"? For comics, of course "JOJO" is my favorite, and the gentlemanly Jonathan Joestar is too handsome!"

"In terms of games, I've been playing "Heartbeat Memories" recently. Although dialogue games are not bad, I actually prefer this kind of game that can increase the value."

"It turned out to be the first generation of "JOJO", and "Heartbeat Memories"..." Yuan Jing held his forehead.

Touma Yoko blinked her eyes in some confusion, as if she didn't quite understand why Yuanjing had such a reaction.

"Aunt Yaozi, you are new to this field, so you may not know much about it." Yuan Jing sighed and said, "JOJO has been serialized since 1987, and the first part has already been published. Almost 40 years."


"As for "Heartbeat Memories", it was a work in 1994, and it is almost 30 years old now."


"...No wonder their expressions are a bit subtle when I tell them these things." Touma Yoko murmured a little depressed, "I thought it was because they were too reserved in front of me, a bit nervous. The reason why I can't let go, I didn't expect it to be this reason..."

She pursed her mouth childishly, looking awkward, "Forget it, anyway, I'm just an old aunt who can't keep up with the times."

The old aunt who can't keep up with the times can't make such an expression.

"By the way, Aunt Yaozi." This topic can't be touched anymore, so Yuanjing asked other things very intimately, "What's the schedule for today?"

"The plan is...there is no plan." Touma Yoko's answer was somewhat beyond Yuanjing's expectations.

"We didn't expect that you would give us a whole day."

"Hesha was actually busy all night last night, but he didn't make any particularly satisfactory plans. After all, although he has a title like 'Piano Princess', Hesha is still a good girl at heart. Outside of school, there is just practicing the piano, and there are very few opportunities to go out to play."

"If she were to make a dating plan, it would be too beyond her ability, and it would be too embarrassing for her."

"Although I know some things about this, you probably won't like coming to the places I often go to."

"So, our final decision is—"

"You can do whatever you want."

The haze on her face disappeared, and Touma Yoko showed a bright smile towards Yuan Jing——

"If you want to see the work and people related to the album, you can. If you want to experience the most advanced recording studio in Sakurajima."

"Of course, if you are not interested in these things and don't want to do them, then you might as well treat today as a day off and go wherever you want!"

"Of course, please be sure to bring the kimono. After all, haven't you seen each other for two weeks?"

"Just like what I said to that Miss Shimizu before, tomorrow is Saturday, so it's okay to stay out at night."

"As the woman's parent, I have given permission in advance here!"

Chapter 99 Disrupted plans and 'inner bodies'

Jasper-like eyes flicked across the empty chair beside her. Although Artoria's face was still the fake poker face, but——

"Shake, shake, shake~"

Under the desk, under the cover of the ankle-length skirt of St. Eden Academy, the jade feet wrapped in white silk were shaking unconsciously, fully revealing the mood of its owner.

Yuanjing, I'm on leave today...

During morning self-study, class teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka informed everyone that Yuanjing had 'important things to do' today, so he asked for leave.

As for what this important matter is, out of personal privacy considerations, Shizuka Hiratsuka did not disclose it to everyone.

For most of the people in Class A of Senior One, this matter is probably only on the level of "oh".

After all, Yuanjing didn't communicate with them very much, and it didn't make any difference to them whether he was there or not. Anyway, it wasn't a transfer or dropout, it was just a day off.

However, Yuanjing's request for leave this time really messed up one's plans.

This person is naturally Artoria.

Time can be the least valuable thing for Artoria. After all, she once spent 1500 years between life and death because of an accident that could be said to be a miracle.

However, time can be said to be the most precious thing to Artoria now, every minute and every second is a treasure ten thousand times more precious than gold to her.

The special state of Arturia's personality (for the sake of simplicity, I will call it "blackened personality") is actually not very stable.

She was originally Altria's sub-personality, but it was only because of the restoration of Shiina Mashiro's painting that the "she" who had been sleeping rose up, and the "noble knight princess" fell into a deep sleep instead.

However, this state is actually not stable, and there is no way to maintain it for a long time.

The current Arturia herself is also very clear that she is just a 'relaxing time' similar to prison inmates, and it will definitely not last long, not even a week.

According to her own estimate, even if she tried her best to suppress it, she could only guarantee it for about three days, and after that...

I was able to win the control of this body, but I did not expect this situation at all with the main personality, so the possibility of being caught off guard is extremely high.

After being forced to exchange it again, whether the master personality who has already taken precautions in this regard will make such a mistake, maybe only God knows.

Moreover, that stupid guy would definitely tell Yuan Jing and the other girls about his existence without reservation.

Even if I 'wake up' again, the difficulty of achieving good things is estimated to be many times higher, and it is almost the same as the sky...

The "blackened personality" woke up on Thursday afternoon.

In other words, she can only guarantee that she will still be herself until the weekend afternoon, and once that time passes, she has no way to guarantee the control of this body at all.

Both Yuanjing and her are students, and they don't actually have classes on Saturdays and Sundays.

That is to say, apart from the status of 'Temporary Master', the biggest card in Artoria's hand, that is, the status of 'Seat Next to Yuanjing' will only take effect on Friday.

On Saturdays and Sundays, it turns into a gray invalid card.

With this in mind, after parting with Yuanjing yesterday, Artoria actually made quite a lot of plans for this "most important" day.

If everything goes well and everything develops according to her most optimistic situation, Arturia estimates that Yuanjing will be able to wipe out Yuanjing tonight.

What, you ask, what are you going to do for the next two days?

That of course is to hide him 'big do special do' slightly.

She had researched beforehand, and there was a very convenient facility like the Love-Hotel on Sakurajima.

These places have adopted a very user-friendly machine management model, which can be used as long as coins are inserted, and no identification is required at all.

Oh, by the way, she also promised that Yuan Jing would be Shiina Mashiro's nude model, so she should be brought along by the way.

I don't know, if she would mind adding a temporary model, it shouldn't matter, right?

That kid, you can tell at a glance that he is an idiot. You probably won't find many high-quality models like yourself and Yuanjing in the whole world, right?

From this aspect, this reward can be said to be too worthwhile.

As for whether Yuanjing will resist...

Arturia was not worried about this.

As an existence shared with the memory of the main personality, now that the Pandragon family has perished and she is the only survivor, no one understands what Arturia taught Yuanjing better than her.

The current Yuanjing, to use a somewhat figurative metaphor, should be a huge mussel with plump and beautiful flesh inside.

Although the outer shell is extremely hard, once it is forcibly pried open, the huge clam shell protecting its interior will never be able to close for a while, so Artoria can only let Artoria feast on it.

As long as he succeeds once, Yuan Jing's resistance to himself will become very weak, almost completely negative defense.

In the words of the East, it seems that it should be called an "inner charming body"?

Of course, for her who is currently in the same state as Yuan Jing, she will actually become the same.

However, she wanted to do such a thing in the first place, so it didn't matter at all.

If it is squeezed like this for two days, it should be almost the same, right?

Ignoring the eloquent and eloquent teacher on the podium, Artoria quietly lowered her right hand from the desk, following the outline of the black school uniform of St. Eden Academy, from the flat and tight The top of the lower abdomen began to move down slightly, and after passing the round and lovely navel, it stopped there after going down about three inches.

The white and slender fingers gently draw circles at this position with extreme affection, outlining an irregular and oval outline.

If my plan is successful, even though it is only so small now, after a few months, it should suddenly expand here, right?

A smile that can only be described as "kindness" appeared on the corner of Artoria's mouth, which had nothing to do with evil or charm.

Even so, it is breathtakingly beautiful.

However, perhaps because the smile was too gentle, or because it lasted too short, no one else noticed the beauty that was as fleeting as dew.

The reason why the "blackened personality" Artoria appears so "anxious" is because she must be able to achieve good things with Yuanjing, the influence of "side effects" and her own lust are not the reason.

Well, at least not all of the reasons.

The basis of her birth was actually Artoria's own "must live!" ' Faith.

However, even during that long period of time, this idea can be said to be so firm that it gave birth to 'her'.

But after really waking up, the strength of this belief can be said to have attenuated all of a sudden.

Obviously, her family has disappeared in the long river of history, and the fact that she is alone in this era has actually severely damaged the protagonist's desire for survival.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Arturia actually doesn't want to live anymore, of course it doesn't.

It can only be said that she has become more at ease and drifting with the flow.

Otherwise, how could the group of insects in Spencer's family be able to exile Artoria to Sakurajima?

Arturia didn't become 'not wanting to live', she just became more 'not afraid of death'.

But for the "blackened personality" whose primary purpose is survival, the idea of ​​"not afraid of death" is absolutely unacceptable!

She had to re-firm the master personality's desire to survive that had become somewhat thinned!

And the most convenient and quick way to make a person who doesn't care about "life and death" become "do not want to die" is to "create bonds".

Among them, the most straightforward and least troublesome way is to have a husband and a child.

After all, she only had about three days now, and she would take such a slightly extreme method, but there was nothing she could do about it.

However, she didn't feel any guilt about it.

It's not because a boy is slept by a girl, as long as the other party is a beautiful girl, even if it is forced, it is still a boy's profit! 'There is no rational reason for this at all.

After all, Arturia is a character from 1500 years ago. When she woke up in modern times, there was no way to change her original way of thinking.

In the past, Yuanjing was shocked by Artoria's common sense which is very different from modern times, and now Arturia is in the same situation——

In her time, things between men and women were not as twisted as in modern society, and they were basically not too dirty.

When you see your favorite and beautiful object, you will quietly follow him with a stick, and when the other person is not paying attention, you will knock him out all at once, and then drag him to your home... .

This is a commonplace thing.

Artoria, who also served as a judicial officer, had actually tried quite a few such cases at the time.

Now it's just learning from others.

After all, whether it is the main personality or the current "blackened personality", Artoria's love experience is actually a big duck egg.

Arturia had planned well at first, but after she came to school this morning, she found something completely out of her plan——

That is why Yuanjing asked for leave today and did not come to school.

To be caught off guard by something like this...

Even though Arturia herself was quite calm, after hearing the news that almost all of her plans fell through, she still couldn't help showing a little impatience and complaints, a little bit of a broken defense. .


It can only be said that Artoria is Artoria. Even though she was caught off guard by such a sudden situation, she didn't actually immerse herself in negative emotions for too long.

After the first get out of class was over, at least on the surface, Arturia was not much different from her usual appearance.

Standing up from her seat, Artoria passed by Chika Fujiwara as if by accident.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Arturia was just passing by, but she didn't do anything.

However, if Yuanjing hadn't asked for leave, you could see that Arturia actually pulled Chika Fujiwara's school uniform a few times in a very subtle way when she passed by Chika Fujiwara.

Fujiwara Chika also felt this kind of pull. When she looked at Artoria who was most likely to do so, the other party just happened to glance at her at this moment.

Seeing that Chika Fujiwara was paying attention to her, Arturia pursed her lips secretly towards the outside.

This meaning is actually quite obvious.

After seeing that the other party understood her meaning, Artoria walked out of the classroom without looking back.

After a moment—

"I'll go out and pick flowers." The so-called picking flowers is actually an elegant name for going to the toilet.

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