Well, probably one of the hostesses.

But whether it was one of them or not, she didn't want the house she bought with great effort to be in the hands of a poisonous woman.

In this case, it would be too unlucky for Yuanjing.

She knew that Yuanjing didn't care much about this kind of talk, and she didn't care about ghosts, gods and Fengshui before that.

But now, she can be said to care a lot about it.

Even if it's just a little bit, she doesn't want him to be affected by the slightest bit of bad luck.

The space in her heart is too small and too small, and it can accommodate too few people.

For Yuan Jing, who is deeply rooted in her heart, she naturally wants to dedicate the best to him.

"Because my husband has passed away." After a moment of confrontation, Sayuri Sawamura said softly.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Although she said so, Shimizu Kaguya didn't stop there. After a moment of silence to express her condolences, she immediately went on to say——

"Well, it might be offensive, but I still want to ask."

"Sir, how did you get there?"

"Sorry, this is really important to me."

A longer silence than before just fell.

Ms. Fujii, who was good at speaking, just kept her mouth shut.

Looking at the two people who were confronting each other, she lamented in her heart - "Damn, bad, business is going to die."

At this moment, an extremely abrupt door opening shattered the silence.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound in surprise, only to see a girl with blond twin ponytails striding towards this direction. Behind her, a girl with long amber hair followed suit.

"Is the questioning just now too much?" The blond girl said angrily, "Who do you think my mother is?"

"This is?" He didn't get angry because of this, after glancing at the other party, Shimizu Kaguya's eyes returned to Sawamura Sayuri's face again.asked.

"This is my daughter, Sawamura Spencer Eriri." After being slightly taken aback, as if she didn't expect Eriri to appear here, Saidura Sawamura replied with a little helplessness on her face.

Chapter 11 Yuanjing: I won't buy it

In the living room of the villa, Sawamura Eriri was staring at Shimizu Kaguya, her mouth puffed up and her eyes were sharp, while Shimizu Kaguya didn't know why, she was a little bit out of the sky.

'The other party is also wearing the school uniform of St. Eden Academy, that is to say, is she also my schoolmate? Kaguya Shimizu thought to himself, "Sawamura, Spencer, Eriri... I seem to have heard of this name before." '

' Not only that, I seem to have heard the name 'Sayuri Sawamura' somewhere... Where did it come from? '

Shimizu Kaguya began to collect his own memories.

'what! '

Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she looked at Sayuri Sawamura, who was holding Eiri Sawamura in her arms, lovingly stroking her beautiful blond hair.

"Mrs. Sawamura," Shimizu Kaguya glanced at Eiri Sawamura, who was looking at her upright, "I don't know, who is Hanasegawa Kotaka?"

Except for Shimizu Kaguya, everyone else in the living room was stunned——Why did the name [Hasegawa Kotaka] suddenly pop out of Shimizu Kaguya's mouth?

Sayuri Sawamura tilted her head in confusion, "Xiaoying's mother is my husband's younger sister. Based on this relationship, he is my nephew."

"Why, does Miss Shimizu know Xiaoying?"

"It's not really acquaintance, it can only be said that we met once." Shimizu Kaguya smiled awkwardly, then put his hands together, bowed his head sincerely and apologized to Sayuri Sawamura, "My questioning just now was too much. , I am so sorry!"

She remembered who Sayuri Sawamura was.

Isn't the other party the [beautiful aunt] of Hanasegawa Kotaka?On the second day of the cultural festival, she was still in the conversation of the four wives, and heard the follow-up of this incident. The name [Sawamura Spencer Eriri] was also heard at that time of.

"I actually made such a low-level mistake..." Shimizu Kaguya bit his lips in annoyance, "This subordinate is really disqualified. '

This can't be completely blamed on Shimizu Kaguya.

Today's Qingshui Huiye has been fighting with double debuffs on his back, one of which is [Insufficient Sleep], and the other is [Shensi Doesn't Belong].

In the middle of the night yesterday, Hayasaka Ai broke into her bedroom, woke her up from a deep sleep, and instilled in her the principles of how to reproduce between men and women.

That's all, because of her bravado, Hayasaka Ai also directly informed the other party about the "room art" secretly passed down by the Minamoto family.

Just last night, in terms of knowledge between men and women, Kaguya Shimizu can be said to have directly completed a triple jump.

So, what is the price?

The price was that, in addition to being a steam girl for several hours, even after Ai Hayasaka left, she couldn't sleep at all.

As long as you close your eyes, Hayasaka Ai's emotionless words will ring in your ears, and then various pictures will appear in front of you...

For example, first placed like this by Yuanjing, and then placed like that...

Otherwise, first put Yuanjing like this, and then put him like that...

In this case, how can she sleep?

Can't sleep well at all!

In the end, Shimizu Kaguya just stared at the curtain covering his big bed, and endured until dawn.

In order to conceal the faint dark circles around her eyes, when she was dressing up in the morning, she deliberately put on a little makeup as a cover...

People who have always worked and rested regularly, if one day stays up late at night, the biological clock developed in the body will be disrupted, resulting in extremely listless spirits.

The most important thing is that during today's day, Qingshui Huiye couldn't find a suitable time to supplement sleep at all.

In fact, she has always been quite insecure, and so far, there are still only a few people who can make her fall asleep in front of the other party without any worries.

But in this state, she dared not fall asleep in front of these people at all.

There are too many secrets in her heart, and she cannot let others know.Especially in front of her boss who is exquisite and exquisite.

Even if it is just a little dream talk, it will expose her heart completely.

In this way, he will know that the so-called 'no coveting heart' is just a lie.

After that, it is natural to hate, alienate and even break up the relationship...

I absolutely do not allow such a thing to happen.


Fearing such a future, Shimizu Kaguya has actually been fighting against the sleepiness and all kinds of pink delusions that have been entangled in her body today.

If Hayasaka Ai hadn't seen Kaguya's state was a little bit wrong, and she quietly filled her water cup with coffee, she might not be able to hold on long ago.

Even so, Shimizu Kaguya's state has regressed considerably compared to the usual time.

Fortunately, yesterday, she had already listed all the things to pay attention to today in the memo on the phone, otherwise...

However, yesterday's Kaguya obviously did not think that the "Mrs. Sawamura" that Ms. Fujii mentioned was the wife of the dead diplomat and the aunt of the Hanasegawa Kotaka.

Although she knew that there was a prominent family named Sawamura in Kyoto.

But firstly, this is Tokyo, and secondly, people with the surname Sawamura and the Sawamura family are two different concepts.

She also knows that there is a senior girl named Yuan Shizuka who has graduated. She has nothing to do with Yuan Jing and the Yuan family?

"It's okay." Seeing Shimizu Kaguya's sincere attitude, Sawamura Sayuri waved her hand quite generously, expressing that it was nothing.

"I'm a little curious, what exactly is the 'meeting' that you're talking about?" She looked at Shimizu Kaguya with some curiosity, "Can you tell me?"

"Of course." Half of it was explained to Sayuri Sawamura, and the other half was explained to Yuan Jing. Kaguya Shimizu told the story of the lamb society asking for help when Kotaka Hanasegawa was 'framed' at that time.

"There is such a thing..." Sayuri Sawamura opened the folding fan in her hand, covered her mouth, and said with some surprise, "This child has never mentioned this kind of thing to me."

"He probably doesn't want to bring up your sadness, right?" Shimizu Kaguya sighed.

In this regard, I have indeed done too much, and I don't know if there is any remedy.

According to Aunt Fujiwara, what bothers Mrs. Sawamura the most now is actually the Spencer family in England. They seem to want to take Eri Sawamura away from Mrs. Sawamura.

The reason why Mrs. Sawamura sold the house where she and her daughter lived before should be for this matter, right?

She glanced at Eri Sawamura, whose face was cloudy and sunny because of her apology.

However, this does not seem to be something that can be settled with money...

According to Aunt Fujiwara, Sayuri Sawamura's relatives did not support her, but instead kept doing her ideological work.

The current Sayuri Sawamura and Eiri Sawamura are real "orphans and widows".If one wants to describe their situation, there is no more appropriate word than [Desperate Situation].

If the identities were to be swapped, Kaguya Shimizu himself had no particularly good solution.

After all, the opponent is a veteran blue-blooded aristocrat in England, and the opponent's reasons are quite legitimate...

Don't be fooled, right?

In Shimizu Kaguya's mind, such a terrible idea suddenly popped up.

In a situation like Sayuri Sawamura, it is indeed easy to hold on to other people's words as life-saving straws. It can be said that it is the easiest situation to be deceived.

Especially since she is still selling her house in Tokyo to raise funds, doesn't it look more like it?

If she hadn't done too much before and felt guilty because of it, she wouldn't have had so many scruples.

She is Yuan Jing's subordinate, as long as she is responsible to Yuan Jing.

Since he is very satisfied with this place, and now he has confirmed that there is no problem with the house, then don't worry about it so much, and the top priority is to negotiate this business.

But Shimizu Kaguya's heart is actually not as hard as she thought.

It was okay to say when I didn’t know anything before, but now that I basically know the other party’s situation like the back of my hand, and continue to talk without hearing anything, what if Mrs. Sawamura is really deceived...

The consequences were too unimaginable.

And let me test it a little bit.

"Mrs. Sawamura, the reason why you sold the property is because you want to leave the sad place of Tokyo and change your mood elsewhere?" Shimizu Kaguya continued naturally.

"I heard that your relatives basically live in the Kyoto area. You probably want to take Sawamura-san and settle there?"

"Kin...huh." Saidura Sawamura's face became very cold, and she shook her head after snorting lightly with her nose in disdain.

"Since you have helped Xiaoying and know what happened in our family, then I will not hide it from you."

For some reason, she glanced at Yuan Jing, who hadn't spoken the whole time, but just listened quietly, and then said——

"I do want to move, but not to Kyoto." Saiduri Sawamura already knew that people in her natal family were unreliable.

"Eiri and I are going to move to Osaka and start a new life there."

Big, Osaka?

Shimizu Kaguya blinked, and involuntarily glanced at Yuanjing.

After the latter heard this sentence, he was also very obviously stunned for a moment, and then showed a somewhat serious look.

With Guanyuan as the dividing line, Sakurajima's Honshu Island can be roughly divided into two regions: Kanto and Kansai.

Osaka is the center of the Kansai region, and at the same time, the most important sphere of influence of the Minamoto family.

Sayuri Sawamura actually said that she and Eriri would move to Osaka?

Could it be that the force she found, which can help her bear the pressure from the Spencer family, is the Yuan family?

Next, Sayuri Sawamura's words also confirmed Kaguya Shimizu's guess.

"Actually, because of the pressure from the Spencer family, I can't hold it anymore." Lovingly stroking Eriri's ponytail, Sayuri Sawamura's eyes were filled with unresolved tenderness.

Sawamura Eriri also gently held her mother's hand, her face full of attachment.

"However, fortunately, there is no unparalleled path. Just when I was a little desperate, I found the source of the Yuan family from my friend, and successfully obtained the contact information of a core member of the Yuan family."

"He is the younger brother of the father of the current head of the Yuan family, and has a high position and authority in the Yuan family."

"He promised me that as long as you give him enough money, he will be able to protect our mother and daughter from the Spencer family and the Sawamura family within the sphere of influence of the Minamoto family."

Ah, this...

After listening to Sayuri Sawamura's words, Kaguya Shimizu didn't know what to say.

She looked at Yuan Jing's increasingly serious face, and suddenly felt a little bad in her heart.

"I'm sorry." After a brief self-introduction, Yuan Jing, who had always been very quiet, suddenly said, "Mrs. Sawamura, I don't know what you said. Isn't it Gen Takuma?"

"Ala, Gen-kun, you really know him." Saidura Sawamura was quite happy, "I guessed it before, but I didn't expect you, Gen-kun, to be from the Gen family."

"However, 5 million yen is the asking price over there. There is no way to give you a lower price." After thinking for a while, she tapped her palm with a folding fan and said——

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