If the number of people going to Vienna is an odd number, then let Hiratsuka Shizu-sensei be alone in one room.

One person lives in a double room, spacious!


"Excuse me." Although she was very surprised by the arrival of Concubine Shijo, Yukinoshita Yukino did not refuse her visit.

Following behind Touma Kazusa, Makoto Shijo came to the door of Yukinoshita Yukino's apartment.

After she opened the door, her eyes lit up.

'Super beauty, Yukinoshita-san! The four real concubines' two small brown twin ponytails swayed slightly, showing a little restlessness in her heart.

She had never met Yukinoshita Yukino before, and had no impression of her.

When I met him today, I couldn't help being slightly shocked.

However, as the heir cultivated by the Sijo family, the concubine Sijo's psychological quality is still excellent. Although she was a little shocked in her heart, her every move was still quite elegant, showing the excellent upbringing of the Sijo family.

After bowing to Yukinoshita Yukino and saluting, at the entrance, she put on the slippers provided by Yukino while continuing to review the reasons she had thought up before.

It is very natural that students who do not know each other in the same grade suddenly come to the door and are asked why.

Of course she came to help Yukinoshita study, but her good intentions without reason would make this Yukinoshita student suspicious, which had the opposite effect.

Because of Kaguya's instructions, she couldn't reveal the relationship between Shimizu Kaguya and Yuanjing. In this case, the reasons she can use are actually quite limited...

"Small care is not a respect." After entering the living room, she took out a small package from her backpack and handed it to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Naturally, it is impossible to come to visit empty-handed.

Wrapped in the package is an extremely cute octopus doll.

In Sakurajima, the English translation of octopus is octopus. If it is pronounced according to the foreign language of Sakurajima, it sounds like 【展くとPASS】, which is extended to 【If you keep octopus at home, you will get satisfactory grades】.

Because of this, it is actually a very auspicious blessing to send someone, especially an examinee, an octopus.

This is also the intention of the four real concubines.

"Thank you." Yukinoshita Yukino accepted the package in surprise, although Yukinoshita Yukino was a little confused, she still politely thanked her.

She exchanged a look with Dongma Kazusa, as if she wanted to ask the other party if she knew the purpose of Shijo Zhenfei's coming here.

The latter shook his head lightly, saying that he and her had just met by chance, but he didn't know the real intention of the other party.

This kind of eye contact was naturally seen by the four real concubines.

Yukinoshita Yukino led the two of them to the living room, and after they sat down on the sofa, before Yukinoshita Yukino could ask questions, Shijo Zhenfei acted preemptively, and said loudly:

"Student Yukinoshita, you should be very confused now. I haven't had any interaction with you before. Why did I suddenly come to you today?"

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't deny it, but just nodded slightly.

She knew Concubine Sijo, and she was actually quite impressed with the name that ranked ahead of her in the midterm exam.

"The reason is actually quite simple." Shijo Zhenfei smiled softly, and then her face became serious——

"Because I want to defeat Kaguya."

Defeat Kaguya?

Yukinoshita Yukino showed a somewhat confused expression on her face, she obviously didn't know why the name [Shimizu Kaguya] appeared here.

"The Shijo family I belong to is a little bit different from the Shinomiya family Kaguya was in before," Shijo Zhenfei said somewhat vaguely, "Because Kaguya and I are about the same age, and we are in the same school and the same grade, In fact, it has always been regarded as an object of comparison by adults.”

This is true.

When Shimizu Kaguya was still surnamed Sigong, the Sigong family and the Sijo family, who were feuds, would indeed do such things in order to 'talk'.

"During the mid-term exam, I performed a little bit badly, and Kaguya got 1 point higher than me in the end." Shijo Makoto puffed up her cheeks, showing a somewhat unconvinced expression.

This is actually her true feelings.After seeing that her midterm exam score was 1 point lower than Kaguya's, she was indeed unconvinced for a while.

"However, some things happened later, and Kaguya naturally left the Shinomiya's house, and naturally there is no grievance between me and her."

"That said, it's true that she beat me in the midterm exam. Then, I will win back in the final exam!"

While speaking, Concubine Shijo waved her small fist gently, as if to express her determination.

"That's why I came to see you today." The eyes of Concubine Sijo were extremely beautiful deep purple.

Now, this pair of deep purple eyes is looking at Yukinoshita Yukino, revealing 12 points of sincerity——

"As for Yukinoshita, you will be No.4 in the midterm exam, right?"

"In this case, can you study with me? In this case, we can learn from each other and make progress together."

The four real concubines suggested so.

This suggestion is logically appropriate, logically speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino should not object.


"Sorry, I refuse." After learning about the intention of Concubine Zhen's visit, Xue Nai replied without any hesitation.

"Yes, I knew that no one would refuse..." When Concubine Shijo said this, she suddenly felt something was wrong.She looked at Xue Nai, and the calmness on her face suddenly collapsed:

"Why, why did you refuse?!"

Chapter 32 I want to be someone who can stand beside Yuanjing

The reason why Shijo Zhenfei wanted to help Yukinoshita Yukino was indeed not simple.

Moved by Shimizu Kaguya's freedom from the control of her family and her brave pursuit of her love affair, she agreed to be Kaguya's wingman.

Her behavior this time is also to add one more person to the trip to Vienna during the winter vacation. In this case, the number of people traveling will become an even number.

Through this method, Kaguya Shimizu and Yuan Jing, who have actually become a couple, can naturally live in a double room together, although they have not officially declared it on the surface.

The reason why Yukinoshita Yukino was chosen to be this additional person was naturally because, as No.4, she was the one who could save her the most effort.

There are actually two purposes of learning together.

First of all, it is natural to help this Yukinoshita Yukino in her studies, so that she can get closer to the top three in the grade.

The second and more important reason is that she needs to know the true level of this Yukinoshita classmate.

Only in this way, in the final exam more than 20 days later, she can roughly simulate the final grade of Yukinoshita, and then deliberately make a few wrong questions so that her grade is just slightly lower than hers. It looks like 5 or 6 points.

It was true that she was going to make a fuss in the final exam, but she couldn't make it too obvious.

Once her final grades and midterm grades differ too much...

It will be very troublesome.

It's not that I'm afraid of blame or disappointment from my parents or clansmen.

The Sijo family is a powerful family with a strong human touch, unlike the Sijo family who only pay attention to interests in everything, and the relatives can be said to only use each other to use each other. The Sijo family attaches great importance to blood ties.

In fact, this is inseparable from the experience of the Shitiao family working overseas all the year round.

After all, when you are in a foreign country, your relatives must be more trustworthy than those whose skin color and language are very different from your own.

If her grades drop too badly, not only will her parents and clan members not criticize her harshly, but they will even greet her with care, and they may even secretly go to her head teacher and ask something like, "Is the concubine Zhen recent, has she been there?" Bullied by classmates? 'or'Do you think she has been under too much psychological pressure recently, do we need to do something? ' Such questions.

That would be too embarrassing!

Because the purpose was somewhat impure, after asking for Yukinoshita Yukino's address from the homeroom teacher, she wandered around under her rented apartment with a little confidence.

Fortunately, Touma Kazuya showed up, otherwise she didn't know how long she would be wandering downstairs.

However, this coincidence, as if God was helping her, not only gave her courage, but also made her more convinced that her approach was correct.

After crossing the barrier of heart, Sijo Zhenfei's performance can be said to be quite perfect. Even if she replays the game afterwards, she thinks she can't pick out the slightest omission.

However, just as she threw out 'Come learn together! After this proposal, Yukinoshita Yukino refused without hesitation.

No, why?

Does this have any opinion on me?

We are obviously meeting for the first time today, okay?

"Student Yukinoshita." Coughing lightly, concubine Shijo Makoto said, "Although the starting point for me to study with you is to defeat Kaguya Shimizu. However, I don't want you to have any mental burden because of this."

She also believed that the reason why Yukinoshita Yukino refused was because she was afraid that if she didn't win against Kaguya, she would be angry with her, thinking that she was holding back.

This is a perfectly normal worry.

In St. Eden Academy, the spoiled young lady can be said to be a car load.There are countless examples of people not only not looking for reasons from themselves, but instead blaming others when things did not go according to their own wishes and did not achieve satisfactory results.

Concubine Shijo can be sure that she is not that kind of person, but Yukinoshita Yukino seems unwilling to take such a risk.

"Even if I didn't beat Shimizu Kaguya in the final final exam, that's entirely my problem and has nothing to do with you."

She said this in as sincere a tone as possible, hoping to dispel the doubts in the girl in front of her.

"You don't have to be afraid that I will settle accounts with you later."

"The reason why I refused was not because of this problem..." Yukinoshita Yukino showed a troubled expression after hearing the sincerity in the words of the four real concubines.

Glancing at Touma Kazusa, who was not speaking, but showing concern, she sighed as if admitting defeat, and then said to Concubine Shijo——

"Student Sitiao, the reason why I refuse to study with you is not because I am worried that you will trouble me later." ' up.Naturally, I will no longer worry about this kind of thing.

In her heart now, the most recognized identity is undoubtedly [President of the Lamb Society].

"I just don't want my study plan to be disturbed by others, that's all."

"..." Shijo Zhenfei didn't speak.

The dark purple eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Yukinoshita Yukino, as if she was examining whether her words were sincere or just excuses.

It was the former, she discovered to her dismay after a moment.

Yukino Yukino really believed from the bottom of her heart that learning this matter with herself would not only not help her in any way, but would be a drag on the contrary.

This made her even more unacceptable.

Concubine Shijo is a veritable genius.

From childhood to adulthood, she grew up surrounded by the praises of her elders and the envious eyes of her peers. She is the highest level of 'other people's child'.

Although in the mid-term exam, she finally fell behind Shinomiya Kaguya by one point and ranked third, but this was the result achieved when she did not try her best.

Until now, Shijo Zhenfei still believes that as long as she uses all her strength wholeheartedly, although the possibility of surpassing that monster of Yuanjing is still very small, the problem of surpassing Shimizu Kaguya is actually not big.

The hard power of me who is only slightly inferior to Yuanjing is regarded as a drag by others at this time...

How could the concubine Shitiao, who already had a strong self-esteem, accept it easily?

However, at this time, verbal fights are meaningless. Only by showing the huge gap between oneself and the other party can this student Yukinoshita realize his mistake.

"Student Yukinoshita, since you said that you have a very complete study plan that you don't want to be disturbed by me, then there must be study materials in your home, right?"

"Since we can't convince each other, let's use each other's strength to speak."

"Let's come to the competition! It happens that Touma-san is on the side, who can be our supervisor and witness."

The sharp eyes of the four real concubines were like swords, and they shot towards Yukinoshita Yukino.

She was really angry.

Yukinoshita Yukino naturally also saw the dissatisfaction of the real concubine Shijo, she did not deny the words of the real concubine as before, but stood up from the sofa on her own initiative.

The white and slender bare feet stretched into the slippers with cat patterns on them, and she walked towards her bedroom.

"According to my plan, this afternoon, I will do the final exam paper for the first semester of the first semester of St. Eden College the year before last, so as to roughly evaluate my current level."

As she walked, she said so.

"Is the math test paper okay? I happen to have a lot of papers in my bedroom."

If you want to convince each other, the less controversial subjective questions, the better. In this case, the subject of mathematics is naturally the best choice.

"Exactly what I want!"

Concubine Shijo said eagerly.


The contest ended fairly quickly.

Whether it is Shijo Zhenfei or Yukinoshita Yukino, their level far exceeds that of ordinary students. Even the difficulty of the math test paper the year before last made most of the examinees at that time complain, but for these two people , but still can be said to be totally not enough to watch.

According to the amount of questions written in two hours, they only persisted for less than 50 minutes.

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