"It's time to close the park. The student union under my jurisdiction is patrolling the campus. While closing all the doors and windows, the tourists and students who are still in the school are also allowed to leave." From the stairs to the roof Above that, Ningguang began to explain why she appeared here.

"As the student council president, I naturally have to lead by example and take the lead."

"The above are my official words as the student council president."

After inspecting the rooftop and having a panoramic view of the situation, Ning Guang said so.

"However, as a woman, the reason why I appear here is actually quite simple." Under the light of Xingyue, a smile that can only be described as coquettish appeared on Ningguang's face.

"Because I smell meat."

She looked at Yuanjing with burning eyes, "Since the hard shell of the mussel has been smashed, isn't it a very natural thing for the otter to follow the scent?"


A strange look appeared on Yuan Jing's face.

Ningguang, the metaphor you used is so weird.

After hearing these words, Fujiwara Chika ran between Yuanjing and Ningguang as if facing a formidable enemy.

She opened her arms to protect Yuan Jing behind her, and looked at Ging Guang who was staring at her with some intimidation.

Its demeanor is as cute as a kitten with fried fur.

"Fujiwara-sister, so you're here too." Ning Guang sighed in great disappointment as if she had just discovered the other party.

"Okay, okay, hold back for now. After all—" She looked at Chika Fujiwara, who also stared at him without showing any weakness.

"Meet once, share half. I still know this rule." With nonchalant steps, she walked towards Yuanjing.

"If I really want to do that, I'm still at a loss."

'After all, these girls don't have the courage at all. '

Ning Guang added a sentence in her heart.


"I think, Master, you should be conscious of your 'deliciousness'." Although Chika Fujiwara was by her side, Ning Guang still said the title "Master" very naturally, not caring what it would do to her What damage majesty does.

She seemed to be going around Chika Fujiwara and came to Yuan Jing's side, but our pink-haired 'big' girl obviously didn't let her go so easily.

Unlike Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa, and Hayasaka Ai, Ningguang is not her friend at all, so she doesn't need to be polite to her.

What's more, she looks like she wants to teach Yuanjing bad!

"Don't instill strange views on Ah Jing." She couldn't help retorting.

"How can it be said to be a strange point of view, as the owner's puppy, I naturally have to consider it from the owner's standpoint." Facing Fujiwara Chika's strict defense, Ningguang chuckled nonchalantly.

She is no longer going to hide the relationship between herself and Yuanjing.

Across Fujiwara Chika, staring at Yuanjing, he said with deep meaning in his words, "Master, there is no need for your troubles right now?"

"Actually, looking at it today, I don't think it's necessary to think about something like 'responsibility' at all. After all," she changed the subject and said to the girls:

"You are the one who suffers."

Compared with girls such as Fujiwara Chika, Ningguang, who is about to graduate, has a fundamentally different standpoint.

The former still have the idea of ​​falling in love with Yuanjing and then getting married, but Ningguang's purpose is much more realistic.

In a word, it is——

She wants to eat meat.

Chapter 110 If I Didn't Met You... (4k)

The reason why Ningguang was able to rely on her status as a commoner to finally become the student council president of St. Eden Academy and has been re-elected must be because she has something different from ordinary people.

And this naturally includes self-knowledge.

She was quite clear that if there was only one seat next to Yuan Jing, then she would definitely not be the one to sit on it in the end.

It's not because she feels inferior because of her commoner background, or because of the unhappiness between her and Yuan Jing.

These are small setbacks and ties, Ningguang believes that as long as she is given time, these things will not only become obstacles between her and Yuan Jing, but can also become a driving force to promote the relationship between the two.

That's right, it was the words "Just give her time".

But she just didn't have the time for that.

Yuan Jing is a high school freshman who just entered school, and she is a high school senior who is about to graduate.

In a few months, she will complete a level-up of social identity, from a high school student to a college student.

At that time, no matter how reluctant she is, she will graduate from St. Eden Academy with a brilliant resume.

Ningguang is quite clear that if he wants to melt the iceberg of Yuanjing, make the other person's heart beat, and eventually become the person who will accompany him through his whole life, companionship is the most essential condition.

But after she graduated, she and Yuan Jing didn't have much time to spend together, and it suddenly became almost non-existent.

This also means that she is out.

I was born to you but I was not born, but I am old when you were born...

This is the biggest dilemma facing Ningguang.

As a calm-headed and self-aware person, logically speaking, when he finds himself completely hopeless, it is obviously the wisest choice to simply give up.

The same goes for Condensed Light's choice in the beginning.

Although Yuan Jing's request can be said to be responsive (although there are almost no requests), and she has flirted with Yuan Jing verbally, but as the president of the student council, she did not use her power Come and open the door wide open for yourself.

For example, designing a few activities that senior one and senior three students can participate in together, so that they can have more contact opportunities with Yuanjing. As far as the condensing light is concerned, it can be said to be effortless.

But she didn't.

Since the separation of each other is inevitable, don't put too much chips in it.

Adhering to this idea, our president Ningguang carefully kept the distance between Yuanjing and Yuanjing, keeping it at a distance of "getting along very well with each other, but we won't feel too regretful about being apart" .

She did it perfectly.

If the situation was going on like this, she should be able to bid farewell to Yuanjing so gracefully as she expected, and let her life enter the next period, right?


Things go against wishes.

Yuanjing actually confronted the Sigong Group.

This incident was completely beyond her expectations.

What was even more unexpected to her was the subsequent development.

As Yuan Jing's nominal 'loyal dog', she naturally wanted to stand by Yuan Jing's side, and after that——

Two trillion yen.

Such an astronomical sum of money was placed in her hands by Yuan Jing and entrusted to her for 'safekeeping'.

Ningguang is not someone who has never seen money. St. Eden Academy has a huge sum of 30 billion yen handed over to her every year for her to take care of.

But isn't two trillion a little too outrageous?

Hey, hey, this is the money that she has accumulated since she was the student council president in 667, and it was put in her account without any hesitation?

Does Yuanjing actually trust her character so much...

For Ningguang, this is much more reliable than nasty love stories or vows of eternal love.

Somewhat dizzy, she hadn't recovered from such an impact, Yuan Jing's next blow arrived with lightning speed.

As the account holder, no one knows better than her what Yuanjing has done with the money.

Ningguang likes money.

She considers herself a 'gold digger', and has always disdained to avoid this.

As a recommended student of Dongda University, she chose finance as her major.

But what she didn't expect was that before she even entered university, she would be taught a lesson by Yuanjing.

The name of the course is called 'The Power of Money'.

During the week, she turned down all the classes.

The teachers expressed their understanding. After all, the cultural festival is coming. As the president of the student union, Ning Guang must devote all his attention to it.

Anyway, she has been admitted in advance, so it doesn't matter to her whether she can attend classes or not.

But Ningguang knew that the work related to the cultural festival did not take up much time and energy. Anyway, there was a serious Keqing to give her the bottom line.

Most of her time and energy were actually spent on pondering the purpose of Yuanjing's operations and reading related books.

And the more she thinks and studies, the more she feels the unfathomableness of this junior, Yuan Jing.

How did this man's head grow?Can such a genius really exist in this world?

It's a bit embarrassing to say, but when she was researching what kind of method Yuanjing used to inflate her funds and how to manipulate the stock price of Sigong Group, she had to use the method of "rubbing the road". He barely suppressed the excitement and excitement that surged from his heart.

Later, because it was too troublesome to change and wash, she even stopped wearing the small, thin, lace "lower body armor" in the office of the student council president. Anyway, without her permission, except Keqing, no one can come in...

Ah, I slipped my tongue, this paragraph is a girl's secret, delete it.

Cough cough, all in all, although I don't have such thoughts at all, under the blow of this set of combined punches that are completely aimed at Ning Guang's weakness, Ning Guang, who originally maintained the distance of 'escape at any time', has finally moved away. The delicious poison named 【Yuanjing】swallowed it in one gulp——

She also became one of the many fallen girls.

Well, for such a situation, shouldn't you sigh, is it really worthy of being the undisputed "protagonist" of R18 games?

However, although Ningguang's mood has changed greatly, the predicament she is facing has not improved in the slightest.

Because of the time issue, the possibility of her becoming the "only person" beside Yuanjing is still extremely slim.

If this is the case, then she simply gave up this hope, and turned to consider something more practical and realistic, such as——

How can I eat meat.

Ningguang didn't think that she was wronging herself or suffering a disadvantage.

On the contrary, it should be Yuanjing who suffers.After all, she is the one who never forgets and covets him——


Once the goal is clarified, what Ningguang will do next is actually quite clear.

The most important point is to eliminate the possibility of the 'only one' directly monopolizing Yuanjing!

And now, the person who is progressing the fastest among the girls is undoubtedly Chika Fujiwara who also has the identity of a 'fiancee' and caused the fact of 'exchanging first kisses'.

It is also because of this that she rushed to the rooftop at this time.

She has gone far enough, the area ahead must be explored later.

At least wait for the girls behind to catch up, right?


'what a pity. '

Fujiwara Chika sighed with great regret in her heart.

If Ningguang hadn't appeared, at this moment, she should still be sharing the joy and tranquility after victory with Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing is currently in an extremely rare stage of weakness, even if she does something slightly out of line, he probably won't care too much.

She originally wanted to take this opportunity to unlock the 'knee pillow' position.

As early as when she was camping before, she had offered her own thigh to Yuanjing.

She even dared to kiss Yuanjing's forehead......

However, Yuanjing was still in a deep sleep at that time, so he had no memory of this at all.

This time, although he was a little weak all over, he was completely awake.

Compared with the cold and hard ground, my soft and plump thighs must be more comfortable, right?

I am caring about Yuanjing and wanting him to be more comfortable. As for the idea of ​​satisfying my desires, it only occupies a very small part.

Really only a little bit.

and also--

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