"There are too many people there, and there is a teacher there." Sawamura Eriri explained to Shiina Mashiro, "After all, this is a matter between us and Yuanjing, and there is no need to let others know."

Actually, it was mainly Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Eri Sawamura was not familiar with this teacher before.

As for the fact that he was going to be taken to England by the Spencer family, almost all the teachers were persuading him to recognize the reality.

This led to Sawamura Eriri's distrust of the teachers.

Although Shizuka Hiratsuka is loved and loved by students and has always had a good reputation, after the previous contact, Eri Sawamura's perception of her is not bad at all.

However, she has developed a considerable degree of distrust of adults.

She didn't want others to know about the 'deal' between Minamoto and Shiina Mashiro if she could.

"Let's continue to put the painting here first, and after listening to Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka finish what she wants to say, we will call Yuan-kun here and give him this painting."

Sawamura Eriri said to Shiina Mashiro, "Besides, this is still a good opportunity."

As if suddenly thinking of something, Sawamura Eriri suddenly burst into a 'puchi' laugh, "If we come back here again, there should only be the three of us."

"In this case, we can take this opportunity to ask Yuan Jun if he would like to be Zhenbai's model."

While talking, Sawamura Eriri winked mischievously at Shiina Mashiro.

With the help of Yuan Jing and the Yuan family behind it, there is hope that the dark clouds that had originally shrouded their mother and daughter will dissipate.

After the depression in her heart was relieved a little, Sawamura Eriri naturally thought of why the two of them went to this boy——

They didn't think that the other party could solve their problems, and they just wanted to ask him to be a model at first.

In order to be able to talk to him, the two also went through a long and difficult experience, and in the end they made things happen by coincidence.

Now, since the dust has settled, it is natural to not forget the original intention a little bit.

What if he agreed?

Shiina Mashiro's eyes lit up suddenly, "Are you a nude model?"

She said so expectantly.

"Ah, this, I think it's better not to take such a big step all at once, and start with a normal one..."

The two just talked and laughed, and walked out of the studio.

And after a while...

A figure appeared outside the studio.

The person walked into the studio, and after searching a bit, he finally stopped in front of a painting covered by a white cloth.

That painting was the 'commission' that Yuanjing entrusted to Shiina Mashiro.

Chapter 88 I think it's time for a witch to return, how about you?

"Everyone, which day are you free this Saturday and Sunday?" In her private office, Shizuka Hiratsuka said, "I hope that everyone can spare a day this weekend and let's do a A preview of the trip."

"Just take it as a running-in with each other and cultivate a tacit understanding."

As the teacher who led the winter trip to Vienna, Shizuka Hiratsuka was under a lot of pressure.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this errand of taking outstanding students to travel abroad during the holidays is a serious and fat job.

After all, as long as there is a justifiable reason, all expenses incurred during this process will be reimbursed by the rich and powerful St. Eden Academy.

When the employees of other general companies are on business trips, in order to save money, the company generally has certain restrictions on their board and accommodation standards. For example, if they live in an expensive hotel, the company will not reimburse their accommodation expenses.

But St. Eden Academy has no such restrictions.

As far as Shizuka Hiratsuka knew, in the last vacation, the summer vacation of the second grade (now the third grade) went to Sardinia, Italy.

They lived in the most luxurious Cala di Holpe Hotel on it.As the most famous and most luxurious eight-star hotel in Italy, it costs about 1.4 US dollars to stay here for one night.

If it is a luxurious general suite, the price for one night will reach 3.4 US dollars.

They ended up living there for a whole week.

However, St. Eden Academy did not have any objection to this sky-high cost. After confirming that they were indeed living here during this period of time, they readily reimbursed all the expenses of several people. pin.

You can travel to famous places in the world, and the school pays for all food, drink, entertainment, food, housing and transportation.

If this is not a fat difference, what is a fat difference?

However, this job was not looted by the teachers, on the contrary, it can be said that it was somewhat avoided.

And there are probably three reasons for this, namely——



Still safe.

That's right, St. Eden Academy didn't impose any financial restrictions on the leading teachers. The only and most important task they entrusted to the teachers was——

Be sure to ensure the safety of the students it leads!

St. Eden Academy is a serious aristocratic academy, and its students are basically the sons and daughters of Sakurajima's upper class.

Take the tour group brought by Shizuka Hiratsuka as an example.

Although there is no final exam yet, the final list has not been fully determined, but among the confirmed places, there are daughters of Sakurajima's super-big family like Shijo Makoto, daughters of world-class pianists like Touma Kazusa, and Shiina A talented painter like Zhenbai who has already shown his prominence in the world.

If these few people have any mistakes in terms of safety, even if Shizuka Hiratsuka is not from an ordinary family, she can't bear such responsibilities at all.

Of course, it is impossible for the teacher to be responsible for security issues alone. St. Eden Academy will secretly prepare a bodyguard team for these students who are responsible for security issues.

However, after all, this is not wandering around Sakurajima, but a serious overseas trip.

Even with extremely detailed security measures, the probability of something happening in this place where teachers and students are extremely unfamiliar is not zero.

And once something bad happens, the teacher who leads the team is the first responsible person.

His (or her) future fate would be to be sent to Hokkaido to plant alfalfa at best, or at worst to be "one of the seats at the bottom of Tokyo Bay!" '.

Because of this, this job, which seems to be fat and poor, is short of people, even to the point where it is impossible to find a candidate if it is not 'assigned'.

However, although she never thought about taking the initiative to take on this responsibility, when she learned that she was the teacher leading the team during the winter vacation of the freshman year of St. Eden Academy, Shizuka Hiratsuka did not take the initiative to protest to her superiors, denying Let go of this responsibility.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is a teacher with a strong sense of responsibility, giving up halfway and running away is not her style of Shizuka Hiratsuka.

What happened this afternoon was that Shizuka Hiratsuka considered that if the current situation was maintained and she went on a trip suddenly, the strangeness among the traveling members would significantly increase the probability of accidents.

It is with this in mind that she will gather these identified people this afternoon and ask these students which day on Saturday and Sunday they are free to go out and play together, so as to increase mutual understanding. It can be regarded as a preparation for the trip to Vienna during the winter vacation.

This is the "opportunity" that Ningguang once told Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro.

Unfortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, the arrival of this 'opportunity' is obviously a little bit late.

"I just called Touma-san and explained the matter to her," Shizuka Hiratsuka said while looking at Yuan Jing, "She means—"

"It's all up to you."

"Whether it's Saturday or Sunday, as long as you make a decision, she won't refuse and will definitely take time out of her busy schedule."

After finishing speaking, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't look like a teacher, she blinked at Yuan Jing, her face was full of ridicule, "Oh, such feelings are really enviable."

"I don't know a certain hard-hearted wooden man..."

"I don't have time these two days, so I might not be able to go with you guys." Before Shizuka Hiratsuka finished speaking, Yuan Jing, who had already seen what she wanted to say, preemptively turned to Sawamura Eri Li, Shijo Zhenfei, Shimizu Kaguya and others said so.

"..." Hiratsuka shut her mouth all of a sudden, she glanced at Yuan Jing, and threw a look of "Are you threatening me?"

Yuan Jing slightly rolled his eyes, as if to say, 'So what? '.

Yes, so what?

This time it was his side who first teased him, Yuan Jing just made a little counterattack.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, it is not too much for him to say that he has something to ask for.

She does know who is the center and leader of this small team of 5 women and 1 man.

Needless to say, Dongma Hesha, she is Yuanjing's most loyal supporter, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the only one who follows his lead.

Shimizu Kaguya seems to be more sober than Touma Kazusa, but if the two were to compare the degree of fanaticism towards Yuan Jing, it is still unclear who is higher and who is lower.

Sawamura Eiri and Shiina Mashiro can be combined together. These two little guys still pass homemade greeting cards to Yuanjing every morning, so they will naturally regard Yuanjing's opinions as the most valuable reference.

These were all things Shizuka Hiratsuka had seen quite clearly during the last rally.

After this week, these things can be said to have not changed at all.

No, compared to last time, the only change should be Sijo Zhenfei.

Last time, although the eldest lady of the Shijo family would also pay attention to Yuan Jing and glance at him from time to time, she paid much more attention to Shimizu Kaguya than Yuan Jing.

But this time, Hiratsuka looked at Shijo Shinobi who had been sneaking peeks at Yuanjing from time to time since entering this office, and even had a suspicious blush on her face, and couldn't help but sighed a little tiredly.

Obviously, during this week, the only person who had the ability to think independently did not keep it after all.

However, from the perspective of safety and trouble-saving, Shizuka Hiratsuka had to consider the thoughts and possible actions of these six people at the same time before, but now, she only needs to control Yuanjing, and the others will naturally gathered around the source scene.

Becoming like this has both a good side and a bad side.

When it comes to the good side, it is naturally that compared with the previous situation, she needs to worry about less things - she only needs to grasp the source scene.

And the bad side, of course, is because of Yuan Jing, she has no way to grasp it.

As Yuanjing's homeroom teacher, after getting along for almost a semester, Hiratsuka Shizuka has actually summed up her own method on how to deal with Yuanjing.

In fact, as long as I follow the method I summed up before, I can get along with him for a long time.

However, for some reason, Shizuka Hiratsuka always wanted to get a little skinny.

Just like before.

Of course, the result of such [Pi Yi Pi] is naturally——

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the teacher got a little carried away just now." Putting his hands together, Hiratsuka Shizuka apologized to Yuan Jing, "Please see that the teacher was not malicious, please forgive me!"

It is natural to admit cowardly.

Shizuka Hiratsuka has actually analyzed her own psychology a little bit.

Logically speaking, as Yuanjing's class teacher, no one knows better about the frightening aspects of this boy than her.

If you go to provoke him, what can you get back? Just think about it a little bit, and you can fully understand it, but why do you feel so happy about it?

The conclusion she finally came to was that she did not regard Yuan Jing as a student.

Compared with ordinary students, Yuan Jing is so mature that Hiratsuka Shizuka often forgets this and regards him as her peers.

It's almost the same as the so-called 'father and son become brothers for many years'.

Because of this, she would say some jokes, and even if she was deflated, she would not feel ashamed, but rather kind.

After that, Hiratsuka Shizuka was actually quite vigilant, and warned herself not to do similar words and deeds, but unfortunately——


The words just now were completely her subconscious words, and it can be said that she did not think about it at all.

Fortunately, probably because her attitude was sincere enough, or because she had a certain clear understanding of her, Yuan Jingque did not delve too deeply into it.

"... Has Mr. Hiratsuka already thought about where to go this weekend?" After giving her a slightly strange look, Yuan Jing's tone softened, and he began to ask such questions things come.

Obviously, although he didn't directly say "I forgive you", he was obviously about to turn over the page just now.

"Well, what I mean is that everyone should go to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine together." After a little relief in her heart, Shizuka Hiratsuka said, "Look, isn't the final exam coming soon?"

"Yushima Tenmangu?" Yuan Jing repeated the word a little bit, but he was not too surprised.

Sakurajima is a country with a strong atmosphere of Shinto, so naturally, it is quite enthusiastic about visiting worship.

However, just like Huaguo, different gods have different business scopes.

For example, if you are looking for marriage, you should go to Yuelao Temple; if you are looking for a full house of children and grandchildren, you should go to Songzi Guanyin Temple and so on.

Naturally, the same is true in Sakurajima.

As for why Shizuka Hiratsuka associated the final exam with Yushima Tenmangu, it was naturally because this Yushima Tenmangu enshrined the god of learning of Sakurajima.

Its name is Sugawara Michizane.

Michizane Sugawara was a famous scholar, poet and statesman during the Heian period in Japan.He has won the trust and reuse of Emperor Uta and Emperor Daigo, and has written works such as "History of Leiju Country", "Sugawara's Grass", "Shinzen Manyo Collection" and "Records of Three Generations of Japan".

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