"Huh, I'm still calling Mr. Fujiwara..." After a soft beep, Fujiwara Daichi came to the arch and reached out to unlock the door, "Forget it, come in."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the bungalow.

Yuanjing lowered his head, glanced at Pace, and found that it opened its mouth to bite his trousers, and gently tugged towards the direction of Fujiwara Daichi, as if asking him to follow.

After entering the entrance, Yuan Jing was greeted by Fujiwara Wansui's big smiling face——

"Yuanjun, you are here!" As she said this, she quickly walked down the stairs, "Qianhua is on the second floor, her name is written on the door of the bedroom, you should be able to find it easily."

"...Lunch time will wait for a while," Fujiwara Daichi said, "you should go to Chika first."

After finishing these words, he was ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, Fujiwara Wansui stopped him directly——

"Honey, have you finished talking with Yuan Jun?" She covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"?" A question mark floated on Yuan Jing's head, "Does Mr. Fujiwara have anything to ask me?"

"Well, of course." Fujiwara Wansui nodded, "Before, my dear, he would ask you about your recent situation. Today, he stood on the balcony early and looked in the direction of the gate. "

She took a meaningful look at Fujiwara Daichi and said, "It's obvious that I have something to say to you, right?"

"Y-Ye, you don't ask so often, do you?" Fujiwara Daichi said in a bit of embarrassment, and then coughed twice as if prevaricating, "This is a necessary etiquette."

"The Yuan family and the Fujiwara family have been friends for thousands of years, so when they come into contact with each other, they must follow the etiquette."

After he said this, he tried his best to pretend to be calm, and then walked quickly into the depths of the house.

In an instant, only Yuan Jing and Fujiwara Wansui who was giggling were left.

"Aunt Fujiwara..." Yuan Jing was about to say something when he was interrupted by Fujiwara Wansui.

"Actually, I've always wanted to have a boy, but I didn't want all three to be girls." She sighed, but she didn't show any signs of depression, instead she cast a sly glance at Yuanjing.

"This has become a heart disease for me. Maybe I can only get better when I hear a boy call me 'Mom'."

She glanced at Yuanjing again.

"I don't know, would Mr. Yuan be willing to do me this little favor?"

She said so meaningfully.

"Mom!" Chika Fujiwara, who had been eavesdropping, couldn't help it anymore, her pink head popped out from the corner of the second floor, and uttered coquettish anger towards Wansui Fujiwara.

"What are you talking about!"

"What kind of strange words are these?" Fujiwara Wansui widened his eyes pretending to be surprised, "I just wanted to support Mr. Yuan to call me [Mom], he didn't say anything, why did you suddenly come out to object?"

"Don't tell me, you don't want him to call me 'Mom'?" She tilted her head playfully, and blinked her right eye at Chika Fujiwara.

Of course I did.

But, I want him to yell like that, not like this...

"Hmph, mom knows how to bully people." Of course, Chika Fujiwara, who knew her mother very well, would not fall into her trap.

Here, neither negative nor positive are the most correct answers.

She pattered down the stairs, passed Fujiwara Wansui, and grabbed Yuan Jing's sleeve.

"Ah Jing, ignore mom, come with me." After making a cute face to Fujiwara Wansui, she dragged Yuan Jing to the second floor.

Fujiwara Wansui did not stop her second daughter's actions, nor did she speak to tease her daughter, but watched Yuanjing being dragged away by Fujiwara Chika with a smile on her face.

When Yuan Jing passed by her side, she silently made a lip gesture to Yuan Jing.

Chika Fujiwara, who had her back to her, couldn't see it, but Yuan Jing could see it clearly——

'My daughter is on your leave. '

These are the words that the eccentric Fujiwara Wansui wants to say to Yuan Jing.


Fujiwara Chika's bedroom is surprisingly quite ordinary.

Of course, it doesn't mean the ordinary ones of ordinary people, but the ordinary ones that are quite girlish.

Desks, bookcases, wardrobes, chairs, beds... Although they are all simple, they can be seen to be custom-made at a glance, giving people an elegant and comfortable feeling.

"My parents, you have actually met them before." Fujiwara Chika stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly, "They are all good people, but their personalities may be a little bit, um... strange?" She is not easy to describe, and can only be summed up with this somewhat vague word.

"No." Yuan Jing smiled lightly and shook his head, "Both of you have very interesting personalities, and they are both very good people."

"I kind of understand how Qianhua cultivated your character." He sighed.

Hey, are you complimenting me?

This kind of alone time was the first time after that rooftop.

Fujiwara Chika was already a little restless, and her eyes would involuntarily drift to Yuanjing's lips.

After hearing such a compliment, the expression on her face became more and more uncontrollable.

"I, I'm going to order some fruit!"

After making a loud report, she ran away like this.

She wanted to find a chance to calm herself down a bit.

Today's time is still long, she wants to 'taste' slowly...

Yuan Jing, who was left in the girl's boudoir, saw Qian Hua's back, and felt a little relieved for some reason.

The Fujiwara family seems to have an inexplicable appeal, which can make people feel better unconsciously.

And at this moment, a girl with a hairstyle very similar to that of Concubine Sijo, but her hair color was not brown but pink revealed her head and looked at Yuanjing.

After examining Yuanjing for a moment, she showed an extremely satisfied expression.

"Brother-in-law!" She yelled to Yuanjing crisply, "When are you and my sister going to get married?"

Chapter 26 Sister-in-law and sister-in-law's 'assist'?

Between Fujiwara Daichi and Fujiwara Wansui, there are actually three daughters, namely the eldest daughter Fujiwara Toyomi, the second daughter Fujiwara Chika, and the younger sister Fujiwara Moeha.

And this girl who appeared at the door of the bedroom while Chika Fujiwara was running to get the fruit was the youngest daughter of the Fujiwara couple, Moeha Fujiwara.

She is three years younger than Qianhua, and she is also a student of St. Eden Academy. She just entered the first year of junior high school this year.

As for Yuan Jing, the fiancé of the second sister in legend, she has only seen the photos taken by Chika Fujiwara, and also learned a lot about him from her parents and Chika, but she has never seen a real person, so she has long been Very curious about him.

When Fujiwara Chika announced at dinner that Yuan Jing would come to Fujiwara's house to help her with homework tomorrow, she made up her mind to meet the second sister's favorite person.

Her bedroom is next door.

After seeing a teenager from the window being welcomed in by her father, she put her ears on the door of her bedroom and listened carefully to the outside world.

This is also the reason why she was able to seize this excellent opportunity when Fujiwara Chika left temporarily, and appeared at the door of Chika's bedroom.

Fujiwara Moeha is actually not very worried about Yuan Jing's personality.

If only Chika Fujiwara likes Yuanjing, then it can also be said that her lover's filter is too thick and she is dazzled by love.

However, if not only Chika Fujiwara, but also Daichi Fujiwara, who tends to be a bit of a daughter-in-law, and Manho Fujiwara, who is a diplomat, are so satisfied with him, then she has no need to worry about his character.

What she cares about is rather simple——

That is my second brother-in-law, is he a handsome guy or not!

Although I saw his photo on my sister's mobile phone before, I also saw the poster of Class A in the first year of high school during the cultural festival.

But the former may be edited by the second sister, and the latter is his appearance after putting on makeup.

When she went to ask her parents, the serious Fujiwara Daichi would say something like: "Don't judge people by their appearance, the most important thing is inner beauty, ugliness and talent".

And the black-bellied Fujiwara Wansui would only smile mysteriously, but would not reveal any news to her at all.

As a hopeless face control, she was extremely curious about it.

And today, she was finally able to see her true face.

How should I put it, the other party is several grades better than she imagined the best situation.

While giving him the green light in her heart, she also felt a strong sense of envy in her heart——

She also wanted to have such a good-looking and handsome man who satisfied her family as her boyfriend.

"Are you, Fujiwara Moeha?" Yuanjing naturally knew that Fujiwara Chika had an older sister and a younger sister. Since she called her brother-in-law, it should be Fujiwara Moeha, the youngest sister of the Fujiwara family.

"Well, that's right." Fujiwara Moeha was very happy after hearing Yuan Jing call out her name.

She went straight into Fujiwara Chika's bedroom.

Because Yuan Jing was coming to help her with homework, Chika Fujiwara had already set up a round table and two chairs in the center of her bedroom.

The current Yuanjing is sitting on one of the chairs.

Fujiwara Moeha immediately sat on the original seat of Fujiwara Chika. She put her elbows on the round table, raised her cheeks, and smiled like a little devil.

"Brother-in-law, just call me Mengye."


"?~" Chika Fujiwara, who was washing fruit in the kitchen on the first floor, obviously didn't know that, while she was away, her younger sister had already caught up with Yuan Jing.

At this time, she was humming a song in a good mood while washing the fruit with the clear water.

'After I go up, what should I say to Ah Jing? 'Just as she was thinking so secretly in her heart, Chika Fujiwara felt someone approaching.

She turned her head and found that her eldest sister Toyomi Fujiwara was standing behind her.

Toyomi Fujiwara's eyes were half-closed, and her long pink hair, which came from the same line as her mother and sisters, was a little messy. She looked sleepy and lazy, like a big cat that had just woken up.

No, looking at it like this, she should have just woken up, that's right, she ran out to look for food.

Although the three sisters of the Fujiwara family are very similar in appearance, they have slightly different personalities.

Fujiwara Moeha is the kind of quirky little devil girl, and Fujiwara Toyomi's character is more like that kind of lazy and mature big sister.

Toyomi Fujiwara is a student of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tokyo. Her usual homework is extremely heavy, and she can only rest at home on weekends.

Because of his love for his eldest daughter, even though the somewhat staid Fujiwara Daichi would supervise her to have a good breakfast, he turned a blind eye to her behavior of going back to sleep after breakfast.

After seeing Chika Fujiwara who was washing the fruit, Toyomi Fujiwara's eyes brightened obviously.

Wearing slippers, she trotted to Fujiwara Chika's side, and stretched out a hand as if it was logical, as if she wanted to take an apple that Fujiwara Chika had washed long ago.

"Crack." Chika Fujiwara reached out her hand precisely to slap it off. She straightened her face and said in a pretendingly majestic tone, "Dinner is ready in less than an hour."

"Sister Fengshi, you didn't do much activities in the morning. If you eat fruit, you won't be able to eat it for lunch."

She said in an old lady's tone.

Fujiwara Toyo used his other hand to hold the hand that Chika had slapped off.She tilted her head in confusion at first, as if she didn't quite understand why the second sister, who was usually very tolerant of her, would be so strict today.


She was sleepy just now, and finally remembered what Chika Fujiwara announced at dinner last night.

Pointing to the upstairs, Toyomi Fujiwara asked slowly, "He's here?"

She didn't say the name of the other party, but as a sister, Fujiwara Chika naturally knew who the "he" in her mouth was referring to.

Fujiwara Chika nodded shyly.

"That's it."

Toyomi Fujiwara said with some clarity, and then began to take out his pockets.After taking out something from it, she placed it carelessly in front of Chika Fujiwara who was showing doubts.

"I'll exchange this for you, so there's no problem, right?"

Fujiwara Chika took a closer look——

It was a small square plastic bag with rubber products inside.

In short, it is the thing to be used to prevent accidents in London.

"Eh? Hey! Eh?" After recognizing what this thing was, Chika Fujiwara's cheeks turned red like fire.

After covering the thing with her hands in a panic, she looked around and confirmed that there was no one else around, only the two of them and the sisters, then she began to whisper to Toyomi Fujiwara:

"Sister Fengshi, why did you prepare such a thing!"

"Is one not enough?" Toyomi Fujiwara obviously didn't understand Chika's meaning, or maybe she misunderstood it on purpose. She put her hand in her pocket again, and took out a small square bag of this kind. into strips.

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