"What about your Shijo family, what about my Yuan family... Isn't it too tiring to always think about these things? There is no need for this at all."

Unlike Kaguya, who was in an awkward position in the family before, Concubine Shijo, as the second heir of the Sijo family, can be said to have grown up under the care of the family, so naturally she has a strong sense of identity with the Sijo family.

Kaguya's rebellious spirit can't be found in her body.His way of looking at problems is naturally in sync with the interests of the Shijo family as a whole.

On this point, Sitiao Zhenfei has some similarities with Yukino Yukino.

Yuan Jing doesn't like this very much, but he is not the boyfriend of Concubine Shijo, so he has never thought of asking her to get rid of this 'shortcoming' (if it can be regarded as a shortcoming).

"Although basically they will refuse, but there are also cases of acceptance, right? As long as the other party invites you to do something, Sijo-san is really interested."

This is the real intention of Yuanjing to propose this scene.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that Shijo Zhenfei would think about these twists and turns when rejecting others...

"The reason why I refused this kind of invitation is actually very simple. It has nothing to do with the Shitiao family or the Yuan family." In order to avoid the concubine Sijo's concubine from overthinking, Yuanjing simply stated the words directly——

"It's just that I'm simply not interested in it and don't want to go."

"...It's that simple?" Concubine Shijo's eyes widened.

"It's that simple." Yuan Jing nodded, so sure.


As if being disturbed by a powerful electromagnetic signal, the Four True Consorts just fell into a state of silence.

Because I don't want to go, then naturally I don't go.

Such a simple and clear thing is Yuanjing's answer.

What kind of family, follow-up influence and other things are not in the consideration of this young man, and he does not need to consider such things at all.

How could I forget?The young man in front of him can be said to have contributed to the downfall of Sigong Huangguang, and he still firmly holds the upper hand even if he confronts Sigong Yan'an.

Such a person doesn't need to accommodate others at all, because he doesn't have the need at all.

After understanding this point, the slight resentment in Concubine Shitiao's heart because of Yuan Jing's merciless rejection all of a sudden disappeared.

However, the desire to invite Yuanjing to the party did not fade away.

On the contrary, it can be said that it has greatly expanded.

This has nothing to do with things like family, interests, prestige, etc., but her own wishes.

It's the same as when Yuanjing himself refused the invitation, he didn't take other things into consideration, but just refused because he was simply not interested.

Sijo Zhenfei's current thinking can also be said to be so pure that it does not contain any impurities——

She just wanted to see Yuanjing at her party.

She wanted to talk to him, eat and drink with him, introduce him to her brother and family.

No no no!If you look like this, doesn't it seem that I have the same thoughts about Yuan Jun?

But it's not like this, I just treat Yuanjing as a friend of the opposite sex who is worth making, and I have never thought about anything above that!

He has already established a relationship with Kaguya, and they are already living together?It's just, just...

Yes, yes!

Since Yuanjing and Kaguya are a couple, then if they go to a party, they will definitely attend together, right?On such an occasion, wouldn't it be normal for men and women to have something happen?

In this case, not only can the four emperors give up their hearts, but also the role of their own wingmen will be reflected?

That's right, this is also for the smooth progress of Kaguya's love affair!

"Have you ever seen a similar party before, Mr. Yuan?" After some mental construction, Shijo Zhenfei cautiously probed, "I think if you haven't even participated in it, you will conclude that you will not be interested in it. Is it too arbitrary?"

Since Yuanjing gave the reason that he is not interested in parties.

In that case, let him be interested in this aspect.

This is what the four real concubines are thinking now.

"At least in my opinion, Shijo's party is definitely fun, and you shouldn't be disappointed."

"Oh, where is the fun?" Yuan Jing asked with great interest.

"For example, the food at the party is all from Sakurajima's top chef, so it's definitely worth it to eat and drink..."

While she was talking like this, Yuan Jing used a toothpick to tie up something in the bento box in his hand again, and handed it over to her.

This is a sausage cut into the shape of an octopus.

When Yuanjing handed it over, a faint scent of oil wafted over it.

'How does your party food compare to what I'm eating now? ’ The gesture seemed to say so.

Biting down the sausage unwillingly, feeling the deliciousness blooming on the taste buds, Sijo Zhenfei still couldn't deceive herself in the end.

Um, Kaguya did this?Or is it what Hayasaka loves to do?Why is it so delicious?

If Yuanjing ate this kind of food every day, wouldn't the food at his own party be completely unattractive?

She thought so helplessly in her heart.

After chewing and swallowing the octopus sausage, the four real concubines stopped talking about eating and drinking, but turned to other directions——

"What about the dress, is Mr. Yuan interested in dresses?"

"Because the protagonist is my younger brother, there are overwhelmingly many beautiful girls at the party on Saturday. They all wear the most beautiful dresses and dress up beautifully. Such a beautiful scenery, I think it's worth taking the time to take a look, right?"

"??? The purpose of those people is your younger brother, right?" Yuan Jing gave Sijo Zhenfei a strange look.

"It's just admiration, do you understand?" Shijo Zhenfei said so emphatically, "Besides, there are goals that are not my brother's existence."

For example...

"No, forget it." Yuan Jing shook his head, "If you are really interested in dresses, there is no need to go to the party at all, just let Kaguya and Ai do it at home."

Indeed, indeed...

Kaguya Shimizu is the most classic oriental beauty, while Ai Hayasaka, who has blond hair and blue eyes, brings out the advantages of being a mixed race to the extreme.

Unless Yuanjing wanted to take a look at a real Western beauty (Shijo Makoto looked at Arturia who was eating quietly), otherwise——

If he really wants to watch people change clothes, these two people can meet all his needs, and there is no need to go to the party at Shijo's house.

It is true to say so, for Yuan Jing's performance of not being bothered, Shitiao Zhenfei should have appreciated it.

But she just felt a little bit of a subtle loss, always feeling that her feminine charm had been denied.

"What about the music? At this weekend party..."

After that, Shijo Zhenfei listed various benefits.

But unfortunately, these things are either not strong enough, or they are directly untenable to him, in short, they cannot successfully convince Yuanjing.


"...~~~! Yuan Jun is so stupid!"

After uttering such a yell, Concubine Shijo stood up all of a sudden.

After going to the side of the dojo to put on her shoes, she walked out of the dojo without looking back, obviously wanting to leave this sad place as soon as possible.

Obviously, this negotiation with Yuanjing has completely failed.

Not only did she not persuade Yuanjing to accept the invitation, but she acted a little bit broken because of her unintentional blows.

However, just a few seconds after the back of the four real concubines disappeared at the door of the dojo, the head with the small dark brown twin ponytails came in from the door again, looking at Yuanjing from afar again .

Did it pull something down?

"I absolutely! Yes! I want Yuan Jun to attend the weekend party! Just wait for me!"

Yuan Jing, who was about to eat with a bento box in his hand, was not annoyed when he heard the words——

"Then please do your best."

"Huh? Oh, thank you, thank you." This reaction made Concubine Zhen feel a little confused. After she subconsciously thanked her, she immediately reacted——

Is there something wrong?


"Very interesting girl." Artoria, who had a panoramic view of the whole process, said with a chuckle.

At the welcome meeting, the behavior of the four real concubines was extremely decent, whether it was behavior or words and deeds, even with the most stringent standards, there was no way to pick out any faults.

I really didn't expect that she would look like this in front of Yuan Jing.


Artoria glanced at Yuanjing who was eating quietly.

This is not something that is incomprehensible.

"By the way, classmate Lily." Without answering Artoria's words, Yuan Jing said suddenly, "Do you have to go home immediately after school in the afternoon?"

He put his eyes on the shackles hidden by the skirt between Artoria's feet, and said so meaningfully.

Arturia understood what he meant, then shook her head and said, "No, just go back before eating."

She was wandering around St. Eden after school recently.

On the one hand, it is to get familiar with the terrain here, and on the other hand, she is also very interested in the various societies here.

"In that case," Yuan Jing said, "would you like to meet two, no, three people with me?"

"How about we go and see the real [Dragon]?"

Chapter 68 Blonde Single Ponytail and Blonde Double Ponytail, Lily and Yingli

Question: Can you see [Dragon] in St. Eden Academy?

Answer: Of course you can.

In addition to dragons, you can even see fantasy species such as basilisks, phoenixes and even unicorns here.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to find the right place.


St. Eden Academy adopts a six-class system, that is, four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.

And after the second get out of class in the afternoon, Artoria looked at Yuanjing eagerly.

Today, there are not many things that she can care about, and in this Far East, there are naturally even fewer things.

However, [Dragon] is one of the few things she pays close attention to.

The Pandaragon family considers themselves a family with the blood of the red dragon flowing in their veins, and their family crest is a huge red dragon, but if you ask them if they have ever seen a living dragon, then they can only say ——

"My ancestors must have seen it."

Otherwise, how did the "Red Dragon Roaring Picture", which is the treasure of his family and the core of his family's martial arts, come from?

It can't be a hallucination that some ancestors saw after drinking too much, right? (Maybe it is.)

Being able to see the real red dragon has become the long-cherished wish of every member of the Pandragon family, and Arturia is no exception.

In addition to satisfying curiosity, this is also of great benefit to the improvement of his martial arts.

[I am a dragon] is the core philosophy of the martial art of the Pandoragon family. If you want to practice this ideal martial art, you must firmly believe that mythical creatures like [dragon] exist, so that you can point out the direction of your efforts.

In this case, how can there be a better way to practice than seeing this creature with your own eyes?

Until the time when the Pandoragon family disappeared in history, none of the members of the family really fulfilled this long-cherished wish, and saw even a tiny bit of that great existence.

However, it seems that Yuanjing really has a way to make her do such a thing?

And just stay in this St. Eden Academy?

Although the time of communicating with each other is not long, Artoria's vision is actually quite good. She thinks she can see the character of this young man, Yuan Jing, quite clearly.

In a word, it is [reliable].

She didn't think Yuanjing would deliberately lie to herself to find her own happiness.

After tidying up the books on his desk, Yuan Jing took something out of the hole in his desk and put it in his pocket.

'Let's go. '

After returning such a look to Arturia, he walked out of the classroom of Class A of Senior One.

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