'what?What exactly is going on?Why are you holding me back on purpose? '

Rita, who had already noticed the strangeness, felt more and more uneasy.

She glanced at the empty seats of Eiri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina, and her heart skipped a beat.

Generally speaking, after communicating with her classmates, she would go to the studio of the two, drink tea together, and tutor Ying Lili's English a little while watching Zhenbai's paintings.

If someone wants to trip him up here, then the opponent's goal is naturally...

Rita had already figured it out, but unfortunately, it was too late.

When he arrived at the studio, Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri, who usually stayed here until the end of club activities, were nowhere to be seen.

But on the tea table in the studio, there is a note with writing on it.

Rita recognized it, the familiar handwriting belonged to Sawamura Eriri——

[Mabai and I will go out for a while, and we should come back after a while. 】

[There will be extremely reliable people with us, so please don't worry. 】

"Extremely reliable person?" Reading this word, Rita frowned quietly.

After putting down the note, her eyes wandered around the studio.Soon, she noticed the paintings that Eri Sawamura placed on her portfolio——

"This is...Miss Arturia?"

Although it is not as good as Shiina Mashiro, but in terms of painting skills, Sawamura Eriri still beats other peers.

In addition, sketching can be said to be the painting technique she is best at, so although it didn't take much time, and she didn't color it, but as someone who is quite familiar with Artoria, Rita could tell at a glance Who is it that draws.

"Why does Ying Lili have an intersection with Miss Artoria? Who is the person who makes the bridge..."

Rita's eyes returned to Yinglili's message again, and once again froze on the word "extremely reliable person".

What exactly is this person...?


"Isn't Minister Akasaka handed over to you, so there's no need to keep wearing it?"

Looking at the big VR glasses on Yuan Jing's face, Sawamura Eriri was a little worried in her words, and she looked at the skeleton model of the dragon held in the other party's hand, "Wouldn't it be impossible to see the way? "

At this time, the four had already left the IT department and were on their way home.

But when he left, Genke took two things from Ryunosuke Akasaka——

Two VR glasses that store the data of today's achievements.

One of them was taken for Shiina Mashiro. If she wants to reproduce the mural, she needs this kind of thing as an auxiliary prop.

And the other one was what Yuanjing wanted for himself.

In fact, he hasn't taken it off since he put it on.

"Don't worry, even if I don't use my eyes, I won't fall because of it." Although it is said to be [glasses], this kind of thing can't transmit light.

Therefore, the current Yuanjing is actually not much different from a black cloth being cast in front of the eyes.

But his actions didn't cause him to flinch or hesitate a bit, he didn't look like a person who lost his eyesight at all.

For Yuan Jing who had already reached the level of 'The Cicada Prophet', even if his vision was blocked by something, as long as he was not in an extremely intense and ever-changing battle, it would actually have no effect at all.

Sawamura Eriri looked on with some concern at first, she raised her arms several times, as if she wanted to help Yuanjing.

But on the one hand, the relationship between the two is not that good, and her skin is a bit thin; on the other hand, she also found that Yuan Jing is not talking big, and she really doesn't need to worry about such things.

Therefore, in the end, there was no physical contact between the two of them.

As for the reason for Yuanjing's strange behavior, Artoria obviously knew something.

With a strange look in her eyes, she glanced at Yuan Jing who was striding forward, Artoria didn't know why, but she seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

Soon, the four of them stopped on a certain floor of the club building.

Yuanjing and Artoria will return the model borrowed from the biology department together, while Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro Kaname will return to their private studio.

"Then, let's say goodbye here." Because both of Yuan Jing's hands were occupied by the model, Artoria waved goodbye to them on his behalf.

"Well, then goodbye." Lala Shiina Mashiro, who has been holding the VR glasses in her arms and lost in thought since she left the IT department, and Sawamura Eriri said goodbye to the two of them together.

"I had a great time this afternoon. If you are free, please come to our studio to play." When he said this, Sawamura Eriri's tone was quite sincere.

"By the way, Lily's paintings are still in the studio. Don't forget to pick them up tomorrow." After blinking at Artoria, Sawamura Eriri took Shiina Mashiro's hand.

After bowing to the two of them and agreeing on a time to meet next time, Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro separated from them.

Waving her hands until the touch of gold and amber disappeared around the corner, Artoria suddenly turned to the direction of Yuanjing.

"Although I knew Yuan Jun that your talent is very high, I never thought that it would be so high." Her tone was full of admiration.

"However, since it's the first time, it's best not to enter this state for too long, it would be too much mental load."

While speaking, Artoria approached Yuanjing.

Although his eyes were still invisible, he could smell a faint fragrance approaching him all of a sudden.

After that, it was the touch of extremely soft fingers.

They took off the VR glasses worn by Yuanjing at once.

"... really nice eyes." Staring at Yuan Jing's dark and deep eyes, Artoria's tone contained both nostalgia and admiration.

Eyes have always been known as the 'window to the soul'.

If you want to pry into a person's mind, the most common way is to stare into the other person's eyes.

But compared to before, Yuanjing's eyes have undergone a very obvious change in Altria's eyes.

Even though there is no change on the outside, but judging from the feeling it gives to others, it has already produced a huge change——

It seems that what is seen through this window is not a human soul, but a more powerful and cruel creature.

During the sword competition with Yuanjing at noon, Artoria's eyes were the same as Yuanjing's at this time!

"I didn't want to take off the glasses before because I didn't want to scare Sawamura-san and the others, right? Minamoto-san is really a gentleman."

"Generally speaking, even if it is the direct blood of the Pandoragon family, even if you have learned the relevant secrets, it will take at least half a year to enter this state. I really didn't expect that you, Mr. Yuan, could be in one day, no, it should be said It was done within an hour."

"This kind of talent is really..." Artoria shook her head. She was not very good at complimenting others, and she was at a loss for words at this time.

If this is Britain under her father's rule, Yuan Jing should have been arrested by him, right?

That person has always been superstitious that talent flows in the blood, and it is estimated that he will coerce and lure this young man to join the Pandaragon family, and try his best to integrate his blood with the Pandaragon family.

Maybe it will make me and my sister...

Thinking of this, Artoria's heart lake, which was already dead, couldn't help but fluctuate slightly.On her snow-white cheeks, there was even a blush like a veil.

But Artoria quickly reacted, and eliminated this little bit of strange thoughts invisibly, and became calm again.

"By the way, do you still remember the 'side effects' I mentioned earlier?" Because she never thought that Yuanjing's progress would be so fast, Artoria only mentioned it a little bit, and didn't go too deeply into this aspect explain.

But things are very different now.

Yuanjing's progress is much faster than her most optimistic expectations, so it is very important to emphasize the importance of this kind of thing to her.

"Dragon is a kind of creature that will sway its desires recklessly, but this kind of temperament has also been inherited by my family's martial arts."

"It won't have a very big impact on your personality, at most it will only magnify your desire many times, especially when you are just getting started, it is the most obvious."

Arturia stretched out her right hand, showing four slender fingers in front of Yuan Jing.

"According to the induction and summary of the examples of my tribe, generally speaking, there will be four different situations."

"First, become like me and have higher requirements for diet." Artoria bent her index finger down.

"Second, I like shiny things, and I like to gather wealth even more." The middle finger bent down.

"Third, it will become a little lazy, and the daily sleep time will be greatly extended." This time it is the ring finger.

"Fourth." When mentioning this last point, Artoria seemed a little hesitant, as if it was a bit inelegant, but it was her duty to tell this, so Little Thumb did just that. All of a sudden it hangs down.

"It's the degree of desire for intercourse, which will suddenly swell." She said as calmly as possible.

The Pandoragon family is extremely rich in Neptune (there was no such name at the time) and Ju【哗——】Ji.

Among them, the influence of his family's martial arts can be said to be indispensable.

However, for the rulers of Britain at the time, these side effects were nothing compared to the benefits they could obtain.

"Fujiwara-san is Yuan-kun's fiancée, right? If that's the case, would you like to discuss with her a little bit?" Arturia reminded very kindly.

"If it's really the fourth case, then it's not about you alone, and maybe she will suffer because of it."

"I think it's better to tell her this kind of thing in advance. She can also prepare a little bit, both mentally and physically..."

"Huh? The expression on Yuan Jun's face is a bit strange." Arturia blinked, recalled her previous words a little bit, and then said with some confusion, "What I just said is wrong. ?"

Whether it is her era, or modern England and Sakurajima, the atmosphere is actually quite open.

This gave her a somewhat wrong perception.

From Artoria's point of view, since they are a fiancee who fall in love with each other, there must have been something between Yuan Jing and Chika Fujiwara.

After all, they are young girls of this age.

Although she has never experienced such a thing, it is common sense.


"Huh? There isn't one?!!"

Chapter 77 Yuanjing doesn't want to [Have new ideas] (5k)

"Ah, this..." Arturia felt a little numb.

To be honest, although it was said to be a 'side effect', Artoria actually didn't take it seriously at all.

In the final analysis, it is just that among the four points of "greedy, love of money, lethargy and dissatisfaction with desire", one is randomly selected as a 'weakness'.

If it was in the ancient times when the means of living were extremely poor, maybe only the nobles who were masters could ignore these things.

However, in a modern society where there is already some excess productivity, ordinary people who are only a little richer can already completely ignore it.

This can also be regarded as a kind of "in the old days, the swallows before Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people", right?

Although he didn't deliberately inquire, but no matter from his speech, demeanor, or martial arts skills, it can be seen that Yuan Jing is definitely of extraordinary background.

That being the case, these so-called 'weaknesses' should not hinder him at all.

In fact, this idea is quite correct.

Whether it's appetite, gold and silver, or sleepiness, it's not a problem for Yuan Jing at all.

Only this last thing...

Because the current situation was completely beyond the scope of Artoria's consideration, she seemed a little annoyed.

From the perspective of probability, from the blind box containing these four balls, the probability of drawing this "black ball" that will explode is only 1/4.

In other words, with a 75% probability, Yuanjing can be said to have made a pure profit.

However, if you are unlucky enough to 'win the lottery'...

Compared with the slightly worried Artoria, Yuan Jing, at least on the outside, did not show any abnormalities.

After taking a slight glance at Artoria, Yuan Jing did not stop at this place, but turned around directly and walked towards the spare warehouse of the Biology Department.

Artoria also reacted immediately, and immediately followed behind Yuan Jing.

Because it was not far from the closing time after school, most of the clubs had already ended their club activities, and most of the students had already left this extremely majestic school landmark.

In addition, the location of Yuanjing and Artoria is originally a corner of the club building where there are few people coming and going, and it is a place where various spare rooms gather.

The two people walking on such a corridor, compared to a few words from nowhere, what is louder is the footsteps of the two.

"...But, why?" Obviously, Arturia was still a little brooding, and she didn't get out of the previous question.

As a self-confessed 'elder' and a 'leader' in a certain sense, Artoria believes that 'reliability' is an extremely important quality she should have.

But obviously, this kind of omission caused by "taking it for granted" actually hit her quite hard, so that she was a little cautious when she spoke.

Although Arturia has never been in a relationship, even a blind person can feel Fujiwara Chika's undisguised affection for Yuan Jing.

Moreover, judging from Yuanjing's response to him, he obviously has a good impression of Fujiwara.

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