.

Obviously, there must be something so outrageously wrong in what she just said, that it made the "classmate Lily" in front of her laugh so loudly.

There is no way, although I have learned the secret method called "Fangzhongjutsu" passed down by Minamoto Raimitsu together with Ai Hayasaka, and I have also received systematic martial arts training when I was in the Shinomiya family.

But if you want to compare with Yuanjing and Artoria, Kaguya is actually not much different from a layman, and it is quite normal to make some jokes.

"Is there anything funny about what I said just now?!" Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help raising the volume.

It has to be said that although the reaction of 'Heida' was extremely inappropriate and made her feel ashamed and angry, it also immediately diluted the 'frustration' that had shrouded her body a lot.

At least, she is not as bitter and bitter as she was just now.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." 'Heida' wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and waved his hand towards Hui Ye, "By the way, you seem to be using the title 'A Jing' instead of 'Yuan' You're gone."

"I can understand that you are finally not going to hide it from me?" Apart from laughing, 'Heida' didn't miss such details.

"...Anyway, I can't hide it anyway." On this point, Kaguya was quite honest.

However, she still just stared at 'Heida' like this, her eyes changed from the blankness before, and became extremely fierce, "Don't evade my question, will what you are going to do cause any harm to Ah Jing? "

'How will it be, and what will not be? 'If my sister was in my current position, she would definitely raise her eyebrows and say such a thing, right?

However, 'Hei Dai' is not Morgan.

The attitude she showed before was actually not out of some bad taste, but just the need to achieve her goal, so naturally she would not say anything superfluous.

"Of course not." She said very frankly, "The so-called [Cai Bu] is actually a unique term in the East. I don't have such a thing over there, which is why I laughed so heartily before. .”

"I can tell you that the reason why I want to do that kind of thing with Mr. Yuan is indeed not simply greedy for his body, there are also some other reasons."

"However, these reasons have nothing to do with him and will not cause any harm to him."

After saying this, 'Heida' hesitated for a moment, and then said to Kaguya, "By the way, normal phenomena like sore waist and weak legs shouldn't be considered a hazard, right?"

"...It doesn't count." Shimizu Kaguya said in a low voice after glaring at the unscrupulous 'Heida'.

"Okay, then absolutely nothing." 'Hei Dai' nodded with satisfaction, "Although I don't know how much credit I have with you, but I really didn't lie just now."

"So, knowing this..."

"Come and help yourself, and help me, too?"

Shimizu Kaguya was noncommittal about this.

She looked at the face of the other party that was as delicate as a goblin, and seemed to be engaged in an extremely complicated psychological struggle in her heart.

After a long time...

She finally nodded with a very slight arc.

This is the signal representing 'agreement'.


"So, what is your plan?" After Kaguya nodded, the originally tense atmosphere in the lounge had eased a lot, so Kaguya began to ask the question that she was most concerned about.


"This is a top secret, we can't say it now." Hei Dai made a gesture of pulling his mouth up like a zipper, and said this with a smile, obviously in a good mood.

"I can only say that when the time comes, I will definitely share your share of the pie and let you get what you want."

"Afterwards, you can also blame everything on me. After all, I was the one who bewitched you."

Anyway, at that time, it wasn't me who had a headache, but 'White'...

'Heida' thought so maliciously in his heart.

"Well, looking at it this way, I do seem to be a little insincere."

"Well, I'll reciprocate and tell you some important news." Looking at the somewhat unhappy Kaguya, 'Heidai' comforted him:

"Isn't Qianhua going to visit your home tomorrow?"

"Keep an eye on it then, after all—"

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