It's not his 'home', it's just a temporary residence.

However, this time he is not planning to return to his previous rented house again.

Although most of the money plundered from the stock market will be paid to the Yuan family, the total amount is too huge after all, even if there is only a small part left, it is enough for him to realize the freedom of wealth.

He is not an ascetic monk. Since he already has this ability, it is definitely more comfortable to live in a villa than a small apartment.

Therefore, buying a villa for himself became the first task that Yuanjing entrusted to Shimizu Huiye.

"So that's it, I understand." Shimizu Kaguya nodded, expressing his understanding, "Then, about the location of the villa, the size of the area, the acceptable price range, and the style of the interior decoration, etc. Question, I wonder if you have thought about it?"


"No." Yuan Jing said somewhat confidently.

"It's troublesome to think about these things, you can decide for yourself, I'm not coquettish to that point." He took out a card from his pocket and threw it to Shinomiya Kaguya, "My request is only two cards. .”

"First of all, I can play music to my heart's content without disturbing others."

"Secondly, I can read books and watch movies quietly there, and no one will disturb me."

"How about it, is it a simple request?"

I don't like to disturb others, and I don't want to be disturbed by others... This really meets the requirements of Yuanjing's style.

In a nutshell, he wanted to find a remote and quiet place.

It couldn't be easier to achieve this requirement.

What Yuanjing threw to Shinomiya Kaguya was a bank card from the Central Bank of the Imperial Capital.

This card was specially issued by St. Eden Academy for the excellent students admitted like him. His scholarship will also be directly credited to this card by the school, and now he has just thrown it to Sigong without hesitation. Kaguya.

"Tomorrow, there will be enough money in this card. I'm not sure about the amount yet, but there should be several billion yen."

When I first arrived in Tokyo, when I was looking for a suitable rental house, out of curiosity, Yuanjing had already inquired about the prices of villas in the Tokyo area.

As the area changes, the price of villas also fluctuates.The low place can be done with about 3000 to [-] million yen, and the high place can be hundreds of millions of yen.

"The PIN for the card is 040404."

Yuanjing also told Shimizu Huiye this kind of private information indifferently.

Why are there so many 4...

"Does 4 have any special meaning to you?" Shimizu Kaguya asked Yuanjing curiously as he kept it close to his body with great care.

"It doesn't have any special meaning. The string of numbers just now is my birthday, that's all." Yuanjing folded his right leg on top of his left, and looked at the scenery outside the car window, "I was born on April 04, 4 .”

'April 4th...that is, about 4 months from now. Shimizu Kaguya wrote down this important information in his heart, and specially marked it in bold to remind himself that this is important information and must not be forgotten.

Sure enough, becoming Yuanjing's subordinate is a complete help for her at present.

In just half a day, she became Yuanjing's "money manager", and she also learned some valuable information that she didn't know before.

However, Shimizu Kaguya also knew that this meant nothing at all.

For ordinary men and women, if one person handed over his bank card and password to the other party, it probably proves that the relationship between the two has reached a certain level, and it can almost be said that it is not surprising that they can get married at any time.

But this principle does not work for Yuanjing.

There is only one reason why he casually handed over the bank card and password to her——

That is he doesn't care about 'money' at all.

Naturally, Kaguya Shimizu knew quite clearly that Yuanjing managed to control the securities department of the Shinomiya Group by himself.

For a man like him, 'money' is indeed just a number.

As long as he wants to, he can use the stock market as his cash machine at any time.

It would be a strange thing if such a person loves money like his life and doesn't pull out a dime, right?

However, although Yuan Jing didn't care about this matter, as his 'subordinate', she couldn't hold the same attitude.

This is the first job Yuanjing gave her, so she must be perfect.

Well, she remembered that Yukinoshita Yukino's house, where Yukinoshita Yukino lived, seemed to be engaged in construction, right?

After arriving at school in a while, ask her if she is okay.

However, before that, there is one more thing to ask Yuan Jing clearly.

"Boss," Shimizu Kaguya raised his hand to ask, "Now I am no longer from the Shinomiya family, and the reason why I can still live in the Shinomiya's villa is actually because of the light of the Yuan family, so I am not killed by the Shinomiya family." away from home."

She said without changing her face, "If you move out of the Sigong villa, I definitely won't be able to stay there any longer."

"Since you are going to buy a villa, can you take in me who is homeless by the way?" She asked expectantly.

Poor Shimizu Kaguya launched an offensive at you with hopeful eyes, hoping that you will show kindness and take her homeless.

Do you agree?




"Unfortunately, the company you work for is a completely black-hearted company. It neither provides board and lodging, nor solves the problem of five social insurances and one housing fund." Yuanjing answered without the slightest hesitation.

I knew it!

Shimizu Kaguya swollen her face into a bun.


"Buy a villa?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked with some doubts, she and Kaguya were changing clothes in a separate dressing room, which was a small privilege of being an executive committee member.

After hearing the latter's question, she stopped to untie the ribbon on her chest, "Who wants to buy it, Kaguya you?"

"It's not me." Shimizu Kaguya said with a relaxed tone, "I'm heavily in debt now, but I don't have the spare money to buy this kind of thing."

This is a lie.

Although Yuan Jing rejected her invitation to live together, he also graciously expressed that if she wanted, she could directly use his card to buy herself a house by the way.

In addition, Huiye's daily food expenses and miscellaneous expenses can also be withdrawn from the card, and Yuanjing has given her great freedom in this respect.

After breaking away from the Shinomiya family, Kaguya has already lost all sources of income.Therefore, as her boss, Yuanjing wanted to give her some financial assistance.

However, this money was not given in vain, and it would also be added to Kaguya's debts.

Shimizu Kaguya needs to prepare an account book by himself to record his daily expenses, and Yuan Jing will also take a look at this bill when he pays his salary every month.

It's good that Yuan Jing doesn't care about money, but that doesn't mean he's willing to be taken advantage of.

This is a matter of principle, and has nothing to do with whether money is important or not.

Kaguya relied on his intelligence and proved his worth, thus getting the job from himself.

Yuanjing appreciates this, so he is also willing to help her.

However, if Kaguya is greedy for profit because of this, and plays tricks like fake accounts...

Then he will take back this trust without hesitation, and will not spare her just because the other party is a beautiful girl of the highest standard.

Fortunately, Shimizu Kaguya is actually the same as Yuan Jing, he doesn't have much interest in money.

Her target is him.

She would not do things that would damage her image in Yuanjing's heart just for money.

"It's my creditor and part-time boss. He needs a quieter living environment now. So he entrusted this task to me."

Yukinoshita Yukino understood in seconds.

After leaving the Shinomiya family, Kaguya was sheltered by Yuan Jing and worked under him.

This matter is not a secret, and Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Fujiwara Chika are all aware of it.

However, although Yukinoshita's family came from a real estate background, as the second daughter of the family, she doesn't really care much about the family business, and she doesn't know much about the twists and turns.

Before, just being admitted to St. Eden Academy had exhausted her mind and mind, so she naturally had no time to take care of other things.

However, she knew that one person was quite knowledgeable in this area.

That is her elder sister who was raised as the heir of the family, Yukinoshita Yono.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the clock on the wall, and realized that there was still a while before leaving work, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed her sister's phone number.

By the way, is this the first time?For the matter of Yuanjing, I went to my sister to ask for help?

I always feel as if I am used to this kind of behavior.

Yukinoshita Yukino grew up under the shadow of Yang Nao, the overly outstanding sister and the different attitudes of her parents towards the two sisters caused her to always have some small lumps in her heart about her own sister.

However, with the increase of such help-seeking, the quarrel between the sisters seems to have been slowly healed.

In the final analysis, the reason why such a situation happened before was largely because her self-esteem was too high, and she was always unwilling to live in her shadow all the time.

However, now she has something more to care about, so the fighting spirit with Sister Yang Nai has faded.

The relationship between the sisters has also greatly eased.

Although there is still some distance from the relationship Yukinoshita Yono expected, where Yukino could act like a baby to her heart's content.

However, it is much better than the relationship that was completely unwilling to communicate with each other at the beginning.

"Hello, sister?" Yukinoshita Yukino's sister's call was quite natural.

"Where are you now? What? Have you come yet?"

"So early?"

"Ah, because mom is here too?" Xue Nai's voice suddenly rose an octave, and there was a little panic in her tone.

"What about Dad? Can't he come because of something?"

"That's it."

"Where are you now?"

"——What, you guys are going to the Lamb Club to visit the society I established?" Yukinoshita Yukino's tone was completely panicked, "You are almost there? So hang up now?"

Putting down the phone next to her ear, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Shimizu Kaguya.

Now that Hui Ye has come, does that mean that Yuan Jing is already in the Lamb Club?

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino's phone screen flickered, and in the group of the four girls, Chika Fujiwara sent a message——

'My mother told me that she has come and wants to see Ah Jing...'

The news of Ai Hayasaka followed closely behind——

"My mother too, she was on the phone just now asking me, where is the Lamb Club's house..."



Chapter 110 The Lamb Meeting?Madam will! (4k)

The cultural festival of St. Eden Academy, in addition to allowing students to learn how to earn money, also has a strong social color. It actually undertakes some functions such as 'alumni association' or 'classmate reunion'.

The main purpose of this school's practice of "sending invitation letters to parents of students" is to provide reasons and opportunities for parents to meet and communicate with each other.

Although the Yukinoshita family is also a prominent family in Sakurajima, compared with [Source], [Sinomiya], [Fujiwara] and other surnames, they are still far behind in terms of size.

Its main pillar is 【Architecture Club】, that is, the real estate industry; the Yukinoshita family, which holds a large amount of assets (mostly real estate), has great influence in the local area, so it naturally began to pursue careers in politics. power to come.

Therefore, the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy is actually quite an important opportunity for the Yukinoshita family who are walking on the road of "turning from business to politics".

However, Yukinoshita's family did not participate in the cultural festival on the first day because of the dissuasion of the two daughters in the family.

On the first day of the St. Eden School Cultural Festival, Yukinoshita Yukino focused on the mother and son Minamoto and Minamoto Raimitsu.

You know, she is going on a 'date' with Yuan Jing on this day.

If her parents were to come, then the schedule would be very inflexible.

When it was her turn, Yukinoshita Yukino not only had to find a reason to leave her parents and slip away alone, but also had to be careful not to be caught by her parents during subsequent dates.

Such behavior may be easy for Chika Fujiwara or Ai Hayasaka, but it is a bit too difficult for Yukinoshita Yukino who is upright and does not lie.

She really didn't have the confidence to hide from her parents' eyes.

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