Fujiwara Chika let out a breath of foul air.

Although her heart was still beating fast, she still felt that her heart had never been so comfortable.

And at this moment-

"Qianhua, when you went to wash the fruit, did you accidentally get water on it?" Yuan Jing looked at her jacket pocket and said with some doubts.

He moved his nose slightly, and then showed a strange look, "This seems to be the smell of essence? Could it be that you put something like perfume in your pocket and accidentally spilled it?"

'Ah Jing, what are you talking about? Chika Fujiwara was a little confused, "In my pocket, there's nothing...wait a minute!" '

Because of the lightness of the dress, at this moment, she also felt a little coolness spreading from the pocket of her jacket.

After thinking about what was in her pocket, she looked down tremblingly, and found a very obvious wet mark gradually spreading from the bottom of her pocket.

After sniffing with the nose, you can still smell some strong fruit aroma...

In my jacket pocket, there are only rubber products treated by Sister Fengshi, why?

She didn't quite understand.

Here, Chika Fujiwara and Toyomi Fujiwara made a very common mistake.

The two of them had never used this kind of thing before, so they naturally thought that there was only that dry rubber product in the plastic sleeve.

But this is a very wrong point of view.

In order to facilitate 'use' and prevent a certain organ from being 'damaged', manufacturers who make this thing generally add an appropriate amount of lubricant to it.

Not only that, in order to improve the taste when 'tasting', these businesses even add flavorings to these lubricants to make them more 'tasty'.

Shoto in Shibuya District is one of the richest districts in Sakurajima Tokyo, and the vending machines that can be sold here are naturally high-end products.

Because of this, the manufacturers of these rubber products seem to be quite 'sincere' and give a lot of 'weight'.

Generally speaking, these things are very well sealed, and the things inside cannot flow out.

But what the heck - Toyomi Fujiwara directly poked a hole in it with a sharp knife.

Not only that, but when Chika Fujiwara stuffed it into her pocket, she directly rolled these things into a ball.

In order not to let Yuanjing find out, she also specially pressed down to ensure that these things stayed at the bottom of her jacket pocket.

The result of this is——

This is what Fujiwara Chika looks like now.

"!!!!" Although Chika Fujiwara didn't want to understand why she became like this, but as long as she thought about it for a while, she knew that it must have something to do with the things Fujiwara Toyomi stuffed her.

'Sister Fengshi, you killed me! '

Fujiwara Chika seemed to be electrocuted and bounced up.

"I'm going to wash and change clothes by the way!"

After dropping these words, Fujiwara Chika ran away again.

Her escape speed this time was even faster than the last time.

Yuan Jing was a little dumbfounded, he turned his head to look at the clock hanging on the wall, and shook his head slightly, dumbfounded.

It seems that before lunch, there should be no way to tutor Fujiwara Chika.

He retracted his outstretched right hand and put it in front of his eyes.

On top of that, there is still a girl's softness, and that extremely clear pulsation.

'Do you want me to know, what is [heartbeat]? '

Such murmurs echoed softly in the somewhat empty bedroom...

In the end, Yuanjing did not wait for Chika Fujiwara to arrive.

Instead, he waited for Fujiwara Wansui to ask him to go to the restaurant on the first floor, saying that the lunch time of the Fujiwara family had arrived.

"By the way, Aunt Fujiwara." After Yuan Jing saw Fujiwara Wansui who was suppressing a smile, although she didn't quite know what the other party was happy about, she came just in time.

He has some things that he wants to ask her.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Well, for the sake of my daughter's mental health, I can't say what's in her pocket." Fujiwara Wanho had obviously learned something from Fujiwara Chika, she said with a smile, "But, other than that Other things, I can know everything and talk endlessly, okay?~”

"It's not about Qianhua." Yuan Jing shook his head, "What I want to ask is about the death of Mr. Spencer and the Spencer family over the sea."

He looked at Fujiwara Wansui whose face became serious, "If this does not violate the confidentiality regulations, can you explain the specific situation to me a little bit?"


At the same time, Sawamura Sayuri's home.

"Rita." Shiina Mashiro held up her mobile phone and called the name of the friend who grew up with her crisply.With the help of Eiri Sawamura, she is video chatting with Rita Eindsworth on the other side of the world.

"Zhenbai, how are you recently?" Rita's pure British blood endowed her with blond hair, blue eyes and a plump figure.

She was greeting Zhenbai here with great enthusiasm.

"Well, I'm fine." Shiina Mashiro nodded obediently, "Sayuri and Eriri are both very good to me, Rita doesn't have to worry."

"Hey, that's it, then I'm relieved." After carefully looking at Shiina Mashiro for a while, Rita let out a somewhat reassuring sigh.

"By the way, are you talking about Sayuri and Yinglili? If possible, I would like to thank them directly."

"Sayuri went out for something, and she said she was going to help people move." Shiina Mashiro said honestly, "For Ying Lili, she is right next to her."

After Shiina Mashiro turned the screen around, the face of Sawamura Eriri appeared on the phone screen.

Her first-generation and second-generation owners, with the power of modern technology, looked at each other thousands of miles away.

"H, Hello?" Eri Sawamura seemed a little nervous.

"Hello." Compared with her, Rita Einsworth seemed much calmer. After waving her hand, she continued, "Is this Miss Sawamura Spencer Eriri?"

I always feel that when she said [Spencer], she paused a little?

Eiri Sawamura blinked, but quickly put it behind her.

Is it an illusion?

She thought so.

Chapter 28 Yinglili: My house is quite big

Eri Sawamura knew very little about Rita Einsworth.

She got acquainted with Shiina Mashiro, relying on the relationship between her father and Mashiro's parents, and the two were just pen pals who contacted each other through letters at first.

Well, it's a letter, but what Shiina Mashiro sent over is basically some paintings, and the text part is actually not much.

She is still more accustomed to expressing her inner feelings in this way.

Thanks to it, Sawamura Eiri knows the appearance of this Miss Rita very well, but she is still basically at a loss about her character, behavior, speech and behavior.

However, since Zhenbai can be so close and dependent, it must mean that he is not a bad person, right?

"So, Ms. Sawamura Spencer Eriri, how is Shinshiro doing recently? Has she had a good meal?" Rita on the other end of the phone was full of worry, "Once Shinshiro is immersed in the world of painting, It's easy to forget things like eating, and someone has to remind her."

"Ah, don't worry about that." Noticing the worry in Rita's eyes, Sawamura Eriri immediately relieved her nervousness.

'It seems that Miss Rita really cares about Zhenbai. '

Eri Sawamura thought so.

In this she was the same as this Miss Rita.

After confirming this, she felt much closer to the other party.

"I am in the same class with Zhenbai now, and we can almost say that we are inseparable. Under my supervision, Zhenbai's schedule has actually been quite healthy."

This is the same for her.

As the object of Shiina Mashiro who eats and sleeps with him, because he wants to set an example for him, Eri Sawamura's originally not very healthy schedule has also been greatly improved.

At least the things she used to do, like staying up late to catch up on manuscripts, have never happened in these few months.

"Since Ms. Sawamura Spencer Eriri said so, then I am relieved." Miss Rita on the other end of the phone showed a high level of trust in Sawamura Eriri, and did not express her words. Not the slightest doubt.

"Well, there's no need to call me by my full name all the time, right?" Eriri Sawamura scratched her cheek with her fingers, and said with some embarrassment, "It's not that kind of extremely formal social occasion, I think it's better to be casual." Easier."

"If you want, just call me Yinglili."

Although today can be said to be the first meeting, but as the two people connected by Shiina Mashiro, she actually hopes to become good friends with each other.

If they kept calling each other by their full names, it would seem a bit too natural.

Faced with such an obvious overture from Sawamura Eiriri, although Rita hesitated a little, she immediately put on a smile and said, "Then I won't be polite, Eiriri."

She stretched out a finger and pointed to her cheek, "In exchange, you also have to call me Rita."

"Well, of course it's okay, Rita!" Eri Sawamura shouted crisply.

With the change of address, the relationship between the two girls has obviously shortened a lot.

On the other hand, Shiina Mashiro looked at the two people who got along very well. Although she was not very good at expressing her inner emotions with expressions, even people who were not familiar with her could still see her from the slightly raised corners of her mouth. In it, it can be seen that she is actually in a pretty good mood.

There are actually very, very few people who are willing to be friends with her.

For now, it's just Rita Einsworth and Sawamura Spencer Eriri.

As long as these two friends of hers live in harmony, as long as she can hold a brush and paint, her little world will be bright and sunny.

Shiina Mashiro's happiness is so simple and pure.

"By the way, Eiriri." After talking with Mashiro and Eiriri for a long time, Rita on the phone said as if she just remembered something, "You and Mashiro are now in St. Eden on Sakurajima Go to the academy, right?"

"Well, that's right." Sawamura Eriri nodded very readily, and then asked curiously, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"Well, how should I put it?" Rita on the phone screen showed a somewhat embarrassing expression, "Actually, St. Eden Academy and the school I am studying now seem to be in a cooperative relationship."

This is not surprising.

As the best middle school in Sakurajima, and with the background of a 'church school', St. Eden Academy has actually established very good cooperative relations with middle schools in many other countries.

It seems that the British secondary school that Rita is currently studying is also one of them.

"As a partner school, our middle school has several places for exchange and study in St. Eden Academy every semester. When the relevant person in charge of this project asked me if I was interested in this, I thought that I could be with Zhenbai When we met, I immediately agreed."

"After registering, I realized that Zhenbai seems to be boarding at Yinglili's house now." Rita clasped her hands together, showing a somewhat apologetic expression to Yinglili.

"So, I want to ask Ying Lili, do you still have any vacant rooms in your house?" She asked, "If it's convenient, can I live there for a while?"

As if afraid of Ying Lili's embarrassment, she immediately added, "It won't be too long, this exchange study will only last about two weeks, and I will pay for the related accommodation and food expenses... "

"Where is this?" Sawamura Eriri waved her hand, interrupting Rita's next words, "If you still care about such things, then you don't think of me as a friend."

She patted her barren chest, and said in a big way, "My house is quite big, and there is no shortage of empty rooms at all."

"Let's not talk about two weeks, even if you want to stay here, there's no problem."

Eri Sawamura had a very good impression of Rita, and it can be said that she was quite pleasantly surprised that she was able to come to Sakurajima, so naturally she would not refuse her request.

"Mom, I'm helping Yuan-kun move outside now, so I'm not at home right now." When mentioning Yuan-kun, Eri Sawamura's expression was a little unnatural.

She doesn't care about Yuan Jing in terms of men and women now, but she is a little worried about how to face this boy.

"However, since Rita is so cute, my mother will definitely like you very much, and she will definitely not refuse to let you live in our house."

No one is more familiar with Sayuri Sawamura's character than Eri Sawamura, so she answered with certainty.

"Yuanjun?" Rita was a little interested in this unfamiliar name, she looked at Yinglili, and said a little jokingly:

"Using the title [Jun] means he is a boy? Mrs. Sawamura will help him move—" She paused meaningfully for a moment, then said, "Could it be that he is Eriri's boyfriend? ?"

"You, you, you, what are you talking about, Rita!" Eiri Sawamura seemed a little flustered, she waved her hands in front of her chest like a windmill, and stammered, "I'm so good, Gen-kun, even ordinary Not even friends."

"The reason why mom helps is mainly to repay her kindness. Yuan Jun has helped me and mom a lot." She didn't say anything about her desire to seek refuge from Yuan Jing and resist the pressure from the Spencer family. .

This is a private matter of their family and has nothing to do with Rita.

The place where Rita was located was the headquarters of the Spencer family in England. If she was involved in this matter, it would not be a good thing for her at all.

"The relationship between the two of us is pure and nothing happened." Sawamura Eriri said, "It's true, it seems that he has shown a very strong interest in him."

"Oh?" Rita's blue eyes narrowed, and an extremely vigilant look appeared on her pretty face.

Looking at her, she looked very much like the old father whose daughter had a sweetheart for the first time.

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