
Shimizu Kaguya was a little shaken.

She hasn't forgotten that she's going to have nine! 'The rhetoric.

"Don't listen to the temptation of big breasts, Kaguya." Fujiwara Wanho hugged Shimizu Kaguya tightly, as if afraid of her betrayal.

"Modern science has proved that the amount of milk has nothing to do with the size, that thing only affects the amount of capacity, and what awaits them is only milk stasis and sagging!"

"Indeed." Nao Hayasaka nodded in agreement, "I am a staunch supporter on your side."

"So, can you let me go, Ms. Fujiwara?"

"Sorry, sorry, did I tighten it too much?" Fujiwara Wansui let go of the arm around her shoulder.

"It's not tight," Nao Hayasaka complained calmly, "It's just a little panicky."

"Ah, you big traitor!!!"

Fujiwara Wansui bared his teeth and claws.

The activity room was instantly filled with cheerful air.


"Ah, I feel much happier." After playing around for a while, Fujiwara Manho held Shimizu Kaguya in his arms, and sighed softly with satisfaction, "In fact, I have been quite depressed for the past month. Yes, fortunately there is Kaguya who can heal my soul."

"Oh," Yukinoshita Ayano had obviously heard about Fujiwara Wanho's troubles.

When her husband returned home, he also told her about this matter, saying that there was a major event in Tokyo that made the diplomatic relationship between Sakurajima and England more tense.

"I remember, it seems to be because of an English diplomat who suffered a myocardial infarction in Tokyo due to excessive drinking?"

She recalled what her husband said at the time, "Because the evidence is so solid, I remember that the case has been closed?"


Shimizu Kaguya pricked up his ears.

She has an impression of this matter.

The Lamb Society where she is, has also dealt with an incident closely related to this incident.

This is the first incident that the girls solved on their own without Yuanjing's help. In the "Murder Case Book", it is called "Hasegawa Kotaka's Framed Case".

"Our case is closed here, but those British guys don't believe our words, they insist on coming to Tokyo to 'find out the truth'." Fujiwara Wansui sighed, "For this reason, they have been pestering us for a long time .”

"Isn't this a bit too fussy?" Yukinoshita Ayano was a little stunned, "Aren't they afraid of causing international disputes?"

"Mrs. Yukinoshita," Nao Hayasaka said suddenly, "The dead diplomat, his surname is Spencer."

"!!!" My husband has been ambiguous, and Sakurajima's officials only expressed their deep condolences to the diplomat, but they did not announce the other party's name, and after Nao Hayasaka said the surname, everything There are answers. "It turns out that there is a reason for being so stubborn over there."

"???" A cultural desert like Touma Yoko was at a loss. She looked here and there, "What's wrong with the surname Spencer? Why do everyone have such expressions?"

"Auntie Touma," Yukinoshita Yonomo reminded, "I wonder if you've heard of the name 'Churchill'?"

"Of course I've heard of such a famous person." Touma Yoko was obviously not illiterate to this point, "Wait a minute, could it be that..."

"That's right," Yukinoshita Haruno nodded, affirming the [could it be said], "Churchill's full name is Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill." She said in [Spencer] There is emphasis on the word.

"It stands to reason that a person of his status is not allowed to have cross-border marriages," Fujiwara Wansui scratched his hair with some headaches, "but his attitude at the time was very firm, coupled with his parents' pleading , that’s why the queen gave extra mercy and allowed this marriage.”

"But I didn't expect that he would die in a foreign country..." She sighed, "The attitude over there is quite tough. Not only do they need to thoroughly investigate the matter and seek an explanation from it, but they also need to bring him to justice." The orphans of the family were brought to the UK."

"But his wife did not accept this condition, and did not want her daughter to leave her side and travel across the sea to live in a foreign country."

"Both sides refused to give in, so we got stuck here." Fujiwara Wansui spread his hands, looking quite helpless. "Oh, by the way, this daughter is still a student of St. Eden Academy, maybe you still know Kaguya."

She looked at Shimizu Kaguya in her arms, "Sawamura Spencer Eriri, do you know this person?"

Shimizu Kaguya nodded, "She is in the same grade as me, but in a different class, so although I know there is such a person, I am not familiar with her."

Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help but feel a little compassion for this classmate who had only heard about it, "Aunt Fujiwara, will she be taken to England in the end?"

"It's hard to say, I can only say that this possibility is very high." Fujiwara Wanho did not fool Kaguya with words, but nodded and said, "The Sawamura family is currently doing ideological work for her mother Sayuri Sawamura. Judging from it, it should only be a matter of time before she becomes soft."

"Once she nods yes..." She didn't go on, obviously saying nothing.


Shimizu Kaguya opened the door of the 'confession room', and the figure of her boss came into her eyes.

He was leaning his back comfortably on a corner of the room, placing a book on his knees, and flipping through it gently with his hands.

Beside him, there is a small lamp emitting this gentle and pure light, illuminating this small space for him.

The pure white light fell on the young man's cheeks and long gown, drawing distinct lines of light and shadow.Like a graceful paintbrush, when outlining the outline of the young man, it also gave him a little halo.

The young man who was reading the book earnestly seemed to feel something, raised his head, and met Shimizu Kaguya's eyes.

The pupils that were originally hazy because of being immersed in the world in the book suddenly became clear and sharp, and after recognizing the person in front of him, the sharp and sharp temperament like a sword disappeared immediately, giving people a sense of It also felt softer all of a sudden.

"It's you." After saying this, the boy lowered his eyes again, moved his slender fingers slightly, and continued to read the book in his hand.

Shimizu Kaguya especially liked Yuanjing's attitude of not treating himself as an outsider, and felt warm in his heart.

However, this is because the other party believes that he [has no covetous heart] towards him, so this is such a casual attitude.

If once you find out that's not the case...

Shimizu Kaguya's heart trembled slightly.

As if to drive away the fear in her heart, she stepped forward a few steps and came to the boy.

"What about them? Have they already left?" Yuan Jing asked without stopping Hui Ye's approach.

"It's time for lunch now, the four wives are all going to eat, under the guidance of Sister Haruno." Shimizu Kaguya's tone was quite cheerful.

After changing her surname, she seemed to have changed her luck all of a sudden. Everything she encountered was good, and all she met were good people.

And the reason for such a change is all because of the young man in front of him.

He is his own benefactor, and his own actions are betraying his trust...

"I stayed to clean up the mess. After all, I am a member of the Lamb Society."

As if she wanted to get closer to the warm fire source, she moved closer to Yuanjing.

But she stopped immediately, as if she was afraid that the shadow she cast would cover him and dim the light on him.

How long can she hide her feelings?

Chapter 1 Wow Karimas!

Tuesday, the day after the cultural festival.

The festival atmosphere that enveloped the entire academy gradually dissipated, and the brains of the students gradually cooled down from the carnival.

"Have you already found a good place?" After school this afternoon, Yuan Jing looked at Shimizu Kaguya with some surprise, "It's okay if you don't need to be in such a hurry, Mom will probably stay here for a few more days. It's no problem."

"Although that's the case, the sooner the better, right?" Shimizu Kaguya showed a modest smile, obviously very happy that he was able to complete the task assigned by Yuanjing so quickly.

Of course, this is also directly related to her experience in consulting Yukinoshita Yono.

"It's a European-style villa with a quiet location, beautiful scenery, and a wide area. The location is also very good. It's in the port area where our school is located, so it's quite convenient to go to and from school."

For administrative considerations, Tokyo is divided into 23 special districts.St. Eden Academy is located in Minato-ku, the center of Tokyo.

Adjacent to Tokyo Bay, it is the administrative district with the strongest international flavor among the 23 districts of Tokyo.

Basically all embassies in Japan are stationed in this area, which is also the most favored place for foreign-funded enterprises.

According to Sakurajima's official statistics, the proportion of foreigners living here is as high as [-]%.

It can be said that Tokyo is the most international place.

"There were some minor changes in the original owner's family, so in order to raise funds, they sold it reluctantly."

This is the statement of the housing agency, and its credibility is actually quite large.

This group of people are all well-rounded people. For them, building a good relationship with guests has become an instinct engraved in their hearts.

To be able to afford a villa in Tokyo, a place where every inch of land is expensive, and among the conditions mentioned, only "quiet" and "good scenery" are required, and the asking price is not even mentioned.

Moreover, when they tentatively asked if they needed to find relevant personnel from the bank to handle the relevant loan business, this girl who was probably only a high school student shook her head and said no.

She said that the funds on hand are completely sufficient to support the full purchase, and there is no need to borrow from the bank.

Such a God of Wealth, how can there be no reason not to please him?

"However, the original owner's asking price is very high, and because of the urgent need for money, he needs to receive the cash immediately," Shimizu Kaguya said, "The real estate agent's idea is that if there is no such urgent need, you can temporarily let it go. Leave the other party alone, and wait until the other side can't support the price reduction before considering starting."

After all, the money for the purchase of the villa came from Yuanjing. Although Shimizu Kaguya felt that he would not care about such things, as her 'subordinate', she would tell him everything whether he cared about it or not.

"It's not necessary." Yuan Jing said as expected, "If you care about this aspect, but you end up getting ahead of others, wouldn't that be too much of a clown?"

"Well, I think so too." Shimizu Kaguya nodded, "So, it's very close to here anyway, so after school today, why don't you go and take a look at this villa together?"

"If you like it too, then we'll buy it as soon as possible."


Starting from the entrance of St. Eden Academy, after less than half an hour's drive, they finally arrived at the place Shimizu Kaguya said.

That is [Azabu] in the 3A area of ​​Minato City.

The most popular high-end residential areas in Minato City are [Azabu], [Aoyama], and [Akasaka]. Since the first letter of the Roman sound is A, it is customary to Known as the 3A area.

"What a beautiful view."

Standing in front of the gate of the villa, Yuan Jing couldn't help expressing such emotion.

The Azabu residential area is located on a terrace (higher than the plain, lower than the plateau). Such a gently rising slope does not give people a sense of fatigue like climbing a mountain, but instead gives people a sense of broad vision and a sense of heights and distances. .

This is one of the places with the best greening in Tokyo. There are tall ginkgo trees planted along the street, because it is already autumn.

The leaves of these ginkgo trees have turned golden, and they look golden and very beautiful.

The building that Shimizu Kaguya chose was a small three-story building, and its area was obviously larger than that of other surrounding villas.

The exterior wall of the entire building is white, and surrounded by well-built gardens and courtyards, it looks like a white swan spreading its wings under the blue sky.

"Gen-kun, look there." Shimizu Kaguya pointed to the roof of the villa.

There is a beautiful arc-shaped dome extending toward the sky.

"This villa also has the function of an observatory. The small astronomical telescope installed in it is said to have been assembled by a special craftsman from Europa, which the original owner paid a lot of money for."

It is no secret to Shimizu Kaguya that Yuanjing likes to look up at the starry sky.

Therefore, when she noticed that there was such a high-standard observatory here, Kaguya Qingshui had already said in her heart——'That's it'.

Looking at Yuan Jing's satisfied expression.

'it is good! The villain in Qingshui Huiye waved his fists happily, "then the next question is how to persuade Yuanjing to agree to move in with him. '

That's right, although Yuan Jing once made it clear that he does not include room and board here, but if she is so discouraged, then she is not Shimizu Kaguya!

As early as yesterday when she received this task, she had been thinking about how to get Yuanjing's consent to live in the villa she had chosen.

Living room is not a problem.

This three-story building was not intended for one person to live in.

Let alone her alone, even if there are 2, 3, or even 4, 5 more people, it is still more than enough for this place.

Of course, the premise is to obtain the permission of the owner of this villa, that is, Yuanjing...

This is the most difficult part.

However, she had already prepared a draft for this, and if everything goes well, it shouldn't be a big problem to convince Yuan Jing.

As long as she can find the right entry point and timing...

At this time, the real estate agent who had been waiting for a long time before the gate of this villa had already greeted him with a smile on his face.

Shimizu Kaguya took half a step back slightly, and by being half a body behind, he informed the other party of the difference in status between the two.

'Is this boy the one who made the final decision? 'A real estate agency company that can own such a house is obviously not a small company with cats and dogs.

For such a big order, what they sent must be their 'trump card'.

Therefore, although I was surprised at the other party's youth and handsomeness from the bottom of my heart, this kind of surprise did not show on the face of our 'ace' lady.

She glanced slightly at Shimizu Kaguya who was standing quietly behind Yuanjing, and couldn't help but start to guess the relationship between the two.

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